The Secretary is Thirsty (R-18)

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Bad habit

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Suna flopped listlessly on his office desk as he finished the last documents needed by the Boss on the day he wasn’t going to be there. He looked at the calendar and signed. Several days ago, the Young Master personally came to his office and apologised for the way he treated him after the rejection whilst his butler glared at him as always.

But since then, there had been no movement at all. It was an unsure gamble in the first place when he used the courage incense on the butler, and from the looks of things, he’d lost the bet. He had once heard the butler who had a rare day off at the time, and was drunk off his rocker, complaining to other servants of the Nemes Estate that Suna had had dealings with before. Initially Suna had felt awkward coming across these semi-colleagues on a colliding day off and wasn’t going to greet them at all. But then, his ears picked up on what Neerg was saying about himself.

He had heard Neerg saying: “That damn…hic… Secretary! Even the head butler praised him! It’s enough… hicc… that the Young Master staresh at his ass each time he meetsh him… hicc…! If only that fucking…hic… icshberg was a shlut! I could find a way to convinsh the You~ng Mashter to hire some bashtardsh to fuck that cold facshed…hicc… wanker! O-oh! A~nd! I’d make shure to film that big assh of hish to make shure that the Young Mashter knew hish true coloursh!”

After that, Neerg’s colleagues knocked him out with a punch as they felt it useless to reprimand a drunkard. But Suna who had overheard it all, had had to dash to the toilet and jerk off the hard on he’d shamelessly gotten whilst imagining getting fucked by random bastards as the butler had complained. Suna wished he could shout out that he’s a slut into the butler’s ears so that he’d act on it! However, Suna was still a professional and at the time he’d decided against it just in case he ended up ruining the reputation of the company.

Suna: But that was before I sucked my Boss’s dick regularly for the last 5 years~.

Even so, there was no signs since the Young Master’s outburst of the butler acting on his words.

Suna: Well, it was the complaints of a drunk after all, but I had nothing to lose trying… oh well, I’ll just spend my day off with my nice thick dildos as always~.

The Boss had gone home several hours ago and other than the security guards’ night shift, Suna was the only one left in the entire company building. Even most of the lights were out except his own office, as the security guards were especially trained in night vision or it was natural due to their race, not one of them needed a light to see, and as a shapeshifter, neither did Suna.

It was Suna’s favourite time to get off work, though it’s best that it’s not too frequent, as he had developed a bad habit since sucking off his Boss the first time. It caused him to enjoy seeking the slight thrill.

Suna headed down the elevator at the timing when he’d miss the security patrol. He exited the elevator into the pitch black corridor, and using his own night vision, he headed towards the after-hours exit that lead down to the parking lot via several flights of stairs. As soon as he shut the door to the staircase behind him, he licked his lips as he used his hand to unzip his trousers, probed his hand in, and dragged out his large flaccid dick. He didn’t do anything else and just left it hanging there, out in the open.

Suna descended the stairs, his flaccid penis flopping around as he did and due to being propped up by the trousers it was hanging out of, it swayed and bounced vigorously. The breeziness that swept over his cock always brought a thrilling tingle in pleasure. He admitted that he was addicted to it. Before sucking his Boss’s dick, he had only ever dared to have it hanging out in his hover car on the way home from work.

After getting to the bottom of the staircase, Suna’s nipples were already causing lumps in his shirt from becoming hard. Suna smiled to himself as he opened the door leading outside. The burst of fresh air and the thrill of being outside made his rod twitch as it became semi-hard. As the last one out and the fact that the security guards use a different exit, Suna locked the door securely.

Suna’s dick jiggled and wagged like a dog’s tail as he strode to where his hover car was parked. Just as he reached his hover car, he accidentally stumbled on his own foot causing him to fall forwards. Suna put his arms forward to catch himself, but belatedly realised that even if he caught himself, he couldn’t stop his semi-hard bouncing cock from making impact with the side of his vehicle. Suna closed his eyes and prayed for his ‘little brother’ as he embraced himself for the impending pain.

Yet the impact didn’t occur. Suna’s eyes widened as he felt a strong arm pull him backwards, pressing his back against a robust chest. His breath hitched as he felt a big warm hand grasp firmly onto his penis. A low chuckle trickled into his ear.

