The Secretary is Thirsty (R-18)

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 You’ve never needed to make yourself bigger!

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During the Sunday lunch break for MUC employees, a tall woman with a beautiful androgynous cold face and a pair of black fluffy pointed cat ears poking out from beneath waist length hair that matched in colour strutted through the corridor in a pair of high heels and fitted trousers that emphasized her long legs, and the curvature of her plump buttocks, above which swayed a fluffy sleeky long black tail. With every step she took, her voluminous breasts would inevitably jiggle. Her cold golden eyes were indifferent, yet if you looked closely, you’d see a glint of mirth in those eyes, however, no one dared to approach.

This cold beautiful woman was in fact, Suna, the secretary of Laro. At this point, the only employees surprised by his current appearance would be the rookies who had not long joined the company. All the employees who had been working with the company for at least several months were no longer surprised as they had gotten used to it. The rookies, however, were always guaranteed to ask if the beautiful woman was the secretary’s twin sister. Suna’s face is still the same after all, except that his features had softened a bit.

Suna has often appeared in this form whenever he was in the mood for it. Though the company’s employees just assumed that it was because he was a shapeshifter halfa and that his transformations were sometimes unstable. Suna had never bothered to correct them.

What was different this time, however, were the cat ears and tail, but it’s not the first time either. Sometimes it’s been the ears and tail of dogs, foxes, horses and even rabbits.

As usual Suna headed to Laro’s office for lunch, his mood still elevated from his adventure in the parking lot a few nights ago, he pondered whether he should tell his Boss. Maybe then he could finally eat that behemoth with something other than his mouth. But on second thought, he decided against it. His Boss already knew that his holes are well used by dildos, so by appearance there would be no difference from before and he has no evidence to prove that he’d finally been fucked by a real throbbing hot cock!

Suna sighed as reached Laro’s office, Just when can I get fucked by the Boss!?

Suna shook his head as he entered the office and walked straight over to the Boss’s desk, taking their packed lunch from the company’s kitchen out of his personal terminal’s space storage.

“Boss~, it’s lunch time!” Suna called out to Laro who was concentrating on the documents projected on his holographic monitor.

“…Depends on what you mean by lunch.” Laro sighed, the secretary’s hungry gaze was about to burn his crotch.

“A protein packed meal of course!” Suna grinned, ever since he first sucked the Boss’s dick, he had long dropped any formal attitude towards Laro. Other employees would be utterly shocked at the rich expressions of the supposed cold beauty in front of the big Boss.

Suna opened the packaged lunch for Laro and revealed a nice big ham and cheese sandwich, with a side of salad and a yogurt for dessert.

“See?” Suna blinked mischievously; he knew what Laro thought he meant. He wasn’t wrong though.

“I can see that it’s only my lunch.” Laro rolled his eyes as his lips curled up, he wouldn’t admit it, but he was looking forward to his real dessert.

“I was hoping that you could feed me once you’re finished~.” Suna spoke coquettishly as he purposefully groped his own full chest, deforming the melons under his suit.

“I do need to make sure my secretary is well fed after all.” Laro smirked as he bit into his sandwich, licking his lips as some of the sauce stained his lips. “Get yourself ready in the meantime.”

Suna licked his lips as he slipped into the bathroom attached to the office. Once inside he took of his suit jacket and loosened his tie, then he unbuttoned his shirt but left it on as it hung off his black lace bra clad bosom. His still well-defined muscles, which were currently similar to a female athlete, could be seen under the open shirt.

He then unbuckled his belt and stripped off his trousers, revealing the already leaking lower lips and plump rump, with no sign of his male genitals to be seen, his tail twitched from time to time. Suna looked in the mirror and decided to leave his tie that was dangling in the valley of his heavy mounds.

Suna patted his breasts for a moment and thought it was about time for Laro to finish his meal.

Laro had just finished his yogurt and moved to the sofa, leaning back, when he felt a hand on his crotch, tracing the outline of his currently limp monster. He didn’t even need to think to know who it was. Laro looked down and swallowed his saliva at the erotic sight of his kneeling secretary’s current appearance. Suna also hadn’t changed his body size this time, not that he’d really needed to before either.

