The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 66: Chapter 64: It’s not race, but I will still win!

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After Homura met with Naruto while trying to avoid the person he feared the most in the entire world.

Another volley of short exams took place.

However, these exams were far easier and less time-consuming than the previous exams had been.

They didn't even require to be separated into smaller groups like they had been prior.

Nonetheless, the children were starting to feel overwhelmed by all the steps they had to go through, and one of those children was none other than Homura, that couldn't sleep all night due to stress and anxiety.

In fact, he was still stressed and anxious, but no longer due to the exact same reasons as the ones he started with.

However, it was overall due to his own bad luck and incompetence.

- (what is going on with these exams!?... It is already this is the 8th one today! The f*ck was Tobirama trying to pull off!?) (Homura)

Anxious and tired-looking children could be seen all around.

They had gone all afternoon without eating or drinking.

Some of them were already used to such a thing.

Those children usually came from a shinobi family or had undergone a certain amount of shinobi training, however, a lot of them had regular parents, nor did they belong to a clan.

Thus, the fatigue they were experiencing and overall hunger, got to them much more than those that had already been accustomed to similar situations.

Homura himself was accustomed to hunger and fatigue from his long hours of training, persevering without food or water, for long periods of time was nothing to him at this point in time.

However, since he didn't eat since yesterday and had arrived at the local of the exam ahead of time; he had unfortunately skipped breakfast as a consequence.

He was famished and furthermore, it was already past 2 pm.

He had spent already 7 hours going through challenges after challenges.

Cracks in his psyche were starting to intensify.

The series of tests that the prospective academy students were subjected to, did not seem to be ending any time soon.

For the last 3 hours, they had been subjected to nothing but physical tests which left him even hungrier.

Which had left him quite crankier than normal.

Not that it was very distinguishable from his normal mood.

A lot of Uchiha were prone to become cranky and prideful as if they were naturally designed to exhibit such traits.

As someone from the Uchiha bloodline, it could be arguably said that it was just behaviors he exhibited by design.

Though, it was not the full reason as to why Homura, was feeling uncomfortable. To him, it was simply normal for him to feel this way because after all, that seems to be how the exam was designed as well.

It was obvious to him that experiencing feelings of discomfort and being tired was also part of the test.

It seems that the test was devised into major parts.

First, they would exhaust them mentally and then physically.

To Homura, this was a weird decision.

If they truly tried to push them past their limits it would be better to push them to their limits physically and then mentally.

It was clearly the best way to push students past their limits.

The struggle of having to keep trying to maintain perfect concentration while being physically exhausted is much harder than one might think.

The exercises that he had been forced to endure by Might Guy made it impossible for him to forget that fact.

Having to remain focused on training while being physically and mentally drained was the hardest thing he had experienced in his entire life.

However, it was also the best way to shatter his limits, at the very least through normal means that is.

During training, he was forced to go past his limits every time he would get stronger.

It was pointless to stop at what used to be his former limits, the line had to be redrawn, again and again.

Otherwise, he would forever remain stuck in place without making any true progress.

It was an endless and vicious circle.

Still, although he didn't want to admit that method of training worked.

His abilities far surpassed what he believed he could achieve.

However, what he was going through now wasn't a training regiment but a carefully planned test.

So a confused Homura resulted in having to consult with his supercomputing skill, in order to avoid any more mistakes.

Thus, he was soon able to understand that he had been mistaken, in several key aspects.

Although, he was right in his deductions his assumptions were wrong.

The exams had for goal not to train the applicants but to test them.

To see them at their best or at least as close as they could in a stressful environment, and examine how well they would be able to perform.

The fact that they had to endure each test one after the next without any food, water, or purposeful resting time, was certainly a conscious decision.

However, it was also a way to see which of the children had enough strength and will to endure challenges ahead; and be able to perform in an environment that would not allow them to perform at peak condition.

There was no point in trying to exhaust them physically exhaust and then exhaust them mentally, but there was merit in seeing how they would fare in less than favorable conditions and how much they could endure.

This was why after some series of light exercises, but still in quick succession.

Many students were brought to their knees but many still kept pushing ahead.

