The System Abandoned by the Hero becomes a Demon System

Chapter 7: Volume 1*Chapter 6*

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"Not a chance," Setachi's direct no garnered a huge commotion in the diner. But for Lilian and Pen, it was a victory.

Big Jod does his best to not break his smile, "I don't understand, we're a top guild. A mechanic like you should accept my offer."

Setachi stands to face Big Jod, "let me help you understand. Whether it's you or any of those top ten associations, I don't care. I won't join them. Mechanics are treated poorly just because our highest ranking limit is B. What kind of bullshit is that?"

Big Jod reached out and grabs Setachi's collar, his face beet red.

It was Lillian's time to shine.

She stood up and instantly puts herself between Big Jod and Setachi, "Woah, calm down big fella. Don't want to ruin your image, just look where you're at."

Big Jod looks around and loosens his grip then lets go.

Straightening his collar he glares back at the diner owner and exited.

The room was silent before exploding into a round of applause for Lillian who stepped in.

This was their chance now, they have to get Setachi alone so they can win him over.

An hour later they followed Setachi out of the diner back to his shop.

"Let's go in, it's enough he turned down that ass. I think that alone garners the boss's recognition." Pen whispers.

The two entered the shop and spotted Setachi sitting at the counter.

"Sorry, I'm still on..." He paused when he looked up, "break"

"It's you two, from the diner. Are you here to get your car fixed?" He asked.

They glanced at each other then at the mechanic, "no, actually we're here for something else. Our boss permitted us to show this to those we plan to recruit. So before we start and you answer please watch."

"I'm sure you won't go around telling anyone."

Lillian pulls out her phone and lies it on the table then presses play.

After watching, Pen stops the video and hands it back over to Lillian who puts it away.

Setachi stares at them, "is this some kind of hoax?" He asked.

"We can assure you that it isn't. Only a mechanic with your abilities can be of use to us."

"So you're here to recruit me like that bastard. How many times can I repeat myself?" He asked turning his head away.

"Mr. Rui Setachi, sir. We're talking about artificial intelligence that has long disappeared from Earth. Just that alone doesn't change your mind?" Lillian asked.

She is a Recruitment Captain for a reason, she won't let this one out of her sight.

"Why don't you recruit a computer engineer?" Setachi asked.

"We already have that in mind, but it won't work without a mechanic. Computer engineers are the ones who handle the computers up close and mechanics can be a huge help to us to build the perfect machine set up for that artificial intelligence." Lillian explains.

"Also, we both know that you're more than just a mechanic with basic skills. You obtained an awakening.

We won't pass this chance up. If it makes you feel better we're not involved with any of the top ten associations you seem to hate so much. We're still establishing ourselves." Lillian points out.

Setachi frowns, "let me see that video again."

Lillian takes out her phone and hands it over. Setachi watched the thirty-second video a second time before lowering it.

"And this isn't a hoax?" He asked.

Lillian shakes her head, "it's not, I don't have time to make jokes." She says.

"Fine, where's your contract? If I don't like the terms I'll reject this."

So, Pen gives Lillian a thumbs up when she hands over the contract that their boss generated before they came out here.

After going over the contract Setachi lowers it, "is this for real? The conditions are impressive, I can get past working for a System and everything as well with these conditions."

Both nodded at each other and then Lillian holds out a pen.

Setachi looks at it and decides to sign, "I'll like to meet our new boss, so I can see what blueprints I have to sketch up."

"Don't worry you will. For now, we need to go recruit a computer engineer."





It's here. 

Kyoto had finally managed to stumble across the flower his boss needed.

It was quite the journey.

He had to climb over a hill, cross a river, and climb down a trench, to find this plant.

Squatting down he took a picture out of his shirt pocket and lined it next to the plant to make sure he got the right flower.

With three orange petals and a purple stem, it matches.

He tucked the picture away and glanced around.

His boss was right to say it was common, there were so many in one field.

