The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 85: Chapter 83: A terrible start. (Beginning of the academy arc)

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Today is the first day of the academy.

It will be an important day or not.

I'm not psychic. 

Still, this day would be very integral and could cement my plot armor status.

So I thought of making a grand entrance like Naruto did at the entrance exams and arriving fashionably late but...

He and I have different reputations.

I am the genius orphan that took the top spot from the Uchiha patriarch's second the civilian shinobis I. AM. A. HERO!!!! BETTER THAN B*TMAN!

So I will be the one to beat. The one to watch out for.

Or not.

I'm still not psychic.

Although, some may think I was talking out of my ass, but as I made my way to the academy, I heard many people whispering some nonsense about me, at least I think they are talking about me.

- is that him?(unknown civilian woman 2)

- yes, that one... probably. I heard he had dark and gray hair.(unknown civilian woman 2)

I continued walking as I focus my hearing at the woman holding a shopping bag, while talking to what seemed to be an acquaintance. 

I have grown accustomed to people staring at me for seemingly no reason or whispering behind my back for sometime now... it is really annoying how they have no shame in this godd*mn village!

-Isn't he a bit short? And that...face and hair, is he actually a girl?(unknown geezer)

-(!? Ok that one guy can go die! )

That last one got me.

I heard the last comment that came from a stereotypical-looking ugly mom avatar that could be found anywhere, and I want to go there and teach her a lesson about badmouthing others but I'd probably get my ass kicked, or get kicked out of the academy... and Danzo might show up in my apartment and give me the invitation to join root. 

It probably won't come to that, but for me, that's the bad end scenario.

That or lose a limb and say goodbye to my shinobi career for good.

- I heard he even beat the Uchiha kid that was the son of the patriarch.(unknown man 2)

- (Oh!? finally!)

A man, who is probably someone's father finally talked about me beating that punk Sasuke, too bad I can't give him a thumbs up and give him my autograph, instead, I have to pretend that I'm not hearing those not-so-subtle comments and appear as if I don't care like the cool character that I am.

- Eh?! Isn't that dangerous?!(unknown woman 1)

- (Huh?! Why is that dangerous?!)

- Won't some of the Uchiha boys retaliate?(unknown woman 2)

- (T-They will? No, even if they do, it's ok. I fought several of them around my age already, and they are weaklings. )

- Probably. Some of the older Uchiha boys may even retaliate since this was the son of their patriarch.(unknown woman 3)

- (Really?! What are they, a gang!? No, it doesn't matter, I need to hide! Quick!)

As I was looking for a good hiding spot I heard footsteps coming from nearby.

-Is it isn't Mr. 1st place himself? Seems like you are the talk of the town, but don't get your head too big I wasn't prepared for that test but I will surpass you at the academy you hear me!?(Dog eyed kid)

Before I knew some weird kid started waving at me and telling me some nonsense I had no idea about. I almost didn't recognize him since I thought that he was just a random hoodlum, but the tiny dog laying on top of his head made me guess as to who he might be. is just you *sigh* (That little idiot scared me).

- D-don't call me that!!! You looking for a fight you b*stard!(Kiba)

- Why? I'd beat you obviously! Dog boy be serious here!

-That's it, you're dead!(Kiba)

- Can you 2 not do this again *yawn* this early..., not today.(Pineapple hair kid)

I could never forget the assh*le that annoying voice belonged to, the annoying twat was incredibly annoying during the tryouts.

It was Shikamaru who spoke those words while coming to our location with a tired look.

- Well, whatever! I don't have to play around.

-Tch! You just wait! I'll make you eat those words!(Kiba)


- Hmph! (Never gonna happen.)

They left the area, just as soon as he came.

-...even his mut as a terrible attitude.(Why did he even come here?)

- Don't push it. That guy may be behaving now but he has a limit.(Shikamaru)

- I see, thanks for the heads up! But why did you stop's not like you actually care if we cause a scene or not.

- True. But if you 2 cause a scene, we may be forced to stay longer. Today is not the actual start of our training at the academy, so we get to leave early.(Shikamaru)

- Really?! (I had no idea...I probably should have read those papers, instead of just signing my name and being done with them... I feel like I am becoming like Naruto more and more...)

- Yeah. So, I'd rather nothing extra happens. Let's not forget what happened during the entrance exam.(Shikamaru)


I don't buy it.

But this is Shikamaru we are talking about... who knows what is going on through that thick forehead of his... Probably thinking of a certain Temari or women like Temari.

-...look! All around us...(Shikamaru)

- !?

I started to look around me, but not because forehead-chan here told me to do it!

But because I was curious about what nonsense he was trying to sell me.

To my surprise, he seemed to be onto something.


Because as I looked around me, I saw many stares directed my way.

