The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 81: Chapter 79: Storm training (part 4) (Merry X’mas)

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A bright blue sky.

A sun shining from high above.

On a random street of the virtual rendition of the virtual Konohagakure recreated inside Homura's subconscious.

Both Homura and Naruto stood on the empty street, facing each other and waiting for the next match to start.

however, they wouldn't have to wait for too long as the countdown was rapidly nearing its end.

- Round 3,582, begin!- said the voice of a seemingly omniscient narrator coming from the sky.

As both Naruto and Homura heard the voice coming from the game's system both of them jump backward so as to put more space between both parties.

Naruto immediately started to perform his most iconic jutsu as the match just started.

- Kage bunsh-! guh. (Naruto)

As Naruto was about to finish performing his justsu, Homura threw 2 shurikens almost simultaneously forcing Naruto to jump in the air to his left, in order to avoid the projectiles coming his way.

As Naruto was still in the air, he had not given up on trying to perform the shadow clone jutsu and once again he put his hands together, trying to perform the unique hand seal belonging to the shadow clone jutsu.

However, as he was about to perform the jutsu his instincts kicked in, and instead of performing the jutsu he looked behind him and saw a shuriken heading for the back of his head.

The shuriken in question belonged to Homura.

It was one of the shurikens he had thrown as soon as the match started.

The two shurikens Homura had thrown, had bounced off of each other soon after Naruto jumped; and one was sent flying straight toward Naruto.

Homura was able to predict Naruto's move ahead of time and quickly decided to not let Naruto use the shadow clone jutsu,.

Since Homura had already well understood how dangerous the iconic jutsu truly was, and instead of using the executioner's blade, he had opted to switch out and use a single kunai as his main weapon and leave his left hand free so that he could use it to throw projectiles at any time.

Those were not spurn-of-the-moment decisions, instead, they were carefully thought-out tactics.

Since Homura had fought Naruto, so many times that he realized that the A.I. did not seem to adapt to his previous matches and instead adapted to different tactics Homura would use.

So, Homura was able to understand that if he played his cards right and decided to push Naruto from the very beginning into a defensive stance and prioritize quick movements; he would have a higher chance to win the match.

Which he was able to do after experiencing so many losses to the said character.

However, if before he could only win 1 out of 100 matches through sheer luck.

Now it had decreased to one out of 20 matches.

A significant decrease with his currently available skill set.

Which only came to fruition from a better understanding of the game he was playing, and an overall shift in the tactics and weapons he would use altogether.

Since overpowering the Naruto A.I. in front of him was impossible and Homura knew not of how to implement battle tactics or the best usage of ninjutsu; although now it could be said that he was starting to painfully learn it through the high number of defeats he has experienced.

Sadly, it was far from enough.

Strength and power were not so easily circumvented by the usage of strategy.

Otherwise Nara Shikamaru would be one of the strongest characters in the entire show, which was clearly not the case.

Overbearing power almost always triumphs over any strategy.

He could not truly decrease the number of losses he experienced any more than the current average. That was due to an overpowered characteristic that this version of Naruto (game character) had.

And as Homura moved to counter his opponent, Naruto. Who had lost sight of him and paid more attention to the projectiles coming toward him, Homura moved as fast as he could, to prepare his next blow.

Not that Naruto had time to focus on Homura he was busy trying to avoid an attack coming from his blind spot.

- Guh!(Naruto)

Either from pure luck or skill, Naruto was able to move his body enough to avoid the shuriken coming his way by a slight margin, leaving only a small cut on his face.

If he hadn't avoided it, he could have been stabbed in the neck, and ended the match altogether.

But he was soon surprised by what he had seen next.

- What!?(Naruto)

- Haaa!

Naruto saw the figure of Homura holding 2 kunais, one in each hand, and about to drop on top of him.

It was clear to Naruto that he could not protect himself from being stabbed, as he was likely to be defenseless as he was just about to land.

Homura's victory was almost assured due to this version of Naruto, embodying a more inexperienced side of Naruto, often portrayed at the beginning of the series; and since Homura knew him so well at this point, it was easy for him to predict his adversary's next moves.

And Homura could not be in a more jovial mood from his perceived ability to win this match so early without any major issues.

- *smirk* (I win-!?.) Huh!?

