The Secretary is Thirsty (R-18)

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 Uncle Eru

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Suna was driving his hover car with his dick hanging out as usual, he seemed to be in a good mood as he hummed a cheerful tune to himself. The day before he had been told by his Boss that he was to go to the company MUC had cooperated with often. The Modnoc company was equal in power to MUC, and their interests are a mutual benefit to the other. As such, they are on very good terms with each other.

Every several months or so, the CEOs of both companies will send their secretaries to each other’s companies to exchange information for prospective, ongoing, and concluded cooperative projects. This has been the case since the previous generation of CEOs, and now become centuries worth of tradition.

The reason Suna was so happy, though, was of course, nothing to do with that tradition. What he was chipper about, was meeting up with Modnoc’s CEO, Erutam Ssa, a member of the strong Kraken race with a strong sturdy physique of bulging muscles and light purple skin. He was a mature, handsome man, with nice big fingers.

Suna wiped the drool that leaked from his mouth as he remembered Erutam’s long, thick fingers. As might be guessed, the reason Suna’s looking forward to seeing the man, is because during their meetings, the man will have a serious straight face while his fingers will be playing with either of the holes he has at the time or his cock. Suna’s lost count of how many times Erutam’s fingers have made him cum in the past. His had dick started to harden just remembering it!

However, like with his own Boss, Erutam also won’t fuck him while he’s a virgin, heck, he still hasn’t seen nor felt the man’s dick! If it weren’t for the fact that the man had a distinctively large tent pitched in his crotch after each of their meetings, Suna nearly thought that the man had a small cock compared to his huge muscular body and was embarrassed to show him.

Suna: …I also don’t know how to prove to him that I’ve finally been fucked by a real dick.

Suna sighed as he landed his hover car in the parking lot of Modnoc, he stuffed his stiffening rod back into his trousers and headed to the company entrance, using his work bag to cover his tent. As soon as he entered the building, he headed straight for the elevator.

As the elevator ascended, Suna started to loosen his tie and waited for the elevator to reach the top floor. Once the elevator stopped and the doors opened, Suna strode out and made a beeline for the CEO’s office.

Erutam had told him previously not to bother knocking, so Suna simply entered the office, and seeing no one at the desk, he walked over to a door on the side wall, stripping his clothes off as he went. Once he passed through the door, he only had a pair of extremely rarely worn boxers on his body as the rest of his sculpture like body was bare.

“You’re finally here little Na!” A deep husky baritone voice coming from the large swimming pool echoed around the room.

“Uncle Eru!” Suna grinned as he looked brightly to the well built man in the pool. Erutam was his father’s childhood friend and Suna had met him many times as a child, though he hadn’t seen the busy man since he was a teenager until he became Laro’s secretary.

Erutam had wild and spikey dark blue knee length hair, his jaw was lined with beard like fins that matched his ear fins. His striking bright blue eyes were filled with interest as he stared at the tent that was barely covering Suna’s hard cock.

As a member of the Kraken race, Erutam felt more comfortable in the water, as such, he and Suna always commenced their meetings in the pool.

Suna sat down at the edge of the pool, spreading his legs wide open and dangled his calves in the pool. He purposefully spread his legs wide open, showing the damp patch from his holes that were already wet, he had both holes this time.

Erutam had a smirk in his eyes as he swam over to the person who had been like his own nephew, he’d seen him change from an innocent boy to the thirsty slut he currently is. The first time he’d reseen Suna after several years, he’d initially thought of swimming as to reconnect with the kid. Who’d of thought that he changed his mind the moment he saw the pink nubs pierced with hooped rings. Since then, he couldn’t resist his urges to play with him. He hadn’t really fucked Suna yet due to thinking of the close friendship with his father, of course there were also other reasons due to past events that were not to be mentioned lightly. However, that was no longer the case after he saw a certain site, thinking of the review he’d read, he couldn’t help but regret that he hadn’t had the first taste.

“Let’s finish business first.” Erutam’s face was serious as his huge hand stroked up the smooth skinned leg and into the loose leg opening of Suna’s boxers, he traced his little Na’s stiff cock up and down with his fingers, causing Suna’s breath to hitch.

Suna began his report to Erutam, feeling the man’s hand go from stroking his rod to squeezing his sacks and then used his thick fingers to press down, rubbing on his pussy lips and clit as Suna spoke. Suna’s breath was getting heavier as Erutam playfully pinched the little clit with his fingers, he could barely say his report as moans started to come out of his mouth instead of words.

