The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 86: Chapter 84: First day at the academy (part 1)

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Rolling back a couple of minutes prior to Homura entering the academy.

As he arrived at the area of the village where the academy was located; he saw a rather sizable crowd waiting in nearby the main entrance.

It was certainly much more than what he was expecting.

By the size alone of that crowd of people waiting, it was either double the amount or triple the amount of the number of people waiting outside, when compared to the tryouts.

Nonetheless, Homura continued rushing passing through, and avoiding the villagers on his way.

As Homura arrived at the academy, he saw several happy children together with their parents waiting for the academy to open its doors.

Rather the correct term would be for them to open the rather large wooden doors that were part of the main gate. 

Still, that was the thing that caught his attention as he arrived.

The loud noises coming from the crowd were imposing for someone who came alone like Homura.

Especially when some seemed to be talking about him.

He chose to come alone and not have anyone accompany him, because he wanted to face whatever would happen alone.

Only to immediately regret it as the attention on him was too much to handle.

The pressure he felt from the stares given by both the parents and children present was far too much.

Far too much that he could handle.

The stress of it all was getting to him, he was not able to shrug it off as he usually does, but the sheer number of voices and stares made him experience for a short moment, symptoms very reminiscent of what claustrophobic people endure when stressed out.

But as time went on, most stopped paying attention to the young rascal that just arrived a few moments prior.

Though, it was not that everyone was looking at him, most children were busy talking to their friends and glad to have passed the exams and work together in order to become shinobi in the future.

At least that's the gist that Homura could gather from listening to a patchwork of several different conversations between his would-be classmates.

However, to most of the parents present who were either shinobi or formerly were; it wasn't so simple.

They tried to gauge, the unknown child who had performed so well during the academy tryouts.

Only to come to a myriad of different conclusions.

Not only that but they also found out that Homura had ranked first on the logic-based test scores of the knowledge portion of the tryouts; which was by no means an easy feat or possible to cheat, since answers and problems were tweaked every single time.

Couple the fact that he had also performed quite well in the physical portion of the exam, and it could only mean that he had the makings of a child prodigy. 

Someone who had the potential to become a very powerful ninja in the future, someone to watch out for.

If the chunin exams are to promote the next generation of talented shinobi to the whole ninja world.

The academy tryouts were to promote the next generation of talented individuals within the village.

All those who performed exceptionally well during their stay at the academy went on to leave their mark in some way on the history of their village.

Certainly, it wasn't so black and white.

Children who had a less than stellar time at the academy, some had grown to become legends in their own right, such was the case of Jiraiya, one of the sannin; who managed to accomplish similar feats with a lot of hard work and dedication to their craft.

But cases like those were hardly the norm.

Being born special is half of the work in this world, under the current system.

In the ninja world, where death is always lurking around the corner or where a single mistake could spell the difference between success or disaster, being gifted and having the mental fortitude to solve any problem at the drop of a hat; were crucial advantages to have.

Though not all of those so-called geniuses lived long enough or were able to accomplish great deeds, due to many of them either dying young or failing to live up to the aspirations that many had set for them.

Still, the potential of those who were far more gifted than others could be still utilized by many in order to accomplish their goals or make their clan stronger and grow into prominence.

Either them or their children forging a close relationship while those geniuses are still young, could be either incredibly beneficial or lucrative in the future.

So, it was quite normal for those present, who had a stake in the village affairs to be slightly interested in Homura. 

And the possibilities that may come out of it.

Talented individuals grow at a faster rate and also usually burn out faster than those who lacked the same said talents.

To most, ninjas are tools. Or at least are recognized as tools.

Why should good tools be left unused?

It was just a simple truth that all who were versed in fighting and experienced the horror of wars understood quite well.

The more competent an individual is, the more trust one garners in the eyes of their superior officers which also leads in tandem for them to being assigned nigh-impossible tasks, that they need to somehow resolve or sacrifice themselves if there is no other way.

Orders were above all else. 

No matter the cost.

That was what meant to be a ninja and live within that lifestyle. 

To most onlookers, Homura was young and naive.

A blank canvas that could be shaped and forged in any way they played their cards right.

Homura was still not bothered by the shackles of loyalty and duty that binds most of them, so he could become an asset to them in the future.