It was clear to all that the students were giving their best, sadly some still managed to perform far better than others.

Either, due to sheer luck, current disposition, talent, or genetic advantages.

Both the students and the proctors in charge started to pay more attention to those that were able to distinguish themselves from the pack in a good or bad way.

Rivalries, although many may have started as quite subtle or as casual annoyances were starting to be formed.

A large number of students started to see others as opponents they had to surpass far more than in the first part of the exam.

And those above the norm were being watched very closely by those wishing to move ahead of the curve, either in the hopes that they may learn something from them or that they might slip up so that they can take advantage.

Thus, a silent and heavy mood was starting to be formed around the students.

Their casual and gleeful attitude that they exhibited at first had almost all but disappeared.

It was in that heavy mood that all the children lined up at the track & field, in lines of 4, perfectly parallel to one another.

Patiently awaiting for the next set of instructions to be delivered.

- listen up everyone, we will be doing a few laps around the academy's field. There's no limit on how many you can do but once you stop, you will be automatically disqualified. First, it will be the boys and then the girls. So boys please stay here while the girls can sit in the waiting area. Is everyone clear?! (Proctor)

-Hai! (Participants)

All the kid present answered the question posed by the proctor that was in charge of examining, this part of the exam.

Although some of the usual kids, who perhaps believed too much in their own hype or tried to appear too cool to not follow the rules, mainly remained silent.

Some of the usual suspects includes: a boy with his hair tied in a spiky ponytail, a boy wearing shades, a boy with a very spiky hairstyle and a proud look on his face, a boy with a mismatched set of hair color, and a boy with a dog on top his head and a cocky face.

However, the supervisor neither cared nor bothered with reprimanding the few children that did not answer his question and continued to explain several things concerning this portion of the exam.

- As no one has any further questions. All boys are required, to get ready for the test, right now. (Proctor)

The proctor who seemed to be a man with quite a large figure in his late 20s pointed towards a set of tracks; indicating that the boys had to line up immediately.

As the boys and girls listened to the teacher 2 district groups started to form.

The one group composed of the girls left the area and sat near the wooden fence that separated the academy from outside, while the other group that was composed of the boys; left for the field and each of the boys took their respective spots on the field.

However, not all were eager to line up.

-what a drag...- said a boy with a spiky ponytail.

- I don't really want to run, I'd rather eat some crisps.- said another boy looking at the sky seemingly imagining something.

- Hey Akamaru, we are going to ace this one! We're fastest no no one can beat us!- said the boy to the dog lying on top of his head.(Kiba)

His name was Kiba Inuzuka and he was inseparable from his young pup.


However, not everyone took what the boy said lightly.

A boy with black and white hair couldn't contain his thoughts after hearing that last statement.

-You? The fastest? I guess the rumors of you and that dog sharing a single brain cell must be true, huh?! (Homura)

- *smirk*- A boy with a rather large high-collar shirt couldn't help himself but smirk at Homura's statement.

However, not everyone thought the boy's remark was funny.

-What?! Who the hell are you bastard? How dare you insult me and Akamaru?!(Kiba)

- The name's Homura, and I am the fastest person alive ( the future, and if Minato remains dead). (Homura)

Hearing Homura's weird statement the boy with a dog lying above his head was immediately taken aback.

-...Hmph! I was about to beat you up, but it seems that you already have brain damage. (Kiba)

-*smirk*- The boy with a fan symbol on the back of his shirt closed his eyes and smirked one more time after listening to the exchange between the boy with monochrome hair and the boy with a dog lying on top of his head.

-What?! Big words from a dog lover! (Homura)

- What did you say? That's it, I going to beat the lights out of you! (Kiba)

The boy with a dog was ready to leave his position after the last statement he had heard, and move towards his newly discovered but mortal enemy.

- Bring it on dog breath! Naruto back me up!- The boy with spiky blond hair that was a few rows away, heard his only friend calling out to him to have his back in the fight that was about to happen.

The boy was confused about how to proceed.

Since, from what he was able to hear from their conversation, his friend was definitely in the wrong; and Naruto saw himself even if he did not fully realize as a quite moral individual so he did not try to defend his friend.

