The Starcraft System in the Far Future

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Captain Athena Dane

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Sorry about the recent disappearance. The past two weeks have been quite chaotic for me. Quite a lot of things happened. I should be back now and I'll do my best to write and upload chapters whenever I can. 

Imperial Planet 9A2-C-8. Tanya City. 

As one of the countless cities on the planet, Tanya City was a lot of things. It was a manufacturing center. It was the home of the headquarters of a number of companies local to the world. At the same time, it was also the city closest to four different Imperial Army military bases that often housed entire divisions of the Imperial Army. 

It was common to see officers of the Imperial Army going in and out of the local bars and gentlemen’s clubs, spending their hard-earned salaries on drinks and women. Since it was impossible to know when they might be sent to a dangerous battlefield and never return, these officers were often extremely generous when it came to the money they had. There was nothing worse than dying with money left unspent. 

“Cheers! To Colonel Gavin! May the 3rd Infantry Regiment claim many victories under your leadership!” 

In one of the many bars in Tanya City, Athena silently rolled her eyes and glanced at the man who said those words. It was Captain Lawrence, a twenty-something man known for his love of being theatrical. 

Sitting beside Athena was another young man around the same age as Captain Lawrence. Colonel Jason Gavin. The new commander of the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the 329th Infantry Division, and Athena’s new boss. 

“It will be my honor to lead the regiment into battle.” The colonel said quietly, the polite smile still on his face.

Athena glanced at the colonel. Colonel Gavin was young. Way too young to be a veteran soldier. If the rumors she heard about the colonel in the last few weeks were correct, then the colonel just graduated from a military academy on 9A2-C-8. He must have had quite the family connections, and his first role in the Imperial Army was leading an entire regiment. The fate of thousands of men rested in his hands. 

The rank of colonel in the Imperial Army might not be worth as much as the same rank in the ISC, the ISA, or even the Imperial Navy, but it was still quite prestigious. Many veteran soldiers like Athena and Captain Hanson might never reach that level.

Athena had no doubt his family connections played a role in this appointment. Most academy graduates would start at the rank of lieutenant or captain before slowly working their way up. 

The young colonel has done a pretty good job so far. Despite holding a higher rank, he was actively trying to form a good relationship with the captains under his command, knowing he would have to rely on them for both their expertise and experience and their control over the respective units. It was clever of him. He obviously didn't have the elitist feeling most academy graduates did. 

As Athena was observing the colonel, Captain Lawrence continued talking, this time shifting his attention to someone other than the colonel. 

“And to our new comrades!” He raised the drink in his hand once again. “Captain Sawyer and Captain Dane! Congratulations on your recent promotions! I am sure we will have a chance to fight side by side in the future!”

The other captains raised their drinks as well, and Athena did her best to let out a smile. She could see some of the captains frowning at what Captain Lawrence said, and she knew exactly why that was. 

In order for someone to be promoted, the rank and position had to be opened up first. So what happened to the original colonel and pair of captains that were replaced? The answer was one that everyone knew but no one wanted to talk about. 

Only the 432nd Company was involved in the incident on Morgo IV, but that didn't mean the wider 329th Infantry Division was off the hook. Upon realizing a brigadier general in the division had been compromised, the ISC took extremely harsh measures to root out any corruption and treachery they saw in the unit. Athena didn't know what was actually happening behind the scenes, but she did know that ever since she returned to the unit three weeks ago, a number of officers, NCOs, and troopers have disappeared and were never seen again. 

Everyone knew what happened to them. Maybe they were really traitors. Maybe they willingly turned a blind eye to the treacheries for one reason or another. Maybe they were just so incompetent that the investigators couldn’t tell if they were making the mistakes on purpose. Either way, there was nothing that infantry captains like them could do but keep their heads down and hope they wouldn’t be punished for something they didn't do. 

As the drinking continued and the other captains got louder and louder under the influence of alcohol, Athena sighed and made her way to the bartender. 

“How can I help you, ma’am?” The bartender glanced at Athena’s officer’s uniform and quickly put up the most polite smile she could manage. 

“A glass of water, please.”

“Right away, ma’am.” The bartender didn't hesitate or question. Someone who got to a pub just to order water was rare, but it was far from unprecedented. 

