The Silver Siphon

Chapter 13: Chapter 12.5-Perspectives

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 Tara strolled through the dark camp, deep in thought. She was, of course, thinking on Silver. He had saved her life, and she was very grateful to him for that. In fact, if he had been stronger, she might have sworn herself to him. But he was just a simple Tier 1, with no syndicate, and a weirdly naïve man with an odd sense of humor.

  He was odd for a human. He'd treated her with kindness, and so far with no strings attached. He'd even turned her down when she'd thought he was trying to take her to bed. Not that she would complain; he wasn't ugly, and she would love to stare into his golden eyes while he ravaged her. And he didn't even seem to be using her! He acted like a Belvaun. He was too kind. She was still on her guard, though. Unfortunately, she was used to being used and thrown away. She'd keep her distance and observe him more thoroughly before making a decision.

  Earlier he'd told her that he wanted to speak with her privately, and that it was important, so she was heading toward his tent. If she didn't know any better, she'd think he was going to try to recruit her. That'd be adorable. She'd say no, but it's the thought that counts, right?

  He seemed like he'd be a great friend, maybe even lover, but a terrible leader. He was too sentimental for a human. His unique position with Jimmithy as his patron, and her friendship with him, had finally afforded her the barest minimum of respect around camp, as befitted her position as a Tier 2. Now most people only made fun of her behind her back. Men wouldn't dare to ogle her for fear that she was Silver's woman, not wanting to offend the man of unknown status, and certain women would glare with jealousy. Those with status wouldn't care, such as Mern. He wouldn't hesitate to call her-

  "Snake whore," a hissing voice broke her from her reverie. She'd been so deep in thought she'd arrived at Silver's tent without realizing, not even noticing the visitor looming ominously near the entrance. "What are you doing here?"

  Mern stared down at her, his face a mixture of an apathetic stare and an arrogant sneer, his question carrying a subtle scent of threat for some reason. She knew that he was close with Silver as well, which worried many people, Jimmithy included. If Jimmithy inspired respect in those around him, Mern demanded fear.

  For some reason, he was more relaxed around Silver. She'd seen them together once. They had just been talking. He had smiled. The arrogant Mern Kiz Allo'din, smiling, and treating someone as a friend. He disregard the Tier 4 leader just to later become friends with a suspicious Tier 1 that appeared out of nowhere.

  "Silver asked me to come. He said he wanted to speak to me. Privately," she stated, planting her feet and putting her hands on her hips.

  Mern narrowed his eyes. "So you are whoring yourself out to him. Pathetic," he shook his head, glancing slightly to the side at the tent. "I'm disappointed. I expected this out of you, but he seemed different. Especially since he's so..." He stopped speaking, eyeing her suspiciously as if she was responsible for him having spoken too much.

  "I'm not 'whoring myself out.' Silver asked me to come here himself. No coercion on my part. He said it was important." She paused for a moment, considering, before continuing more quietly, "He's already turned me down once, anyway."

  Mern smirked and cocked an eyebrow at her. "I knew I liked him for a reason."

  Tara's brows creased, as she felt her face heat up, But she lowered her head.She was angry and ashamed, but she couldn't lash out at Mern. He had too much power, and was an important political ally of Jimmithy's.

  "Smart girl. You should know your place. You're a broken little toy, and Silver deserves better. You should leave now. Don't disturb him. He's evolving."

  Tara's head shot up, eye's wide. That was news. It was so quick. The gap between Tier 1 and 2 was small, but it shouldn't have been this quick. Jimmithy didn't have any Tier 1 accelerants to give Silver. How did he advance so quickly? She didn't say anything to Mern, just nodding and turning around to walk away.

  Her eyes flashed with jealousy as she turned, a frown on her face. Mern wouldn't tell her shit, if he even knew. Nobody cared whether the expendable snake girl knew anything. Anyone of any status knew her actual relationship to Silver was shallow and wouldn't show her any respect. Mern probably wouldn't care even if she was Silver's wife; he was just too arrogant and too much of an asshole. He'd treat her like a whore no matter what she did.

  She needed to think about her advancement into Tier 3. If she didn't get a good ability she'd never make it anywhere. Her future was already stunted due to the accelerants. Tier 3 was probably her apex. If that was going to be her ceiling, she needed to make it a high one.

  Maybe Silver could help with that.

  Edwin looked to his brother, both of them watching the exchange happening before Silver's tent. They waited until Mern left to report to Jimmithy, giving them both a dismissive, knowing glance, clearly aware of their presence in the shadows.

  "What do you think is so special about him?" Edwin asked. The older sibling squinted in the direction of the tent, and grunted noncommittally in response. Edwin sighed in exasperation. "You're really no help. Too arrogant. You know, you need to have some charisma if you want to go anywhere in life. This is why Jimmithy treats us as his attack dogs! I don't want to be a dog, I want to be a master!"

  Gervase turned to glare at him. "And you think befriending Jimmithy's newest pet project is the way? I know myself. I'm temperamental and reticent, but I'm not stupid. I want to advance too. I just have different means. This Silver cub is a lost cause. I don't understand why everyone is so interested in him. He's weak, he's kind, and he can't fight. He offers nothing more than support."