Suna fondled the giant through the fabric for a while before unzipping and unbuckling Laro’s trousers, revealing his Boss’s huge cock. Just the sight of it caused Suna’s already dripping cunt to release more juices and his tail twitched.

Seeing the tail twitch, Laro raised his brow as he noticed that the tail was growing out from the wrong spot, So he’s been walking around with a cat tail buttplug on show all morning…

“Nice tail.” Laro’s reached his hand out and lightly pinched the tip of one of the secretary’s cat ears, feeling the cashmere softness of the fur and the natural warmth, he confirmed that the ears at least, were real.

Knowing that Laro had realised what his tail was, Suna tensed the muscles of the walls in his back hole, making the cat tail twitch more. Using both hands, he pumped his Boss’s dick until it started hardening.

“Which would you like today?” Suna looked up at Laro lustfully as his hands continued going up and down his cock.

Laro smirked as he used his mana to pull down both bra cups supporting the huge melons on Suna’s chest, they bounced a bit as their support disappeared and the shirt was pulled fully open.

“Seeing as you have these out, it’d be a waste not to make use of them.” Still using his mana, Laro tugged at the rings attached to the nipples surrounded with large areolas, the nubs stretched from the pull more than usual due to the sheer weight of the tits they belonged to.

Suna’s breath hitched as he released a moan from the pull.

“As you wish~.” Suna kissed the dick in his hands as he released it from his grasp, he grabbed his big knockers and engulfed his Boss’s dick within their ravine.

Laro grunted as his secretary squeezed the girth of his cock with the massive squishy tits on his chest. Suna moved his breasts up and down the shaft, he poked his tongue out and licked the underside of the large cockhead he could just about reach. Moans continued to sound from his throat as the Boss was still teasing his nubs and because he was using mana, it made it look as if his nubs were trying to stretch themselves, twirling around and retracting as they got grinded down on.

A sticky mess was flowing down Suna's thighs as his cunt dripped, begging for attention.

Laro smirked as he could guess the state of his secretary’s crotch, so, he moved his leg and shoved his foot in between Suna’s legs, rubbing the tip of his leather shoe against the secretary's little clit. His shoe was soon covered in the juices leaked from the drooling cunt.

“Anh~ You really like using your foot on me down there~.” Suna moaned as his clit sparked electricity through his nerves whenever it got rubbed and crushed by Laro's shoe. It didn’t take long for Suna’s hips to start rocking as he unconsciously humped his clit and pussy against his Boss’s shoe.

“I can’t be the only one feeling good after all.” Laro's deep voice was hoarse as he put more pressure on the cunt with his foot to match with the equally increasing pressure on his cock from the big melons that engulfed it.

Suna grinded his breasts on the cock down to the base and back up, his mouth sucking on the huge leaking tip as he poked his tongue into the folds of the foreskin and circled his tongue around the sensitive glands. As the Boss continued to grind his engorged clit, Suna shuddered as his tits once again reached the base of the monster penis, this time, Suna opened his mouth wide and, under the incredulous gaze of his Boss, he swallowed the monstrosity into his mouth, bobbing his head up and down with the movements of his tits.

Laro’s breath hitched as his foot twitched in reflex at the shock, causing it to crush the poor little clit it had been grinding. He felt the vibrations on his dick as a muffled yelp sounded from Suna's throat.

“Slut!” Laro reached out and grabbed the back of his secretary’s head as he felt pleasure from the warm wet and tight little mouth that had somehow fit his thing inside. “You've never needed to make yourself bigger!”

Laro narrowed his eyes and licked his teeth as he moved the tip of his foot downwards from the reddened clit. He angled his foot and plunged it right into the sopping wet pussy, causing his secretary’s eyes to widen and look up at him with his mouth still full of dick.