As she started sipping on the glass of water the bartender gave her, Athena silently thought to herself how quickly things have changed. Three weeks ago, she was a private who was tossed into a cell because of a single order from her captain. Now, she herself was a captain with her own company of troops to lead as she wished. She held the fate of hundreds of people in her grasp. It was a sense of power she had never felt before.

Yes. Athena was promoted. Not only so, she went from a simple private to a captain in a single stride. The promotion came two days after Athena was sent back to the 329th Infantry Division, and it took her completely by surprise. She did expect to rise in the ranks, but skipping the NCOs and directly to a captain? Granted, captains who were promoted had the choice not to attend academies, but usually, they were promoted from NCOs. This magnitude of a jump was rare. 

After some thought, Athena realized why this happened. It was clear the recent purging hurt the morale of both the troops and the officers in the division. Perhaps someone high up in the division wanted to use her as an example of the rewards for loyalty. If you serve with distinction and dedication, then ranks and powers will come to you extremely quickly. 

Plus, the old Athena had a good track record that lasted for six years. She was far from new to the ways of the Imperial Army. It was unlikely she would mess up significantly as a captain. 

Athena had absolutely no problem with her new rank. Being a captain meant she had a better chance of survival than if she was just a common trooper. She could still be killed on the battlefield, but she had more options and resources at her disposal. 

Unfortunately for her, there was next to no opportunity for her to expand her Starcraft structures and units while on the planet. 9A2-C-12 had been colonized for hundreds of years. Most of the planet was filled with cities, farmlands, and factories. The natural minerals and resources of the planet were almost entirely depleted. In the orbit of the planet were countless surveillance satellites. For Athena, summoning even a single unit on the planet was beyond risky, much less setting up a mining base and harvesting resources.

Athena could request time off, but there was no way for her to get a ticket to leave the planet. The Imperium watched over its troops almost as closely as it observed its ordinary citizens. 

Attempts to unlock new terran structures ended in failure as well. She could access the armory, but there was nothing the armory of this base had that the one on Morgo IV didn't. What Athena truly wanted to get close to was the garage of the 1st Armored Brigade and the 2nd Mechanized Regiment and the airfield holding the starships and gunships of the 1st Aerial Brigade. Sadly, as an infantry captain, she had no business in either place. Even if she could enter, she couldn’t risk summoning an SCV to pull things apart and study them closely.

Nova was right. Trying to climb up the ranks and gain access to important military technologies without being caught was too risky and time-consuming. It would be a much smarter thing to do for her to seize these technologies by force. Of course, at this point, she didn't have the units required to challenge the Imperium head-on. She needed an opportunity. 

“Not interested in the drinks, Athena?” 

Athena turned to Colonel Gavin, who sat down in the seat next to her. She glanced at the glass he was holding onto and recognized it as some type of soda. 

“I don’t like alcohol, colonel.” Athena replied quietly. That was true for both her and the old Athena. “They’re not good for people who want to keep a clear head.”

“Please, call me Jason.” Colonel Gavin shrugged. “We are not on duty now. There is no need for such formalities.”

Athena nodded and didn't say anything, hoping her silence would make her stance clear. She didn't want to talk to and get to know Colonel Gavin for the same reason she didn't want to talk to the other captains and even the troopers now placed under her command. 

Athena knew that ultimately she wasn’t a loyal member of the Imperial Army like the others. She wasn’t going to serve the Imperium forever, and the persona she has been putting up ever since she got back to the planet was a mask. Nothing more. One day, sooner or later and for one reason or another, she would go against the Venya Imperium. In doing so, she might have to cut down anyone and everyone in her way, including her fellow captains and her own troops. She was just a human, after all. The more she knew about them, the more difficult this would be. 

Much to her frustration, the colonel was much more talkative than she hoped. 

“I was going through your files, Athena, and I noticed you never once filed for time off base to see your family ever since you enjoyed the Imperial Army six years ago.” Colonel Gavin said. “If you want, I will gladly give you a break for you to go home and visit them.” 

When they were stationed on the planet, soldiers in the Imperial Army could apply for time to leave the bases for various reasons. Of course, whether their superiors approved the requests often depended on a multitude of factors. As a captain, if Athena wanted to leave the base, she had to make a request to Colonel Gavin and his staff.

Athena sighed. Once again, the colonel was trying to make a kind gesture toward her, and it absolutely confused her. 

“With all due respect, why are you doing this, colonel?” She asked, frustrated. “All this…inviting us out here. Buying us drinks. Trying to befriend us. If there is anything you need from us, all you have to do is ask. We will be happy to do whatever we can.”

