The Slow Life of a Travelling Alchemist

Chapter 3: 2

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By following the highway, I reached the town known as Meno.


The day after staying at the inn, I took a stroll around town to gather information. Even if I own multiple cheat items, information about this world is required, especially since I am travelling.


Walking for several hours, what I learned from the cityscape and the townspeople's clothing is that this world is very similar to Europe in my original world. Which means this is the template world of sword and fantasy.


That is why an occupation as absurd as alchemist isn't questioned in this world......while having that thought I encountered a place where a crowd was gathering.


[…Request bulletin board?]


[Sorry, please let me through], while saying that I squeezed my way through the crowd and as I made it into the center, the wooden bulletin board was before my eyes. It seems like the adventurer's guild is posting many kinds of request.


Originally, to accept this kind of request you must be registered with the adventurer's guild, however request on bulletin board is special in that non-affiliated individual can receive the completion reward too. Basically, it means that the request is either difficult to complete or just too many shoddy requests.


Even so, I am a travelling alchemist (pending). I aspire to be a freelancer, and so as not to be bound to an organization to make a living, this opportunity is exactly what I needed.


[Okay, let's see...…]


Doing a slight stretch, I started glancing through the request posted on the bulletin board.


Demon beast extermination, searching for lost people, work assistance......among the various request, what caught my attention was one regarding the delivery of goods.


「Desired Item: 10 Bottles of Potion


Reward: 1000 Fol


The item to be delivered to the Adventurer's Guild」


…If it's potion I can make as many as I want, let's choose this.


With that I pulled out the request slip. At that moment, I heard a laughter from beside me.


[Hey, young lady. I wouldn't pick that if I were you]


The source of the voice was a well-dressed gentleman who is well over the age 40. His dressing gives me the impression that he is a merchant.


[Have you checked the market price of potion? You will be making a loss for this request]


It was as if he was admonishing the ignorant me. The price of a potion at a general store is 150 Fol. That means if I procure the 10 bottles of potion normally, it will mean a loss of 500 Fol. Well, even if he didn't tell me that I also know it myself.


[Yes, I am aware. Don't worry, I have my connection]


[What? Are you friends with some shady merchant who isn't registered with the guild?] Hearing that along with the annoying laughter, I turned a deaf ear to it and left the venue.


…Naturally, if I used to normal method, I will be making loss. That is if I used the normal method anyway.


But the current me is an alchemist with 3 cheat items in her possession. Well, just you watch.


◯ ◯ ◯


I left town while gathering materials I could find.


For the material I require, grasses and water from around this area should suffice.


Walking aimlessly around the highway, I stuffed whatever looked like material into the bottomless bag.


Wood; rock; soil. Even feathers and insect's carcass. It seems like the bag also disassemble material with multiple attributes automatically.


For example, if I put a whole flowerpot inside it, the pot will be categorized as rock material, soil as soil material and the flower as plant material. It truly is a cheat item. Too convenient.


[Ok, guess I should get going]


Once I have collected a good amount of material, I took out the ultimate cauldron at the side of the road. The recipe for the potion is already known, all that is left is to put the material inside the cauldron, which is precisely what I did.

Incidentally, the water that I put into the bag somehow was contained into a flask when I took it out, and it was already treated. Well, I am not going to give it too many thoughts, it's a cheat item after all.


[......Alright, I am done!]


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With ingredient that I gathered for free, 10 potions were completed within a span of a few minutes. Packing the final product, I returned to town with spring in my steps.


◯ ◯ ◯


[Young lady, you are already back?]




When I opened the door of the adventurer's guild, what greeted my eyes was the familiar sight of the merchant who I have met just earlier.


[W-Well, since I have already completed the request]


My real personality was leaking out and it was all I could do to desperately maintain that façade. I took the first chance to step away and headed towards the counter. The priority for me right now is to quickly deliver the item and head back to the inn.


[......One moment there, young lady]


As I pass by, my arm was grabbed tightly. Huh? What? Please don't touch me.


Was what I was thinking but I flashed a fake smile and asked [Yes, what is it?].


[Every potion in distribution of this country is branded with the manufacturer's mark. Any item without it has the possibility of being a counterfeit goods......I would need to take a look]


[A-As you wish]


While looking calm outwardly, inside me was a ball of stress. Was there such a rule? This is the first time I heard of this.


[Let's see...…]


The old man took the potion from me and started inspecting it thoroughly. He then exclaimed.


[......Well, there was a mark after all. Even still, this is the first time I have seen this design]

On the potion bottle held by the old man, there was a mark of a flask and cauldron. Hmm? Did it always have that?


[O-of course, that is the mark of Mei's workshop. It's certified for sure]


It goes without saying that it was all nonsense, but thanks to that I wasn't questioned any further. While I do not understand the logic, I know this was made the ultimate cauldron. Still, the mark perfectly represents me, I like it.


[Impossible...…An alchemist you say? I can't believe someone who is not a magus but something as minor as an alchemist is capable of crafting such a high-quality product...…]


Even after the old man returned my potion, he was still muttering something. From what I can make out of it, it seems like in this world magus are the elite and in comparison, alchemist are akin to commoner. At least that's what I can infer from the tone of the old man.


[…Dear me, if isn't the alchemist lady from the other day]


My thoughts were interrupted by a new voice. As I turn to face the source, there stood a soldier clad in a magnificent armor.


[Ah, if it isn't Mr. Richard. What business do you have today]

As I am wondering who he was, his voice triggered my memories. He was the solider who I sold potion to the other day. If I recall, he is the knight captain of this town.


[Thank you for everything you have done during that day. Today I have business this gentleman over here]


Saying that, he put his hand on the merchant's shoulder. At the same time, the old man let out a soft shriek.


[Oran the merchant, a warrant of arrest has been issued in your name for the crime of scam and blackmailing. You have been selling illegally procured potion of poor quality for exorbitant price]


[Wait a moment, good sir. You got the wrong person......give me a break, for real]


The old man became meek as he was being arrested, and subsequently taken away.


......Hoho. This merchant who I seemed to be crossing path with turns out to be an evil merchant. What a great feeling.


I felt like I got something off my chest, and I made my way for the guild's counter.


Showing the lady receptionist, the request slip, along with the delivery of product meant the end of the quest. With this I received the 1000 Fol. As long as I have alchemy I will never be bored, and on top of that the profit margin is incredible.


......By the way, it seems every town regardless of size will have an adventurer's guild and the bulletin board, I will be sure to make use of it in the upcoming journey.


Raking in the profit, I left the guild satisfied and returned to the inn. I wonder what is for dinner tonight.

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