The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 67: Chapter 65: The sound of defeat comes for all.

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*Homura POV*

I took the lead, to show all these brats my greatness.

And I won't let go of my spot, I won't let it go! Never!

That bastard Uchiha has yet to learn this!

He has been trying to take the lead away from me, but I won't let him.

I refuse to let him pass me by!

He may have been trained by geniuses and has the physical talent to make anyone jealous, but I was trained by Might Guy!

I have been forced to endure his unending marathons over 142 times!

My stamina is beyond the level of a normal brat, and my strength of mind is far from being easily conquered.

- damn it! (Sasuke)

As Sasuke tried to gain the lead I increased the pace! It's the 5th time this has happened.

- Hmph! Stay back!

I flipped him the bird once again!

I swear some people never learn...

- *Nerve*(Sasuke)

Sasuke's stare, almost felt like he was about to kill me.

But he doesn't scare me, I have seen worse.

He is a harmless kitten compared to the monsters I usually anger.

- *smirk*

But to be completely truthful, this is getting tiresome. I will not be able to keep this pace forever.

However, increasing the pace is at least useful for weeding out weaker links...

I stared at one of the aforementioned weaker links that were currently trying to catch up to me on my left side.

- *huff* *huff* (Kiba)

Dog boy seems to be running low on fumes.

The current situation of this race is me on top.

Then runner up Uchiha edge lord, dog boy, bug boy, Naruto, Uryuu, rando 1 to 5, Toshi, then rando 6 to 8, then we have Zen, and finally, rando 9 through 15.

Thanks to Supercomputing, I am able to easily keep track of all these b*stards.

However, it is not a perfect system, I am forced to peek all the time at those behind me or those a few laps behind to keep a consistent and accurate data inflow.

If I was born with a Byakugan that would be far easier.

Rather than that I just want this to end.

I wish they'd all give up already!

This is the 17th lap around the field!

Most have already dropped out.

But the assholes left are not relenting one bit, why is the mental fortitude of brats in this universe so high?

Well, not all are that high.

Shika dropped when he was ranked 23rd.

I don't know why that is, but my guess is that he assumed, that somehow it was safe to do so. Even though he was several laps behind everyone.

It is true that the instructor in charge didn't say we had to do over a specific number of laps around the field but simply said that we, had to do as many as we could until we drop out.

Or something like that, I am paraphrasing.

I was getting the stink eye from all around me, I did not have the time to fully pay attention to his words... I think I got a first look at what it is like to be in the shinobi world.

Regardless, since I went full speed ahead from the very beginning, all of these guys also did the same.

So I guess it works out.

But I know that they will give up soon.

I just have to increase the pressure each and every single time that they think they have a chance to catch up to me, at least that will get Uchiha mad and he is my main competitor.

All others are trash, and not worth my time.

And it is finally time to prove it.

I will keep making my pace as irregular as possible so that I can take Uchiha brat out of the race, once and for all!

- Kukuku...


-34th lap-

- Dog boy... Uchiha  *Huff* edgelord *Huff* give up!

- *Huff* as if....I'd ever lose to... *Huff* a loser like you.. (Edgelord?) (Sasuke)

- yeah!...I will show you *Huff*..... that I am the better *Huff*shinobi! way in hell...I-I am giving up *Huff*

- (Sh*t up! Sh*t up! Sh*t up!...Why are those bastards not giving up yet?!)

Most have dropped already!

Why won't they quit?

Besides us most have dropped out.

Some even collapse on the field, and had to be carried away by the proctor.

Besides us in the top 3 spots, the only persons that are left and that I recognize are Naruto and Quincy.

We lost bug boy 3 laps ago.

If this keeps on I will have a serious heart attack.

I am no longer able to increase the pace any more.

My legs are just moving at this point due to sheer force of will.

Why is dog boy so fast and has so much endurance?

I thought he came from a third rate clan, not worth minding at all but he is surprisingly in good shape.

Even Uryuu is keeping up to my utmost shock, who the hell is he? I thought he was just some mob that did not know his place but I may have been wrong.

That weird declaration he made, about beating me or something were not just empty words.

Does this world change a person's abilities after they choose to become someone's rival or something?

This can't keep

This is starting to feel like hell....


-57th lap-

- *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*


Damnit to hell!

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No seriously, just how tenacious are these 2 protagonists?

Everyone is gone!!!

I can tell the instructor wants to stop us already.

For good reason.

We're practically just a bunch of zombies pretending to be running, but we are clearly dragging our feet at speed far below normal running speed. 

He has both a worried and annoyed look glued to his face, but I guess he has to see exam to completion!


Why are all people crazy in this world?!

We can barely call what we are doing running! going....!(Naruto)

Damn you Uzumaki!

Why won't you quit?!

He has a one track mind, I've known this forever by hanging out with him but I didn't know he was this stubborn!

He must be on the spectrum, or something... this isn't normal!*Cough* *Cough*

Can barely talk.

Every time I open my mouth feels like the skin on my lips is about to fall off.

Even sentences are becoming hard to come by, all I can think is that my legs are about to shatter.*Huff* *huff*

How can that be!?

He is only out of breath while I am one step away from coughing blood from overhexercing  myself!?

Not only that, but I can tell that, that pain in my ass, is still determined to press on... Damn Ashura descendants!

I finally understand why our bloodlines are destined to clash!

These guys just keep persevering.

I thought Naruto would give up a long time ago but he kept going, no matter how many times I had hoped, no, prayed to the contrary.

- I-I can't go on.... D*rn! (Sasuke)


- !?

That sound.

Oh, that marvelous sound.

I have been hearing it ever since we started this pointless exam.

Who is it that is out now?

I gather as much energy to turn my head and see that Uchiha edgelord is out

- (Finally he is out...) H-Hah-!? *Cough* *Cough* !!! (What the h*ll?!)

I tried to laugh but it was painful.

...So painful....

It felt like I had a knife on my throat.

Even just by coughing, I started to feel a taste similar to blood.

Because I am sure that it was blood.

But no matter, my plan is almost complete.

Let's hope that this is the last part of the exam or mostly the end of it.

I don't think I will be  able to continue pressing on, all because of these morons.

However, I am too far gone to turn back now. all I have to do... is taking out that Uzumaki menace once and for all...


-59th lap-


My plans!... My plans!

I-I was so close that Uzumaki asshole!!!

He ruined everything!!!

- I-i c-ccccan't... *Cough* *Cough* any.....more... Uzum....bas...ta.....rd


Finally it was my turn to make that fated sound.

The sound of defeat.

I fell on the ground.

I can't take anymore.

I can't feel anything.

My are blurry with tears and the fatigue is making me fall asleep...I can't believe he won...

Even with my blurry eyes I could tell that Naruto won, but he seemed to have tried to raise his arms in the air and cheer.

- !? I-I....W-Wi ?!


However the fatigue that he had push through all this time seemed to have finally caught up with him.

...Serves him right... He ruined everything.


As I looked at Naruto's blurry figure about to fall to the ground.

I could feel myself f finally pass out... while being angrily, at the thought that the last thing I saw; was my fated enemy cheer at my defeat while I am lying on the ground.


...So.... humiliating...





Chapter end

*Edit later, Bye! ;p*

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