The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

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(Where am I?)

I tried to deny that vision of the future that I had of myself...while looking at the green tights of fashion disaster, that my mind went completely blank and ran.

I ran so fast and for so long that I had lost track of where I was going. least if those tights were black or blue... green is just too violent of a fashion choi-!

- Watch out!(???)


As I was about to look for where the voice that I just heard came from...

Out of nowhere, a kunai heading straight towards me; was about to hit me in the throat.

(No! Death by kunai! Anything but that!)

Not having enough time to avoid it, I closed my eyes and tried to protect myself with the limited time that I had. But deep down inside, I knew that I was a goner.

And I will have no time to experience fear or any close to that...

- Huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Reluctantly...very reluctantly I decided to open my eyes.


As I opened my eyes, I saw no kunai anywhere on my body or  for a matter of fact...anywhere close to my vicinity.

-was it all a dream...?- I could not help but mutter that sentiment to myself.

-Sorry about that. I was practicing my shuriken jutsu, I didn't see you coming until it was too late.(???)


Suddenly, I heard a calm voice coming from a boy that looked about 10 or so years older than me, coming from behind me.

I was only able to put it together, what the boy looked like; when I abruptly turned around due to being scared to death!

Not that it seemed to matter to the boy.

The boy was picking a kunai from the ground and then disappeared!

- ????

He then reappeared close by and picked a few others kunai and shurikens all over the place, each time moving so fast that I couldn't follow.

It was almost as if he was a ghost or teleporting in and out frame.

Till finally, I lost track of him completely and started to turn around only to see him right behind me.


(By the sage of six paths, unholy and not so virgin of a mother!!!)

As someone who watched the show....

That messy and a bit curly dark hair, and those piercing dark eyes... are impossible to not recognize, as to whom the identity of the individual next to me is!

I have played storm games to much as him to not recognize the individual (although to be fair he is not a great character in those games...his move set is not as broken as some of the other characters...making him a hard character to truly master)

But none of that is important right now!...

Holy smoke, it's Shisui!

I actually met THE Uchiha Shisui!

I literally entered a shocked state!

Simply body could not move!

-!? Is everything ok? I was sure that none of my kunais hit you...?(Shisui)

I was so dumbfounded that I stared at Shisui, like a fanboy at a convention who just met their favorite cosplayer in real life!

- Ah! Ah! Y-you are him! The- the Uchiha....

I almost forgot how to express myself properly, 1 thing is meeting Might Guy which I was sure to be able to meet him eventually...I had time to prepare myself and he has an oddly comfortable atmosphere surrounding him... But I never thought that I'd be able meet Uchiha Shisui! Ever!

Maybe because he was a corpse during the whole time the show took place...

- That's right. I am an Uchiha. My name is Uchiha Shisui and you are..? (Shisui)

-S-Shisui! no! Uchiha! I-I am me! I mean, my name is Homura, sir!

(Sir!? Am I really simping that hard! Or am I just that scared of Shisui?! Guy is so approachable that it was almost like talking to a friend but he!...He is something else entirely! There is this aura of mystery and calmness around him.

As if a sad and lonesome BGM was about to start playing at any time.

Like a mirage in the moonlight...!? W-What am I talking about!? Am I trying to be come a poet or somethin?! Even for me that was cheesy! No talent! No, sir! Well at least I know can cross that out, from the list of future career choices). 

- I see, nice to meet you Homura-kun. (Shisui)

After he had said those words, he smiled afterwards.

This sudden change in attitude, caused the aura around him to suddenly appear very kind, and I could see traces of child like traits in his face. Making me realize that he must still be in his late to mid teens.

This was so out of nowhere that I was almost left speechless. somehow makes me understand what happened to him, or more likely what will happen to him in the future...feel far more tragic.

- T-thank you and likewise!

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(Did he do that to put me at ease? There is no reason to smile towards someone you don't know and never met...perhaps he is just that much of a great guy...although from what I heard in his past...)

But maybe, this guy and Itachi are so sharp that it is like they can read minds!

Not only that, but he is one of the strongest Uchihas to ever be born.

(No pressure! Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts!)

-Homura-kun, it is dangerous to barge in the training grounds like you did, especially one that belongs to the Uchiha police.(Shisui)

-Uchiha police?

(Right... these guys are quite rich.)

-Yes, this area belongs to the Uchiha clan police. You have to be very careful and ask someone within the clan that has access to it, to accompany you.(Shisui)

-But I don't know any Uchihas. Actually, you are the only 1 to ever talk to me.

-That is...probably true. Most people within clan do not interact too much with other villagers. *sigh* (Shisui)

- Hmm?

Shisui, seems to be hit pretty hard by my comment or at least that's the gist of it... I was told that I can be very direct sometimes. Perhaps, I was too direct?

