The Stargazing Witch & The Dungeon Planet

Chapter 30: Chapter 11: First Contact

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Chapter 11: First Contact

The moon shook for only a moment before returning to normal. 

“Jacob,” I asked “Do moonquakes happen often?”

“Once every monnth or so,” he said unfazed.

“Think this was the monthly quota?”

“Most likely. Thannkfully it’s a weak quake, the larger onnes can break domains and cause monnsters to rampage.”

“Hmmm…” I’ve interacted with one too many large digging monsters…

“Jacob, keep your phone open for emergency messages,” I asked.

“Sure Maam.”

[Star Mapping]. I found nothing of importance in the nearby area and cancelled the skill.

Going back, we reached and cleared another domain. Filled with more flightless avian monsters. 

Once we finished that, I asked, “Jacob, do you know where the nearest portal dungeon is?”

RUMBLE The moon quaked again.

“...Five kilometres southwest,” he replied, ignoring the shake. “You wannt to hunnt in portals now?”

“Kind of, but just kind of curious how different the sky is within a portal dungeon.”

“Fair ennough,” Jacob responded, and changed direction.

As we drove, it didn’t take long for the static scenery view to change and my left eye–my right was looking at the sky–noticed an armoured moon car in the distance.

“Roadblock ahead,” Jacob called out.

“Can you try and go around?”

“I’ll do my best,” he replied but didn’t sound hopeful. He adjusted the angle and increased the speed.

I could three figures resting on the side of the vehicle. From their body language, it was clear they saw us.

One of the three fully-armoured dudes spoke, “Hey? Where do you think you’re going.” Then activating a skill, a long blue wall appeared blocking our path. I could destroy it… Haaaa, why do I have to deal with these pests?

Quickly the company vehicle drove over, and a female voice yelled out “What are you two plastics scraps doing out here?”

“Keep moving,” I softly say to Jacob. He nodded and tried to move along the wall, but the vehicle decided to keep following.

“Good girl, knowing whose boss.”

I just rolled my eyes and kept my face expressionless. 

“Not going to reply at all?” The woman–whose face I couldn’t see due to the helmet–continued to be annoying.

“Sweety, you need a bit of oomph if you want to get their attention.”

“Thanks hubby,” they drove closer narrowing the distance. Maybe I should blow them all up?


“Ceella… you were right,” said Jacob.

His phone was locked in the centre of the wheel, and an emergency message notification was screaming at the top of the screen. 

He opened the message, “What the hell is that?!”

A live feed of sector O2–which was now classified as a danger zone–where the private company Pelopate's military force was fighting a large beast. 

Six legs, five stories tall and brown spikes laid all over its body. Its face was a mix of lizard and bird, its chin looked similar to a shovel and its feet each bore sharp claws. The whole thing was at least 200 metres long, with an axe tail making up a quarter of the length.

“No idea…” I’ve seen plenty of large beasts, but this one was a first. From the destruction it’s causing to the troops, it seems decently strong… “Jacob, turn around. We going to the danger zone.”

“?!” He looked at me as if I was crazed.

“Just dropped me when we near, and stay back far to watch as the situation unfolds.”

The company crew clearly got the message as well, as the women went back inside to discuss it. As we turned around to go towards the location, the women proudly asked “Going to watch Pelopate company get the kill?” 

“Nah, I want to see how bright your friend's blood is when it’s squashed under a monster's foot.”

Jacob slammed the accelerator–so I didn’t hear their response–and we blitz off towards the danger zone. The idiots three didn’t follow, probably didn’t want to leave the area they were marked to section off.

Nearing the danger zone, we could easily see the monster swing its large body around.

“They seemed to be doing alright,” A few dead bodies lay on the group, but most of the Pelopate force was still active. “But that creature clearly isn’t serious yet.”

Jacob’s head tilted, confused but didn’t comment.

The Pelopate force currently consisted of, groups of soldiers surrounding three large mobile tanks. Five G1 Mechs–humanoid mechs twice the size of a human–operating independently to attack the creature and two G2 Mechs–humanoid mechs twice the size of the G1–carrying heavy ranged weaponry and firing while they circled the creature. 

The creature made multiple swipes with its many limbs as if trying to squash an annoying fly. Soon, however, the barrage of weapon fire stopped.

Then six thunderous ice pillars rose from the ground, surrounding the creature–pressing into the creature's scaly skin.

“I’VE GOT IT EVERYONE FIRE!!!” Some loud idiot screamed.

The electricity from the ice continuously zapped the creature, while a bombardment of cannon fire fell upon it.

Jacob commented, “High-powered weapons sure do wor–”

“Look before you speak,” I replied “They didn’t do shit.”

The light from the blasts faded and the creature roared, “PORRA!” Mostly unharmed but angry. 

It easily smashed through the ice restraints, swiping at the poor fools who stood beneath, all before–“PORRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Realising a mighty roar that shook the souls of the nearby hunters.

I jumped off the scooter and spun it around, “Jacob! Drive a safe distance away and contact camp and figure out what beast it is!” I ordered. Waking Jacob from his daze–by using my own soul pressure to shield him.

He did as instructed and left, now “Step one, find where it's the squishiest.” For the time being, I was going to sit back and watch.

The monster swung its trail, dragging moon dust and rock into the air. The soldiers unprotected by machinery and unable to move were scrambled into chunks.

