The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 93: Chapter 90: Homura vs Sasuke

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- (So, the match of Sasuke vs bug boy ended with Sasuke's victory, huh? I can't say I am surprised...but I don't think Bug-boy went all out as well...what a weird guy.


Homura looked at the scene in unfolding in front of him.

Shino was a few moments on the ground but he finally managed to get up, after dusting himself.


- (Sasuke attacked Bug boy relentlessly and had perfect victory...I don't know if I can win in a direct fist fight...he's very good at close range. Much stronger than he was a few years ago, it is like a different person altogether. His brother must have trained him well...This is going to be a good way to gather more data.)


Homura remembered what he had just witnessed.


The match between Sasuke and Shino was far from being the most well choreographed fight he had ever seen, but it was certainly one of the most strategic fights that he had ever witnessed so far.


It wasn't an easy fight for either of the parties involved.


For one, the young Aburame's defense was solid.


He knew he couldn't match his opponent in terms of speed or agility, so his strategy soon became more simple.


In short he was trying to tire out the young Uchiha.


But that plan soon backfired and he tired himself out, before he could pull off his strategy to completion.


So in the end, after being thrown on the ground several times...he gave up.


- (I can never what he is thinking.)


As Homura saw the two young boys performing the sign of reconciliation, Homura was soon snapped out of his trance.

There was no more need to reminisce on the fight that just took place.


It also reminded him that he would have to go to the ring one more time.


Which he was not entirely pleased with.


He had no real interest in combat, however, he also wanted to know how far he had reached in his quest to become stronger.


As of now he had no concrete idea on the matter at hand.


Takao was too weak for him to get a good idea by training with him.


And Might Guy was simply too strong.


The gap between them seemed too unreachable for him to judge if his performance was truly becoming better.  


Any hit Homura would land on the man, was only possible because he was allowed to, and not because of skill.



After the match between Sasuke and Shino ended, Oryou sensei gave the entire class a 5 minutes break.


To Homura's displeasure.


- (We never had that long of a break before. He probably did to let Uchiha supremacist time to recover. That bastard teacher! Now was the perfect time to take him out...but I don't want the girls saying Sasuke was tired, and that I took advantage of him...wait that came out wrong. Anyway, although the Sasuke fan club wasn't here, my brothers should have my back too.)


However, something unexpected happened.


At least from Homura's perspective as he was heading to the ring.


During that time, although they encouraged whoever Sasuke fought but in the previous fight to some degree, as Homura went to the ring and lift his hand as if trying to imply he was about to win, no one made any type of sound or gesture that they would encourage him.


Or show their support for him.


It was in an awkward moment for Homura who quickly just went to the ring trying to hide his embarrassment.


- (Not even best boy Naruto did show his support for me...well whatever I am not hurt.)


- Hmph.


However, his opponent, Sasuke, was just confused and annoyed by the entire thing and had wished Homura would just hurry his ass on the ring, instead of playing around.


He couldn't believe that people were saying he had lost to such an idiot during the tryouts, but now it was a moment to make all those people shut up once and for all.


Furthermore, he had always an annoyed sense of deja vu from Homura.


He reminded him of someone he knew from the past, but there were also clear differences that made the entire thing unpleasant.


He had thought he would meet that person at the academy, however, he had not.


He thought that perhaps the boy he had met all those years ago was younger than himself, meaning he would not get his chance to correct the loss at their last encounter.


Which had left him with a bad after-taste even after all those years later.


Sadly for Sasuke, he never had the best people skills.



The annoying brat that he was looking for, never showed himself again in front of him after a few days of collecting strands of his hair...which was a very strange experience for Sasuke; even after all those years.


Not that he was aware the annoying brat who he wanted to defeat and the annoying opponent he wanted to get rid of, were one and the same.


At very least by defeating the opponent in front of him, he would be able to wash off the bad after-taste of having to be picked up by his mother after he had passed out during the tryouts and unable to make both his father proud.


Sasuke wanted to challenge his opponent earlier, but after having martial arts practice with his new classmates, he found almost all of them to be lacking.


Especially, his opponent who spent his time reading instead of practicing like everyone else.


But the last few matches he had seen, made him realize that his adversary was not so hopeless as he had initially thought to be.


Though he had probably not seen what exactly his opponent was capable of during the previous set of matches, he nonetheless believed he was still stronger.


So he waited until everything was set in place and that the teacher in charge of their class would finally give them the signal to start the final match.