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Suna had never had a shoe up there before, and yet his thirsty hole was so hungry that it clamped down on the Boss's shoe like a vice, not wanting to let it go. His body shuddered as the Boss pumped his foot in and out of his meaty pussy hole, the texture of shoe's sole against his sensitive walls was driving him crazy. So, while his moaning was muffled, Suna released his tits and relaxed his throat as much as possible, and swallowed the Boss's dick down to the hilt, causing his gag reflex to tighten around the cock that caused his throat to bulge.

Laro sucked in a breath as he felt his dick enter the wet tight throat he knew well, except that the sight was a bit more exciting then usual, he vaguely guessed why his secretary had changed his body size to swallow his giant up until now. Regardless, the stimulation was irresistible, and it didn’t take long before he was rocking his hips and fucking that throat viciously. His foot had stopped moving but was still nestled inside the tight pussy that bit down on it.

Suna's tits were swaying with the movement of the Boss pumping his dick in his throat, he moved his now unoccupied hands and started mauling his own huge melons. He played with his own hard nipples as he pinched and grinded them with his fingers. Broken muffled moans came from his throat whilst he was glad that he could hold his breath for so long.

Laro shuddered every time Suna moaned, as it would cause the already tight throat to further constrict around his cock. Suddenly his cock stiffened further, and he felt it peaking, so thrust his dick into his secretary’s throat powerfully a few more times, then stopped as his penis pulsed while releasing a thick blast of cum directly into Suna's throat that once again gagged in reflex, tightening around his cumming dick.

Suna's stomach felt full as he swallowed a huge amount of cum that had no where else to go but down his esophagus. His Boss's cock continued to spew cum for a while until it finally stopped, and Suna felt it go soft.

Laro grunted as he slowly pulled his dick out of Suna’s mouth, his secretary’s throat returning to its normal state once the monstrous rod had left it. The Boss shuddered as his sensitive cock was sucked clean by Suna whilst he pulled it out.

Cough cough! …Thanks for the meal~.” Suna coughed with teary eyes as he could breathe again, his lips stained with white semen that had been dragged out along with Laro's dick.

“You're still not satisfied slut!” Laro snorted as he moved his foot and pumped it in and out of the pussy that was still grinding on it.

“I haven’t cummed yet~.” Suna pouted as he rocked his hips, enjoying the shoe fucking his cunt.

Laro looked down at the soppy mess his foot was in and used his mana to move the coffee table away and push his secretary to lie flat on his back, forcing Suna's legs into an M position, his foot still being swallowed by the cunt. And now he could also see the base of the fluffy cat tail sticking out of his secretary’s twitching anus.

Laro mercilessly yanked his foot out of the pussy and witnessed the wet thing contract due to suddenly being empty. The glistening cunt's lips were reddened from the rubbing before.

With the stimulation suddenly stopped, Suna couldn’t help whimpering, he immediately moved one of his hands to his crotch and started to rub his clitoris roughly, the other continued to abuse one of the nubs on his melons that had now collapsed to either side and looked surprisingly flattened.

“So desperate.” Laro chuckled as he raised his foot and lightly kicked Suna's hand away from his hard clit. Laro then used his mana to spread the puffy lips of his secretary’s dripping wet pussy, showing the cunt hole twitching and the engorged clit in full view. He then stepped directly onto the exposed pussy with his foot and grinded down hard against the sensitive nerve filled clit.

“......Aargnh~!” Suna's back arched and he screamed as the pain and pleasure from his crotch caused his head to go blank. His body twitched and shuddered every time the rough sole of Laro's leather shoes grinded or rubbed against his congested little clit. A puddle of sticky juices flowing from his pussy soon formed on the floor under his ass. His hands scraped against the floor, trying to clutch onto something.

“You like my shoe that much?” Laro judged from the twitching of his secretary’s body that the thirsty thing was about to cum, so he sped up the movements of his foot, the sound of sloppy wet stickiness filling his ears each time.

“Ah ah ah.... Anh~ ... fashter! Fuck! ....I-I'm gonn~a cuuuum!” Suna's entire body went rigid before convulsing as his pussy started squirting like a fountain, all over the Boss's shoe and the floor, it even reached the sofa.