“The information was right.” The deep male voice sounded pleased as the hand belonging to it lightly fiddled with stiff cock that had instantly hardened the moment the owner of the voice had grabbed it. “You really are a slut. I’ve never been so happy to have good night vision.”

Suna shuddered as he felt the hand messing with his rod as well as the distinctively large pole nestling up against his ass.

“Thanks to your little display, I didn’t take long to get hard.” The man’s voice was husky and ladened with lust. “Just as well too, it’s unfortunate, but I can only take a few hours out of my schedule for this.”

“…If it makes you feel any better, you’re the first real dick I’ll be having in my life.” Suna’s voice had become hoarse as he licked his lips, his golden eyes that were hidden in the dark glinted in anticipation. “Until now, I’ve only had big fat dildos down there~.”

“Haha, that does make me feel better.” The man chuckled as he moved the arm that was around Suna’s waist down and pulled up Suna’s shirt, all the way above his chest, exposing the hard pink numbs to the air. The man flicked one of the nubs with his fingers, causing Suna to release a whimper like moan. “Looks like I’ve gained a good bargain.”

The man continued to rub and tease Suna’s nipple as he used his other hand to grind his palm on the head of the secretary’s throbbing cock that started to leak a sticky fluid.

Suna enjoyed the man’s actions as he reached his own hand behind himself and clutched onto the thick rod that was still pressed against his ass. The man grunted happily at the touch and tugged on Suna’s nipple ring in response. Suna stifled his moans as he used his free hand to unbuckle his belt and pull down his own trousers, causing the man’s hot meat stick to be sandwiched between Suna’s bouncy cheeks.

As Suna began to stroke the man’s cock, he found that it was mostly the same shape as a normal human dick, except the size, but at the base of the shaft, just before it reached the man’s balls, Suna felt a large bulge. Suna swallowed his saliva as he realised that the man had a dog’s knot! He was going to be knotted by this man!

“Feels like someone’s impatient.” The man chuckled as he felt the cock in his hand twitch and felt the contracting hole that his own rod was rubbing against in between the secretary’s mouldable butt cheeks. “Can you handle it without prep Secretary Tuls? Normally I’d love to take my time to eat you, but I have to return before my unit’s curfew~.”

“You know me~?” Suna guessed why in his heart as rocked his hips, rubbing against the man’s cock, momentarily probing the cockhead into his little hole as his response to the man’s question. “Then can I know you~?”

“Of course you can.” The man licked his lips as he moved his hands to the plump rump and separated the fleshy cheeks, pointing his solid rod at the seductive contracting entrance that had teased it. “The name’s Egavar!”

“Anh~!” Suna moaned loudly as the thick hard cock rammed straight into his slutty virgin hole. “Fuck~! My trained virgin bussy is at your service Lieutenant!”

“Looks like I’m well known.” Egavar licked the back of Suna’ neck as he mercilessly pounded at the hot meaty hole that sucked happily on his cock.

“Nh~… You have a… Ah fuck~ unique name after all!” Suna felt his hole stretched and pounded by a real, heavy and thick pulsing penis; it was completely different from his cold dildos.

“Damn you're tight!” Egavar growled, his hot breath spilling on the back of Suna's neck as he roughly pumped the hungry ass.

Suna panted as Egavar pistoned his hips at a crazy speed, causing the stretched rim of the secretary’s hungry hole to have a layer of foam made from a mix of his hole’s juices and Egavar’s sticky precum. It didn’t take long before moans and screams of pleasure constantly spilled out of Suna’s mouth.

The squelching and sound of flesh beating flesh echoed in the parking lot, with grunts and moans mixed in.

Egavar continued to pound at a high frequency whilst looking for a certain spot inside the slutty tightness. As soon as Suna's screams went up an octave and his thirsty hole clamped down strongly onto the hefty rod as the secretary's whole body tensed and shuddered, Egavar licked his lips as they rose in a smirk. He'd found the slut's prostrate. As such, he then continued his pounding frequency and purposefully aimed at Suna's prostrate each time.

Suna's mind went blank as he moaned and felt numbing electric sparks shocking through his body each time the massive cock inside his meat hole hit his most sensitive spot. Suna's body jerked and twitched as his engorged dick started shooting continuous streams of thick white cum that splattered all over the side of his hover car, accompanied by the secretary’s screams of ecstasy as his golden eyes became dazed from the pleasure, physiological tears slid down his face.

