The System Abandoned by the Hero becomes a Demon System

Chapter 4: Volume 1*Chapter 4*

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Thanks to Kyoto I received a new name.

He thought that it would be better if I was called something besides the system. So, I officially got the new name Earth Core System or for short E.C.S.

We learned some more things about my system while Kyoto had been busy with his procedures on the item samples he had collected.

The first thing I learned was that I was able to make upgrades to the building, of course, this means that I would need the help of a construction device made by a mechanic.

I'm also able to use the Earth's Core to search far and wide for talented recruits. This includes those outside of Japan.

The only matter is knowing their backgrounds and affiliations. It looks like I need an intelligent person with more intel than my database can provide.

And also, someone who would be able to recruit those that I think would be useful to me.

"So, what boss needs is an Intelligence Agent and a Recruiting Captain?" Kyoto asked when E.C.S came to him with a new task.


E.C.S: [Yes. Is this a hard task for you?]


"No, actually I may already know two people who fit perfectly for what the boss is looking for," Kyoto admits.

It never occurred to him that he'd already been asking those two for something after just parting ways with them. How long has it been? Two years?


E.C.S: [Some people you know? Does this mean they can be trusted?]


The last he heard about those two, they had been deep in debt because of the Guild they had been associated with. "If it means an opportunity to get back on their feet, I think they're trustworthy enough." He answers.


E.C.S: [Then I'll leave it to you.]


Hours Later...


Outside a small worn-out apartment building, Kyoto gathered his nerves to enter the premises. taking a deep breath he entered and made his way to the top floor of the apartment building until he reached Room 307.

This must be it, the information he received on the whereabouts of his friend from childhood he got from his mother. He tapped on the door a few times before it opened just a crack.

"Who?" A man with shaggy hair answers the door. Judging from his appearance, he hadn't eaten in a while or even shaved.

It's a great thing that he went to gather the money he had left in a safe before coming here.

"It's me, Pen, Kyoto." He answers. Pen looked at him through slitted eyes, and then they widened in shock, "Kyoto Yen? That Kyoto?"

"Well, do you know another Kyoto?" He asked sarcastically.

Pen reached out and suddenly pulled him inside and slammed the door closed after a quick sweep of the hallway.

He then faces Kyoto, "what are you doing here? Don't you know the Great Dawn Alliance was looking for you?" He asked.

Pen seems to still be keeping tabs on him despite them having lost contact two years ago.

He didn't expect anything less of his long-time friend, "I know. What I want to know is how a person who looks as though they never leave their apartment knows this." Kyoto says.

Pen walks over to his window and peeks out the blinds before answering, "I have my ways.

The reason why you're here. It must be serious if it was able to bring you out into the open like this." Pen says glancing back at him.

"Well...let's just say I found an opportunity that can turn our lives around." Kyoto points out.

Pen sits down on his rundown couch, "what kind of opportunity are we talking about?" He asked with a suspicious stare.

"I can't tell you that. You'll have to come to see for yourself." Kyoto answers.

Pen didn't look convinced, "for you to come crawling back here after two years of losing touch, what makes you think I want an involvement with you again?" Pen asked him.

"I understand your anger. But what if I tell you that if you come with me today, I guarantee you that you won't have to worry about money anymore?" Kyoto asked.

Pen seemed to be thinking. Kyoto waited with nervousness for his answer, if he didn't convince him here, he'd be back at square one.

"Alright, I'm suddenly curious now. This better be good." He agrees.

The first person recruited, now on to the next, "actually we need to pick up another person." Kyoto admits.

"Who?" Pen asked.

Another Two Hours Later...


"How come it's her?" Pen asked with a furious gaze. Right now they were driving back to the base. If he hadn't picked up his old car they would be going back by foot instead. "I also want to know this?" Lillian asked crossing her arms.

Kyoto gives a nervous laugh, if he had known that the two were on bad terms with each other, he would have told Pen ahead of time.

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Why were the two of them like this? Before leaving to work for the Hero Alliance, Kyoto remembered that Lillian and Pen had always been thick as thieves.

Look at them now, fighting like cats and dogs. Let's hope the boss doesn't give them a bad review because they didn't get along. Theirs no way he could find two people who could do better jobs than these two.

"So where are we going? Why are we all the way out in the woods?" Pen asked.

After shaving and eating a meal, he looked a bit better.

"You'll see," Kyoto answers driving the narrow path to the building ahead. They drove for a while to reach their destination.

The three of them stepped from the car, "Woah, this was here? It's like a secret base." Pen breathes in.

"It's hidden well, there's no way anyone else would find this place easily," Lillian says.

Pen stops and looks at Kyoto, "so, why did you bring us here?" He asked.

"You'll see," Kyoto tells them walking up to the building.

"Mysterious answer as always. When did he become so untalkative?" Lillian asked as the two followed behind him.

Upon entering the building they didn't see anything but counters and shuttered windows. "Boss, we've arrived. I brought them as promised." Kyoto announces.

"Who's he talking to? There's no one here." Pen whispers to Lillian who shrugs.

[Collecting data on Human Life forms...]


A few minutes later...


Data Collected:

Name: Pen Arata   Age: 28
Occupation: Former Assistant   Rank: E
Future Occupation: Intelligence Agent
Future Rank Growth: A++


Intel Gathering-B Rank
Mental Strength-D Rank
Assistant-A Rank


Data Collected:

Name: Lillian Givani   Age: 26
Occupation: Former Job Recruiter     Rank: E
Future Occupation: Recruiting Captain
Future Rank Growth: B+


Charm-C Rank
Negotiation-B Rank
Mental Strength-A Rank

Both Pen and Lillian stood there in utter shock as a projector screen showing their profiles popped up.

"Future Rank Growth? Wait...what the hell is happening right now?" Pen asked.

Kyoto waves over to the tablet lying on the first counter, "Pen, Lillian, meet my boss, E.C.S." He introduced.

Both jumped backward when the tablet lit up to reveal two dots as eyes and a line as a mouth.

Lillian points at the tablet, "Kyoto, what is that thing?" She asked.

Kyoto smacked her hand down, "there's no need to be rude. This is a System tablet. One of a kind and the only one that existed ten years ago." Kyoto explained.

"Woah! Are you telling me that a system managed to survive the Great System Cleansing?" Pen asked in awe.
Lillian walked up to get a closer look.


E.C.S: [Great System Cleansing?]


Lillian screeched loudly and stumbled backward into Pen, "it spoke!"

Kyoto rolls his eyes, though that was his first reaction when he first met E.C.S as well. "To answer your question, boss. Great System Cleansing was what we humans started calling it when the systems were erased and replaced." Kyoto explains.

"Forget that, explain to us what is happening right this second!" Lillian demands straightening from Pen's hold.

Kyoto walks over to stand next to the counter E.C.S sat on, "I brought you here as recruits under my boss. Both of you happen to harbor the skills he needs to grow." He tells them.

"Hold up. Do you want us to work for a computer? Have you gone mad?" Pen asked.

Kyoto wished he could tape their mouths shut, if they give his boss a bad first impression then he would have no choice but to silence them for good.

The last thing he wanted to do was kill friends.

He needs to nip this in the bud before it is too late, "I would not put the boss in the same league as those other systems. I brought you guys here for an opportunity, if I were you, I'd take it." He warns.

The both of them stared at him. looked at each other, and then back again.

"Fine, we're listening," Lillian says crossing her arms.

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