She knew it was smart of the colonel to want to get on the good side of his top officers. Only a fool would bring whatever elitist mindset they had in the academy onto the field, but the colonel was trying too hard to befriend his men. Perhaps this would get the officers to treat him as a friend, but he wasn’t supposed to be their friend. He was supposed to be their leader.

The colonel needed his men’s respect, not their friendship. 

Colonel Gavin’s smile disappeared, and the young man sighed. 

“Why is everyone so surprised I am doing all this? I just want to get to know everyone. We will be fighting together as brothers and sisters. The least we can do is drink together first and get to know each other.”

Athena looked at the colonel, and she didn't know what to say. If the young man truly meant what he said, then he might not be as ready for the Imperial Army as he wished to seem.  

“I appreciate your intentions, sir.” She said quietly, having no intention to explain to the colonel her thoughts. Once again, she didn't care about the young man. She couldn’t allow herself to. 

This time, Colonel Gavin respected Athena’s preference. He turned and returned to the other captains. As he left, Athena shook her head. 

Maybe she could’ve tried to get to know the colonel and get on his good side, but the reality was that neither the old Athena nor the new one was good at small talk or socializing. As the colonel left, Athena glanced in his direction and considered at least trying to talk to him, but in the end, she simply sat there and stayed to herself. 

The colonel clearly came from a good background. By all means, he seemed like a good person, but the Imperial Army wasn’t a place for good people. She wondered how he would fare when shown the brutal reality of the Imperial Army that no amount of academy training could prepare him for. Maybe he would quit. Maybe he would transform and evolve into a more qualified and ruthless commander. 

Either way, it was none of her business. 

Athena sat by herself for nearly half an hour, occasionally taking a sip of the cup of water in front of her. None of the other guests in the bar disturbed her. They weren’t blind. They could see her uniform. The Imperial Army might be mostly made up of men, but the few women that joined and survived were tough as nails. Plus, she wasn’t alone.

“Captain Dane.” One of the other captains walked up to Athena. “I and a few of the boys are taking a trip to one of the clubs around the corner. Colonel Gavin is heading back to the fort. Will you be joining us?”

“No thanks.” Athena shook her head. She only came to the bar because all the captains were invited and everyone else eagerly accepted, leaving her without much of a choice. As much as she liked girls, her taste was better than strippers and call girls. “I’ll head back to the fort.”

The other captain nodded, unsurprised. Athena was only one of them for two weeks. Even so, he had noticed how distant she was. It was fine for him. Most veteran soldiers who went through years of hell on the battlefield weren’t the most friendly people out there. 

Athena met up with Colonel Gavin, who just finished paying the bill, and headed out of the bar. The fort the 329th Infantry Division was stationed in, Fort 29A, was only twenty minutes of walk away. Most of the distance was also on the crowded streets of the city’s downtown area, so the captains simply covered the distance on foot. 

The two of them walked down the street, brushing past off-duty soldiers and officers and civilians alike. As the cold evening air blew against her face, Athena let out a sigh. For what it was worth, Tanya City reminded her of home. There were skyscrapers a distance away that served as office buildings for the employees of some of the local corporations. There were restaurants and bars on the side of the road. Many of these restaurants and bars were on the first floor of buildings that were dozens, if not hundreds of stories tall. Often, all the higher floors were sold or rented out as residential areas. Athena glanced at an entrance to an underground subway system. There were thousands of subways running underneath the city, transporting people and resources to every corner of the metropolis. 

Even as humanity reached the stars, many of the regular aspects of life were still quite similar to the 21st century. Athena found some cold solace in that fact. 

Suddenly, there was a commotion from the front, and Athena realized what was going on almost immediately. She frowned and paused, but after quickly glancing at Colonel Gavin, she decided to keep walking and pretending as if nothing was wrong. 

She could allow herself to be a loner who just didn't like to socialize in front of Colonel Gavin and her peers. That was very normal and it would be true for the old Athena. However, a loyalist officer like her shouldn’t turn away from what was about to happen. If anything, she should feel excited. 

In front of Athena was a plaza. In the center of the plaza was an elevated stage that had two large wooden stakes in the middle sticking into the air. A group of armed and armored figures were gathered around the plaza. They were wearing a type of power armor that Athena quickly recognized as Protector-class power armors. These were power armors that were even cheaper than the Guardian-class. They offered far less protection and no life support system, meaning they were nearly useless on most battlefields. 

