The Spirit Suppressing Museum

Chapter 5: 5

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There was burning heat emanating from the crouching tiger waistband medal. Since Wei Yuan had experienced it several times, knew what to do with that medal. Then he found a piece of paper and stamped the side of the medal with the word Wei on that paper. This time, there was again a text that began to appear, and Wei Yuan raised his eyes to look over it.

“According to the Sili-Lieutenant, killing the demons is the merit which is a prerequisite to  enter the treasure house of the Great Han to get the evil-defying treasure guard.”

“The Sili-Lieutenant had not killed the demons and ghosts, nor had he ever caught any practice of unorthodox religious rituals. Since he had no meritorious deed, the treasure trove could not be opened.”

Wei Yuan was slightly stunned, noting the textual subtleties.

If it was not possible to open the Great Han treasury, then it was called into question, was it possible that the Great Han treasury still exists in his era?

Without having time to think more about it, Wei Yuan learned that the words continued to emerge.

“There are five types of shortcut methods in the record, which do not require any orthodox religious practice to open the eyes and to investigate the energy of Yin and Yang of the mortal and nether realm.”

Then the next small and closely written characters emerged, it was about how to make a mundane person use his own eyes to see the ghosts and spirits. Indeed, it did not require the practice of any orthodox religious method, the first method was using the cow’s tears, but it was not the tears of the ordinary domestic cattle.

  Otherwise, one could only send oneself to the eye hospital.

         Go to get a yellow cow, go to the abandoned graveyard, and cut a handful of stinkweed that was growing there.

  Feed some to the cow once it is brought home. On the next day, there will be the strongest ‘Yin’ energy of the nether aura, if the cow starts to scream restlessly, kill it, take the cow’s bezoar, and mix it with the Yin object, mint, licorice, and morning dew. If it is the communicable Yin object, the complementary ingredients can be reduced, and the most common Yin substance is the residue of cremation.

  Rub the mixture of the liquid in the eyes, and after seven days, one will be able to have the Yin and Yang eyes for quite a long time.

  This method did not have too many hidden problems, and the effect was long-lasting. Thinking about this method, though regretful he was, Wei Yuan could only give up.

  The price of a cow discouraged him to do so.

  No way, he couldn’t afford it.

  The second method had a fast and long-lasting effect, but it also had concealed hidden trouble.

  According to legend, the night crows can see life and death, so at nighttime between midnight and pre-dawn, catch a green-eyed crow perching on a dead tree in the graveyard, pluck out the pupils of the eyes alive, soak them in hot water and swallow them, remember not to bite them through.

  After consuming them, one can see the Yin and Yang objects of life and death.

  But there is a high probability that something will go wrong. It invites retaliation from the flock of night crows and even the demonic night crows will come out to hunt. 

  It is the law of the unorthodox sect that was obtained by the Sili- Lieutenants, the practice passed down from the Han and Wu periods.

  A failure causes the performer to be blinded by the night crow demons who peck his eyes, and he will die in the hunting of a flock of crows, who peck all over his body and his rotting flesh.

  Wei Yuan felt the flow of cold air rising from his back.

  He looked to the third method.

  In the third method, the performer is instructed to look for a black dog that has seen ghosts before, it must be pure black, mixed colored dog does not meet the requirement. Then kill it before a quarter to twelve, stab its heart with a peach wooden dagger, and drop the blood into the eyes. The probability of success is nine to ten, he who can survive will open the Yin Yang pupil and will not fail to see the Yin and Yang objects for a lifetime.

  But most people who had made it through wish they had never turned on this method.

  The fourth method is as follows. At the heaviest time of the Yin spirit, set up an eight-trigram battle array at the bottom of the mountain, twelve bright lights around the body. Put a bowl of morning dew in the middle, drop the blood from the fingertips of the ring finger into the morning dew, and recite the mantra of heaven and earth, then the yin and yang eyes will open, and the ghosts will be visible to the performer.

  But the light must be watched over, otherwise, once the light goes out, the performer himself will become a lonely ghost.

  In the fifth year of the administration of Yongjian in the Han Dynasty, in the first era the head of the Taoist religion, the Heavenly Master Zhang Daoling, passed on the ability to allow mortals to see wandering ghosts and spirits.

