The Starcraft System in the Far Future

Chapter 24: Chapter 24: The Imperial Response

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“What leads do we have so far?”

Colonel Li, director of the Imperial Security Agency branch in the 9A2-C star system, was the first to break the silence. He snapped to his counterpart in the Imperial Security Corps and asked the question. 

Colonel Davos gestured at Major Petrov, who continued explaining. 

“As of now, there are two possible explanations for the presence of these xenomorphs and the weapon. The first possibility is that the rebels are somehow responsible for both. We are aware that this is extremely unlikely for various reasons, but the fact is that there were only two forces at play on Morgo IV when the xenomorphs appeared. Imperial and rebel. The xenomorphs certainly had nothing to do with us, so if they were bioweapons, then they are likely related to the rebels.” 

Major Petrov winced a little even as she said those words. The logic there was hardly reliable. It was like they were making random guesses, but without any evidence to work with, random guesses were all she and her best analysts could come up with. Just as she was thinking that, a few of the attendants protested at the theory.

“This is absurd, major. Where could the rebels have gotten these xenomorphs from? The Republic? Why would the Republic give away these powerful bioweapons? If the Republic had the technologies necessary to deploy units by teleportation, then they wouldn’t be showing it to us on a minor mission like this one. Or are you suggesting the rebels developed these bioweapons by themselves?”

"And that doesn't explain the presence of the unidentified weapon, major. If the rebels are responsible for bringing in both the xenomorphs and the weapon, then how come a small group of them was wiped out by the weapon when they were in the armory? Unless you are suggesting that the xenomorphs and the weapon come from two separate sources?"

“I agree with Admiral Kito, Major Petrov. The terrorists have no need to bring the xenomorphs into this operation. According to the briefings here, the traitors had a lot more numbers than those in the unit who remained true to their oaths. Why would they bring uncontrollable bioweapons into this? It seems like the xenomorphs killed more traitors than our men!”

“I understand this possibility is unlikely, but our leads are truly limited.” Major Petrov replied quietly. “Even if there is just a fraction of a chance this terrorist group has access to the xenomorph bioweapons, we still need to do everything we can to investigate. These xenomorphs are too dangerous to be controlled by the terrorists. Only under the control of the Imperium can they do the most good to the galaxy.”

The attendants, regardless of what they actually thought about the last part, all nodded in agreement. The xenomorphs themselves were almost impossible to track down. Without anything to work with, no amount of resources or urgency from these Imperial leaders could lead to answers. The rebels, on the other hand, have left plenty of clues during this failed operation.

“Colonel Davos,” Colonel Li once again turned to Colonel Davos. “I believe that, given the circumstances, it is best if our agencies work together to track down the terrorists responsible for the kidnapping attempt. I am willing to share all information and assets the Agency has regarding the Venya Revolutionary Guard terrorist cells in the system. I hope you can share your information with us as well.“

This was a surprising move. The feud between the Imperial Security Corps and the Imperial Security Agency was infamous throughout the Venya Imperium. Both were intelligence agencies the Leviathan often relied on for controlling his territories. Both were competing for every resource out there, from information to talent to funding. When one organization ran into trouble, the other often mocked them instead of helping them. There were often rumors that both organizations frequently sabotaged each other’s operations behind their backs.

Colonel Davos and Colonel Li weren’t friends either. True to their backgrounds, they frequently challenged each other during meetings and mocked the failures of each other's agency. This time, the Imperial Security Agency completely failed to catch wind of the rebel attack while the Imperial Security Corps managed to protect Doctor Payton against all odds. It would only be expected for Colonel Davos to mercilessly attack Colonel Li for his people’s incompetency. 

Many generals and admirals turned to Colonel Davos, expecting him to reject the suggestion or at least make it difficult. Even the revelation of the presence of mysterious xenomorphs couldn’t stop their love for gossip. To their surprise, Colonel Davos simply nodded at the request and didn't give Colonel Li any trouble. 