Erutam listened to his little Na’s report intently. Suna cooperated with his movements, closing his legs as Erutam pulled off his boxers, revealing the leaking and throbbing hard cock, as well as the soppy lower lips’ juices that leaked out from beneath his full sacks once Suna respread his legs, his balls flopped down against the cold edge of the pool once they lost the boxers’ support.

Erutam brought his face closer to Suna’s crotch and poked his tongue out, unlike Suna’s Boss, whose giant genes only went to his dick, his Uncle Eru was genuinely huge due to his race. As such, his tongue was the length of Suna’s hard dick! Erutam used his long wet tongue to caress his little Na’s sacks as his huge hand fondled the leaking cock, occasionally grinding his palm against the tip.

Suna moaned in pleasure, he placed his hand on his Uncle Eru’s head as he felt the man’s tongue move from his balls and start to lick his engorged clit. Sloppy wet sounds filled his ears as the man’s tongue licked down from the clit, into the cunt hole that was streaming juices, swirled it around the inner walls a bit before taking his tongue out and licking back up to Suna’s clit.

Erutam’s free hand moved to below the streaming pussy and started to rub and probe the twitching asshole below. Feeling the hole’s hunger, he thrust his finger, that was the size of three of Suna’s Boss’s fingers, straight into the warm tight hole, causing Suna’s moans to go up an octave as his hole clamped down on the thick digit.

Suna was soon moaning in ecstasy as his holes were pumped with a hot wet long tongue and thick fingers. Both his wet holes hungrily sucked the things that pumped in and out, the squelching of his own nether regions echoed throughout the pool room.

“Anh~... and that’s all for” Suna’s body twitched as his pussy squirted out a jet of clear cum and his stiff dick shot some sticky white semen. Both of which were swiftly lapped up by Erutam and consumed, his little Na's rear hole contracted and clamped down on Erutam's thick finger, sucking on it tightly as he pulled his finger out.

“Good work.” The husky baritone voice of Erutam was hoarse as he looked at the twitching holes hungrily. “By the way little Na, I received a letter from Yknink and Lana, they said that you should've gone through your scale change and shed your white immature scales. Can I see my dear little Na's new scales?”

Erutam pulled himself up out of the water and sat on the side of the pool next to Suna, the water flowed down his beefy muscles as he put his huge arm around Suna and picked him up, placing the twitching little slut on his lap. Suna sat on the firm muscles of Erutam's strong thighs and felt a warm throbbing bulge under his ass, separated by the thin layer of fabric. A bit of anticipation flashed through Suna’s eyes, today was the first time his Uncle Eru had ever used his tongue down there, the most he'd usually done is lick his nipples.

Suna: Am I going to get fucked today?

“Little Na~?” Erutam’s free hand engulfed Suna’s chest and rubbed the erect nipples with varying strengths. “I need to check that your scales are fine, your parents are worried about it due to how diluted the gene is.”

“Yeah right~. They’re still enjoying the 50th year of their second honeymoon!” Suna snorted as his nubs were pinched and the rings were tugged.

Suna’s parents, Yknik and Lana, had left for their honeymoon the day after he graduated from University at the age of 20 and rarely contact him. He doesn’t blame them though, he understands that he inherited both of their libido, so he wouldn’t be surprised if their honeymoon continued for another century. He’s also aware of their true reason for going, as such, he has all the more reason not to begrudge them for it. As for the scales Erutam is asking about, it's for the one race he can transform into completely, but that's because it’s not due to him shapeshifting. His human mage father, Yknik, is part merfolk and it’s why his father grew up with Erutam, as they were roommates at the same sea school.

“But never mind them, I was going to show you anyway.” Suna grinned as he closed his eyes and with a thought he changed from his hips down to his toes into a big powerful mermaid’s tail, his scales were an obsidian black with golden edges. Golden opaque fins appeared on his arms and the side of his waist, gills emerged on his neck and, his ears had changed into black and gold flecked fins. “What do you think?”

Erutam’s mouth went dry at the beautiful sight, his hands stopped teasing the little nubs and headed straight for the tail. His hands rubbed along the smooth, cool scales, the sensation under his hands was addictively good. He also purposefully rubbed over the leaking slits in the scales where his little Na's hard dick and sopping holes were now hidden.

“That is one beautiful tail.” Erutam praised honestly, as his hands were dishonest and pried open the lower slit, briefly exposing the twitching anal hole under the scales. “Hm? What's wrong little Na~? Your breathing’s getting heavier.”