However, what shocked him the most was that he was supposed to enter into a fight that had nothing to do with him.

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- Eh?! Me too? (Naruto)

-Hmph! Moronic. (???)

All boys around turned to look at the voice that said that last statement.

It came from the boy that had seemingly looked down on every single participant and seemed to have gathered a large amount of praise each time he performed beyond expectations from the proctors that assessed him.

Which left all the others fuming with envy.

Especially when his rude attitude and his almighty sense of ego seemed to have captivated all the girls every single time.

However, it was not one of the boys currently caused problems that were the first to respond to the boy with a fan crest plastered on the back of his shirt, but a boy who had worn shades throughout the entire exams.

Even when they had their physical examination.

In fact, most of the boys thought he was mute since he ignored everyone and seemingly wouldn't talk to any of them.

Thus, that was the reason that all the boys had stopped their banter.

-You... are... (shino)

-Uchiha Sasuke. Remember it well! (Sasuke)

Hearing that he was from the Uchiha clan, a lot of the boys around him started paying even more attention, although some may have figured it out that Sasuke was an Uchiha, however since most Uchiha live on the outskirt of the village; a lot of children were unfamiliar with their clan crest or their overall features. 

This led to a not-so-subtle gossip among all the present parties.

- he is from the Uchiha clan? (Random boy 2)

- True. Look at the Crest behind his back! (Random boy 3)

- Is that their crest? (random boy 1)

- So he is an Uchiha, huh? (Kiba)

- Hmm? What is it shikamaru *munch* ? (Choji)

Said the young heir to the Akimichi clan. How the boy managed to find something to eat was mind-boggling to the proctor who gave up on trying to figure it out; and due to him being an Akimichi clan member. 

- Nothing just thinking (Shikamaru)

However, once again the boy with monochrome hair was getting mad at the attention the Uchiha boy was getting.

Due to his personal reasons, the boy was trying to one-up the Uchiha in all the physical activities and although he was keeping up with the Uchiha boy, everyone seemed to be only paying attention to him.

He felt invisible which was contradictory to his plans since he wanted to stand out, however, if he kept going like this even if he can only rank number 2 no one would remember him, and his chances of getting into the academy would disappear due to a certain mishap he had during earlier in the morning.

However, it was also a calculated move, if he were to beat the person that everyone believed to be the best in plain sight.

He would be the one all the students and proctors would remember.

So he had made sure to keep his foe, ahead of the game.

And now was the best time among any other to make sure that he would be remembered.

The fish had taken the bait.

The feud he had with the dog on top of his head was nothing more than a ploy to get the ball rolling, and for people to pay attention to him, and now the biggest fish had taken the bait.

Even the words that he had chosen to get the boy with a dog had been meticulously chosen for getting him riled.

It was all in accordance with the calculation of a mysterious force that the monochrome-haired boy had within his soul.

And now it was time to collect the fruits of his effort.

- Enough! It is obvious that I am going to win! And stop praising that bastard! He is a crybaby, I have seen it!(Homura)

All the boys present were surprised by Homura's statement and none other more than the person in question.

- How dare you?! You want to die!? (Sasuke)

- Oh? It is on, Uchiha boy!(Homura)

- Hmph! !?...!? Wait... a second... Do I know you?(Sasuke)

The voice and the attitude of the boy in front of him reminded the Uchiha clansman of a series of very peculiar memories, he was experiencing an odd sense of Deja Vu, but he could not fully connect the dots.

However, since the events, he was having trouble remembering happened a few years prior, he was having trouble fully recollecting everything about that short period of time of his life.

- What?! No! But I have heard tales of a boy in the Uchiha clan with no friends and a brother complex! I am assuming it is you!- said the boy with a flustered voice trying to change the topic as fast as he could and misdirect the boy in front of him.

- You! I-! (Sasuke)

-All of you be quiet I am the one that will win, because I am the one that will become the hokage, believe it! (Naruto)

Prior to the Uchiha young clansman, could finish his sentence, the blond-haired boy declared that he would win the next step.