But as Homura was about to deliver the finishing blow on his foe, to his semi-surprised face he had seen that something was about to truly go awfully wrong.

- ! (C-crap!)

He canceled his attack and instantly switched from attacking Naruto, to guarding himself and crossed both arms to protect the upper region of his body.

- (I won't make it in time!)- Thought Homura as he was rapidly about to bump into Naruto.

And it was not a decision that came too late, because wind pressure within the area soon halted his fall and started to intensify more and more with it at its epicenter Naruto was the main cause behind this strange phenomenon.

- Kuh! ( Damn it! I was too late... It's about to begin.)

A red aura started to seep out of Naruto's body and form around him incredibly fast.

Covering Naruto's body in an instant and unleashing a devastating burst of wind.

The wind pressure coming from the sudden transformation became so powerful that it finally knocked Homura back.

- HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Naruto)

The air pressure around Naruto was so strong that the wind knocked away almost everything within a 5-meter radius and cracked the ground underneath Naruto as he landed on all fours.

As if he were a wild crazed beast.

Though the wind pressure had subsided by a lot compared to prior. A different aura emanating from Naruto screamed danger for all parties who would dare to get too close to him.

- Grrr. (Naruto)- a seemingly crazed Naruto started going feral as he looked at potential opponents nearby, in orde to find anything that could be considered as prey in order to kill them on the spot.

The sound coming from the red aura radiated with bursting energy and a noise that was reminiscent of hot boiling water. 

Adding even more to the dangerous vibe from the transformation Naruto had suddenly undergone.

Naruto's figure being covered in the Kyubi chakra cloak was no doubt a true threat for a rather normal shinobi like Homura.

He had no way to combat Naruto in that form.

As soon as he is about to take out Naruto via a surprise attack, the latter goes into the first stage of his Kyubi transformation.

Naruto had no way of avoiding the attack, however since the match had just started and Naruto's  chakra bar was completely full; the A.I. defaulted to its most dangerous option.

Entering the 1st stage of his jinhuriki transformation.

However, this wasn't the first time Homura had witnessed such a development.

The Kyubi chakra cloak would pop out and immediately repel Homura if he tried to end the match by taking out Naruto, such as via surprise if Naruto had all of his chakra available to him at the time and didn't undergo the transformation earlier in the fight.

It was simply a scripted event that happened as soon as Naruto was under the threat of losing the match and had enough chakra to undergo the transformation.

Although he couldn't completely enter this form by choice alone.

Since this game was based on a version of Naruto was based on Homura's memories from the anime and media related to the franchise.

Since he was about to be defeated by Homura via a sneak attack and the match just started, making both Homura's and Naruto's bars completely full, he had fulfilled the requirements to undergo the transformation.

Homura just didn't know that it could happen so fast, this was Homura's first attempt at winning the match so early, usually, he tries to learn as much as he can from fighting the A.I. but he now believed that there was nothing more he needed to learn.

However, Homura didn't mind it too much.

A powered-up Naruto was still far better than fighting an endless army of Narutos, that only kept increasing as time passed.

At least in this form, Naruto would no longer use shadow clones to fight for him or use strategy and highly coordinated movements.

But instead, he fought like an almost completely mindless beast.

An overpowered beast, but one with a very short time limit.

If Homura could just hold out for about a minute, he would come out as the winner.

Sadly, it was a feat that was far easier said than done.

One powerful attack from this version of Naruto was enough to completely mangle or kill Homura.

Something he remembered very well even if could not feel pain within the current setting of the game, he still experienced the force by which Naruto had hit him prior.

Similar to how the seemingly endless rotational energy of the rasengan made him feel as if his body was being twisted in a thousand directions.

- *Gulp* it's finally here... let's hope; it was worth it this time. ( There is truly no balance in this sh*tty game.)- said Homura while locking eyes with Naruto.

He could see that even if he faced this monster with the most powerful jutsus available to him. He would still probably lose due to most characters being pretty much relative to one another.

Even Choji, one of the weaker characters within the Naruto roster selection of this game; was able to kill him by turning giant and crushing Homura by falling on top of him.

But thanks to that experience, he learned that the environment he selected for battle mattered a lot.

This game even rendered the inside of houses or apartments via a randomly generated set of assets.