To his wishes, he wouldn't have to wait long enough.


- ...and start! (Oryou)


As Oryou sensei gave  the signal, both boys undid the respect sign they were made to perform during every match and went at each other's throats at the same time.


They immediately blocked each others advance with their opposing arms, as they collide into each other.


- urgh... (Sasuke)


- urgh...


They tried to push each other with their arms, through brute strength alone to separate and make their opponent back off but when they clearly realized that it wouldn't work, then we tried to hit each other by performing a kick to send off their opponent away.


However, to their upmost displeasure.


They just ended up clashing their predominant knees with their opponent.


Failing to break their deadlock.


- tch! (Sasuke)




As soon as they realized that it wouldn't work and that they wouldn't not so easily break their current situation.


They both darted back and this time went at each other with less strategy and a more simple approach.


Simply put, they tried to overwhelm their opponent with taijutsu.


Kicks and punches were thrown at each other but they could both easily tell what each was thinking.


Every time one would hit the other, they would defend and counterattack their opponent at the same time.


Their rhythm and techniques were so similar that they were both shocked and annoyed that they were being copied.


They were so annoyed and lacked the experience to tell that they were both using slightly similar brands of taijutsu.


But with every hit they had to block and the pain from failing to block or allowing to be hit in order to strike a decisive hit, made them both almost forget everything else.

Though they had been unable to draw each other's blood yet, the pain and lack of time to properly plan ahead while defending against an opponent who seemed to be psychic and knew their next move, made it hard for either party to think beyond trying to hit their opponent harder than the last punch or kick they had thrown.


-(Ok that's it time to break this little game!)


Homura, annoyed by having to fight at close range, released himself from the deadlock that he had been once again locked into by doing a series of back-flips and putting once again some distance.


Not that it worked quite well as Sasuke was immediately on his trails.


Trying to hit his opponent at every turn.


He even went as far as unleashing a rear leg sweep as Homura was about to use his arms to once again to propel him to take some distance.


But seeing Sasuke's attack Homura instead used the strength within his arms to jump, curling his body into a ball and quickly releasing his posture to perform a drop kick.


Only to have Sasuke roll to the side at the very last second.


But Homura as he landed, quickly ignoring the pain he was feeling went after Sasuke who was still rolling on the ground to try to kick him as he felt that it was his best chance to knock out his opponent for good.


He unleashed a series of kicks, trying to stomp down on Sasuke for good.


He was so determined to do so that he failed to realize that his opponent had led him into a false sense of security and used Homura eagerness to try end the fight by unleashing a leg sweep on Homura's right leg as he was about to his left leg to try to hit Sasuke.


As Homura fell on the floor, right next to Sasuke.


Sasuke immediately tried to hit him in the chest with his right  elbow, but at the nick of time Homura managed to cross his arms in front of his chest to block the incoming hit.


- kah!


The hit he felt was so strong that he couldn't stop himself from having spit it out saliva that was inside his throat.


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Though he managed to block the hit, his arms clearly felt the pain from the impact and his body felt the shock from the strike.


Which made him almost unconsciously try to hit Sasuke with his leg but, he managed to avoid the hit and rolled out of the way until he used his legs and arms to once again get back on his feet.


Wiping away the sweat from his face and trying to regain his breath.


-*heavy breathing* *heavy breathing* (Sasuke)


Homura did not waste his time on the pain he was feeling and managed to get back up almost at the same time as Sasuke did, although he was a bit slower and less steady as he was busy coughing.


- *cough* *cough* *cough*...


He spat on the floor and soon after took another fighting stance as reaction of Sasuke doing the same prior to him.


- Haa!


- Haa! (Sasuke)


Both boys rushed at each other once again.


Blocking and attacking relentlessly!


Punches and kicks, even trying to lock opponent their opponent into submission but none off it worked.

As none of it locked both boys started to make mistakes and failing to no longer be able to think of anything as their bodies became more sluggish with each hit until they simply were unable to keep up.


And each hit became impossible to block altogether.


Homura got kicked in the face, finally drawing out some blood from him.


But the pain wasn't enough to deter him as he punched Sasuke in his right kidney, making his body bend slightly as he tried to put pressure on the area he was hit on.


Sadly for him that left him right open for Homura to punch him on his chin with almost no strength whatsoever behind it, but it was enough to wake up Sasuke from his stupor and hit Homura in the gut with all he had in return for the punch he had just thrown.