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Should he grab as much as possible, it'll be good if he could research this plant for other uses as well.

Kyoto began to gather the Petroid Flower and stuff it in flasks he brought back from the base.

When he felt he gathered enough he stood and proceeded to head back.

Something glistened on the ground between some tree roots.

Kyoto squints and heads over to get a closer look.

Using one small flask he scooped up the item and held it up at eye view.

It was unlock any type of substance he's ever seen before.

A small-edged green-like gem, or crystal. Let's bring this back to the base as well.



Back At Base



E.C.S: [The three of you have only been with me for a little bit and you already completed some tasks. Just as I promised I will reward you.]


Pen and Lillian were rewarded as promised while the recruits were stunned silent.

"That's a System." The mechanic points and looks back at Lillian and Pen.

"It is. Meet our boss, now he's your Boss. This is E.C.S, the name stands for Earth Core System, you can see why we shortened it. E.C.S is aiming to build our very own Alliance, it's going to be grand, with people of all kinds. For now, we don't have a name, but that's okay, naming the Alliance can wait. You two are here to build a supercomputer and attach our boss to it, " Pen explains.

"That's right.  Not just that, but this whole room needs to become a huge room for the security engineering team. Our focus is to have many computers in this room, no counter. Because our boss is attached to veins, you need to be careful. When the science lab is built we'll have to lead the lines there to build a computer network there as well. As for obtaining material, you can thank Chief Kyoto for that." Lillian adds.

Pen continues, "Remember to add tubes for the boss to send things for those to collect, these tubes will have to be able to lead to other buildings to make it efficient. As for other things a large Supercomputer would need, I'll leave it to the two experts, are there any questions?" 

Setachi raises his hand.

"Mr. Rui Setachi, what is your question?" Pen asked.

"When will the materials needed arrive? Has it already been ordered?"

"No, we know how you engineers and mechanics are. If we got the wrong stuff we'd never hear the end. Whatever you need just hand the list over to one of us and we'll order them." Lillian answers.

"Alright, I have no more questions then, Utan and I will go and draft up some blueprints for you guys to choose from." 

Utan nods her head before following him.

The door to the base opened and Kyoto entered, "oh, you two are back."

"Yo Chief!" Pen greets.

Kyoto glanced over at the recruit that looked busy. " I see you guys already finished your tasks, I'm impressed."

Pen wrapped an arm around his shoulder, "what you got there?" He asked looking at the flasks Kyoto started pulling out of his pockets.

A sound came from outdoors before he could answer, Kyoto looked back and looked down at his watch. "It must be the arrival of our materials. You two follow me."

Pen and Lillian followed Kyoto out and stood to stare at the five lines of semi-trucks that sat behind each other.

"Chief, where did you get all this? Weren't you in debt?" Lillian asked openly staring at the trucks in shock.

The men driving the trucks stepped down from them and came to greet them.

"I told you I had hidden savings." He answered before greeting the men.

"It was tough getting here, should think about landscaping!" On truckman says with a grin.

"I'll keep that in mind. And the materials are all here?" He asked.

"Sure is, we even brought a whole team here to help unload, where should we do so? There's only this little building?" the truckman glanced behind them.

"Just pile it all ten acres from the building, make it neat, and we'll take care of the rest," Kyoto answered.

The truck driver turned to the others, "you heard that my fellow drivers. Open up and get those men out so they can unload!"

The truckers went wild and opened the backs. Men started piling and unloading the trucks.

There was so much stuff, from wood to electronics. 

"After doing this, aren't you still in debt?" Pen asked Kyoto.

"Yeah, that's right." He admitted.

Lillian hugs him, "that's fine we'll become just as great as those other Alliances, no we'll become the top Alliance that no one can touch, with a lot of cash!" She says.

Yeah, he can see their boss taking the world by storm and showing them the mistake of getting rid of systems. While Kyoto gets the chance to laugh at the hunter bastard's face.



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