The Stargazing Witch & The Dungeon Planet

Chapter 31: Side Chapter Metous 2: Fear, Hope and Excitement

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Side Chapter Metous 2: Fear, Hope and Excitement

“I’m hom–”

“SISTER!!” Mella jumped into her sister’s arms, as soon as Ceella entered the house. “You were gone too long!”

“It was only a day,” Ceella replied.

“Too long!” Mella yelled, “You didn’t even tell us where you were going.”

“I did. I was just visiting some friends.” Mella stared angrily into Ceella’s eyes, not believing her for a second.

Once they finished their hug, “Afternoon Ceella,” Tyell walked from around the corner.

“Afternoon,” for the briefest of moments, it was really awkward.

“I… wanted to apologise. I’m sorry” Tyell's head swung down. Scared to look up.

Within an instance Ceella went over to him, “I should have told you… softer I supposed,” and hug Tyell tight. “It was just hard… to talk about it I guess…”

Lifting his shaky arms up, embracing her warmly. Tyell buried the events that happen earlier today deep within its heart and mind.


Tyell was working the extra early morning shift… that he decided to impromptu take to get his mind off last night's conversation.

“Tyell,” Mikey whispered as he walked past, “Come to the back room.”

“Hmm,” Tyell understood. Finishing what he was doing, he left the reaming work to Elly–who was originally going to handle this shift by herself.

Going into the back room, Mikey locked the down behind him. Tyell’s heart trembled when he saw who was in the room waiting for them.

Dominous Hood…

This wasn’t the first time Tyell had directly interacted with some of its members. He did special package deliveries for them in the past, but usually, it was indirect

They were known to help fund support organisations in the city, but of course, that couldn’t be done publicly. Directly anyway. Which was why it was done through ‘anonymous donation’.

There were two hooded figures similar in height were standing in front of him. He couldn’t see their facial features clearly but could see their eyes through the domino masks they wore.

“Hello again Tyell,” the woman spoke, while her partner stayed silent.

“Hello,” Tyell spoke respectively. He had seen this woman once before, two years ago, “What’s the job this time?” He asked, it had to be something special if they were here personally looking for a carrier.

“On the 90th of this month, at Helious Mall, we need you to place these” she waved a square object which she pulled out of a backpack, “in specific mark locations.” Once she was done showing off the object, she put it back in the bag, “Someone will drop off the map and supplies one day prior.”

“Is this safe?”

She looked over to the clearly older man to the right, continuing when receiving a nod, “Yes, the purpose of these items is to get the Hood into the mall safety.” Becoming serious, “There’s a dangerous artefact buried but still accessible under the building, ready to go off at any moment…”

[Alert] isn’t picking up anything.

[Alert], in Tyell's opinion, was arguably his most important skill. It had a simple effect. Detect if a person or creature meant the user any danger. And not once in any of the interactions he had with them, did it activate negatively. Currently, it had more negative reactions with Ceella than with the Hood.

“This needs to be kept on the down-low, don’t speak about this to anyone,” she said sternly.

But he had to ask one thing, “Sounds like a big operation, no one will be harmed right?”

“Course not,” complicated emotion swirled through the eyes peeking through the mask, “Look, in every mission we try to ensure no one is unnecessarily harmed. Sadly it doesn’t always work out that way… and casualties happen.”

“So you aren’t murdering people just cause… ‘wrong place wrong time’,” Tyell had difficulty in trying to convey what he was asking. Of course, the easiest way–the question he wanted to say–would’ve been ‘did you have anything to do with the missing NextEdge vessel in 2961 AS’. However, for some reason, he couldn’t.

“Honestly, we’ve been having a lot of issues with that. Our design is pretty iconic, so many factions try copying us and participate in more heinous crimes,” she sadly sighed.

“Okay I understand, I’ll do it.”

“Good, you will be paid extra this time,” the woman added, “Your boss will inform you of that later.” The two figures quickly disappeared out of the room, leaving only a trail of smoke behind them

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“Your luck is running high kid,” Mikey exclaimed, “you won’t have to worry about doing any jobs for long while.” He was right, they always paid the most which helped when Tyell, when he got into debt thanks to some bad decisions made when drunk–which he didn’t tell his family about.

“I guess your right, boss.”

“Just make sure you're not caught,” Mikey warned “It’s a high-security venue, extra high thanks to the concert on.”

Tyell tiredly “I know, I know. I watch the news.”

“Mind your tone kid, you're still on shift,” Mikey unlocked the room, and Tyell went to the kitchen to continue cleaning.

Elly who was still there, asked “Everything alright?”

“Yeah,” Tyell replied “Just a big job.”

“Just be careful of fire,” Elly worriedly said again.

Tyell repeated, “Drowned. Fire. Sorrow. Found. Pain. Family.” He picked up a wine glass and cleaned it, “Haven’t forgotten.”

“Suprise you haven’t, you always tell me it's stupid.”

“It is, and terrifying when right,” he said before he joked “Also it’s prime nightmare fuel when you use the skill, like you need to record yourself for once, you will make children cry.”


They continued to wash last night's glasses and when they neared completion, “Just be careful when you’re at Helious Mall then,” Elly casually said.

“How did you know about the deal?” Tyell coldly asked.

“New skill,” she quickly replied, “Seems extra dangerous to try and dig up an artefact during a concert.”

“Yeah, extra security.”

Elly sighed “Not only that, the Blazers are playing.”

“I still don’t get it.”

“Haaaaa,” releasing an exhausted sigh, she continued “The blazers are also hunters, strong ones. Especially their leader, Aluber Songfield.”


“Yeah, don’t get caught. It's a big job for several reasons.”

“Thanks for that warning then,” excitement built up within Tyell, he had dangerous jobs before but this was a new high, and once completed–he didn’t have to worry about his totally legal job again.

“Need me to predicate your fate again?” Elly asked, which brought Tyell right back down to ground level.

“No… I don’t need them anymore.”


Leaving the store and disappearing into the morning dawn, the two Hood members used their skills to hide in the shadows.

“Well how many is that now?”

“Six.” The older man replied, “Should be enough.”

“If you say so,” said the woman.

The old man sighed “This operation would be a lot easier without the barriers in place.”

“Don’t say that,” the woman lightly whacked her partner on the elbow.  “The little loyal goons make wonderfully scapegoats if caught as they have no actual connection to us. Not to mention, asking for a highly important venue ‘not to have security’, now that is stupid thinking.”

“I say what would be a lot easier. Not trying to complete two objectives at the same time,” the woman angrily sighed.

“Blame the higher-ups for that one.”

“Assassination and Artefact Recovery, are both normally difficult, but we have to do both at the same time?!”

“As I said, blame the higher-ups.”

Nearing the hideaway, the woman recalled, “Well Mikey’s kid asked more questions than usual this time.”

“I guess. Probably just, first big mission nerves. It’s a big step from delivering unseen packages.” 

“True, he was deemed loyal by the other member.”

The old man reminisce, “I… remember when I had my first mission nerves.”

“What eighty years ago?”




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