“I will have my lieutenants contact you after the meeting and draft a plan of collaboration.” 

If Colonel Davos and Colonel Li knew what many others in the room were thinking and hoping to see, they would simply scoff at their naivety. 

Yes, the ISC and the ISA were indeed far from friends, but there was a deeper reason behind their feud than just the fact that they were competitors. 

The Leviathan used the Imperial Security Corps and the Imperial Security Agency as his eyes and ears throughout the Imperium. They were key to his rule, and to strengthen his control, the Leviathan had no choice but to give them as much funding, influence, and power as they needed. At the same time, this presented the critical issue of loyalty. 

How did the Leviathan know the organizations he invested so much in wouldn’t conspire against him? This was the primary motive behind having two distinct agencies that rivaled in power and influence, but that still couldn’t keep the two agencies from conspiring together.

Sure, they have all sworn an oath, but what real power did oaths have? If oaths were really enough to hold people accountable, then the galaxy would have become a much safer place a long time ago. 

Therefore, the Leviathan wanted nothing more than conflict between his most trusted intelligence agencies. The more beef there was between the ISC and the ISA, the safer the Leviathan felt. If one of them tried to turn against him, he knew the other would rise to his defense. On the other hand, if the ISC and the ISA often worked together and saw each other as close comrades and trusted allies, then the Leviathan might have trouble sleeping at night.

At the same time, the ISC and the ISA were both aware of this, and they played right along with it. The Leviathan wanted them to fight like they were enemies, so they fought like enemies. 

However, deep down, both the ISC and the ISA knew their power depended on the Leviathan and the Venya Imperium. Without the funding and support of the Imperium, they were nothing. So when it came to matters that might decide the fate of the Imperium, matters like this one, the ISC and the ISA wouldn’t hesitate to work together and preserve the Imperium. After all, the stronger the Imperium, the stronger the two agencies. 

“Doctor Rex, I have a question.” After coming to an agreement with Colonel Davos, Colonel Li turned back to Doctor Rex from the IRA. 

“Yes, colonel?”

“Doctor Payton is a Class B researcher, correct?” Colonel Li asked. “According to the briefings, she went to Morgo IV with the amount of protection detail suited only for a Class F researcher. A single company of the Imperial Army and one squad from the ISC. Do you mind explaining why that is?”

The IRA had a system that classified their researchers based on their values, expertise, and the amount of compromising information they knew. Class F researchers were the ones who could be replaced relatively easily and whose capture wouldn’t compromise too much of the IRA’s operations. A Class B researcher, on the other hand, has made major contributions to the projects of the Academy. The death or capture of a Class B researcher would be disastrous to the Academy. 

Doctor Rex frowned. He remained silent for a few seconds before coming up with a reply. One that hardly satisfied the others in the room. 

“This is an internal IRA investigation. I have teams working on finding out what happened.”

“With all due respect, doctor, perhaps things will go quicker if your people receive some help from my investigators.” Colonel Li said quietly. As one of the four organizations the Leviathan trusted and relied on, the Imperial Research Academy had its own intelligence service and enforcement arm. Still, the colonel could tell Doctor Rex was hiding something. If things were left to the Academy’s own investigators, all he might end up with was a scapegoat.

“This matter is of utmost importance to the good of the Imperium.” Colonel Davos put some pressure on the doctor as well. “You have been informed how mysterious and dangerous the xenomorphs are. We need every lead we can get on the rebels.”

Doctor Rex sighed. He was indeed at the same rank as Colonel Davos and Colonel Li, but ultimately he was just a researcher. He wasn’t good at lying. Plus, the two colonels have made their point clear. The doctor doubted he would be able to resist the reach of both the ISC and the ISA. Even if his superiors were involved, they likely wouldn’t stand on his side either on this matter.

