The Slow Life of a Travelling Alchemist

Chapter 27: 26

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~Volume 1: Life in a different world is tumultuous!?~

Chapter 26 [Heading to the mountain town]


[Funnununu......j-just a bit more......]


I am the travelling alchemist Mei. Today I am giving it my all at mountain climbing.


The reason as to why I am traversing the mountain by foot is trivial. I simply felt like meeting the elder sister of Mizuri who I met at the village earlier.


According to Mizuri, her elder sister is living at the 『Mountain City』 which after I searched it up on the all-purpose map, it turned out to be nearer than I thought. With the upgraded version of the map at my liberty, not to mention the additional navigation function, I approached this light-heartedly, thinking that it would be a breeze.....


『Please continue heading straight』


The navigator of the all-purpose map mercilessly gave the instruction to head towards a road that doesn't exist, to the deep oblivion.


Compared to the I had to went through previously, which had some form of road as it was connected to a settlement, it really felt like being at a rocky mountain this time round.


[The disparity in height also makes the witch's broom redundant, this route isn't an option. What about an alternative?]


『Searching for a detour. Please turn right and head straight』




Confirming what lies in front of the detour, I looked up at the sky and shouted. The navigator seems to specifying route to the 『Mountain City』 which was impossible for me a trekking beginner like me to take. What's going on?


[Sigh. It seems like there is no choice but to craft a tool that could help move in this steep mountain swiftly, unlike any I made before]


Taking a short break, I set up the all-purpose tent under the cliff. While hydrating, I pondered while looking at the now-opened recipe book on my other hand.


Because I don't usually exercise, there is no mistaking that I will wake up with muscle ache tomorrow. I wonder if I would be covered in medicated tomorrow......while lamenting my fate I came upon the tool named 『Wyvern's Boots』.


[Ho, wyvern's boots.]


From its name, it gives me the image of flying lightly in the sky. At the very least, it would be way better for movement then the shoes I currently have on and I am looking forward to that.


Without further ado, let's mix.


Wasting no time, I set the cauldron and started going through the material list. Cloth and animal skin, followed by several material that doesn't seem out of place for making a shoe, followed by 『Drake's Wing』. Four of it, no less.


[Drake's wing?]


Unthinkingly, I vocalized my thoughts. Do I have those material I wonder.


I don't think so, doesn't seem like it. While those thoughts occupied my mind as I scavenge the bag of unlimited capacity, there it was, and exactly four too.


Why did I have this I traced my memories, which then reminded me of the time I battled the pair of dragons.


Back then the objective was the drake's eye, so it must have been from the process of breaking down the dragons. Lucky.




[Ok, it's done!]


Tossing the components into the cauldron and in exchange a pair of magnificent shoes took its place. With a base color of blue and silvery green stripes, it was decorated with dragon wings around the ankle area. I think I may quite like this design.

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Putting it on, the size was a perfect fit. Well then, let's see how it performs.


Exiting the tent, I then stored it inside the bag of unlimited capacity. Then I headed uphill towards the cliff.


[Jump! Uhyaah!?]


When I jumped with all my might, as if the shoes were fitted with jet engine, I was elevated with no resistance.


In the blink of an eye, I arrived at the midpoint of the mountain's surface, which I then kicked off it, leading me to bounce even higher. It felt like in the past, there was a game where you had the climb a mountain in this manner.


[Tei! Dou! Hoi!]


I got the hang of it in no time, and in my ascension, I spotted a new bump which I used to propelled me even higher.


Incidentally, when descending the wings at the side will flap to slow down the fall. It's pretty fun, as if I was gliding.


While gliding the weight-shift control allows me to safely look for a landing spot, and the smoothness when making small turns is beyond my expectation, this is pretty convenient.


If I had to say while they are good for up-down movement, they seemed ill-suited for long distance. It seemed to be useful in places such as mountains with height difference, or inside the forest where the broom isn't an option.




Now that I have acquired the wyvern's boot, once again I booted up the navigation function of the all-purpose map. Unlike before, this time I am able to follow the instructions of the navigator. In a few minutes, I arrived at the signboard that says 『Mountain City Thoria』. Finally, I am here.


[How did they make something like this here. It's so big]


Perhaps it's due to the test of time but I found the gate which have eroded and is now the same color as the mountain's surface. Rather than a city, it is more like a fort.


[I finally made it here, so for now let's enter]


Overwhelmed by the size, I first took a deep breath, then proceeded to knock at the gate.


......No response.




I knocked at it once again, this time slightly stronger than before.


Deja vu.


[Excuse me! Is anyone around!]


As I continued knocking and raised my voice, there still wasn't any response. Eeeh, don't tell me I don't get enter even though I made it all the way here.


Looking up at the tightly closed door, I let out a sigh. Honestly speaking, it's a shock.


......Wait, what is that?


It was then I something protruding overhead. The bump seems to be a stand for torches but it it's that, I think I can use it as a platform.


[Alright, if the gate won't open, then I just have to scale the wall!]


If it was the me before today, I would have given up but now I possesses the wyvern's boots. In a few steps I ran up the wall and in one shot I am at the top.

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