Suna felt the thick chest behind him vibrate as the man chuckled, Suna bit his lips as he felt desperate for his holes to be filled, Uncle Eru's stoking the flames on purpose! Suna's hips unconsciously rocked, causing the throbbing thing under his ass to squirm.

“Not yet little Na~.” Erutam nibbled on Suna's ear as he felt good from the scaled ass rubbing through his trunks.

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“Are you actually going to fuck me today!?” Suna's eye lit up hungrily as he understood the meaning in Erutam’s words.

“I need to do an in-depth inspection of your tail after all.” Erutam rested his big head on Suna's shoulder, giving him a clear view of the little merman's crotch.

Using the fingers of both hands, Erutam forcefully spread open the scale slit of the leaking cunt, the pink flesh inside squirmed thirstily as more juices flowed out from it.

Suna shuddered as he felt the gaze on his cunt that got exposed to the air, he couldn’t stand it! He moved his hands and swiftly started to thrust his own fingers into the wet hole, pumping it in and out, releasing sweet moans as he leant on Erutam’s sturdy chest.

Erutam swallowed his saliva as he watched his little Na finger the pussy that he had spread open. He licked his lips and moved his hands as Suna was lost in self pleasure, he rubbed over the top slit that had also been leaking a sticky fluid. He also forcefully spread the slit, allowing the slippery pink and erect mercock to spring out. Suna's moan became erratic, and he pumped his fingers harder in reflex to the feeling of his dick slipping out.

Erutam was merciless as he grabbed hold of the slippery thing and immediately started to pump it whilst giving it a harsh squeeze occasionally.

Suna squealed at the pleasure of his fingers in his own hole and, the big warm and rough hand of his Uncle Eru on his sensitive dick. He moved his free hand to his anal slit that had been neglected and was twitching hungrily. He thrust his fingers in without hesitation and finger fucked his tight hole.

Before long, Suna's body jerked and his tail rose as it slammed down against the pool's surface, creating waves as his holes gushed and his cock spouted a thick amount of cum for a second time. Suna ended up slipping off of Erutam’s lap and plopped into the pool, causing his exposed merdick to make contact with the water's surface on the way down, the cool water on his hot organ making him shudder all over as his holes squirted again.

He took a few moments to recover and turned to look at his Uncle Eru, who was still sat on the edge of the pool, looking at himself in amusement. Suna's eyes widened as he noticed that Erutam’s trunks were nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was a long tentacle that was the width of an average human dick at the top but steadily became thicker than his Boss's dick at the base.

Erutam raised his brow and spread his legs wide, showing his little Na's curious eyes what his nether regions looked like.

Suna swam over and took a closer look at the huge dark purple tentacle with sucker pads that had a pair of huge sacks dangling below it. The veins protruding on the tentacle pulsed as the tentacle wriggled.

Suna: ...No wonder it squirmed under my ass, Uncle Eru's cock is a huge tentacle!

“Is this why you never showed me your dick?” Suna pouted as he stroked the tentacle with his finger. “Did you think I'd get scared!?”

“Well, most step back once they see our races cocks.” Erutam shrugged. “Plus, I have been trying to hold back from actually fucking the person who's like a nephew to me.”

“Please don't hold back! Go ahead and fuck me!” Suna snapped as he swam back a bit and spread his own slits. “Do you know how hard it is to find a good fuck!? Last week was the first time I finally managed to have a real cock in me! And that's only because the guy ambushed me at work!”

Erutam was slightly dumbfounded by his little Na's outburst, but soon he couldn’t help laughing as he looked at the little merman who was spreading his own slits, inviting him with his exposed holes, all while having an indignant and self-righteous expression on his face.

“Sorry little Na, I shouldn’t have left you hungry for so long.” Erutam slipped back into the pool and his legs turned into a mass of purple tentacles that were a few shades lighter than his dick tentacle. He swam over to his fuming little merman and wrapped his tentacles around Suna’s body, holding him steady in the water. Two of his tentacles slipped over Suna's chest and stopped moving once his nipples were encased in their sucker pads. His long mermaid’s tail was also bent back, the tail fin nearly touching the back of Suna's own head! The slits on his front had retracted on their own at this point, completely exposing his privates, his Uncle Na's tentacles made his body tilt back a bit in the water, making it easier for Erutam’s huge tentacle.

“I'll forgive you once you fuck me~.” Suna’s golden eyes were filled with excitement as his holes began to release even more juices.