Thus, it was important to learn how to use the environment to gain a decisive advantage, and knowing the environment ahead of time was crucial when trying to gain distance from his foes and avoid wasting much time having to make split-second decisions.

Thus, why he had always chosen to fight in the Konohagakure after losing to Choji.

By now Homura had so much knowledge about the infrastructure and every street corner of Konogakure, that he could tell which walls within the center of Konogakure had stickers or had words written on them.

He had to escape several times from a berserk Naruto or run away from his multitude of clones coming after him.

It was then that he realized that this map didn't seem to have any limits.

At least as far as he knew, he never managed to survive that long in order to escape from the village.

The entire map seemed to be based on Homura's memories, and what he didn't know was just generated from things he had memories.

Such as houses that he had never been inside having a fully furnished living room and other things, but many of them were almost identical.

Though the placement of the furniture seemed to be different in each house.

Not that it mattered to Homura now of all times, as he was trying to gather his thoughts from being caught up in the immense wind pressure Naruto had just created a few moments ago.

Homura, was sent flying away several meters in the air and managed to land more or less gracefully on top of a 3 story building with a slight headache from being sent spiraling away.

He then walked to the edge of the building and saw Naruto's figure, as Naruto seemed to be in some sort of daydream or trance.

Which allowed him to get a good look at the changed figure of Naruto.

The whisker marks on Naruto had become more pronounced, the same was true for his nails which seemed to have become as sharp as the claws of a dangerous wild beast.

Naruto was starting to exhibit more exaggerated traits than blurred the line of his natural appearance.

However, the most impressive altered trait that Naruto exhibited and was entering Homura's field of view was the now red bloody pair of eyes with a slit in the middle that he now sported, which were as crimson and impressive looking as the aura that had enveloped Naruto's entire body as if it were a second layer of skin.

Worse, was that it was moving or perhaps more accurately, flowing, as if it were alive or had a life of its own.

Homura was slightly on the edge by the entire ordeal.

Since the first time he had witnessed such a transformation from within this space, his head was literally blown away by Naruto swinging his left arm his way.

A truly gruesome sight to behold.

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Even if the events transpiring were nothing more than pure illusions at the end of the day; feeling the cold embrace of death or the void that comes from despair seeping through his heart had left Homura slightly scarred.

No matter how many times he had witnessed this familiar scene, the entire phenomenon felt surreal no matter what he tried in order to convince himself.

Still, Homura had seen this powerful transformation, more times than he cared to remember.

But the feelings of hopelessness and utter despair remained as strong as the very first he had experienced them; if not even more after seeing what Naruto was capable of doing in this form.

-... (This is it, I almost won last time if I jus!?) Gu!!!!- A panicked Homura could not finish his thoughts as both his and Naruto's line of sight intersected.

As Homura was busy thinking of ways to deal with Naruto, Naruto soon locked eyes with him.

Taking Homura aback since he was now rather far from his enemy, but those piercing red eyes full of malice were clearly locked on him, which meant Naruto was going to kill him.


Homura instantly darted back so that he could escape from the monster targeting him as fast as possible.


Which was a wise decision because soon after he did, the edge of the rooftop he previously stood on top of was quickly obliterated as a large crimson hand destroyed it by bursting out of it.

- Guh! (It can stretch this far?!!!)- An amazed Homura was both terrified and thankful for having moved away from his previous location ahead of time.

The blow Naruto delivered was so strong that the whole building shook as Homura was dashing ahead and almost made him fall but he soon leaped to the closest rooftop nearby.

Escaping the incoming threat.

But he did not rest.

- (I need to put some distance fast!)- thought Homura as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop trying to shake off the now two giant crimson hands coming his way.

He kept leaping and running through the entire village as debris and parts of structures that previously were attached to whole buildings were being swung around in the air as Naruto made his way towards him.

- Damnit! I can't shake him off!- said Homura as he saw Naruto getting closer to him, the distance between the two of them seemed to be shrinking at an alarming rate.

Homura then jumped off a rooftop and landed corner and start using the walls of two nearby buildings to bounce off each so as to gain more speed and confuse Naruto.

- GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!(Naruto)

which made an enraged Naruto far more enraged as both his chakra cloak hands ended up destroying the buildings in question as if they were made of tissue paper.