“Planetary Security Forces.” Athena whispered, all too aware of what was going to happen before her eyes. 

A crowd had gathered in front of the plaza. Like Athena, these people knew what was going to happen. More concerningly, only a few of the pedestrians decided to walk away. Athena had to stay because she didn't want to blow her cover, but these people…they wanted to see what was going to happen. They were excited. 

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Beside Athena, Colonel Gavin was there as well, his face void of all expression. 

A few seconds went by before two people were dragged onto the plaza. A woman and a child who couldn’t be older than 7. Unlike the planetary security forces soldiers, these two people were in civilian clothings that were covered in dirt, mud, and blood. They struggled and cried as they realized their fate, but it was useless. They were quickly tied to the two wooden poles in the middle of the plaza.

“Please! We didn't do anything wrong!” The woman screamed as she looked at the crowd. “We are innocent! We are not terrorists! We are not spies! We are with you! We are innocent! Please!”

One of the PSF officers took a step forward and faced the crowd. There was a speaker built into his armor that allowed him to address the hundreds of onlookers at once. 

“Macy and Lily Thompson. For violations of Order 281, you are hereby sentenced to public incineration. May your punishment serve as a warning against all those that seek to go against the glory of the Imperium and the will of Lord Vitz!”

Even as he gave words to the horrific sentencing, the officer’s voice was quiet. This wasn’t the first time he had done something like this. To him, this was just another day on the job. 

“Order 281?” The woman’s face turned pale. She finally knew why all this was happening to her and her daughter, but all that did was scare her even more. “I…I didn't know what my husband was doing! I only found out when he was arrested! I promise! If I knew he was feeding information to the Republic, I would have turned him in the moment I found out! I promise!”

The officer had no visible reaction to the pleading. His job wasn’t to worry about whether the woman was innocent or not. That had long been decided. He wasn’t paid to do the thinking, and he was perfectly fine with that. 

In the crowd, Athena sighed. Order 281 was an order that came directly from Lord Vitz. Basically, the order allowed Imperial authority to hold people accountable for the crimes of their immediate family members if the crimes were related to things such as treason, spying, espionage, or terrorism. The idea was that as Imperial citizens, these people had the duty to watch out for treacheries of their own family members and report them to the authorities if they noticed anything. Any failure to do so made these people accomplices and thereby punishable by death. 

In addition to forcing people to spy on their own families to keep themselves safe, this order also made it clear to potential spies and insurgents that if they were caught, their families, regardless if they knew the truth, would be severely punished for it. It was a method of intimidation, and it was quite effective. 

The officer stepped off the stage, and the crowd watched as two PSF troopers stepped forward with flamethrowers. This was the favorite method of execution for the Imperials. Shooting tended to be over too quickly. The same was true for beheading or hanging. The Imperials not only wanted to kill their prisoners and traitors. They also wanted this to hurt. 

Maybe the woman was innocent. Maybe she knew about what her husband might or might not have done. Her daughter was almost definitely innocent, not that the Imperials cared. Executions like this were more of a message than anything else. Cross the Imperium, and all limits were off. 

As the flames showered the two women and the screaming started, Athena bit her lips and looked away. A part of her, the part that belonged to the old Athena, didn't care. If anything, that part was perfectly fine with all this happening. That old Athena had been witnessing these things ever since she could remember. At the same time, another part of her, the part that came from the 21st century, was horrified. This was wrong. This was sick. Anyone with any sense of morals could see that.

Yet as she looked around, Athena saw nothing but apathy on the faces of the onlookers. There were some who looked pale, but more appeared all too happy with witnessing someone being burned alive. If anything, they saw this as entertainment. For these people, there was nothing more pleasant than watching the enemies of the Imperium suffer and burn. 

None of them seemed to be concerned themselves. After all, they and all their family members have been and would also be loyal to the Imperium. Why would they be worried? 

Athena wanted to save the two women. They didn't deserve this. Especially not the child. But…what could she do? Her rank of captain in the Imperial Army meant nothing. Her Starcraft units didn't have the numbers or the quality to really do anything and allow her to get away with it. If she had a protoss mothership here, things would be different, but as she is now…

As she is now, there was nothing she could do but stand and watch. 