“Alright, I'll satisfy my little merslut.” Erutam smirked as his dark purple tentacle moved its tip up and down Suna's cunt, nudging teasingly against the meaty hole. Hearing the moans of his little Na, he slowly pushed his tentacle into the pussy hole, his sucker pads suckling the meaty walls as it pushed in deeper. The little merslut's cunt stretched thin as Erutam pushed his tentacle all the way into the hilt, the walls of the hole desperately sucked on it as Suna’s abdominal muscles deformed and a squirming tentacle bulge appeared, he trembled as he felt so full.

Erutam was ignited at the sight, and started to pump his tentacle into the tight, soaked insides of his little Na's meaty hole. Constant popping sounds were made by his sucking pads as they sucked the inner walls and were pulled off by his thrusts. Suna screamed out in broken moans as he felt the huge tentacle inside him, his hands reached down to his abdomen and felt the bulge that appeared whenever his Uncle Eru thrust in deeply. His tentacle had even entered his merwomb with the force behind it!

Suna had never been fucked so deeply, none of his dildos have that length. His body spasmed as the tentacle rammed each of his good spots. One of his Uncle Eru's other tentacles wrapped around his dripping merrod, the sucker pads sending a numbing shiver through his body with each stroke. Suna was left no room to think as Erutam began to speed up his thrusts, ramming into the merpussy with all his strength.

His back arched and his mouth gaped as he gasped and moaned, the tentacle had found his g-spot and started to aim for it with each thrust. His Uncle Eru was ruthless though, as Suna felt another tentacle probing into his asshole a few times before pumping into it roughly, swiftly finding Suna's prostrate.

Tears streamed from his eyes as he could no longer even scream at the insane amount of pleasure he received. His mind was too blank from constantly cumming to appreciate his Uncle Eru's ridiculous stamina that lasted until the next morning.

Seeing the dawn lighting through the pool room’s window and, feeling the convulsing limp merslut in his tentacles grasp, Erutam suddenly removed all his tentacles from his little Na's holes, causing the abused red things to gape at the loss of mass and, waking Suna screaming hoarsely from his blurry consciousness as his body jerked. Erutam carefully removed the tentacles from the swollen nubs on the little merman's chest as he didn’t wish to tear the piercings off.

Suna wasn’t given much time to catch his breath, however, as Erutam suddenly thrust his thick tentacle cock into his gaping anal hole, all the way down to the hilt and pumped it a few times, Suna’s eyes blurred as he felt the thing somehow expand in his hole. The tentacle stiffened before erupting a huge amount of thick gloopy semen into the depths of Suna's ass, with nowhere else to go, the huge amount of cum caused the bulge in his abdomen from the tentacle to disappear as the cum caused his stomach to bulge into a round dome. Suna had the premonition that he was going to further dirty the pool that he had already pissed himself in... After all, his Uncle Eru wasn’t inclined to stop for toilet breaks.

“Uncle Eru~.... ish it a thing to make it look as if I'm.... carrying cubsh?” Suna panted as he stroked his full belly, he didn’t mind being inflated like a balloon as it felt great when he deflated, he was just wondering why. “The guy who fucked me before... alsho, made me have a cum baby~.”

“It depends on the race.” Erutam also rubbed his big hands on the bulging belly filled with his cum. “If it's a race like me who’s bigger than you by a lot, then this is bound to happen. Though most big races won't choose a small partner as not everyone can stretch like you. The other big cummer is any of the canine races. Regardless of size they cum a ton... now, let’s deliver this cum baby.”

Suna felt the pressure of the huge hand on his bulge increase steadily and it didn’t take long before Suna's holes squirted again as his Uncle Eru suddenly yanked his tentacle out and a fountain of cum was expelled from his swollen anal hole. Joining his cum that had mixed into the water throughout the might. The cum continued to flow for several minutes before finally becoming a trickle and then stopping, however, Erutam was relentless as he uses his mana and injected a water tentacle into Suna's gaping hole. It reached an insane depth as it cleaned up all traces of cum that'd been left behind, no matter how deep it was.

Poor Suna quivered and screamed as his eyes rolled back. The cleaning was too much, and he passed out, not waking for anyone. Erutam removed the water tentacle and admired the unconscious little merman, whose holes couldn’t close as he turned back into his normal humanoid form. The satisfied Erutam also turned his lower half back into legs and carried his little Na out of the pool. He dried him off and took him to the bedroom attached to his office. He tucked the exhausted Suna under the covers and left the room.

Logging onto a certain site, he left a full star review under a certain secretary’s bounty.

[UncleCEO: Enjoyed the slut's merpussy and hungry ass. My tentacle was in to the hilt! And the little thing's bulge was delightful to see. This slut can handle big races. Will fuck him again at the next meeting.]


Hope you enjoyed it
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

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