The Silver Siphon

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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Silver broke into a sprint, Mern close behind. Waving a hand, Mern released a bolt that flew into Silver’s back.

The spell took effect immediately. Silver suddenly felt like he had been injected with steroids and given wings; his body was bursting with pent up with energy, needing release. He stumbled for but a moment, not having the time to adjust to the changes in his body, but quickly recovered. Mern broke away from Silver, heading towards the safety of the forest, wishing Silver good luck quietly. Silver barely heard him over the screams and sonic booms echoing out around him, but returned the sentiment nonetheless.

Continuing, Silver contemplated what he should do. How could he succeed and survive? He had vague ideas, but nothing concrete. He didn’t know enough. He didn’t know what else this monster was capable of. He’d never seen a monster evolve! He hadn’t even had enough time to explore all of the uses of his own abilities.

Even escaping from a monster of this level was an almost impossible challenge for him. He was a nobody who didn’t even belong in this world, with practically no combat experience. He just had special eyes!

Wait, that’s it! Eyes! He had another ability. He could try to blind it. He was pretty sure it was his only ability that worked regardless of Tier. The monster had good hearing and was already a menace before it had even finished evolving and opened its eyes. At least blinding it would keep the pressure the same.

Silver planted his feet and skid to a stop, turning about to face the creature, finally looking at the carnage behind him. Dozens of men and women from the group were lying dead. He noted a familiar face from a tent near his, a bubbly brunette with a pixie cut who had been friendly to him, torn in two, only a few feet away from where he stood. He looked into her eyes, her expression one of hopelessness and pain, forever frozen on her feature. There were still tears drying on her cheeks.

He’d seen her fight a few times. She was a Tier 3 Warrior. She used a blackened Morningstar as a weapon to great effect, but her strength had been her speed. Chasing down the groups foes and smashing their heads in.

She was too slow this time.

Wrenching his gaze away, Silver looked back towards the monster, now a pseudo-Tier 5. The waves of power emanating off of it, intangible, but feeling like a physical force pressing against the throats of everyone who still had not managed to get away.

He locked his eyes towards the creatures, feeling out how to activate the ability. He let his instincts guide him, but paying close attention to the process. At first he didn’t feel anything. He was just staring, like an idiot. Persevering, he pressed, pulling more on the ability, feeling a massive drain on his body as it finally activated. He felt a connection to the monster, like a weaker version of when he siphoned for the first time.

While the ability had worked, the pure difference in power between the two being meant that it put a massive strain on Silver to maintain it. Now he needed to figure out how to blind it.

The way the ability felt, it felt like a pull. So he pulled.

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Silver stumbled back as a wave of something slammed into him. His eyes burned slightly. He blinked golden tears out of his eyes, as he felt his vision go dark for a moment before returning. It was…odd. He knew that plants could technically ‘see.’ He didn’t remember the science, but he knew it was because plants could detect red light.

He hadn’t blinded the creature, he had stolen its vision. And added it to his own. Everything was more rose tinted in his vision now.

“I’ve got plant eyes. Fuck yeah!”


The beast let out a furious roar, reaching up and clawing at its own eyes. The waves of power stopped, its evolution halted. The creature coughed a mouthful of viscous, translucent, sap that Silver assumed was probably it’s blood.

Jim capitalized on the opportunity while the creature was suffering the backlash of a failed evolution. He released an ominous scream, and seemed to explode, as his lapis roots shot from his and impaled the Grove all over its wooden body.

“Angry tree, right. Not fuck yeah. This is an ‘oh fuck’ kinda situation.” Silver turned and ran toward Tara’s prone form. When he approached her body, he slid into a crouch onto his knees. “Fuck, that wasn’t smart. Jeez, that that hurts so much. How the fuck do people do that in movies and look so cool?”

Even as he complained to himself, he was still moving, placing his head near her chest, he looked and listened. The area around them wasn’t safe, and though Silver held out hope, he was a realist. He wasn’t going to carry her corpse out of this battlefield. He could barely save himself right now. If she was alive, he’d risk it. He owed her that much.

He couldn’t hear her breathe, but after a few more moments he noticed her chest rising and falling a tiny amount. Barely noticeable. Good enough.

He didn’t have many options at the moment. Moving her probably wasn’t a great idea in her condition, but he couldn’t use magic, nor did he know any real, meaningful first aid.

Being as gentle as he could, as quickly as he could, he picked her up in a princess carry and cradled her head against his chest and ran in the same direction he saw Mern go, ignoring the sounds of battle behind him.

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