As the screaming died down, the flames didn't. The corpses burned for a whole two full minutes, long after the execution was complete. As the execution was over and the crowd started dispersing, Athena’s face was pale. She had memories of witnessing executions like this, but this was the first time she came across one of these, and it made her sick to her stomach. It was one thing to kill enemies on the battlefield with a flamethrower. It was another to use it on defenseless women and children. 

“It’s a shame.” Colonel Gavin said quietly as he shook his head. He had been quiet throughout the entire execution. “She should’ve been more vigilant. If she was, there would be no need for something like this.” 

Athena tried to keep her mouth shut. She really did, but her words left her lips before she could stop herself. 

“And the daughter? Should she have turned her father in to save herself from being burned alive?”  

“As I said, this is unfortunate.” The colonel replied. He almost sounded sympathetic. “No child should suffer such a fate, but rules are rules. These things are necessary to keep the Imperium standing. Treacheries must be punished. If anything, it’s her father who is responsible for this. If he didn't commit crimes against the Imperium, none of this would be happening.”

This time, Athena got a hold of herself. She didn't try to argue with the colonel. It would be meaningless. The colonel might be a bright, respectful young man in front of his fellow Imperials, but he was still an Imperial citizen who was brainwashed by Imperial propaganda. The Imperium could never be wrong, so the blame could only go to its enemies. 

Athena herself remembered witnessing these brutal public executions as a child. She was raised to believe there was nothing wrong with that. Ever since she could remember things, she had been fed nothing but the brutal ideologies of the Imperium.

She imagined the colonel was no different. Like many other people within the Imperium, he was completely used to the casual brutality in day-to-day life in the Imperium. His view of the world was completely twisted. 

There was no point talking to someone like that. 

That night, as Athena laid on the bed in her private officer’s quarter, she couldn’t help but think back to the execution. The apathy and even excitement on the face of the people in the crowd. The casual response from the young colonel who looked forward to fighting side by side with his officers. Even the quiet and stoic tone in the PSF officer’s voice as he sentenced a woman and a child to a brute death.

Athena admitted her own world was far from perfect. There were of course issues back there. Even the most advanced countries have done more than plenty of shady things, not to mention the less developed nations out there. Yet there was nothing that could compare to this casual act of public cruelty and the reaction of everyone involved. 

Athena didn't consider herself a hero. She has killed more than her fair share of people since finding herself in this world, but it didn't take a hero to see something was very wrong with the Imperium. Something had to be done to change it. Unlike most people who shared the same idea, she actually had the means to make the change happen. 

Of course, Athena knew she had to be careful with trying to bring changes to this galaxy. The road to hell was paved with good intentions. The Imperium certainly had its flaws, but if Athena wanted to destroy it completely, then she should be ready to find a better way to replace it. Perhaps when the time came, her best option would be to keep most of the structure in the Imperium and get rid of its worst rules and traditions.

Athena quietly scoffed at herself. Even if that day would come, it would be quite far away. She first needed the forces to overtake the Imperium first, and to do that, she needed time, space, opportunity, and a lot of resources. 

Somewhat bored out of her mind, Athena entered the game and clicked through the various terran and zerg structures. Nova’s portrait was still on the side of the screen, ready to provide her with any advice she might need. 

“Can’t sleep, commander?” Nova asked quietly. “Is it what you saw earlier?”

“No, actually.” Athena replied. “It’s interesting. I do have a lot of things on my mind, but the deaths themselves. The sound and the smell and the sight…they almost feel…normal. It’s what the deaths showed me about the wider Imperium that concerns me.”

She knew it was the memories of the Athena at work. It was the same memories that allowed her to go from a teenage girl from the 21st century to someone who ordered the brutal deaths of hundreds over the span of a few hours. When she entered this world, she inherited all the memories and experiences of a veteran soldier who survived six years of grueling warfare. These memories made her feel used to death and killing. Without these memories, even if she found herself in a ‘them or me’ situation, she might not have been able to give the order. 

“I may have a lead on the protoss.” Athena shifted her attention back to the game. “I have been doing some thinking on what can help me unlock protoss structures and units.”

“If my memories hold, then the main reason why humanity was able to expand so quickly and populate so many planets in a few hundred years is because of the discovery of the remains of these alien races now called Legacy Xeno Races. There were many alien civilizations that dominated the stars before us. Some existed when Earth was still ruled by the dinosaurs. Others have been there even longer. However, all of these civilizations have fallen for one reason or another, leaving the galaxy open to human colonization.” 