-....(Yikes! Did I just turn myself into a target?...cuz I feel like the MC of a sports manga, who just transferred to a new school and beat the hottest/most popular club leader around; by the end of the first day... It is not a great feeling, in real life.)

Not wanting to appear like a wimp on my first day.

I decided to stare back at my would-be rivals and their nosy relatives.

Thus, I looked at the many faces looking at me.

There's a bunch of people giving me side glances or plainly just staring at me.

Some I recognized but many more that I didn't.

Some of the kids were just talking to their friends, and most mothers were either talking to their husbands or friends... so not everyone is paying attention.

- They are all paying attention to you.(Shikamaru)

- That's not true. That lady over there isn't paying attention to me...or that one, and that one...

I started pointing at the mothers of the would-be future students at the academy one after the other.

-...Are you for real?(Shikamaru)


I know what I did was stupid, and don't know how to properly cope with what's happening.

I'm just a kid that never had a family.

All the adults in my life were no different than authority figures.

Or dangerous threats. 

I don't know how to handle them.

I mean, even that old Gekkou clan creep was giving side glances... W-what's up with that?! Just what is going on here?!

-...the exam was just about making a few laps on the fields and answering some questions, it's not like I won against everyone in a duel.

- true. But 59 laps is a new record. Especially the part about running for almost 2 hours. Not everyone can do that. I heard some genins have trouble having to keep exerting for that long without stopping.

- How do you know that?

- What?(Shikamaru)

- How do you know that some genins can't do that? Is there a genin-oriented magazine where they publish articles like that? Because I never heard of that in my entire life. don't have many friends do you?(Shikamaru)

- S-sh*t up!...besides, it is not like I completed an extra lap more than the others... it was pretty much a tie between me, Sasuke and Naruto.

- Also true, but I guess the headline of you beating the Uchiha patriarch's son; is far more attractive to most. Look over there.(Shikamaru)

I turned around, and followed the path that Shikamaru's finger landed on with my eyes... and it just happened to land on the figure of a Sasuke, giving me the stink eye.

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- Geh?

As I tried to move my eyes around to avoid Sasuke's weird stares.

I also briefly crossed my line of sight with Fugaku's and immediately switched to look somewhere else...somewhere far away.

Like the ground beneath my feet.

- So scary! Why are they so focused on this stupid stuff?

- I get it, but I also understand why they do it, my mom nagged me all week that I had to show my determination like you did during the exams.(Shikamaru)

- R-Really? But it still stupid. They were just exams, as long they saw what we could do any one talented enough would pass.

- Is that so? If you think that's stupid, then why did you do it?(Shikamaru)

I simply glanced at Shikamaru, confused by his overly friendly-ish behavior. I met him during the exam and he didn't seem to care about.

-(This guy is analyzing me, and not hiding the fact. And unlike him... I couldn't afford to lose.)... Hmph! Why should I tell you?!

-Why indeed...!? Seems like the senseis are coming out.(Shikamaru)

-(I can tell, I have eyes too... How annoying. I think, that I may have found who my nemesis is... it wasn't the protags but the Nara; right next to me. Why is he even here?)

As I saw a group of men and 2 women, come out of the academy I could easily tell that they were ninja due to the easily recognizable leaf shinobi headband each of them was wearing.

- *yawn* I wonder which class we will be part of?... Not that I really care too much though.(Shikamaru)

- ? (That's a weird thing to end up a sentence with. What a weird guy.) yes... I wonder.

We stayed there in silence until a man wearing a leaf shinobi uniform came to the podium that was prepared and seem to be readying himself to address the public present.

- Hello everyone. My name is Kusano Oryo, and I will be the main sensei appointed for class 1; this year.(Teacher)

-(Kusano Orio?...Who is that?...I can't even see Iruka... anywhere or that assh*le Mizuki or something...did he say class 1?...W-what's that?! What's a main sensei?)

No matter where or how hard I looked, there was no sight of Iruka, Mizuki or even the third Hokage. Which I was certain that he would be present for this kind of event. 

- I will now announce the names of the students, who will be assigned to be part of class 1! (Teacher)

Almost immediately after, the man then flip a page on his clipboard and prepared himself to announce who will take part of the so called class 1. 

- (I know we have paper in this world...but why does nobody uses scro-!)!?

- Uchiha Sasuke, akimichi choji, nanaho yumika... (Teacher)

The man standing on the podium called out Sasuke's name. I almost couldn't believe it when I heard it.

-(What!? He is Sasuke's class teacher?! Not just him but the others too...!? I-I don't remember that!? What is happening here?)

Even though I was having an early mid-life crisis the shabby-looking chunin did not care and continued to say out loud the names of the students that would be in his class.

He kept listing the names of the people that were going to be in his class...some of them I didn't recognize at all while some were very familiar

-(And Sasuke was first too... did they do that to not put me further in the spotlight...will I even be in the same class at this point? Come on Hiruzen, don't do me this dirty! You old b*stard! We attended Naruto's horrible birthday together! You owe me!)

