The Slow Life of a Travelling Alchemist

Chapter 4: 3

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I am the travelling alchemist Mei.


...Well, I am still in the preparing for my trip currently.


These recent days, I have been going to the adventurer's guild daily to take on procurement request to gradually build up my travelling funds.


Potion, ether, salve and even antidote. Even if it's just item delivery, there's various kind.


Either way, as I am owner of multiple cheat item starting with the ultimate cauldron, most item can be made easily.


...Meanwhile, there was one thing that concerned me.


Inferring from the words of the evil merchant yesterday, I got the idea that the social standing of alchemist in this world is low. The standing of my beloved alchemist class.


Whenever I make a delivery for an item request, [As expected of a mage] was the usual praise I got. When I corrected them, without fail the client would get shocked and their expression changed to one of scorn. This is a precarious situation; I cannot accept this.


[...I have accumulated enough money]


Confirming the content of my now-filled purse, a total of 5000 Fol.


With this much savings, it seems like a good time to head to the next town and embark on the first step of the realization of my life plan.


If I come up with something I will act on it. I hastily made my way into the general store.


[Excuse me]


[Ara, Mei-chan welcome]


The friendly voice of the shop attendant beckons me. These few days, I have been coming here daily to buy material for alchemy and completely became a regular.


After informing that I was going to continue my travels, I requested to purchase a map. A map is a necessity for travelling.


[A map? Well, we do have it but it's old not to mention pretty worn-out. I will give it to you as a farewell gift]


Lucky~. I was ready to buy it, but I am not complaining that I got it for free. Expressing words of gratitude to the old lady, I left the store.


◯ ◯ ◯




Afterwards, I sat at the bench and with one hand occupied by a waffle I bought at a street stall, I unveiled the map with the other.


Granny......I know you said this map is old and worn out but......


[In fact, it's so old that I can't make anything out of it!]


On the spur of the moment, I threw the map I received via goodwill on the ground. Thud! It made a nice sound.


[Ah, If I recall, the method for crafting a special map was written in the recipe book. Where was it again......]


Moment after calming down, I flipped opened the legendary recipe book.


[There it is. The method to craft the All-purpose Map. Ok......the required material are map and fairy stone]


...This tattered map should work, but what is a fairy stone.


I paid a passing merchant information fee and was taught that I can find it in the nearby forest.




I couldn't help but verbalize my thoughts. By forest it means that demon beast will also appear. My principle is to avoid danger as much as possible. It wouldn't be funny if I was attacked by demon beasts and got a game over before I even set out.


...Fairy stone, could I find one at the general store......with that faint hope, I passed through the door of the store once more.


The atmosphere was awkward considering I had once given words of farewell at this place. Regardless, I found the fairy stone among the display shelves.


[...10000 Fol!? That's expensive!]


The price was so shocking that my mouth acted before my thoughts. I covered my mouth in a panic, but it was too late.


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Hearing my cries, the old lady said [It's the most expensive item in this store after all] while laughing. As expected, there is no way I can afford it. My hard-earned savings would become nothing.


◯ ◯ ◯


[Ugh, I didn't expect the fairy stone to be so pricey......]


Feeling dejected, I returned to the bench and started flipping through the recipe book.


The reason being, I need a weapon that I could handle.


[If it come to this I will just go to the forest and find it myself. A weapon......a weapon huh......]


Murmuring to myself, I started going through the recipe book. As expected of the legendary recipe book, multitude of crafting method for legendary weapons such as Excalibur and Flamberge are all recorded. Well, it's not like I have the required materials. What even is a Sword of Light.


Let's assume I crafted a sword using metal, it's doubtful I can wield it. I can't imagine this thin arm of mine swinging a sword without breaking.


[...Hey you, what are you doing at such a place, with a book and all?]




While racking my brain that is by no way good, I was interrupted, and feeling slight annoyance I looked up.


There stood two person who seemed to be adventurers. They were wearing simple clothing made from animal skin, and the sword at their waist also looked plain albeit slightly maintained.


[What kind of book are you, it's blank]


I realized I was being watched, and closed the recipe book by reflex. Apparently, the content cannot be read by anybody besides me. Isn't it nice, this feeling of privilege.


[Big bro, her appearance. I think she is an alchemist]


[An alchemist? That minor profession?]




[Yea yea. Those people who stay in their work shop and mix their pot whole day]


...They are suddenly looking down on me. Don't tell me, this people are making fun of alchemist? I cannot overlook this.


[Anyway, seems like you were mumbling something but, if you are going to the forest, we are willing to be your bodyguard. How about it?]


[That's right, for a cute little lady like you, we are willing to go the extra mile]


It feels like these monkeys are saying something when they have the slightest idea about alchemy, but I shall ignore it. As if. I will never forget what they uttered earlier.


Paying no heed to their words, I left the place after telling them [Don't worry, I can handle myself]


Of course, it's welcomed but apparently it seems like in this world I am considered a beauty. Since coming to this town, I have been hit on quite a few times.


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[...I have decided. If we are talking about the staple weapon of an alchemist, it has to be a bomb]


Even after being mocked by the adventurers, I became engrossed with reading the recipe book and made my choice of weapon. While it's true that I can make most weapon using this book, I am an alchemist after all.


With that I searched for the recipe of the bomb. It seems like the required material are gunpowder and tenka stone. Gunpowder?


I rummaged through my bag and in no time, I have everything I need. Chances are, it was among the materials that I have picked up so far. The Automatic analysis · Classification system is really the best.


[This would be the gunpowder but......isn't this the smell of sulfur?]


I recall from a book I read somewhere, the famous black powder is made up from a combination of charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter. Does that mean, sulfur = gunpowder?


The logic escapes me but, if the recipe says its correct then it is. I stopped putting too much thought on it and tossed the sulfur and tenka stone into the cauldron. In no time 5 bombs were created. I shouldn't have to worry with this much but I decided to make one more set.


[With this much it should be enough methinks. Alright, let's go and get the fairy stone!]


Checking my equipment, I made my way for the forest with much vigor. It's too late but, there is a possibility that selling this bomb with a worth of 3000 Fol might have been a safer way of procuring the fairy stone.


Well, I get to collect material that can only be found in the forest while testing the performance of the bomb. Let's proceed with line of thought.

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