“When the people of Earth reached other planets by themselves, they often encountered the ruins of technologies from these Xeno Races. Studying these ruins allowed humanity to rapidly develop its own technologies. The Callisto Engines that are used for FTL travel today were modified from the engine of alien spaceships found on Mars. These spaceships belong to the Xeno Race later labeled as Xeno Race Upsilon.” 

When Athena first went through these memories, she couldn’t believe how lucky humanity was. For the hundreds of years that humanity explored the galaxy, there had never been a single report about sentient aliens capable of putting up a fight. It seemed like the galaxy just belonged to humanity. The only wars were within different human corporations and groups. The casualties usually came from natural phenomena or simple human or mechanical errors.

“If I can access the remains of some of these Legacy Xeno Races, I may be able to unlock protoss technologies. They are my best chances.” Athena said quietly, knowing this wouldn’t be easy. Even now, anything related to Xeno Races was carefully guarded by anyone who came across them. This was hardly a piece of information she could act on at the moment. 

“Unfortunately, without a sample of these Xeno Races, I can’t give you any information about if they will help with unlocking protoss technologies, commander.” Nova replied. 

“I see.” Athena nodded. She remained silent for a few seconds before turning back to her trusted advisor once again. “I have a question for you, Nova.”

“Yes, commander?”

“The terran and protoss units that I build, where did they come from?”

“Where did they come from?”

“Are they real people?” Athena continued. “The marines and the marauders and the vehicle drivers and starship pilots. Are they real people from the Koprulu Sector? Or are they just game units that don't have any thoughts or self-awareness? The same goes for the protoss.”

“Is there a difference, commander?” 

“Of course there is.” Athena replied quietly. “I am not going to summon an army of slaves and send them to die in my wars. That alone makes me as bad as the Imperium that I am trying to change.”

She was fine with sending zerg units to their death, but lorewise terran and protoss units were individuals who had their own thoughts and emotions. They were capable of experiencing fear or pain or despair. It would be morally questionable at best if she started sending countless terran troops who had no choice but to obey her every order to their death in the name of making the galaxy a less hellish place.  

“With all due respect, commander, sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good…”

“You know what? I’m going to stop you right there, Nova.” Athena interrupted the advisor. There was a level of coldness in her voice that Nova had never heard before. “I have another question for you to answer, Nova.”

“Yes, commander?”

“You are here to help me understand this system and its units, right? You exist in this system, and this system exists in me.” Athena said slowly as she examined Nova’s expression on the side of the screen. “What would happen to you…if I die?”

Nova, the advisor who always seemed like she had everything under control, paused for a second. For the first time, she didn't know what to say. “I don’t know, commander.”

Athena scoffed to herself. Ever since she met Nova, Nova had been helping by pushing her to do what had to be done. Killing the rest of her squad. Breaking out of the cell and terminating all the rebels in Research Outpost Delta. On one hand, these things were necessary. On the other hand, as she had weeks to go over what happened, Athena started realizing her advisor’s influence in all her decisions. 

Perhaps Nova was just really worried for Athena’s safety. Perhaps, while that was true, there were also factors of self-preservation at play here. 

What Nova did no doubt helped keep her alive and prepare her for this world, but at the same time, Athena questioned her advisor's intentions. 

“I am going to ask you again, Nova.” Athena repeated. “Where did the terran and protoss units come from?”

“They are not real terran and protoss beings, commander.” Nova shook her head. As Athena’s advisor, she couldn’t lie to Athena. Plus, Athena could always tell if she was lying when she eventually got off this world and managed to summon a terran unit. “Like zerg units, terran and protoss units are manifested from the system. They are unrelated to the Koprulu Sector itself. They share many attributes with the zerg units, such as the fact that they are incapable of feeling emotions or pain. They are more similar to the zerg units than they are to you, commander.”

Athena nodded. This was certainly good news for her. As Nova said, sometimes sacrifices had to be made for the greater good, but there had to be a line in the sand. The zerg have never been anything more than living weapons. Regardless of where they came from, Athena was fine with sending them to their death for her cause. 

But the terran and protoss? If they were real individuals who were somehow enslaved to the system, then Athena would rather stick with the zerg forever rather than summon any terran or protoss individual to fight for her. She had made countless moral compromises since she found herself in this world, but this was one line she wouldn’t cross. 

“Good night, Nova.” She said quietly before exiting the system.

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