  Wei Yuan once again ruled out these two methods in his mind.

  There were too many hidden dangers.

  He was also unwilling to enter the eye hospital, nor was he able to find a heavenly master to escort him.

  He looked at the last method.

  Wiping the eyes with willow leaves.

  Prepare three inches of willow branches to hit the ghosts. Using willow leaves to wipe the eyes can also briefly open the Yin and Yang pupil. The prerequisite is the body is in line with the Taoism practice if it is the flesh eye mortal. It is necessary to prepare in advance, the morning dew mixed with the substance of Yin. Soaking the willow leaves in it during the midnight when Yin aura is strong, can be successful, with the willow leaves dipped in this water to sweep the eyes, resulting in the visibility of the objects of Yin and Yang.

  The duration time for this performance is the length of time from the moment a pot of boiled tea is served on the table till the time it becomes cooler and drinkable.

  Repeat the eye wiping each time when opening the eyes.

  Get rid of the tedious preparation.

         Both the hidden dangers and expenses were agreeable to Wei Yuan.

  ”…… This is it!”

  Wei Yuan’s eyes shone slightly.

  Inexplicably he lived in a place with ghosts. Although he had determined not to care about the red embroidered shoes, the next day he would bump into the ghosts anyway. Bold though he was, his blood also ran cold. If he wasn’t going to succeed after practicing this method, still he could conveniently run away. Nervous was he, on the other hand, he was also curious.


  The materials were prepared.

  Willow leaves were good in the newly opened spring, and budding willow leaves were abundant.

  By the afternoon, dew drops were not available, he could use distilled water instead.

  Although it was not as good as the morning dew, with any objects with Yin energy, other materials could appropriately meet the requirements, anyway, it was only an attempt, there was no loss provided that there was a failure.

  Among these five types of methods, the most used Yin substance was the ashes of cremation.

  The method of using ashes was something that Wei Yuan couldn’t accept. Thinking about the object with the Yin energy, Wei Yuan found that the house is full of it.

  The two paper figures themselves were Yin objects.

  Besides those three ghosts, some of the objects associated with them were also the object with Yin aura.

  <People are afraid of ghosts because they are afraid of unknown things. When they are engaged in real contact, there will not be any feeling of the scare.>

  These words were spoken by Wei Yuan. Read the most updated version of this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at Novel Multiverse – “NovelMultiverse dot com”

  At least, at the moment he was not at all afraid of a few harmless wandering spirits in this room. Sitting on the table, his right hand gently tapped on the waist medal. In front of him, the two paper figures with the Yin spirit huddled in a ball, shivering. The remaining several old ghosts were also honest, and at the request of Wei Yuan, reluctantly took out their own Yin objects.

  The probability was that such objects were the things that killed them, or else, their Yin objects were the most obsessive things to them.

  Or maybe those objects were themselves.

  The two paper figures shivered and prepared to jump into the water.

  Not knowing whether he should cry or laugh, Wei Yuan flicked them away with his fingers and said.

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  ”Don’t, I’m not letting you guys soak in something like that.”

  The two little paper figures were frightened out of their wits seeing the bowl of water, hugging into a ball, and shivering.

  Wei Yuan saw several other ghosts buckle in search of taking out their Yin objects. One was a smelly black rotten fishing net. He didn’t know where the things came from, one was a large green bottle, as big as an arm, Wei Yuan turned to look, and he saw the three words above: dichlorvos. He found that the corners of his eyes were throbbing.

  Did they die from eating this stuff?

  He tilted his head to look in the direction of the second ghost and barely saw the silhouette lowering his head and reaching down to ruffle his hair.

  From the ghost’s movements, he could see a glimpse of shyness in them.

  The corners of his mouth twitched as he took out the dichlorvos that had been tainted with the Yin object.

  This stuff was diluted in water, too bad.

  Finally, he looked around, there was a broken eight-sided sword, the remaining parts consisted of the hilt and a small section of the blade, the length was just like a dagger’s length, and it just barely let Wei Yuan be satisfied.