One of the glowing ephemeral red hands burst through a building wall and almost captured Homura.

The latter was almost caught by it, only managing to escape via the wire he had attached to a kunai, which he used to swing himself out of the way and land on the edge of a building.

- That was-!


Before Homura could even finish his sentence the floor underneath him got blown away as another chakra cloak hand, swatted away like a fly.


Homura was sent crashing through a 3 straight building straight, but easily shook the damage off and started running away once again, only feeling slightly tired.

- (Good thing that this is ultimately just a game and on the lower setting, I don't think I can shake off head trauma like that in the real world...better to try to confuse him once more.)  ?!!!


As if on cue, a loud noise of large structures behind obliterated was heard by Homura, and the figure of a Naruto clad in a red chakra cloak jumping through a series of debris was seen by Homura; who started running with much more vigor than before.

As Homura ran around the village he made sure to go around small corners and passages that were difficult to pass by without prior knowledge, so as to make Naruto lose track of him but it was far from working.

Naruto just destroyed everything in his path, showing how much of a threat even the weakest version of Naruto was capable of, and cementing as a threat to Homura.

Not only that but he was quickly once again shortening the distance between himself and Homura as his attacks became sharper and much more accurate.

Not only that but Naruto's speed traveling speed was much greater than Homura's.

Although Naruto did not become faster, he was using his ethereal arms made of his chakra cloak to attach himself to buildings and using the power of his legs to propel himself ahead without having to run.

Making it impossible for Homura to shake Naruto off his tracks; with every single step Naruto took, the distance between them grew shorter and shorter.

- HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Naruto)

Naruto swung his right arm and the chakra cloak around his arm headed toward Homura at full speed.


Instead of trying to dodge the incoming attack, Homura decided to drop off the roof of the building he was previously on and avoid the arm made of chakra coming his way, and fell on the street while trying to prepare himself to embrace the damage that would soon follow.


- Gah!

The shock from dropping from such a height was far more painful than the actual physical damage Homura received which was zero.

But he soon regained his thoughts and rolled away from his previous spot as the chakra hand was about to slam at him.


The strength of the blast caused by Naruto's hand blew the ground Homura previously crashed on.

Leaving a dust 3-meter wide dust cloud and pebbles flying all over

It obviously missed Homura as he had already escaped from the spot he had previously crashed into, but it nonetheless caused enough damage on the ground and wind pressure to send him away a few meters back; only stopping due to hitting a sturdy wall of a building with his back.

But the worst was yet to come as Naruto retracted his chakra cloak arm enough to propel him forward and land where his arm was.

Immediately blowing away the dust cloud by the sheer of his landing .

-  Grrrrrr! (Naruto)

Naruto bloodshot eyes once again locked with Homura's

The figure of an angry Naruto was just a couple of meters in front of Homura.

- Those are some amazing graphics *smirk*(Just a few more seconds!) fufu...Hahahaha Hyaa!- yelled Homura as he was getting back up, his body was feeling heavier than ever before.

Soon after Homura's pathetic display of trying to renew his conviction, Homura, took out four kunai from his pouch with both hands and threw them toward Naruto who repelled them easily with his cloak.

- !?(Naruto)- Naruto as he deflected all kunai realized that something was off with one of those kunai.

And something was indeed off with one of the kunais Homura had thrown at Naruto since one of them had a small orb attached to it, wrapped in a white cloth.

In other words, it was a trap.

Homura knew how pointless normal ranged weapons were against Naruto's chakra cloth, as to why he refrained from using it, even as he was being chased around.

However, one of the kunai Homura threw at Naruto had a smoke bomb attached to it by a thin, almost invisible wire, and as Naruto sent knocked them out, that specific kunai hit a wall nearby and exploded.

*Boom *

Releasing a cloud of white smoke, which immediately surrounded Naruto; blocking his field of view.

- HAAAA!!!! (Naruto) A mad Naruto released a loud shout.

Though it would not be for too long, as Naruto used his intense chakra and strength to wave his arm around in one fell swoop to get rid of the smoke, only to see Homura scaling the building he crashed into and about to enter an apartment through the window.

