The Slow Life of a Travelling Alchemist

Chapter 26: 25

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~Volume 1: Life in a different world is tumultuous!?~

Chapter 25 [At the rainy village, part 4]


[Whoa, so this is a vinyl tree]


[That's right. It grows in the vicinity of the village but, no matter how much the man chops at it with an axe it doesn't fall]


While the drizzle continues, I visited the nearby village along with my guide, Mizuri. It was there that we witnessed a bizarre spectacle.


As if a whole tree was covered by wrapping paper, tons of such tree were present in the wild. The rain was causing it to shine which frankly, was a bit disgusting.


[Mei-san, you look a bit stiff. Are you alright?]


[D-don't worry about it. Well then, I am going to start collecting]


With that proclamation, I retrieved the fully automated axe from the bag of unlimited capacity. Having made the full collection of the automatic series, this tool should be the most optimal for chopping wood.




...There should be no mistake in my choice but there wasn't a single dent on the magnificent tree. On first look it looks like vinyl, I wonder if it has cushion-properties. The axe is bounced away on impact.


[As I thought, it was mentioned that not even a man can topple it so it doesn't seem like it would give in easily]


[Wait just a moment Mizuri. When you give up, that's when the game is over]

Professing the catchphrase of some manga series, I opened the recipe book. If the fully automated axe doesn't cut it, I just need an even stronger tool.


For this reason, the fully automated saw was selected. In other words, a chainsaw.


A large quantity of steel is needed. In addition, a substantial amount of fairy stone is also necessary. My stock of fairy stone might be starting to run out. I have been making use of all the fully automated series so I will have to select those with a lower frequency of usage to transmute and replenish my stock.


[Alright, it's ready!]


Even then, I somehow managed to procure all the material required, and thus the fully automated saw is crafted. While the chainsaw moves according to my instruction, its appearance is still menacing. Mizuri is watching it from curiosity but it's dangerous so she isn't allowed to touch it.


[Well then, engine on! Topple it---!]


Going into the air from my instruction, it started vigorously cutting at the vinyl tree while making deafening noises. Peering into the opening of the now-overturned tree, the visage was indeed that of a wrapping paper with a core. Really, what a weird plant.


Mizuri's eyes widen as she was observing my deforestation work. It felt like she said something but the engine drowned out any external sound.


10 trees were felled around roughly 1 hour, which I proceeded to pack inside the bag of unlimited of capacity. The sight was just like how a snake swallows a prey way bigger then itself. This too captured Mizuri's undivided attention.


◯ ◯ ◯


Once the collection concluded, we returned to the village. From there, I immersed myself into the compounding work. As a large amount of material was present, it seems like I will be able to make something large-scale. For example, this.


[Miss Mei, what could this be?]


[A greenhouse!]


Seeing the large translucent body I installed at the field, the village chief couldn't help but express his surprise.


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Back in my original world, this is a familiar installation around the suburbs. Sticking to the instructions of the recipe book, an identical greenhouse was completed. The celling is properly made in a semi-circle shape, ensuring that it doesn't retain water.


[Within this it will prevent the rain from getting through, allowing crops to grow even if the rain doesn't stop. It can't be helping sunlight will be lacking but with the effort of the fertilizer it should work out somehow]


[ this is alchemy?]


[That's right! This is alchemy!]


Taking the opportunity, I pushed my agenda. Magic won't be able to do something like this right. Although, the old man I met previously did mention that there is magus who can manipulate the weather.


The total amount of such greenhouse prepared was 10. They were installed in various location, encapsulating the field.

Such structure is fundamentally weak to the gale and snow however, according to the village chief, the climate has been mild throughout the year in this area, so heavy wind is a non-factor. In that case, this greenhouse should suffice.


[To think there is such an application for that vinyl tree]


Staring at the greenhouse with curiosity, Mizuri let out a sigh of relief. That's right. With this Mizuri's fate as the human pillar is avoided. Repaying a night's lodging and a meal to the best of my ability, that's me, the alchemist.


[With this, the villagers should be motivated to work on the field again. Miss alchemist, thank you from the bottom of my heart]


Here comes the honorific! While my heart is screaming, I put up a cool front and replied with [No worries].


[Now then, there is actually one more problem]


[...What? One more?]


As I was guessing what could it be, [with this area having nothing but rain, there is no prospect for tourism. I wonder if it's possibility to borrow the power of miss alchemist to attract tourist]


Ah, basically, it's a request for tourism attraction. I might as well go all the way and think of something I could do with the leftover vinyl wood.


But still, this was supposed to be a slow life but I have been busy everywhere I go. I sure would love to take it easy soon.


◯ ◯ ◯


[It's done]


In the next few days, I renovated an empty house provided by the village chief into a bathing facility.


Expectedly, I couldn't make a real hot spring but since that as hot spring is the classic specialty of a such I installed a few big bathtubs inside it, and using sheets created from the vinyl wood as pavement, I tried making a simple public bath.


All the bath will be heated up by the simple boiler. Well, it might possess the word "simple" in its name, unless it's used in some extraordinary way it should last. Undoubtedly, this is a product created by the ultimate cauldron.


It goes without saying, the most important resource for this kind of institution is water supply, thus there is no way the unending rain wouldn't be used for benefit.


The manager for these facilities is remarkably, Mizuri who have accepted the task.


[This facility shall operate starting today as Mei-san's hot spring] as she uttered something that I couldn't tell was a joke or not.


While listening to the explanation on how to operate the boiler, I was also asked various question about alchemy. It's great she developed an interest.


...As I watched over the opening day of 『Mei-san's hot spring』, I soon left the village.


The day of departure was also one of rain but I prayed that this village will continue to prosper without losing to the rain and wind.

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