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“I see.” The doctor said quietly. He glanced at Doctor Payton beside him. “Doctor Payton may be new to the Academy, but she has already accomplished a number of impressive achievements. It seemed that some of my people have been quite jealous of her rapid rise. We believe a few members in our organization purposefully provided the ISC with incorrect information regarding Doctor Payton which resulted in an inadequate protection detail. Doctor Payton was new to our organization and wasn’t aware of our standard protocols.”

“These people of yours. Where are they now?” Colonel Li demanded as his eyes lit up at the new information.  

“They have been seized and are being interrogated as we speak.” The doctor replied quietly. “It’s unclear if they have been coordinating with the terrorists. I think it’s unlikely. They are promising researchers with bright careers ahead of them. They have no reason to risk everything…”

“With all due respect, doctor, this is something my investigators will find out.” 

Colonel Li interrupted the doctor. Doctor Rex’s mouth hung open at the disrespect, but he didn't say anything. All he did was nod gently and sigh, knowing those promising researchers have doomed themselves by doing something extremely stupid. They have spent so much time in the labs that they thought they were untouchable. Indeed, they were valuable individuals difficult to replace and certain transgressions might be overlooked, but their value could only protect them so far. They crossed a line when they put Doctor Payton’s life at risk, regardless of if they did it intentionally or not. 

Colonel Davos observed the exchange in silence. Doctor Rex had powers that rivaled his and Colonel Li’s. The Imperial Research Academy was far from a powerless organization. Like the ISC and the ISA, Doctor Rex had his own fleets and ground forces in the system. It was just that the man was an academic and not a soldier, and he would never have the guts to challenge Colonel Li head-on. 

If it was a more hot-headed leader here in Doctor Rex’s place, Colonel Li would be a lot more subtle in his demands. 

Just like that, a consensus was reached and some of the most important individuals in the Imperial star system made the decision to throw aside their political differences and focus their resources on hunting down the Venya Revolutionary Guard cells responsible for the kidnapping attempt. 

In the past, the Guard was just another issue the Imperials had to deal with. Even after the operation on Morgo IV, they were still just another of the many threats the Imperials faced. Now, because of Athena’s involvement, they have become the top priority of all Imperial forces in the star system. This would be more than anything the Guard expected or was prepared for, and the Guard would pay dearly for it in the years to come. 

“Major Petrov. You said there were two possibilities.” Colonel Li turned back to the major. “What is the second one?”

“The second possibility is that the xenomorphs and the weapon didn't come from the rebels. They came from the planet of Morgo IV itself.” Major Petrov, who had remained quiet as the heads of the three organizations were talking, explained. “The planet is known for being home to various dangerous wildlife. It is possible the xenomorphs are a species local to the planet. Doctor Payton, do you mind giving us your opinion on this?”

“Of course.” Doctor Payton nodded. “I believe this is certainly possible. We have never encountered anything similar to the xenomorphs before on the planet, but given the limited resources and time I had, I was only able to explore a tiny part of the world’s ecosystem. It is entirely possible the xenomorphs are a sentient race native to Morgo IV that has been observing us since we made planetfall. After that, when the terrorists attacked, these xenomorphs decided to use the opportunity and attempt to wipe us out from the planet. It is unclear how the mysterious weapons are related to the xenomorphs, but given the fact that both the xenomorphs and the weapons seem to have appeared and disappeared in the same manner, it is possible they have the same origin.” 

“Concerning possibility. Is there any evidence to support your theory?” Admiral Kito asked. 

“No, admiral.” Doctor Payton shook her head. Like the theory with the rebels, this was just one possibility that had no evidence backing it whatsoever. Unfortunately, random theories were the best they have got. 

Colonel Li tapped his chin and controlled his urge to throw his coffee mug against the wall. Ever since he became a system director of the ISA, he had never felt so confused before. None of this made any sense. Even their best leads were nothing more than guesses that could be completely wrong as far as they knew. 