Though the latter was also true, but to a much lesser degree.

Since they all have to ultimately be loyal to the Hokage which was the representation of the will of the entire village.

Thus, those who understood that much could not help but stare at Homura and try to figure out if he truly had the makings of a true genius or if was he just slightly ahead of others for now.

The next few years and Homura's performance would dictate their view on the entire matter.

- oh? (A pretty lady!)

Not that it was a matter that root in Homura's heart.

As he got distracted by something else, rather, someone else.

Like a fool, he stared at the most attractive woman in the crowd as he was looking to escape the attention, and as he did so, she smiled and waved at him which he did the same.

He wasn't sure of what was going on, but Homura tends to stop thinking or pay attention to his surroundings when he sees something that takes his attention.

In fact his ability to hyper fixate on things came from supercomputing, since the skill was always active and Homura's human brain could not process all the information at once, or risk overloading his senses. 

He subconsciously tries to never focus on too many things for too long or fixate on a few important thoughts he has in mind or nothing at all.

Not that he was aware of any of that, but it explains why he sometimes tends to overthink and stops in his tracks, though he is getting better as time passes. 

In fact, right now all he could do was focusing on the woman who waved at him.

She was by far the most attractive of all the women present.

Not that most where ugly, but most were simple housewives and parents who seemed rather tired or for some, depressed.

But the woman in front of him had a radiant smile, kind eyes, and a pretty face made it hard for most men nearby to not at least glance at her at least once.

The fact that she was probably someone's mother did not even cross Homura's eyes, perhaps there was more going on than simple infatuation.

But not even Homura knows or understands everything that goes down in his mind.

Perhaps it was a quirk of having been reincarnated with a lot of his previous memories, or the fact that the man who raised him at the orphanage was a bit perverted.

And Homura was also a low-key pervert, who had no game whatsoever.

If he was given even a tiny bit of attention from a pretty woman his brain would turn to mush.

He could hardly maintain his so desired cool persona, it seems his recent change only applied to his looks, he failed to also copy the personality of a level headed/ serious character.

- ( hehehe! I knew getting a change in my appearance was a great idea! I can't wait for the great "me" to become the most popular guy in my class. Hehehe, I can't wait for all the attention, I will be receiving... huh?)- Homura turned his face slightly to the right as he noticed something.

But as he did, his face would soon turn from one filled with glee to one full of fear and distress.

As he realized that a tall and stern-looking man near the woman smiling at him was also staring at him, in fact, his gaze was so powerful that it was as if he was staring daggers at him.

Not only that but the clothes the man wore, were ones that Homura remembered very vividly.

So much so that, he only needed to have one glance at them for the identity of the man to become easily recognizable.

After all, the man in question was among the top 5 people that Homura never wanted to meet.

- (Eh!!!?...T-That o-outfit... F-Fugaku?!!!)

Homura immediately stopped stupidly gawking at the woman, next to the now-identified man.

There was no doubt who it was that was staring back at him.

Those stern-looking eyes, as if they were ready to judge every single action one took became easier to recognize who the man was.

There was no doubt as to whom it was that he was now facing, the Uchiha clan patriarch and the man currently plotting to overthrow their entire governmental system through a coup d'etat...Uchiha Fugaku.

Homura had a lot of grievances with the man in question, but more than that he was scared of him above all else.

Since Homura was illegally entering the Uchiha clan compound and was impersonating the identity of an Uchiha child that fitted his description multiple times.

If that were to ever be found out, the trouble that he would find himself in was too great to not fear the consequences.

-( then the stunning woman next to him must be Sasuke's mom, Uchiha Mikoto?...N-no, what have I done!?)

Not wanting to feel embarrassed any longer Homura ran away from the area he found himself in, until he blended with a group of children hanging in the middle of the court as they waited for the academy to their doors.

After finally more or less blending in with the other kids, Homura took a quick breather as he tried to gather his thoughts as to what had just happened.

- ( I-Itachi wasn't he did really go on that mission to kill that Mukai guy, huh? If the side materials are true then... perhaps I will truly be able to escape this continent if things go bad...*sigh* I need to keep being friends with Naruto...what a pain).

