The Slow Life of a Travelling Alchemist

Chapter 10: 9

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I am the travelling alchemist Mei. Today I woke up feeling refreshed.


My comfortable camping experience have ended, and I reached the next town at dawn the next day.


It seems like this is a mining town, evidenced by a board stating [Mining City Eldonia]


[That's nice. Mine. If you manage to find gold from mining, you will become rich overnight. Isn't it such a wonderful dream]


Crossing through the gate excitedly, I spy clans of dwarf strolling around. Waah, this truely is fantasy.


Well, if we're talking about dwarf there is the impression that they are good at labour or blacksmithing. So there's no surprised they will be in a suited for their expertise.


[...Oh, if isn't a lady of the human race. Is the dwarf race a rarity for you?]


As if they felt that I was observing them, the voice of a passing by dwarf stopped in my steps.


[No, that is not the case but......] while replying that, I decided to inquire about the location of the adventurer's guild bulletin board. If it's there, I should be able to a request for a freelancer such as me, among the abundance of mining request.


And so, I am currently facing the bulletin board. Compared to the previous town, there difference in the crowd gathering at the bulletin board is like day and night. Ara? I wonder if it is because there isn't much request.


Feeling bewildered, I approached the bulletin board to take a closer look at the content of the request. There was nothing but demon beast extermination and delivery related request. Let's see, mining related request......




None. Nothing at all. There wasn't a single mining related request.


This cannot be. Because, all the cave I have seen so far, aren't they all mines? If there's so much of them, it is not possible for there to be zero mining related request.


[Excuse me, I would like to ask you a question]


Putting up a calm front, I ran to the nearby adventurer's guild and called out to the female receptionist.


[Aah, in this town any mining related requested is handled by the mining guild. Even if the request was made to us, the result is it will be redirected to them. It's more efficient for the client that way]


[Mining guild?]


My perplexation was involuntarily verbalized. What's that, there is such a guild?


[After exiting the guild and taking a right turn, cross the small hill and you will reach the guilds headquarter. Do pay a visit if you're interested]


The receptionist told me this while putting on her business smile however, just from the name itself I can tell the place will reek of man. Also, if a girl was to go alone, she would definitely be made fun of. I would like to avoid going there as much as possible.


[Th-thank you very much......]


Expressing my gratitude, I relaxed my shoulders and left the guild. I wonder if there is some other way.


◯ ◯ ◯


[...Alright, I have decided]


I did my research after that, and the conclusion was that was the only way to make mining request. In that case, before I traverse the man cave, I need to build up my courage. It so happens that my stomach is empty too.


With that, I entered a cafeteria that I happened to spot.


[Excuse me......geh]


As I opened the door, it was that instant where I was assaulted by the hot air. Come to think of it, its currently noon, where it's the timing where all the tough craftsman working at the mine would gather to feast.

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[Welcome. Seat wherever you like]


[...I would like the seat at the terrace, thank you]


That was my answer while trying to keep up my smile, wanting to be far from the bustle. Being hit by direct sunlight is bearable compared to that heat.



[...Fuh. Thanks for the meal]


Making the payment, I left the vicinity. By the way what I ordered was 「Mine Curry」. The vegetables were in chunky shapes to replicate the motif of ore, and the roux was deep red as if to represent magma.


While the dish had a name, it actually tasted like Hayashi rice with a tomato base. In contrast to the crimson appearance, the dish was slightly sour and not spicy at all.


[Now that my belly is filled, let's do research on gems at the general store next]


Method of building up courage ②. I decided to enter the nearby general store.


Unexpectedly, this is the kind of place where you might find nice deal. To craft a fine gemstone, you must first look at good products. Well, the cauldron will be the one doing the work.


[Woah, amazing]


The moment I set foot into the store; a voice called out to me.


While this place is a general store, the goods they are displaying would put a jewelry store to shame. As expected of a mining town. With multiple glittering gemstone for sales, this is irresistible to any girl.


[Welcome. All the merchandise here are produced from the mine]


It seems that I was treated as prospective customer due to my reaction, or because I was a girl in a neat dress who happened to stopped by. Either way, I am only hear to do my research and haven't the slightest intention of purchasing any gemstone.


Giving a slight nod, my glance switched to the showcase. An emerald chanced upon my eyes, along with the price tag of 20000 Fol. It seems for this is the price for this size, obnoxiously high indeed. Right next to it was a ruby priced at 12000 Fol. The value of a treasure is treasured.


...But this, if I could just get my hands on the ore, couldn't I just make it with alchemy? Let's snoop around a bit more.


In front of the slanted-eyes attendant who seemed like they wanted had something to say, I opened my recipe book.


...Oooh, its recorded here all right. The general components of gem-based item needed to craft it are ore and abrasive. Is there any other requirement besides that I wonder.


Skimming through the recipe book, I verified the method to craft other gemstones. Yes, it seems like if as long as you have both of the core material its enough.


[Erm, dear customer?]




Witnessing an alchemist who was flipping through an blank book and talking to herself while sitting down, the store attendant called out once again. That was what brought me out of my own little bubble.


[Pa-pardon me]


Using words much unlike myself, thud. I shut the book and stood up with a composed face.


[This may be a foolish question, but would this store happen to stock abrasive?]


[Abrasive? Well, we do have them]


[I would take them please, as many as possible]


Conveying that to the attendant whose face was growing ever doubtful, I headed to the counter. At the same time, I decided to buy out the wheat here. It almost slipped my mind but it is the most important item in cooking. There is no harm in having excess. When it comes to alchemy, if there isn't bread, neither will there be cake.

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