“It is still a lead worth following up on.” Colonel Davos said quietly. It wasn’t like they were short on resources. They could afford to follow every single lead, and even if just one of them turned out to be right, then it would be worth it. "Doctor Payton, if you are given leadership over the matter, what do you think is the best way to find the xenomorphs if they did indeed originate from Morgo IV?” 

The colonel was a soldier, a tactician, and a leader. He was anything but a researcher. Interrogating traitors and extracting information from them? He could do it in his sleep. Finding a species of animals on a remote planet? He would rather leave it to the professionals, and they happened to have one right here with them. 

Doctor Payton froze for a second. She keenly realized this was a priceless opportunity for her. A lot of very important people cared very much about the xenomorphs, and if she could give them what they wanted, she stood to be heavily rewarded. Within seconds, she formed a plan in her head. 

“We will need to re-establish research outposts on the planet and use every method available to scan the planet for traces of those xenomorph lifeforms. I suggest installing a network of surveillance satellites in the planet’s orbit and coupling them with low-altitude surveillance aircraft equipped with state-of-the-art scanners. In parts of the planet with heavy jungles or other unique environments that may interfere with our scanners, we will need to deploy ground forces. There will likely be significant casualties given the hostile environment of Morgo IV and the aggressiveness of the planet’s inhabitants. Such an operation may also be extremely expensive in terms of supplies and logistics.”

“Ideally, if the xenomorphs are on the planet, we will find them and take both living and dead samples. This will allow our researchers to perform extensive examinations that can inform us on the nature and capabilities of the xenomorphs.”

Colonel Davos nodded. Doctor Payton has had the most experience with Morgo IV, and having read the young woman’s file, he knew she would be willing to do whatever it took to prove herself with this project. 

“I want you to draft a plan for us to review as soon as possible.” He ordered quietly. “Keep in mind while working with the plan that you will have the full support of all Imperial resources in the system. We don’t care about casualties as long as we get results. I would be as aggressive with my plans if I were you.” He reminded the young woman. 

Doctor Payton nodded gently. She knew a lot of lives might be lost during this operation just to hunt down xenomorphs that might or might not be on the planet, but what did that have to do with her?

Unlike many of her coworkers in the Imperial Research Academy, Doctor Payton didn't come from a wealthy background. She didn't have parents who had the money to send her to get a good education from a famous university. She came from one of the many slums on her home planet with parents who have slaved away in factories their whole lives. Ever since she was a little girl, the doctor wished to help her parents escape their poverty and give them a good, comfortable life somewhere safe and clean. 

It was almost impossible for a girl with her background to become a part of the Academy, but Doctor Jemma Payton did it.

As someone who had known hardship, Doctor Payton valued her current status as a Class B researcher of the Academy more than many of her coworkers of the same rank. She had sympathy and compassion, but they were reserved for her friends and families. Back when she was on Morgo IV, she didn't hesitate to send troopers of the 432nd Company on dangerous missions to collect samples for her. She had no reason to change her mind now. 

This project was a rare opportunity, and it would be foolish for her to put her career at risk just because a lot of people might die under her command. 

As the meeting came to an end, the various attendants quickly got to work. Colonel Li and Colonel Davos started combining the resources of the Imperial Security Agency and the Imperial Security Corps on hunting down members of the Venya Revolutionary Guard. Doctor Payton began developing a plan on returning to Morgo IV. Generals from the 37th Imperial Army Group started looking for the unlucky Imperial Army units that would be sent to Morgo IV. A few generals and admirals of the System Military Command reported back to their colleagues and started readying warships that might be needed to blockade Morgo IV, just in case. A few representatives of the Sector High Command and Lord Vitz prepared their own reports to inform their higher-ups about what was going on. An incident like this had to at the very least be mentioned to Lord Vitz. 

And Corporal Kendrick? Despite being just a corporal with the least responsibility in the room, he was still quite busy. For one thing, he had a letter of recommendation to write for a certain Imperial Army private. 

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