The Servant of Varah Amphire

Chapter 1: 1

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Once there was a run-of-the-mill lass in a thriving village southeast of the Racossi Kingdom. Around 15 or 16 years old, she was a plain naive girl born into a family of farmers. 

One faithful night, she met a mysterious noble lady who was sitting alone while looking at the moon. The lady beckoned her for a little chat. That night after, the little girl couldn't remember what they talked about. It was a faint and fleeting memory that she could only vaguely remember the face of that young noble lady.

Days, weeks, and months passed, the peasant girl could see herself changing as time goes by. The things she normally enjoys became somewhat irrelevant in her eyes. Her original brown skin continued to pale and she was treated as someone with a skin disease. Her chubby body slimmed and developed into a delicate feature where not even her parents nor ancestors could recognize her. The callous hands she got from working in the fields smoothened that it looks like a hand from a noble girl who never worked in her whole life.

It was like a duck transformed into a swan in a fairytale, but with a little twist. Slowly, she lost her appetite for foods normally being served on the table. She gets more sleepy during the day, and now often prefers solitude than mingle with her friends. During the night when most of the people in the village were asleep will she creeps in silence into the woods to begin her hunt for blood. Rabbits, squirrels, and any small animals she can hunt with her nimble fingers. She knew she was turning into something her mother and father would look at in horror.

Some villagers chose to avoid her, while some approach her with their lustful eyes. Her parents were getting worried by the number of men who reeks of bad intentions when coming to see her. 

Her village is situated near the border between two kingdoms that are currently in a warring state. One evening, a small platoon from the kingdom carrying the food rations for the army came close to the vicinity of the village to rest for a bit. They were supposed to move forward when dawn hits. A lesser official with several soldiers from his side came to talk to the village chief and spotted a fine-looking lady in village clothing. The village chief discouraged the officer from such carnal thoughts hoping he can marry her off to his son who will soon be the next village chief, but the lesser official shut him up and proceeded.

Later that same evening when the girl came home, the soldier from before confronted the young lady he had been eyeing by force. Her father tried to protect her but was hit on the head. Her mother was crying as she doesn't know what to do. The youth fought back, resulting in a scratch on the face of the official with her sharp claw-like nails. The people who witnessed the scene were stumped at the sight of her red glowing eyes like a feral of the night. Time seems to come back again when they were interrupted by the chaos outside, yet it did not stop the officer from raising his sword at the young girl. Before he could do that, the father who recently regained his line of sight bravely hit him on the neck with anything he could grab near him. Unfortunately for the farmer, the officer was a trained soldier and a lot tougher than he thought. In his anger, he stabbed the peasant man in the chest while his family watched in horror. 

It is not the war that killed her father, but a lecherous person who had sworn to protect the people of the kingdom. The man was about the carry on when he was attacked from behind by two enemy soldiers who broke through the door. It seems they decided to set an ambush as they already predicted the route of the rations being delivered. 

Somehow, the survivability had kicked in faster than the emotions swirling in the girl's heart as she gripped the hand of her grieving mother to escape while the man was busy fighting off the other intruders. Looking at the situation outside where the villagers were being slaughtered like cattles, the young girl didn't even have time to shed tears when a soldier appeared within their reach. He dones a full armor bearing the insignia from another kingdom. Thanks to her enhanced reflexes she was able to dodge the blade, but the same cannot be said for her mother. With the blood dripping from her shoulder, her chance of survival waned. Luckily, a Racossi soldier intervened, saving the daughter the time to pull her mother to safety. Yet that safety lasted too short when another hostile force approached them quickly. It wasn't known whether it was a mother's worry to protect her or fear for her own child that she shook off her hands from her daughter and shouted loudly.


Seeing her mother who suddenly slouched on the ground, she was about to call her when a pair of hands stopped her from doing so and forced her to move away from the mess. While her emotion was telling her to go back, her rationality kept reminding her that it was too late for anything. They escaped into the woods after running for several minutes. Thanks to the faint radiance of the moonlight and her ability that they were able to walk their way through the lushes. The man who dragged her away turned out to be her neighbor who had recently gotten married. He told her how his family died before him and was thankful he could rescue someone before it was too late. 

There wasn't even an hour passed when the man finally revealed his true intentions. 

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"Look, I saved you! Shouldn't you feel rather grateful?!" He told the girl.

He was actually one of the men whom her parents prohibited to talk to her and supposedly one of the villagers who were able to sound out the ambush early on so he had time to escape. Blinded by his evil thoughts, this shameless act was the only thing he could think of to release his frustration for forsaking his own parents, and his wife along with the unborn child. With her clothes partially torn from the previous assault, the girl looked more vulnerable than ever. 

Too bad for him, she wasn't a typical village girl anymore. While her heart was mourning the loss of her loved ones, her body and mind were alerted to any danger. What he previously thought of facing a futile resistance was met with a retaliation meant to be fighting to the death. His lecherous hands were confronted with claw-like nails and sharp bites while her red glowing eyes stared at him full of contempt and disgust.

It can be said that she finally lost it. Ever since her awareness of the cold truth, the hidden unknown cause of hostility that she had long been trying to restrain inside just to keep her sanity and behavior intact had surged up. It was a wonder how she did not become crazy already despite the growing fear of the unknown that was slowly eating her just like the despair and rejection she had seen in the eyes of her mother. Then came the assault, the war, and now another attempt to defile her. Is it still not enough? And why does she have to suffer from all this?

Back in the current situation, the assaulter is still a man of a medium build after all and she didn't have enough experience to say when it comes to human combat. In reality, the young girl is nothing but a cornered rat bearing its fangs. With bruises on her body, she started to lose consciousness when she got punched in the stomach, however, she still managed to turn the table by driving him near the unsuspecting cliff thanks to her advantage of seeing in the dark. It was too early to feel relief when the man suddenly got a hold of her sleeve, losing her weight and making them fall together. It was really fortunate that she was able to grab some tree roots while the other continued to fall to his doom. But the sudden cry attracted the attention of the enemies who are combing the area for escapees. Barely clinging for her life, one of the foot soldiers took a look at bottom of the cliff and could vaguely see a pair of red glowing eyes staring back at him. Not wanting to disturb whatever monster that is residing beyond it, the soldiers soon left the place. 

Hearing the footsteps fading away didn't provide much comfort for her as she was busy bleeding her way up using her damaged fingernails which seemed to have grown longer and sturdier from her bloody hands, and a fractured foot that will insanely hurt every time she steps on rocks so she won't lose her footing. Coming up again to the surface, she collapsed immediately as the adrenaline rush began to lose its effect. She could finally feel her body breaking down and all sorts of delayed pain starts to manifest its existence. It's best not to imagine how much agony she is trying to endure. So much that she couldn't utter a cry as tears fall from her eyes. She wanted to sleep, but something is telling her to stay awake. 

Her eyes finally met the sight of the moon and her blurry vision slowly cleared bit by bit though the headache is still present. Strangely enough, she can sense a bit of respite just by its light. Her thoughts began to wander about the noble lady that she met when the moon was this beautiful. Unknown to her, she began to embrace the essence of the moon, the blessing of the god of the night.




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