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  Edwin considered what his brother said. It was true that Silver offered nothing more than utility to fights. He had no sense for combat and no apparent training. He was fragile. But the thing was, his abilities enabled him to affect beings Tiers above him. Something about it seemed to tickle a memory at the back of his mind, but he couldn't actually recall anything.

  "I still think sticking with him is the safe option. He's kind of an idiot sometimes, but he's been good at networking. He seems like the syndicate building kind. If he starts a gang, he'll already have good connections. Regardless of anything, he has a direct connection to Jimmithy. Maybe not as equals, but somewhat above a subordinate. Jimmithy doesn't order him around, or try to recruit him, or drive him away. He treats him the same as Mern. Like he's a dignitary, or a powerful ally; not the Tier 1 weakling that he is."

  "Hmm." Gervase couldn't speak against his words. It was true. Silver had a confusing status in the camp. He was a Tier 1, but everyone treated him respectfully, as they did not know his true status. He had direct access to Jimmithy's command tent, something only his most trusted officers had access to, and he had a seemingly close relationship with Mern. "I doubt Jimmithy will allow a non-affiliated gang to plant itself in his city. That'd be idiotic."

  "Not unless there's a good reason for doing so. And he could limit his growth. Suppress him subtly while helping him grow, make him an ally, then shove him away to another city to be someone else's problem." He hummed softly in thought. "We'll have to watch and see. I have a good feeling about him, though." He pointed to his crown of antlers, "And I'm the one with supernatural intuition."

  "Ah, fuck!" Jimmithy smirked down at the woman under him as he pounded her tiny asshole. If Silver were here, he would recognize her as Yana, the woman he saw with Jimmithy the first day. Currently she was unrecognizable to the woman she had presented herself as that day. Her hair was a mess and matted with sweat, her tight ass was red as it bounced and wiggled on Jimmithy's hot dick. 

  "You're such a slut today, Yana. Did something get you worked up?" He smiled down at her, knowing that she couldn't answer. Her eyes had rolled up into her head as she came, incoherent, but still aware enough to move her ass to give him his pleasure. He also knew the answer. "Is it because of all the teasing I did throughout the day? The touching? Or when I slid my fingers in you under the table during our meeting this afternoon?" He paused, swatting his hand across her ass as he continued to thrust. "Or was it perhaps my promises of tonight's activities?"

  "Mmm," her moan all the confirmation he needed. He felt that needy tingling deep insides, so he slowed down, holding her hips in place and went as deep as he could into her. He threw his head back and closed his eyes as he felt himself begin to throb inside of her, spilling hot seed into her asshole.

  She practically screamed as she came again, she feeling of his throbbing dick blowing his load in her ass enough to push her over the edge again. She bit into the blankets to muffle the sound, collapsing to the bed as he slowly slid out of her stretch hole with a pop. He laughed and she threw a blanket over her head as her sore little hole made other, more undesirable noises immediately afterwards. 

  "You act like I haven't heard it before," he chuckled. There was a groan from beside Yana as the blanket was pulled away, revealing another occupant. 

  "Are you two done? Can we sleep now? I'm sore and the shaking makes it hard to sleep." 

  There were two other women in the bed besides Yana. One with an arm over her eyes as the blanket was pulled away, the other on her side breathing softly, a light drizzle of drying cum running down the back of her thin legs. Both of them were mercenaries directly under Yana, and also Jimmithy's women. Yana was one of his commanders. She was fit, blonde, strict, and a needy cum slut in bed. She was strict and arrogant in front of others, but with him she was just a kinky little whore. The girl who was complaining was one of her officers. She was much shorter, and a little chubby with raven black hair, but she had an amazing rack. She was a bit of a pillow princess and hated pain, so no spanking, but she was bi and had no problem with pleasing the other girl's and letting them use her face while she was getting her nightly treatment. 

  The last girl was almost as tall as Yana, but thin, she was just a requisitions officer he had taken an interest in and had transferred under Yana. She had a washboard chest, and a pert little ass, but she was the tightest of the three of them. She also had the throat of a goddess, but got upset if he finished anywhere but inside of her pussy. She was also the most obedient of the three women to him. Yana liked to be punished too much.

  "Of course, of course. Let's just all cuddle for a bit first." He smiled. These nights made everything worth it. Hard work, fighting, almost dying; struggling his way to Tier 4, just to enjoy this bliss. This was the treatment afforded to the strong.

  "Before you sleep," a voice hissed, "you should know that Silver is evolving."  

  Jimmithy turned towards the far away flap of his tent. His personal tent was also as large as the command tent, about the size of a small hotel room. "Thank you, Mern. You can leave."

  "Obviously. Resume your monkey activity, human." The voice said dismissively as it faded away. 

  Jimmithy frowned, displeased. Turning his sights on the girl in the middle. "Alice, spread your legs."

  She pulled her arm away from eyes to look at him, eyes pleading. "But you also used me. You know I'm sensitive." Even as she said this, Jimmithy saw her sex getting wet. This was why Jimmithy liked her. She was prudish, and complained a lot, didn't enjoy pain or degradation, and really was sensitive. She didn't like to have sex for more than 15 minutes at a time, as she got sore. But...she got wet very, very easily. And though she complained, she'd never actually have said no. She was easy to please and finish, and just like the other two, she loved being under him. 

  "I don't care. I need to work off some steam." He thought about. "And maybe celebrate a bit. There's a cub growing into something useful." 

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