However, as Homura ran away Mikoto and her husband Fugaku remained in the same spot they had been, together with all the other parents that were in attendance; in order to see their children off on their first day at the academy.

- Why did he run away like that?


Fugaku did not respond to his wife's comment.

He was a man of few words, nor did he know what to make of that question.

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In fact, he knew that his wife wasn't truly asking him, but in fact, it was a rhetorical question.

The couple was so in sync, that they could easily tell what one or the other was truly thinking.

They were a couple that a first glance people would think that they were a mismatch but in fact, their demeanor was a perfect fit for supporting each other. 

- What a cute kid but...that child...? Did he not remind you of someone?(Mikoto)


Fugaku was simply mildly interested in the child that was said to have been a genius and had been said that answered all the questions correctly during the intelligence portion of the tryouts.

Homura had even completed the final step of that portion of the tryouts, which usually are the ones meant to test the participants much more and the ones that most if not all always failed.

Not that Homura's brain was so exceptionally tweaked that he was able to complete the final test, but he was able to solve it rather easily due to his special skill.

That part of the exam was just perfect for someone who could do calculations and analyze patterns so easily. 

The human brain through the process of harsh evolution was slowly designed to detect and recognize patterns even if there aren't any intentional patterns in whatever thing, set of events, or behavior they end up recognizing. 

It was simply a part of the exam that synergized well with Homura's abilities.

Not that Fugaku knew any of that.

There was simply no manner in which he could find it out, without forcing the child to reveal it to him or tell him of his own volition.

However, given the fact that Homura refused to share the ultimate fate of the Uchiha clan if they continued trying to fight Konoha, it was unlikely that he would share anything personal with Fugaku.

In fact, Homura believed Fugaku to be too prideful and paradoxically too weak to take things into his own hands.

The fact that Fugaku, could not convey to his clan that a coup d'etat could in theory work, it would also more than likely destroy the clan as a whole.

If they won, it would be an empty victory which would only spark another war.

Destroying the village.

However that fate could be avoided if even after the coup the inhabitants of Konohagakure choose to accept Uchiha's rule, but that much was rather unlikely, impossible even. 

If even someone as young as Itachi could see the drawing on the wall, there was no doubt in Homura's mind that Fugaku knew or was aware of it to some degree.

He just didn't know if Fugaku believed that the coup d'etat could happen fast enough that it would be over before anyone was aware that it even happened or that, he could do it with few casualties.

But all of that was simple speculation. 

For all he knew, Fugaku may have wanted the Coup d'etat to happen and only delayed it due to him not having enough forces to accomplish it.

Homura's fear, distrust, and apprehension of Fugaku's true nature.

Those feelings he had, made it impossible for a future where both could work together to try to avoid one of the worst outcomes to happen... remain an impossibility.

Fugaku may not be able to sacrifice his children for the sake of the clan, but that didn't mean the same was true for Homura; if he felt he could gain something out of it.

No truly one can trust another with their lives, at least from Homura's perspective.

He thought that sentiment was especially true when it came to affairs partaking to shinobis or shinobi related issues.

Perhaps he was right...perhaps it was already too late. 

Fate could not be corrected this far ahead.

Minato was dead.

Obito was free to roam freely around the world and plan his next move.

The Kyubi was already unleashed upon Konoha and from it came great destruction, and resentment grew as people were slaughtered throughout that tragic night.

All elements that hastened the current situation have already happened, what kind of power could Homura's words and knowledge have to ease the pain and detain those who wish to profit from conflict? 

Even if he were able to stop the upcoming rebellion it is likely that it would only be delayed and make things much worse.

Either the case, without proper communication even though both parties wanted more or less the same thing nothing could be done.

-...But he truly resembles slightly someone but I can't quite figure out...-Pondered Mikoto, as she tried to rationalize her feelings, but no matter how much she thought about it, nothing made sense. (Mikoto)

-... Is that so?(Fugaku)

Seeing his wife trying to understand her now slightly confused feelings, Fugaku only now truly wondered who he knew that child who ran away from him might truly resemble, but the dumb face he saw on the child when he interacted with...Mikoto was too odd to forget and no matter how much he tried thinking about it and overlap it with other memories, the child's dumbstruck face clouded his mind.