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Screams echoed and the tanks continued to fire while retreating. Two G1 Mech ran, while the other three tried close-range options. Stabbing and slashing to the skin, finally doing actually damage. 

Explosion and blunt force aren’t effective. Stabbing seems to work, but I’ll need to use starlight magic for that. Need to test if cooking it alive will work.

The large beast flung a G2 mech across the moon’s surface. Screams were extinguished as the machine smashed into a mobile tank, with the mech left unharmed.

The idiot from before screamed “YOU FIEND!!!” Coming for the other G2 mech. 

After announcing his position, he then adjusted and ready his weapon, the mech crouched ready for recoil. “[Icicle Spear]–[Thunderous Howl]!” His weapon widened as a spear of ice appeared within it, electricity charging through it.

“Haaa…” I sighed. Yell after your weapon charges.

The creature without looking swung its tail at the mech. “HUH?!!!” the boy screamed as he could only watch as the axe flew towards his stationary mech. Smashing cleanly through, the mechanical components and blood spalted across the moon’s surface.

Looks like he’s still alive–they do make those things sturdy with plenty of safety features.

The creature charged at the two reaming tanks, that’s probably everything I can learn from this distance. “Time to hopefully get some experience.” Step two I needed to get the creature away from the rest of Pelopate forces.

[Solar Bomb]. A small dull sun appeared in my left. Lining up my shot, I reeled my arm back and hurled the bomb through the air. 

Soaring high, aimed at the upper chest of the creature. The creature didn't even notice until the moment–BEANNG!–it collided with its rough skin.


[Solar Bomb], not one of my strong magic in terms of raw destruction, but damn good a blowing heavy things away.

I closed the distance quickly before the monster recovered. Examining the beast once more now that I was close, “Hmm, I can still take care of this using my normal abilities.”

Step three, I cast three skills simultaneously, “[Flame Jail] [Scorched Earth] [Sun Falldown]” and made them all the same radius.

[Flame Jail] created a massive ring of fire around the both of us, stretching far into the sky blocking the view. Preventing anything from entering or leaving, with the bonus effect of strengthening other fire magic skills within its radius. [Scorched Earth] burnt the ground in its range, continuously spouting flame and increasing the temperature until the skill was over. [Sun Falldown] formed a flat outline of a sun in the sky and then after five minutes of charging it would activate.

[Scorched Earth] and [Sun Falldown] cost 15% of my mana combined, but afterwards, I didn’t have to worry about either of them. However, it costs a lot of mana to maintain [Flame Jail], but I’ve learnt the best place to supply it mana.

Is in it! The creature swung its head and tried to snap at me, I used [Quiet Step] to dodge and countered with multiple [Fire Arrows] aiming for its eyes. As they neared, a protective layer appeared over its eyes shielding them.

Moving its fat body around it tried stamping on me, but I easily dodge using a combination of skills.

The upper section of its legs are less protected. I noticed the lack of scales.

Getting angrier, it roared “PORRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” applying soul pressure to the surroundings.

Using its ineffective attack as an opportunity I countered, “[Solar Rising].” For five seconds a continuous beam of pure burning sun energy blasted into the monster’s neck. It reeled back in pain, understanding I wasn’t a foe to be trifled with.

[Scorched Earth] temperature continued to rise. 

Good, it's getting tired.

It must have been getting desperate as its feet glowed, and smashed them into the ground causing an earthquake. Spikes of rock exploded from the ground every moment.

“[Burst]” A small explosion appeared below my feat. I couldn’t fly properly so this was the best I could do.

I flew around the creature firing weaker [Solar Bomb] to knock it about, stopping any attempt it had at breaking through [Flame Jail].

Step four. “[Star Lance]” A massive spear of starlight appeared in my hand. Glowing bright, sparkling purple with light, it was a beautiful terror. I created it with a chunk of starlight to ensure its sharpness and strength.

One. I threw the gigantic solid beam of light through the front right leg. Pain shot through its system, it tried moving but–

Two. A second lancer embedded itself into the left leg and dug into the ground.

Three. It tired struggling.

Four. To no avail.

Five. Stretching its neck it tried biting me, but with [Burst] I was out of reach.

Six. It used its last appendage to try and free itself.

Seven. My final lance flew, aimed for the beast's tail, and pierced its flesh “PORAARRA!” The creature’s toes and tail tip flopped like fish.

Nearing five minutes, the flames from below caused my old scars to itch but they weren’t damaging me yet, however, it wouldn’t be long before they would. My resistance to fire was thanks to [Blazing Solar] and my repeated experiences of nearly being burnt alive.

“Time to get out of here,” I jumped through the [Fire Jail] by weakening the skill–but it still hurt.

Step five, the finale.

“[Flame Eruption] [Sun Falldown].”

A bloody red flame dyed the area of the jail before the flame jumped and exploded into the air. At the same time, [Sun Falldown] had finished charging and bright warm light beamed into the ground from the symbol.

No screams could be heard, as its vocal cords were scorched. Ten seconds passed and I deactivated all my skills. All that remained was a charred corpse.

With a job well done, I looked at my Soul Page.

Name: Ceella Stella | Race: [Human]
Level 299 | Awakened
Mana: 25% Starlight: 30%

Yay one level… this is going to be so difficult.

“Now… How am I supposed to contact Jacob.”

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