- ... (Sorry, Naruto here... has mental issues, be nice to him.)- thought the boy was the main cause of derailing this specific part of the exam. He was conflicted because although his long-time friend was certainly capable of becoming Hokage, it was overall hard to believe that he would be this hyperactive about it. (Homura)

The blond-haired boy had gained an increased sense of overconfidence throughout the years, his only friend had fed him stories of him doing great things in the future and that he would one day truly become Hokage.

It was due to that, that the blond-haired boy was even more eager about becoming Hokage.

Although, his loud and boisterous personality was already a factor in it, by letting his friend indulge in his delusions; the boy was becoming far bolder than he would normally have.

-Isn't that right Homura! I am the man that will one day become Hokage!

- Eh? O-Of course buddy, I do. (Homura)

However, the other children were stunned and almost all started laughing at the ridiculous claim.

They had seen the boy struggle throughout the exam, and none of the boys present were impressed by his overall performance.

He had done fair enough in the exam but he had messed up a lot as well.

So hearing that the next Hokage would be the guy that had fallen on his face so many times prior was beyond ridiculous. Since Hokages are supposed to be the best of the best the village had to offer.

Not someone could barely keep up with the exercises that they were required to perform. 

So it was only natural that no one believed the golden-haired boy and laughed at his absurd claim.

Perhaps none of the kids present laughed as much as the boy with the dog lying on top of his head.

- Hahaha... you Hokage? Get real, the only way for you to become Hokage, is if everyone in the village is gone! I will become Hokage! You can be my clown if you like. (Kiba)

- What did you say!?(Naruto)

Hearing that claim the yellow-haired boy, immediately went to the one who had brought his dog with him to the exam and started fighting.

 Everyone just stood there watching, surprised that it had all come to this.

It seems that everyone present had forgotten about the next step of the exam altogether.  

One of the boys that were quite surprised by the weird turn of events was the next heir to the Nara clan, a boy wearing white short and a yellow shirt and sporting a spiky ponytail, who was forced to watch everything as it unfolded.

-*sigh* it seems that I will be stuck with a bunch of morons...- said the boy with the spiky ponytail who was forced to listen to all the ridiculous banter that had occurred since he was made to line up right next to the monochrome-haired boy.

- True that, brother.- answered the monochrome-haired child next to him.

-...(no, you're one of them too.) (Nara clansman)

However, the proctor in charge could not believe that he was forced to witness all that unfolded.

In the span of less than a single minute, everything had gone to hell.

Not that he was going to let their little tirade continue unimpeded. 


As the proctor yelled to put an end to the fight all the boys instantly looked in his direction.

- Everyone, get back to your assigned position and be quiet! Or you will be immediately disqualified!(Proctor)

After the threat, all boys swallowed their pride and went back to their assigned spots.

Even the two boys who were busy fighting each other, soon after hearing the threat of being disqualified, stopped their pointless fight and immediately went to their original locations. However, it was not without first promising to beat the other in the test even though it wasn't a race.

The proctor soon took a few glances at the participants and nodded his head in satisfaction.

- Alright! I will do a count down from 3; and when I tell you to go, only then you will be allowed to start running! However, remember it is not a race but an endurance test. (Proctor)

After hearing the simple instructions all the children present readied themselves both mentally and physically.

After the proctor was able to confirm that all present understood the rules and were in their assigned spot, he went back to his original position.

The suspense and anticipation were becoming unbearable each second the proctor in charge, waited to give them the final count.

However, their wish would soon be granted.

 - 3...2...1! Go! (Proctor)

All present immediately started running as they were given the signal. 

As all the boys started running one of them, who was particularly fast and took the lead.

And then said out loud.

- eat my dust, losers! (Homura)

As always the monochrome-haired boy could not stop himself from trying to be the center of attention.

The boy seemingly started to run at full speed even though, the proctor had clearly stated prior that it wasn't a race.

However, it hardly mattered.

Since some of the most hot-headed students started running at full speed after hearing the monochrome-haired boy's proclamation.

To the proctor's chagrin.

Who wondered if his words had fallen on deaf ears.

Chapter end

*Sigh... this was hard going to take a short break after this chap, balancing that many characters is a bit too much. I kinda want to work on my other stories. I wonder if it would be better to alter and start to publish some of those here as well?;p*

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