Egavar enjoyed how the slutty hole twitched and clamped down on his cock with each of Suna's orgasms. Whilst pounding, he used his hands to tear open the secretary's shirt, revealing the thick pecs that were jiggling with each thrust. He squeezed and groped the squishy firm pecs, and he sometimes pinched the now reddened hard nubs slightly harshly or lightly scraping the tip of the nubs with his nails that had sharpened into claws.

Egavar was happy that he had dared to accept the bounty to fuck this little elite slut. He was usually so stupidly busy with his military duties that he'd had no time to vent, leaving him seriously pent up. Yet he couldn’t find anyone to fuck in the barracks as most of them were too intimidated to approach him, the few that were actually willing to have a fuck, couldn’t even fit his dick in and weren’t willing to persevere or try to get used to it. As such, the youngest Lieutenant General in the history of the Empire at the age of 100 years old, had the reputation of being easily irritable and cranky. Most people put the blame on his werewolf ancestry, not even thinking of the possibility that he's simply sex deprived.

Thinking of this, Egavar reached down one hand and grasped the secretary’s cock that was drooling with cum, causing Suna to yelp as his now overly sensitive organ was taken hold of. Egavar pumped the cock a few times before he placed his thumb over the spewing tip, blocking the tiny hole on the top, not allowing it to release anymore semen.

“Don't block it~... lemme keep cumming~ ...Anh!” Suna whimpered in complaint as he felt his cum blocked.

“But if I do that, you're just going to end up incontinent once you have nothing left in your balls to shoot.” Egavar laughed. “Or do you really want to wet yourself in the parking lot?”

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“Mhn! Mea~nie!... Argh!” Suna moaned as he pouted.

Egavar was still mercilessly pounding and grinding his dick into the meaty tunnel, showing no sign of slowing down. Suna felt desperate though, as his cock felt sore from not being able to cum.

“You won't have to wait long.” Egavar licked and nibbled on the back of Suna's neck as he felt himself reaching his peak.

“Anh! ....hnn~ ....mnnh...!” Suna could no longer respond as his mind was addled from the constant stimulation. His body suddenly jerked and stiffed as his back arched.

Egavar gasped as the already sloppy tight hole, clamped down even tighter, as if to bite his dick off and the secretary’s body trembled as the dick in his hand distinctly throbbed.

“Fuck!” Egavar snarled as his dick showed signs of release due to Suna's dry orgasm. Egavar slowed down his rate of pounding with a few extra strong thrusts before he rammed his dick in one last time, this time, all the way to the hilt, including the bulbous knot at the base as his balls slammed down onto the secretary’s flesh.

Suna groaned in complaint and wiggled his ass as he felt the pounding come to a sudden halt. However, his voice soon cracked and stopped as he felt a set of teeth bite down harshly on the nape of his neck, and he felt the dick inside him get bigger as the knot expanded, stretching his slutty hole even further. Suna realised what was happening and was even more desperate to shoot from his denied cock.

“Please! Let this bitch cum~! I really need to cu~m!” Suna whined pitifully as he contracted the walls of his meaty hole.

Egavar ignored the slut as his big cock twitched after completely blocking the tight hole and soon the secretary was silenced as Egavar released a strong jet of pent up cum, constantly washing over the slut's prostrate. Due to his race and the fact that he hasn't vented in a painfully long time, the load of cum he dumped into the tight hole was an insane amount. And because of his fat knot, none of his semen spilt outwards.

“Annnh~! ....So fucking full!.... aaaah~! Lemme shoot tooo~!” Suna's body shivered in orgasm once again as he felt his abdomen expanding and swelling due to the sheer amount of cum being shot inside him. His brain seemed to short circuit as he screamed. “Your filling me with so much seeeeed~ ....What if I get pregnant with cubs~?!.... aaaah!”

Egavar bit down a bit harder on Suna’s neck at the secretary’s words, causing his teeth to break the skin, as such, a rusty taste filled his mouth. He used his free hand that had still been playing with the now swollen nipples and slapped down on the already reddened plump butt, sending ripples like poked jelly over the mounds. And unbelievably caused the thirsty hole to clamp down even tighter on his dick.

“Thirsty bitch! It's trying to drain me dry!” Egavar slapped a few more times before moving his hand to the front, feeling the bulging belly that was still expanding from his cum fountain.

