The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

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Homura's POV

It has been 5 months since I decided to get Might Guy to train me.

No! I-I wasn't coerced or suffering from Stockholm syndrome...I decided to go through it all with my own volition! Yeah!...*sigh*  

...I regret that choice.

I want to enter the academy and be in the same class as ninja Jesus... but I feel that there are better ways...easier ways!

Besides, he doesn't really train me in the mysterious ways of the shinobi, because who the f*ck in their right mind trains a 5 years old to perform real jutsus to kill people, or taijutsu to cause harm to someone.

If you did, you'd end up with psycho brats or kids with early symptoms of trauma or depression.

...Maybe during the periods of war they did, but not nowadays...sadly and thankfully.

In Guy's case, ninjutsu would be unlikely anyway... but he hasn't trained me in taijutsu either!

To be fair, I'm not really his disciple.

He just helps me with my training whenever he feels like it.

We have a non-committed relationship...ok that sounded way too wrong and raised many red flags!

...Perhaps a non-committed apprenticeship would be a better fit?...well at least it sounds way more normal than the former.

But it is not all sunny and shiny in paradise.

At first, I just ignored almost everything he told me to do, because I am not insane!

Do 5 lapses around the village? With my short/ skinny legs? No way!

I just did some of the exercises that he told me about an reduced the amount by like x100.

Everything was going well until 1 day.

Guy just showed up out of nowhere and pretty much kidnapped me.

He tried to inspect my progress but was not really satisfied, so after that he appeared many times in front of me at random times, to go through his torture regiment.

The guy doesn't give up, so I wasn't allowed to either!

I had to push myself so hard just to get him off my back, that I barely had time to do anything else.

I even forgot to get a haircut in months!

My time was pretty much divided to train, chores and Naruto...I no longer have a life...seems like the days I could sleep in the afternoon to be distant memories or delusions that I had when I pass out from exhaustion.

-*breathing strongly* *breathing strongly*...957...958... I- I can't anymore...

- You can! Don't you hear the sounds of joy your muscles are giving?! That's the sound of youth!!! (Guy)

(More like the sound of every muscles inside my body about to implode!!! I am starting to understand what hate truly is...)

I continued my exercises because talking to that man was even more painful than actually exercising.

It is always this and that or good! 

Everything is either youth or working to him!

-998...999...1000...*bam!*....*cough* *cough*, I-I done more!

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-You did great! I knew you could do it! Now, we can move to regular training no problem! (Guy)

...Right, those were not the exercises that Might Guy did as a kid, but ones meant to build up stamina due to my small frame.

-...I am not...ready...yet...(Please just spare me! )

This man would not recognize a clue, even if it hit him the face!

-Nonsense, you are more than ready to go through the real thing! In fact I have present for you...tada!!!(Guy)

Guy, took out another/smaller green suit out of nowhere! Or was it too fast for me to see it?! No, no, no. no, no!

.....My nightmare is coming to live!

This is not how I saw myself in the future! 

I refuse!

I want a refund!

-They have the perfect balance of elegance and durability. As well as the perfect outfit for performing training during most chilly and hot weather. Since they are so comfortable.(Guy)

- ?...Why are you giving me a sells speech? Is that what the guy who sold it you said, when you bought it? Is it?

-... (Guy)

Hm? He is speechless...for once...that's rare...?!

.....My god! Was what I said true?!

...I am starting to feel bad about this...

....He did help me so much....even though it was more like torture! can't....I really can't! It goes against all my beliefs...

-...thanks it!

(Mouth?! you traitor!...Am I some sort of pathological liar?... I had no idea!)

-I knew you would! After spending so much time training together; I knew that you can be quite shy! HAHAHAHA!(Guy)

Guy started to laugh all-heartily in his bizarre way.


I looked at the suit in my hands and imagined, me wearing it in a bowl haircut and referring to Guy, as Guy sensei...Urgh!!!

(I knew it! I-I can't! I can't do it! Even if they are free...I can't! I refuse to suffer the same tragedy as Rock Lee!)

I started running away from Guy, not wanting a future with me being a bootleg Rock Lee!

- Hmm? Running already?... I knew that kid had true passion driving him! Truly, a remarkable spirit of youth burns in his soul! Hahaha!!!! Wait for me! (Guy)


Chapter end


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