- HYAAAAAAA!!!!(Naruto)

An enraged Naruto kicked the ground he was on and was sent flying high up until he reached the window Homura entered and used the chakra cloak around his right arm to destroy that entire section of the building in one swing of his hand.

-Ga!?- a surprised Naruto let out a surprised sound as he saw a spark of light inside of the building as his arm was about to completely destroy the living room inside.

But soon after from that spark of light, fire, started bursting out of the room at incredible speed until finally, the whole room exploded in a burst of flames.


The entire left section of the building exploded as Naruto's fuming body was sent crashing through several empty buildings until he crash-landed on an empty lot of land.

A lot of land near the Konohagakure academy.

But why did the building explode?

Because it was all part of Homura's plan to lead Naruto into a trap.

As Homura scaled and entered through an open window the building crashed into the living room of the seemingly random apartment he barged in, he immediately took out 2 explosive tags from his ninja kit pouch and threw them away as he jumped off the window ahead of him without ever stopping.

And as he was about to fall off he started using the hand seals for and fired the fireball jutsu;  aiming it toward the apartment.

But prior to that, he needed to make sure Naruto would see him entering the apartment, thus why he waited slightly until Naruto saw him entering the building through the window and knew that Naruto would follow him as soon as he glanced at him.

And with Naruto's superior speed and strength, he knew that it wouldn't take long for Naruto to scale the building and get caught into his trap, thus, after he exited the building he fired the fireball jutsu towards the building.

The damage from the fire hitting the building and the chain reaction that would happen with the explosion tags going off due to the heat was enough to knock out Naruto for good.

If not, it would at least cause some serious damage.

Thankfully for Homura his plan worked.

Although not completely.

He expected Naruto to burst inside the living room through the window Homura previously entered from, but instead, Naruto used the chakra cloak around his right arm to destroy the living room in one fell swoop.

Like a giant ax swung by a mad giant carving through the side of a mountain, Naruto almost completely obliterated the living room.

It was lucky that Naruto hadn't sent the explosive tags flying away as he did that, and that Homura fired the fireball as fast as he did otherwise, the entire scheme was doomed to fail, or have less of an impact.

Due to the divergent actions that Naruto took, the plan was to use the building as a small oven to burn Naruto and then let the building fall on top of him so as to crush him to death.

Instead, the living room acted like the chamber of a loaded gun, and Naruto became the unwilling living bullet and was sent crashing several hundred meters away from the impact of the explosion that occurred.

Cementing to Homura the idea that he had been lucky that the plan, more or less worked as he intended.

He had hardly any other choices available since overpowering Naruto was impossible for him.

He could use other jutsus available within the game but at that point, it was hardly useful.

He had a higher chance to learn a fire jutsu when he would be able to awaken the sharingan, than being able to perform a Rasen shuriken or an All-mighty push (Shinra Tensei).

Jutsus that are impossible to learn without acquiring the needed tools before hands.

But before he could ponder on what to do next Homura got close to Naruto's location, only to see that Naruto was still kicking and about to get up.

It seemed that the chakra cloak protected him enough for him to survive.

- Tch! (Sh*t game... does not begin to describe this game. Torture simulator? )

The game was optimized with Homura's memories in mind.

Homura's memories had shown Naruto surviving one of Sasuke's fireballs by the usage of the chakra cloak alone, thus Naruto could not be killed by a fireball.

If he was protected by one the moment it hit him; he would be considered relatively safe, if not a bit injured if he fell on something sharp due to the blast caused by it.

But regardless of the game rules, Homura was not going to let this chance pass him by, especially since Naruto's chakra cloak was now gone.

True to a game Naruto's transformation cost him chakra, thus he would have to recharge his chakra reserves to enter that mode one more time, not that Homura would ever let him do as much.

So as soon as Naruto was about to completely recover Homura, sent 2 shurikens flying toward Naruto's direction one more time to take Naruto's attention away, and while Naruto easily got rid of them Homura used this distraction to get close enough to his foe.

- You lose, Naruto.- said Homura while pointing a kunai at the back of Naruto's neck.

chapter end

Merry X'mas and happy holidays for everyone. A large chapter to finalize this arc. I wanted to already start the academy arc... but real life is too hard. Published this chapter  just after  getting out of working late today... well, anyways happy holidays.


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