- Actually, sorry it was my bad. I entered your clan's property by mistake.

I bowed to Shisui to show how sincere and polite I can be.

This the biggest connection that I have made so far besides feels like I am in game and found an ultra rare hidden side quest.

I need to do everything to exploit it!

- No harm done. Well, I will be going now.(Shisui)

- Wait Shisui-san!

- Hm? Ah, just Shisui is fine.(Shisui)

- !? O-ok...Can you explain to me what is chakra and how one activates? (W-why did I ask that?! I just didn't want him to I tried to ask him the first thing that came up to mind...I really don't get is too mysterious...and high quality...Maybe it is because Chakravartin is the progenitor of chakra?...I want to be like Ashura and dominate the sh*t out of it! Make it beg! )

- Chakra huh?

Shisui then looked at me a bit confused and paused for a second, and then smiled.

- Hmm? The easiest way to put it, would be  that it is more akin to life energy.(Shisui)

- Life energy?(Is that Ki? Like in DBZ? because otherwise I have no idea!)

- In a way chakra is tied to our lives. In other words, if we exhaust all of it, the outcome would be our deaths.(Shisui)

- *Gulp!*(So...not like DBZ?)

- haha! Don't worry, about it too much. Such a thing rarely tends to happen, because we replenish it with rest or with sleep, so we don't easily run out of chakra even if we wanted to.(Shisui)

- I see (why don't I know that? The death part of the equation! Seems like something that I should know!)

- People have a chakra pathway system. Which is where chakra tends to circulates inside our bodies similar to blood would to in our veins, and allows shinobis to release jutsus, by manipulating chakra in many ways. (Shisui)

- ...So all people have it?

-...It is believed that most people have it. Even if some may not have the ability to perform ninjutsu. In fact there are still many mysteries about chakra that we still know nothing about. However, chakra is made when 2 forms of energies inside our bodies combine. Those forces are spiritual and physical energies respectively.(Shisui)

-Ehhhh~ that sounds kinda weird...(That's puting mildly...what exactly is spiritual energy? Do dreams count?)

-Hmm... an easy way to put it would be, the energy you get by training your body a lot and the other would be the energy you gain by increasing your knowledge or training your mind, such as studying or meditation.(Shisui)

-Woah! Thx, Shisui-san! That was way easier to understand. (Not really, but at this point... I gave up about trying to understand it, with my old world's logic or perspective.) But how are then jutsus performed?

- There are many different ways people use chakra. Hand seals, are usually how they are performed, but there are many ways jutsus can be casted. For example people from certain families have unique ways to do it.(Shisui)

- Certain families? Ah, the clans!

- That's right! People from certain clans but not all, have very specific chakra signatures...or unique types of chakra, that only members of that clan are able to use. However, even then, there are still differences in the chakra of those individuals. (Shisui)

-But, how do they know?(Wait a second? Does that mean that konoha doesn't try to identify chakra from non shinobi locals, or my blood is too mixed to get a proper reading on?)

- Usually parents or clan members, will teach or try to awaken it in younger members; or they will awaken on their own by specific means or by instinct. But not all members may have it. (Shisui)

-So that means if you marry or get adopted into clan you wont get their chakra powers? (Wait a second, not all awaken their kekkei genkai or some only do it by instinct? So far nothing has happened to me! Because of my mixed bloodline...does that mean no sharingan and swift release! Shin cells, you are my only hope now! Please do something! )

-I am afraid not. However, most shinobis have access to at least 1 out of 5 nature releases to perform jutsus. Which include fire, wind, lightning, earth and water. As well as 2 others called yin and yang releases.(Shisui)

-Amazing! Does mean that you can do all of them! (Shisui, why are you telling me all that! I don't care about that part and it is starting to become more and more difficult to fake excitement and ask dumb questions.)

-Sorry, like most members of my clan I mainly excel in fire release. (Shisui)

-That's ok! Can you teach me how to perform shurikenjutsu and teach me more things about chakra? You seem really good at it!

-But I....(Shisui)

-Please~~ You are the only person that was nice enough to me to listen to my questions....Also, I almost died today...

I try my sad dog eyes trick that I have mastered, to lessen the punishment that the sisters dish out pretty much every week at me.

-...I-I can't do it today...*sigh* but come to this place next Sunday around the same time.(Shisui)

-Yeah! Thanks Shisui-san!

-Don't mention, then I 'll see you next Sunday. Bye! (Shisui)

After Shisui said those words he disappeared...right in front of my eyes!

-...I was so excited about it, the first time I saw it being performed... but now I think it is just a rude way to ditch someone...I think I now understand how Jim Gordon feels.


chapter end

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