-...No. I don't think he reminds me of anyone I may know. (Fugaku)

- Really? It is strange I almost feel like I have seen him somewhere before. But those white-colored streaks in his hair.. do remind me of someone else too...have I heard of him prior?(Mikoto)

- ...Isn't he the one who derailed the last test in the entrance exam? (Fugaku)

- Ah! Right, it must have been him! Sasuke was a bit sad that he lost to him during the endurance part of the tryouts. (Mikoto)

-... Though, it could hardly be called a defeat... but if Sasuke uses that experience to improve himself, then it will be a good lesson for him. ( ...Sasuke is not the same as Itachi. He admires and wants to resemble his older brother, but to Itachi, everything comes naturally while Sasuke has similar potential but has to be carefully refined. If he uses that experience will himself to his training far more.)(Fugaku)

As a father and patriarch, Fugaku wanted Sasuke to do better for the sake of their clan.

Although Sasuke lost the race he passed with flying colors and was ranked first.

But his pride as a parent was still slightly hurt.

He was spoiled by Itachi's genius and innate abilities.

That pride he had in himself, his clan, and above all his son's talents; had blinded him for many years.

So, even though he knew Sasuke was quite gifted as well, due to Itachi's track record he expected nothing short of excellence from both of his children.

How could he not?

Itachi, who graduated from the academy after a single year of attendance.

Itachi, who was chosen to be the youngest shinobi to join the Anbu, in the entire village's history.

As a father, he was more than proud of his son's unprecedented achievements; but he was not simply a father or the patriarch of his household.

He was also the patriarch of the entire Uchiha clan.

And with that title came the duty of having to protect and watch over the entire clan.

Not simply a few clansmen, even if they were his immediate family.

The clan's prosperity and safety should always be at the forefront inside the mind of a shinobi clan patriarch, that much was certainly true.

Though that didn't make things any easier, or his judgment have any more moral validity.

Fugaku knew that his eldest son and himself were fleeting away from each other.

Their different stances could not simply align, there were too many factors in play.  

That fact alone was eating at him, but there was very little that he could do.

Just recently, his son, Itachi, chose not to take himself on a mission that involved hunting down a traitor within the ANBU.

It was a rather important mission that had no room for error, otherwise, Itachi would not be able to join the ANBU himself.

It was absolutely necessary that the traitor was killed so that Itachi could become the lifeline between the village and the clan. 

However, instead of taking Fugaku to execute the mission, Itachi chose to join forces with Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui was considered to be only below Fugaku himself within the clan, it was far from a poor choice on Itachi's part.

Most would not suspect anything or bat an eye at this decision.

Nonetheless, it was only because they were not aware of the proceedings that led to such an outcome.

Parent and child.

Was there a stronger bond that could unite 2 people?

A question...that perhaps only a few that have been on both ends could answer without a shred of hesitation.

The distance between father and son could only become more pronounced by this seemingly harmless decision. 

Fugaku only hoped that his son would soon see the reality of things, and not be blinded by the ideals or burdens that he could not shoulder alone.

Still, his son was carving his own path, through his own strength as a father he could only silently watch the kind of man his son may become in the future.

Perhaps his son would one day become a man that would stand on the opposite side, rather than on his side.

As of now, only the future could tell.

- Look, dear. They called Sasuke's name. (Mikoto)

Fugaku looked towards his son, lining up at the front with a confident and happy look on his face.

He was obviously glad that his parents were present to see him off, even though his older brother was unable to. 

Fugaku and Mikoto assisted in the formation of their youngest son's entire new class together with the other parents. 

As things stood there was no doubt in his mind that they were about to go inside the academy at any minute, so he looked toward his wife and delivered a few more words.

-...let's return, Mikoto. (Fugaku)

- Right, dear. (Mikoto)

As both were about to leave, Fugaku could not stop himself to look at the back of his son as he was about to enter the academy.

Past memories of a similar scene that occurred a few years prior flashed inside his mind.

And the man could not help but let out a subtle smile as he closed his eyes for a short moment before walking away, with his partner side by side. 

But what happened to Homura?

- Hey Homura! Homura! Homura-te ba! 

- Be quiet!

He was being annoyed by a once again late Naruto as soon as he entered the academy.

Chapter end.

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