“...J-just how much.... ah.... cum do you have~!? My butt's going to burst at this ra~te!” Suna breathed heavily as he felt bloated at how full his insides were.

“Aren't you going to have my cubs?” Egavar snarled whilst licking over the bleeding bite mark on Suna's neck. “You've clearly been carrying them for months bitch!”

Hearing Egavar's words, Suna unconsciously brought his hands to his abdomen, only to feel for himself how much of a bulge he had, it was as if he really was several months pregnant! Even his muscles had been stretched and his 8-pack could no longer be felt!

“Annnh~!” Suna just yelped at the thought as his body twitched in another dry orgasm, his poor cock could only twitch pitifully in the hands of the wolf.

Finally, after irrigating the slutty hole for a good while, the stream of cum finally ceased as Egavar's dick was completely satisfied and softened. He rubbed the pregnant like belly of the secretary a few times, before he excruciatingly slowly pulled his dick out of the meaty hole, causing Suna to moan and twitch as it slid out slowly, pulling on the flesh of his hole’s tight walls that didn’t want to let it go. As his dick left the hole, a loud pop sounded from the gaping sloppy hole that could no longer close as it spewed out a trickle of semen.

Egavar finally released Suna's cock from his grasp, only for Suna to grumble as nothing shot out from it. The Lieutenant General behind him smiled mischievously as moved to the side of Suna and he placed his arms around the waist of the secretary, and slowly started to increase the pressure on the bulging belly. Suna screamed as he felt his stomach pressed on, and soon, a flood of cum burst from his gaping asshole as the pressure on his stomach continued to increase. The stimulation was overwhelming as his dick finally shot out a long stream of cum, continuing until his stomach deflated and he was emptied of cum in both his stomach and his balls. In the end, his bladder couldn’t handle the pressure from the Lieutenant General’s arms and Suna's cock jerked as it released a jet of yellow liquid, washing the side of his hover car with urine.

Egavar was glad to have strong night vision as he enjoyed the sight of the gaping hole that still had white semen dripping out of it and the cock that was spewing piss uncontrollably due to himself. He felt completely satisfied.

As thanks, Egavar used his mana to clean up the mess, both the white and yellow splashes on the hover car and the sticky white puddle on the floor, erasing the evidence of their fun time.

Suna panted limply leant against his hover car as his legs had no strength, his swollen nipples feeling relief at the cold metal surface they were pressed against. Though he shivered as his sweat drenched body was blown by the breeze.

“That was a delicious ride.” Egavar groped Suna's tender ass a bit as he used his mana to dry off the secretary, he didn’t wish for the slut to catch a cold.

“I'm glad you were satisfied.” Suna's voice was hoarse and breathless from his screaming. “It was a wonderful first time for me too.”

“Can you get home safely?” Egavar asked feeling a bit guilty as he looked at the man that was clearly tuckered out.

“It's fine, I have a good autopilot system.” Suna smiled radiantly.

“That’s good then.” Egavar sighed in relief as he saw Suna open the hover car's door and stumble into the drivers’ seat, not bothering to sort out his clothes as he sat with his limp dick flopping about and his swollen nipples displayed in the open. “I'd best get going then. Your hole was so good I've actually gone over curfew.”

“I'm honoured you enjoyed it so much.” Suna truly thought so as the man was usually busy protecting their country. “You know where to find me if you need it again~.”

“That'll probably be in half a year or more.” Egavar sighed. “But I'll definitely call on you again when I can.”

“I'm looking forward to it.” Suna grinned tiredly as he set the autopilot for home.

“See you again then.” Egavar smirked as he turned to leave the parking lot.

“See you again.” Suna replied as he closed his door and started the hover car.

Suna no longer remembers how he managed to get from his hover car to his bed, but when he woke up in the morning, his whole body protested and ached. But the thirsty secretary only grinned to himself when he remembered why his body ached.

What he didn't know is that during the night on a certain site under a certain secretary’s bounty, a full star review had been written.

[LGWolf: The bounty is legit, and the hole was nice and tight and can stretch to fit huge cocks snugly. If I had more time in my schedule, I would’ve liked to get him to materialise his pussy and try out the other hole and things this delicious slut can do. I'll definitely be visiting him again when my schedule allows it.]


Hope you enjoyed it
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

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