Laro grinded his foot against his secretary’s orgasming cunt a few more times, making Suna scream, before taking his foot away and enjoying the sight of the contracting pussy hole that spewed out a lot of cum. Suna's anus was also contracting and biting down on whatever was attached to the end of the cat tail. Laro suddenly became curious as to how big of a thing his thirsty secretary had shoved up there. And there was one more thing he had been curious about since the very first time he saw his secretary’s bountiful chest.

“I've been wondering.” Laro spoke as his used his mana to pinch the twitching secretary’s hard nipples, causing Suna to squeal and shudder, he was extra sensitive after orgasm.

“....About what?” Suna managed to recover his senses and asked as he thought to himself that luckily, he was used to making himself cum like crazy with the machines at home, or the Boss would be talking to thin air.

“Can those mounds of yours actually produce milk?” Laro was purely curious, whilst at the same time wanting to do something else to his secretary.

“As a matter of fact, yes, they can.” Suna caught his breath as he puffed up his chest proudly. “Any time I want, even in my normal form!”

“Come here and show me.” Laro raised his brow and ordered his secretary.

“Yes Sir.” Suna rolled to his side with effort as his body was still soft from climax, but he managed to get on his knees and crawled over to the Boss. He grabbed his tits and lifted them up, placing the heavy things onto Laro's crotch, smothering Laro's limp dick. Suna stayed kneeling whilst swaying his ass. The movements of his crawling had caused what was inside his asshole to rub against his inner walls and his already sensitive body shivered.

Feeling the heavy soft mounds on his dick, Laro nearly became hard again. He calmed himself and looked at the melons on his crotch. He could see something white dripping from the tip of the hard red nubs. He moved his hands and immediately pinched Suna’s nipples, expelling some of the milk contained in his large milk sacks. Laro swiftly used his mana to create an invisible container to catch the milk as he squeezed down on Suna's breasts.

Suna felt himself leak juices from his pussy again as he got milked by his Boss, and the cat tail twitched as his hungry hole contracted.

Seeing the movements of the tail, Laro's eyes were filled with a sly glint as he multitasked with his mana and grabbed the base of his secretary’s cat tail with it, he continued milking his secretary who was moaning in ecstasy until he could tell that his secretary was reaching another peak. Just as Suna's body started to tremble and twitch again, the Boss chose that moment to use his mana and to yank out the cat's tail in one go.

Suna screamed as the many huge anal beads attached to the cat’s tail were pulled out from his tight wet back hole in one go. His body convulsed and jerked as his back arched up, his tits spouted milk and his pussy squirted another fountain load of cum. No strength left in his body, Suna collapsed back onto the floor, giving his dumbfounded Boss a full view of his contracting pussy and his asshole that was gaping widely after having the seven huge beads removed. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth as his sweat covered body continued to twitch.

“...You've been having these in your ass all morning!?” Laro snapped at the secretary that could not answer his question as he looked at the anal beads attached to the tail. It was no wonder that Suna's anus couldn’t close after they were pulled out, the smallest bead was 4 inches thick, while the last one, was 8 inches thick. “Hungry slut... you can have them back!”

Laro used his mana to stretch his secretary’s gaping hole further open and shoved the beads back in in one go. He was merciless as he ignored the scream that erupted from his slutty secretary and further used his mana to clean up the mess. As for the milk that was still floating in the mana container, he wasn’t going to waste it. He drank it all and smacked his lips afterwards.

Staring at the twitching secretary on the floor, Laro raised his brows.

“Surprisingly sweet for something coming from a slut that prefers a saltier flavour.” Laro shook his head.

Before returning to work he cleaned up and redressed his secretary, and then left him on the sofa. As a responsible Boss, he couldn’t leave his excellent though slutty secretary in such a messy state now, could he?

The secretary sleeping on the sofa had a look of content as he snuggled his head in the cushion.


Hope you enjoyed it
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

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