The Slow Life of a Travelling Alchemist

Chapter 9: 8

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I am the travelling alchemist Mei. Currently, I am in a state of extreme hunger.


[Let's see, is there anything to eat, anything......]


To think that at the end of all the hard work and effort put into constructing the all-purpose tent, the reward would be hunger.


Ransacking the bag of infinite capacity, nothing edible was to be found. Before all that, the tent didn't have any cooking facilities. Well, it would be bad if the tent caught fire.


I'm feeling that thought flashed my mind, my eyes was lead to the recipe book on my hand. That's right. It is the legendary RECIPE book, which means it wouldn't be weird for it to contain food recipe. That must be the case!


Arriving at this conclusion, I am desperate enough to depend on anything.


[Ooh, it does have it]


Meat pie, chocolate cake, hamburger, curry rice......the ingredient of this world is similar to my original world, so it's not surprise that the cuisine will be familiar.


[What should I make I wonder]


My mood changed for the better, and I was deciding based on the material I have on hand. Each page not only records the required ingredient, but also depiction of the finished product. The appealing images stroke my hunger even more.


[......Nnn, huh?]


Wait a minute. The recipe recorded here, most of them require wheat. Where would I even find wheat growing, I wonder.


Not a single wheat could be found after fiddling with my bag. That is to be expected as I do not recall gathering it at all.


What if I placed an old bread into the bag, would it disassemble it into wheat I wonder......but there's no use thinking about that now. Right now, I don't even have a single piece of bread.


[Let's see, food that doesn't require wheat...doesn't require wheat...there it is]


Unlike a certain great princess of France, 'If they have no bread, let them eat cake' not something I have the luxury to say. With my brain that is overcame by hunger, I single mindedly flipped through the pages and finally found the food we known as, steak. Also, vegetable salad. If its this I can make them with my current stock of ingredients.


[All right, now that I have decided on the menu! Let's go, cooking time!]


Thump, taking out the alchemy cauldron from the bag, I placed in on the designated space inside the tent. For preparation fire isn't needed so I can rest assure.


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...More like, my cooking skill where hopeless back when I was in my original world. As both my parents are working, my default are usually convenience store bento or dining out. When I tried my hand at cooking on a whim, the pancake became the same color as the frying pan. I wonder if someone like me can cook here.


That thought crossed my mind for a slight moment before I concluded it will work out somehow. It's not as if I am doing the cooking anyway.


Anyway, I started tossing whatever ingredient stated into the cauldron. Carrot; Potato; Cabbage; Corn; Tomato and Wolf meat.


[Wait, wolf meat!? Hang on! Come back!]


Being too used to the routine, I didn't bother to check the ingredient before throwing it in. My hand was extended by reflex but it was too late, a material once inside the cauldron will never return. In the end, I stirred the cauldron with an indescribable expression while starring at the rainbow-colored process.


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A few moments later, as if nothing happened a medium rare steak covered in splendid gravy was ready, along with a glossy vegetable salad. While I took the first bite hesitantly, it was both delicious, especially so when I am hungry.


...But still, the fact that it was wolf meat was still a little disturbing to me. It would be one thing to think of it as Gibier cuisine, but without a doubt I know for a fact it’s from the wolves I defeated in the forest.


Slicing the wolf steak into bit size and chewing it, I thought about the irony that the wolf who attacked me with the intention to make me dinner is now my dinner.


With that I have finished my dinner, and is now preparing my pajamas.


[The shirt I am wearing was once drenched with rainwater, as expectedly sleeping in them is beyond me]


Making that statement, I planned to use the leftover cloth from making the tent for the pajama. With alchemy, I can skip the whole sewing process. Come to think of it, the spinning technology of the modern world is really great after all. I can't help but nod in agreement to cotton mill being designated as a world heritage.


With my hands on my chins, I nodded in agreement. Eventually, a pajama which feels great to touch was completed. The smoothness was as if it was silk. Hard to believe that this was originally spiderweb.


[But, if I wear this, what if I have nightmares of getting caught by a spider]


Verbalizing my thoughts humorously, I lied down on the bad. As expected, the bed was really soft.


...Eh? Am I not going to take a bath? This tent doesn't have that facility.


Hypothetically, let's said I prepared the material to make it, I can't install it inside the tent. It will get immersed in water.


With that, once I reach the next town, the priorities are wheat and a bath.....I eventually fell asleep while thinking.

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