The Simulacrum

Chapter 291: ~Chapter 91~ Part 4

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There was something oddly relaxing about the sizzling of oil early in the morning. It was one of those things that screamed 'cozy', and the fact that I was the one responsible for it made it feel even better. In fact, I kind of zoned out listening to it, and burned the bottom of the last sunny side up egg.

"Well, I guess that's mine..." I whispered under my breath and slipped it onto the middle plate on the counter, already holding a pair of fried cheese sandwiches. The eggs were just a bonus.

"Breakfast's ready," I announced while balancing the three plates in my hands, eliciting a giggle from the princess already sitting at the dinner table. Her hair was still damp after taking a shower, which reduced her ringlets into a pair of curly locks framing her face. She was only dressed in a bathrobe that incidentally revealed a generous amount of cleavage. Whether that was on purpose, by accident, or because it was my bathrobe and so it was five sizes too big for her, I couldn't tell. Nor did I mind, to be honest. I might've had a below-average sex drive, but I certainly wasn't above eye candy.

"Good morning, Chief," Judy greeted me, for the third time today, as she very slowly made her way over to the empty seat next to Elly's. She was also wearing a spare bathrobe, though she wore hers a little more modestly, and she was visibly out of it after last night's activities.

"Juice or ice tea?" I threw out the question, and they both answered with 'juice'. While I was busy preparing the glasses, my attention was suddenly drawn to a pained hiss coming from the table.

"Ow," my dear assistant followed it up with a deadpan noise and continued to fidget on her seat.

"Does it still hurt?" my other girlfriend asked with audible concern, but she shrugged her off.

"A little. It's more or less what I expected for my first time." She paused and sent a sideways glance at the blonde girl and followed it up with a sardonic, "I guess not everyone can be lucky. Or experienced."

"Hey! I told you it had nothing to do with that!" the princess objected with a suddenly flushed face.

"I didn't see much blood either, if any," Judy piled on with a rare display of sulkiness.

"I told you, it's because it was already torn when I was little! During my horse riding lessons!"

"You also have to consider that Elly is both a tennis ace and practices martial arts," I commented while pouring the drinks. "There were plenty of opportunities for it to happen."

"I know, but it still feels unfair," my dearest assistant continued to grumble while nibbling on a corner of her fried cheese sandwich.

"Don't worry! I'm sure it's going to be much better the next time!" the princess did her best to encourage her, and after some consideration, Judy shrugged.

"It wasn't that bad this time either. It stung a little, but I think the mood and adrenaline kept the pain at bay."

"About damn time those darned hormones did something useful," I jested before placing two large glasses in front of the girls, plus a single white pill. Judy glanced up at me, so I uttered a simple, "Painkiller."

Her eyes shook for a moment, and a curt "Thanks," later she popped it into her mouth, teasing a chuckle out of the princess in the process.

"I'm glad to hear you could still enjoy yourself," Elly squeezed out between two giggles, and the other girl imperceptibly frowned at once.

"In a manner of speaking," she admitted, followed by the barest hint of a sigh. "I might have enjoyed myself more if I didn't go first and had more time to prepare myself..."

"I liked it a lot!" Elly declared in turn, with a beaming smile. "It was fun!"

I could swear I could hear some complaints whispered under a certain Dormouse's breath, but before I could pay any proper attention to the words, our eyes met.

"What about you, Chief?"

"What about me?" I blurted out in surprise, frozen on the spot just as I was about to sit down.

"How was it for you?"

Elly's eyes lit up at once as well.

"I'm curious too! Did it feel good?"

It was around this point I managed to recover my wits, but before giving an answer, I took a seat and grabbed my glass first. A few gulps later I set it onto the table again, and told them, "Of course it did. A guy cannot 'release' without it feeling good."

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"That's just physiology," Judy dismissed my answer.

"Then I have no idea what you mean by the question."

"I'm asking if you had any reaction to our last night other than the physiological," Judy clarified without making anything clearer. It probably showed on my face, as she shook her head and tried again. "Taking me as an example, while it did hurt at the beginning, I still felt happy and comfortable because I was with you. I'm talking about that kind of thing."

"I think I get you," I responded, only to then fall silent while I tried to put my thoughts into words. "It... certainly felt pleasurable, and pretty cozy, but if I had to describe it in one or two words, I'd call it intimate. No, wait. Unexpectedly intimate."

"Unexpectedly?" Elly echoed me and cocked her head to the side. "I kind of see what you mean, but what was unexpected about it?"

"It's hard to say," I admitted a tad sheepishly. "I suppose I should have expected it, considering it's a sex we're talking about, but it still surprised me. After all the cuddling we've done, I didn't think getting close like that would feel so different."

"Of course it felt different," Judy suddenly declared in a serious tone made slightly harder to take at face value by the piece of egg white dangling from her raised fork. "We weren't just regular close, we were about minus twenty-five centimeters close."

It took me a moment to figure out what she was getting at, and during that brief pause, a lobster-red princess beat me to the punch.

"I... I think you are overstating things a little... I think it was closer to twenty-ish. I think."

"I suppose it might have felt bigger to me at the time, and I admit I couldn't take a good look in the dark. Chief? What are the official measurements?"

"... How the heck should I know?"

"It's part of your anatomy," Judy pointed out, drawing a huff out of me.

"So? Why would I ever try to measure something like that?"

"So you've never done it?" I shook my head, and my dear assistant's eyes instantly jumped over to the other girl at the table. "Elly, please get a ruler. The big one."

"... You can't be serious."

"Hush, Chief. It's for science."

"Yes. Science," Elly repeated after her with an expression that constantly hovered between shy and excited. "But... Where can I find a ruler?"

"Check the kitchen. It has everything," came the answer from my dear assistant, and by this point, I was actively massaging my temple.

"Dormouse, do you seriously want to do this right now?"

"Why not? It's Sunday."

"Sure, but aren't you still hurting?"

"Don't worry. There are many positions that don't require direct penetration."

I raised a hand to object, but then Elly abruptly exclaimed, "Hey, I found one! This kitchen really does have everything!", so I redirected it into a facepalm.

"Can we at least have breakfast first?"

"Sure," Judy really agreed with me and waited for the princess to return to her seat before adding, "Winter break starts tomorrow, and the tournament won't start until after the holiday. We have all the time in the world to experiment, there's no need to rush."

"Speaking of experimenting, how about we try another bottle today? The salted caramel one was pretty nice," Elly chimed in, and my other girlfriend hummed in approval.

As for me, I proceeded to calmly, if a little mechanically, stuff my face with my lukewarm meal, all the while wondering just what kind of Pandora's Box I'd opened last night...

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