  He soaked the sword in water, picked a few willow leaves, and put them into the water. Under the guidance of the paper figure, he put the mixed substance in a place where the Yin spirit or nether aura was the strongest, it should be completed soon. The next step was waiting for midnight, which means that it would be completed afterward.

  Thinking that there was still a long time to wait, he went back to the old house. Having prepared some requirements, he went back. When passing through the Fuchun district, he saw several cars and a circle of people around the entrance to the district. He could faintly hear the crying sound of a woman.

  ”Yuan Yuan, how can mom live without you? Yuan Yuan ……”

  A woman with silvery-white hair was vaguely seen, crying out as if she had lost her soul.

  Her harsh crying sounded like she was so desperate. It made people’s hearts sink.

  Wei Yuan thought of that picture, it also came to his mind the demonic red embroidered shoes, and he paused for a moment.

  ”It’s the family with the dead daughter ……”

  Murmurs could be heard from the surrounding crowd.

  ”When this lady was young, she bumped into a bastard, who impregnated her later. She was unwilling to abort the child, and thus she fell out with her family. When the bastard was in jail, this lady of stern character, with much effort strove to bring up her daughter. She was looking to enjoy the blessing in the future, but unexpectedly her daughter was harmed.”

  ”Ugh, yeah.”

  ”I don’t know who did it.”

  ”Anyway, be careful, did you hear me, just to warn you, don’t go out alone at night.”

  All sorts of comments were heard.

  Wei Yuan pursed his lips and left with a pack in his arms.

  After being busy all day, he finally returned home.

  And then full of anticipation until midnight sub time, one hand carrying the crouching tiger waistband medal, keeping the several ghosts waiting over the opposite building, while his other hand picked up the willow leaf, very ritualistic he swept it over his eyes.

  A cool, silky sensation seeped into the eyes.

  Wei Yuan couldn’t help but close his eyes for a while before slowly opening them.

  He saw what the naked mortal eyes could not see.

  Although in his heart, Wei Yuan had anticipated whatever would turn up, he was almost shocked by the distinguished looks of the three ghosts of the building opposite his residence.

  The one on the left had a swollen look resulting from being soaked in water, at one look, Wei Yuan could tell that it was the water spook.

  On the right side, there was a lady with a blue face, perhaps she accidentally consumed pesticides which brought about her death.

  There was also one wearing ancient clothes, with a hideous wound poking out of the heart, he was the swordsman –  ghost.

  Wei Yuan slowly exhaled a breath, in his heart, there was still a little ridiculous and nervous afterglow feeling, and then there was a hint of excitement.

  <What the hell have I met!>

  At the time he could see these ghosts, it was the effect of the willow leaves in the water which brought him the Yin energy. The ears also heard the previously inaudible sound, the sound of dripping water, the sound of several ghosts talking in front of him, these sounds at first blurred, but gradually became clearer and clearer.

  The water ghost took a look at Wei Yuan and said.

  ”I say, this master can’t seem to hear us.”

  ”Yeah, I don’t think he can hear either, and he’s pretty handsome ……”

  ”But he was able to hit me, and he hit me pretty hard.”

  ”Or can it be that he didn’t want to respond?”

  The water ghost said melancholy: “You see he went on a trip and brought back the young lady who also didn’t speak anything.”

  Wei Yuan originally strained his face in an eavesdropping expression when hearing the last sentence, he suddenly felt something was wrong, his hair standing on the end.

  Tap, tap, tap ……

  The water ghost was sitting in the front.

  But the sound of water came from behind.

  It’s nighttime, an aura of the nether was rising, and mortals retreated.


  Wei Yuan’s scalp tingled. He took a step towards the front while at the same time looking back.

  There was a ghost behind him.

  A lady with long black hair draped over her body. She was wearing a long gown, her feet stamped on a pair of red shoes depicting a three-inch golden lotus.

  She was keeping her head down and didn’t say anything.

  Water from her hair was dripping downwards.   

  At midnight, Yin-spirit rose and mortal energy retreated.

  Some guests who were invisible to the naked eye would come by the moment.

  <Shhh ……

  Keep your voice down and don’t turn around.

  Behind you, there is a ghost.> 

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