The Silver Siphon

Chapter 14: Chapter 13

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 Silver was able to talk Jimmithy into giving him a couple of days to rest and get used to his new body. He knew Jimmithy was impatient to get back home, and also to explore that cave. In that time Silver was able to talk Tara and Edwin into going out with him to find some weaker Tier 1 and 2 monsters to test his abilities on. Surprisingly, Mern decided to tag along. He refused to interact with anyone besides Silver, but Silver didn't mind. All of his friends in this world so far were pretty weird.

  In this time, Silver discovered, oddly, that he could see through his flesh now. His cone of vision had also extended to 280 degrees, and he could control his eyes to move anywhere within his body, not unlike the nasty meatball he got his powers from. His stamina had gone up as well, making him more able to keep up with the others. Unfortunately, he had no noticeable increase in his strength. Edwin told him he'd need another physique for that. Everyone was surprised that his stamina even went up.

  Even better than that, Silver was able to use his abilities to overpower monsters a whole Tier above him! Full stasis on Tier 2 monsters and a large slow on Tier 3, even if they resisted.

  Something that seemed to excite Mern for some reason, was that Silver had a mutation during his evolution, gaining a new ability. Silver now had a weak anti-magic gaze. It only extended out about 6 feet from his body, but it followed his gaze. Heavily draining to use, though.

  Silver went out for a few hours with them during the morning, fighting lemurs, apes, and elementals. During the afternoons and evenings, he'd be in his tent with Tara.

  "Silver, why are you so mean to me!" Tara pouted. He'd spent the last hour explaining to her how to meditate, exactly as Mern had shown him. Tara, unexpectantly, turned out to not be able to figure it out. This had led to Silver getting frustrated, and them devolving into yelling at each other for another hour.

  "I'm not being mean! I'm trying to help." Silver paused and took a deep breath. "Nevermind. You're right. I'm sorry I lost my temper on you. Teaching you how to meditate is just a lot harder than I thought it was going to be and I got frustrated. I'm sorry for being a shitty teacher." He plopped onto his butt in the dirt, sighing heavily.

  Tara looked across at him, unknown emotions flashing deep behind her eyes. Taking a short moment to think, she spoke, "No, I'm sorry too. I've never had anybody willing to teach me. I grew up...rough. Resources and teachers weren't readily available to people like me. Not without paying a price I wasn't willing to pay."

  Silver blew out a light breath. "Damn. Well, I doubt you want my pity-"

  "No," She cut him off, teasingly continuing "I do. Just for today, I'll let you pity me."

  Silver quirked an eyebrow, then shrugged. "Well it sucks that you had to go through that. I'm sorry. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you."

  "It got better when I found out I was a Siphon. Not great, but better."

  "Alright, enough of this, back to teaching!" Silver stood and struck a pose. "This time, I'll get it right for sure."

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  "Yes sir!" Tara sat straight and put her eyes on him. Silver froze for a second. "Umm, can you not call me sir? Just Silver is fine. Sir, for me, is...personal." Tara looked at him confused for a moment, but nodded.

  "Thanks." The two continued for the rest of the time they had together until Tara managed to enter a meditative trance. Silver could even faintly feel her energy begin to move wihin her body, strengthening her. He smiled, feeling proud of her. He waited for a few hours as she meditated, before she opened her eyes hazily and let out a sensual moan.

  "Oh, that feels good. I was able to rerefine my Tier 1 foundation and solidify it. It wasn't enough to cause a mutation or evolution, but I'm definitely stronger. My scales," she brought her arm up and thumped the scales there, "are much more solid now. I feel like I might trigger a further evolution if I can refine my Tier 2 power as well! Thank you so much." She stood up and wrapped Silver in a tight hug, her body pressing tightly into his.

  Silver smiled and hugged her back. "You're welcome." He moved his lips closer to her ear and spoke softly, "I'm proud of you." He felt her freeze for a second as she felt his breath on her ear, and she let herself melt into him after he spoke. He waited for her to release the hug, letting her hold him as long as she wanted. But after a few minutes she still hadn't let go. She'd put her head on his shoulder and was softly humming to herself, allowing him to rock her side to side.

  "Umm, Tara?"

  She pulled back slightly, just enough to look into his eyes, "Yes?" The shift in her behavior was swift and drastic, which was worrying to Silver. She'd told him that she was used to being used and thrown away. She'd had a rough childhood, possible no parental relationships, very clearly a lack of real affection or deep relationships, and nobody to ever care for her. Any one of those things can breed serious issues in a developing child later in life, let alone all of them.

  "Do you want me to let go? It's getting late." He could see the unwillingness in her eyes, but she nodded. We probably should. They separated, but she didn't leave immediately. She stood in front of him, head down, legs crossed as she fiddled with her fingers.

  "Thank you for today, Silver." She spoke softly, and she sounded unsure of something. "Being around you right now makes me feel weird, so I'm going to go now."

  "Okay. Be safe."

  "I will!" She smiled radiantly at Silver. Jeez, of course the snake girl is a Little. Hopefully Savarti is normal.

  Silver was aware of Tara's feelings for him, he just conveniently chose to ignore them in his pursuit of Savarti. Was he selfishly leading her on? Maybe. He never told her to pursue him, though.

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