-....Nara Shikamaru....(Teacher)

Unsurprisingly, Nara got called out...and also unsurprisingly, he did not seem to care at all.

- Guess, you're in class A. Congratulations.

- Thanks but you don't seem very surprised about that...(Shikamaru)

- Well that is true... just not for the reasons, you might think of...

- ?

-.....Uzumaki Naruto....(Teacher)

I looked around me to find where Naruto might be, but he was nowhere to be seen...once again.

- (Naruto? He is still not he doing that on purpose? So he can make another grand entrance...*sigh* who knows at this point.)

- They called out for your loud friend... but by the looks of it, he isn't here today.(Shikamaru)

Nara just pointed out the obvious... Is he really that smart!? 200 IQ, my ass!

-that guy always shows up at the-!?

- Homura... (Teacher)

Suddenly I heard the man call out my name.


- You're now feeling relieved, huh?(Shikamaru)

- N-nothing like that. I was just glad that I won't have stand up outside any longer.(You're getting on my last nerves! Y-you... married of Temari!...Gaara's brother-in-law...Sand village enthusiast... sh*t! I'm off my game! I'm feeling too much relief from knowing that.. I've made it! I have actually done it!)

-Eh... Me too. Seems we think slightly alike. (Shikamaru)

-Is that so? (We're nothing alike. I trained and cheated my ass off to make it to the top and I intend to remain there.)

All my training and suffering wasn't for nothing!

...Truly I thought this would be so much easier but it wasn't!

Thank the Otsutsuki god for the cheats! Or Vishnu, Yahweh, or whatever spaghettis monster is flying above out there... Otherwise, I would have been screwed!

Not that I am letting forehead-chan know!

- Our class, seems to be quite rowdy one, I wonder if the other classes won't be easier...

- I doubt it. Everyone I met at the exam was quite rowdy.

- *Sigh* My thoughts exactly. Seems like you're more honest than I thought.(Shikamaru)

- ? (What does he mean by that?)

I simply looked at him, not wanting to reply to that last comment.

But before I could process what to tell him I heard another name I recognized and my attention went back to the man at the podium.

- ...Yamashiro...Sakura Haruno and Namine Kouta....and that's it for class 1, please follow me inside.(Teacher)

All of those, whose names were called out; came forward and started to follow Kusano inside... till a very similar scene repeated itself.

...Honestly, seems like lazy writing.

Or innate stupidity. 

- Wait!!! (Naruto)

Naruto was running at full speed towards us, till he finally made it.

And soon after, started coughing.

He was out of breath...

- ( Did run all the way here? If he did, no wonder he is like that.) 

I know where Naruto lives and his apartment is not exactly close to the academy.

- *cough* *cough* Uzumaki Naruto is here *cough*(Naruto)

After stating his name Naruto took a few seconds to catch up his breath, and the teacher seemed to oblige him as he waited for Naruto regain his composure.

-You're late!(Teacher)

- Sorry! I was so excited about today that I couldn't sleep, then I fell asleep and overslept! When I real- (Naruto)

-E-Enough! I get it! *sigh* but if you are going to attend my class, you have to be on time every day, understood?

- Y-yes!!!...hehehe. (Naruto)

As soon as the teacher let Naruto off the hook, the truant started to laugh, as if he was glad that his excuse worked. 

- (Hmm?! So, the reason this time was just your average, normal stupidity. Not extreme stupidity like last time but just your run-of-the-mill average stupidity.... Should I distance myself from Naruto? At least, for now... and start a fresh new school life as a lone genius... With a troubled past!?)

But before I could decide what to do next I saw Naruto waving at me, but I chose to pretend that I didn't see him.

- Hey, Homura! Homura! Homura-te ba! (Naruto)

- (...Is he really that dense? That he can't tell that I just don't want to talk to him?)

As I tried to pretend that I wasn't able to hear Naruto, all my now current classmates started staring at me.

This is so awkward.

I could easily guess what they were thinking.

-...... *sigh* (this is hopeless... Goodbye, cool me... Hello, class clown's friend).

Chapter end

Hey guys, sorry once again, for leaving you guys hanging last chapter, but I worked all night and then I...Kind of...partook in adult beverages too much to celebrate the new year. 

Anyway the chapter I wrote like a year ago had a different style, since I like to think that I have evolved my way of writing but switching from active POV to the 3rd person style was a lot more difficult than I imagined. Turns out the next few chapters are from the MC pov, which is no longer my preferred manner of writing. Especially for combat scenes so there will be lots of re-writes.

This story was originally just meant to be a slice of life slow burn in Konoha, but I had to make changes as I thought it would get old, so that's also the reason why I changed writing styles.

I will try to make a more active story this year, with more stakes.

Anyway happy first day of the year.

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