The System Abandoned by the Hero becomes a Demon System

Chapter 3: Volume 1*Chapter 3*

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Kyoto received the package from the system and opened it. Inside were a few basic items most scientists starting would need.

Glass flasks, a microscope, test tubes, a beaker, and a few others came out. To think he would get a chance to see these items again.

"I will do my best!" Kyoto says excitedly.


System: [Great. As for your first task, make a study out of the vines that have molded my body. What it's attached to, and how dangerous it would be if removed. You may do whatever you think would help you analyze.]


It was his first task, so he shouldn't let down his new boss, "I'll find everything out in an hour," he says.

With that, he went to work, from taking samples of the vines to studying the source by using the computer system provided by the system.

According to the system, no matter how hard it tried, it could not track the source of its new power. Whatever the vines were attached to was an infinite amount of unidentified power.

It was Kyoto's task to find out the source and how to keep anyone else from finding it.

After a while of data analysis, he came to a few ideas and learned that the vines might as well be the System.

If the vines are touched, the System can feel it. They were also hard to damage and regenerate quickly.

Kyoto noticed that the marks he made taking samples healed in less than one second.

He also learned that the system's senses surpassed any normal being in the world. It reached even outside the building.

Some more tests were taken before coming up with some theories as to why it was like this.

First, he should search for any oddities that happened in the world, no matter how far back he had to go. He went into detail with the System, going over the theories and wondering if there was a way to find more information.


System: [I think I can get access to the internet, would this be of help to you?]


"It would. This way, I can dig deeper and find out if anything happened in the world that could match my theories." Kyoto answers.


[Access to the Internet had been granted. Is there anything else Mr.Kyoto needs?]


"Yes, as my boss, there is no need to add Mister in front of my name. Just call me casually." Kyoto says. He took that chance to search the internet for anything that clicked with his theories.

It didn't take him long to stumble on a piece of information that made sense, "it's the only thing that I can think of." He mutters.


System: [Earth's Core? I'm attached to something so important?]


Kyoto could only think that this was the case. With the Earth's Core no longer in its original place and the reappearance of a System, it could only mean one thing. The Earth's Core did not disappear but changed to a new location, but to where?

He searched for possible locations of the Earth's Core by calculating distance and rotation.

"To think it would be in such an obvious place." He says after coming up with a conclusion. As a scientist with a mid-rank in data analysis, he never thought that the Earth's Core would shift this much.

It's such an obvious location that no one would think it would be 300,000 meters beneath this very building.


[Task given by System has been completed. The system grants Kyoto Yen an Inventory and 10 points.]


With access to his inventory, he'll be able to store whatever he discovers inside it. "About the points, can you explain how to use them?" He asked.


System: [You can use the points to purchase items from the System Store. Unfortunately, you only have access to the beginner items. The more points you gain and the higher your level, the better the shop items.]


"So it works like that. Will there be things for a scientist to buy?" He wondered.


System: [The store always generates items according to one's occupation or job. You will have access to the shop once your level reaches a certain amount. It will then appear as a button in your inventory.]


"Could skills be bought?" Kyoto asked.

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System: [It's possible. The shop generates randomly and can even generate the same item at a percentage rate.]


Kyoto liked the idea. So, if he wanted points, he had to raise his rank. He'll have to work hard.

Taking on tasks provides him with points, but what about gaining experience to raise rank? He asked the system this who answered.


System: [Even I don't know this fully. I'm sure with you, we'll find out how my new system operates. For now, we know I can give task and rewards, we don't know how far my limitations to this goes.]


That's true. "Alright. Then Boss, do you have another task for me?" Kyoto asked.


System: [Since you asked, there is something that has been bothering me. It's the state of this building. I know that you're a scientist, but it would be great to have it cleaner.]


Kyoto had to agree that having a better environment makes things easier. He'll start by making the interior of the building look cleaner and try clearing it up outside and around the building as well. It was a simple task he was sure he'd be able to finish quickly.


System: [It looks better than before. Hmm...but it's not very bright, is it.]


[The System is accessing the building's electricity.]

[Access Completed. Electricity On.]


The inside of the building lit up, which gave them a better view of the interior. He can finally see the stainless steel counters and marble flooring.

Just as he had thought, it must have once been a lab of some kind. He noticed specks of dust in various places and proceeded to wipe them clean. "I never thought that the system could even do this." He says.

There was no reward for cleaning, but he expected as much. After taking a stroll around the area, he made a few discoveries he hadn't noticed when he first stumbled upon this building.

There were some strange plants and other things in the area, which gave him things to study and take note of. Another was the lack of resources besides the tools he received from a beginner package.

The System explained to him that they were planning to recruit more people, and the most important recruit would be a computer engineer and mechanic.

Kyoto could understand that the system wants someone capable of maintaining things in the building.

It wants technology to upgrade its place of operation. Being able to witness all of this, Kyoto was excited.


Meanwhile, far in the City of Tokyo...

Great Dawn Alliance


"There is still no idea of the whereabouts of that scientist?" The voice asked coldly. A woman with short blue hair stood with her back straight.

She stared down at the ground in fear that making eye contact meant the end of her life. "I'm sorry, sir. He seems to have disappeared out of thin air." She says her voice was slightly trembling.

"Disappeared, you say. I wonder if he got himself killed by a Runner?" The voice asked. The woman kept her head bowed and tightened her grip on the binder held to her stomach, "it could be the case, sir." She agrees. "No matter, if he's dead, that's better for us.

As of now, our main focus is the King's Man Dungeon. Any news about that?" The voice asked.

The woman opened the binder to look at the intel she had collected, "according to my intel, the dungeon has not yet been conquered successfully.

We sent our best hunters, but no one made it out alive," She says. The sound of tapping made her nervous as she braced herself for the aftermath her intel would bring.

"What about the Starway Guild?" The voice asked.

"No word from them, they refused to work with us." She answers.

"Dammit, if we don't start showing results, "He" will get angry!" The voice yells angrily.

He was referring to the top boss their Alliance worked under, and it was the last person they wanted to piss off. "Maize, get in contact with, Warzone.

"Whatever it takes, we must get Starway Guild to accept our offer to conquer the King's Man Dungeon."

The woman known as Maize nods her head, "right away, sir."

If it's Warzone, then the Starway Guild wouldn't dare say no.

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