Homura almost lost conscience, he did but it was only for a short moment as he felt the strike to his stomach but soon regained conscience as his back arced, and he started to take several steps back.




Holding his stomach to curb the pain he was under, Homura almost dropped to his knees but any thought of it quickly left his mind as he saw he's opponent getting back up.


The sight of his opponent getting back up, and the thought of himself lying on the floor... hit Homura severely.


Losing here, was not just losing face.


But it would prove to him even though years have passed since the last time they sparred against one another, he was still being left behind.

If he could not defeat Sasuke today, he felt that he would be doomed to lose to his foe forever.

Even if he were become stronger than his adversary one day, it would be always feel like a hollow victory.

Bringing it back to this very day.

Proving that Uchiha Sasuke has always been and always would be more talented than himself. 

Homura always harbored feelings of envy towards Sasuke.

He always made everything he did feel easy when they used to train together, while Homura had to cheat to even keep up.

making him feel inferior, every single time.

He didn't want to lose to anyone but he accepted that it was something beyond his control and powers.


...but Sasuke was the only person he truly never wanted to lose against.


The reason why Homura stopped interacting with Sasuke a few years back was not because he felt that he already got everything he needed from the boy.

He could not stand the fact and frustration that Sasuke was just getting better than him not only at a faster rate, but that he was falling behind.

Unable to catch up.

Those thoughts alone managed to reawaken something in Homura that had laid dormant for a long time.

As if the adrenaline inside his body was going overdrive, Homura, released his hands from trying to put some pressure on his stomach and got back up as well.


He continued walking towards his opponent as the latter did the same.


As they were only a few steps away from their foe, they both started to raise their dominant hands as they were preparing to punch their foe once again.


But before they were able to make their next move.


- Stop! Match over! (Oryou)


Their class teacher, who had been silently observing everything that transpired up to this point, had finally decided to stop the match.


He had wanted to stop the match a little earlier.


But he had to make sure that he could fairly attest to all his students' competence.


He had to see which one among the 2 students that were on the ring was stronger or at very least get a good grasp on their level and abilities but the match proved to be more complicated than he had imagined.


Sasuke was clearly more agile than Homura and prioritized on technique and form.


He was quick to think on his feet and plan new strategies.


While Homura was slightly faster, and seemed to adapt to his opponent almost mechanically.


He also seemed far more experienced in fighting, taking fighting like a strategy game, or a problem he had to solve.


The teacher had no idea as to why a first year student had such insight or behaved in the way he did.


Both students seemed to be gifted to be gifted in their areas.


But there was still a lot left to be desired.


They were incapable of escaping their unconscious habits and both boys clearly exploited that weakness they had among other things.


He now understood why they never paid to much attention in taijutsu classes, they were clearly one cut above the rest, there was no doubt about it.


They were probably better to be left alone to their own business but probably should not be allowed to fight each other without supervision.



They were too hot-headed and competitive.


To their teacher's chagrin.


He already had to keep an eye on everyone within the class, and the boy who hosted the nine-tailed fox.


Who seemed to try to get onto his nerves by pulling pranks all the time and having difficulties keeping up at most subjects, and falling asleep in class.


He had almost no patience left.


Now, he had to pay close attention to those two arrogant prodigies.


From not sending each other to the infirmary or worse, it was not something he had signed up for


For a man who became a teacher, not for the love of teaching but because he had grown quite tired and cynical of the way of life of a shinobi, after long years of having to survive on difficult missions and having reached his potential at a young age.


He was no genius nor a man from a powerful clan.


There was no special or famous blood coursing through his veins.


His life was one of suffering and struggle.


And having to lose and witnessing so much.


He became far more apathetic to everything.


But among all his weaknesses and short-comings he was a smart individual and had a knack for studying.


Thus he was able to become a teacher after passing the selection process.


So far everything was occurring as he expected them to be.


However, the class he was in charge of this year alone was beyond expectation.


Several talented individuals were assigned to him.


That alone wasn't a problem but demanded far more of him.


Not only that but looking at the boy who had the demonic fox sealed inside of him brought back painful memories.


Of a night he would rather never have to remember but it was at the end of the day, a pointless endeavor.


Unfortunately he had a job to perform and it was one he could not lose.


- Now do the reconciliation seal. (Oryou)


However, as both boys silently stare at each other.


No words whatsoever were exchanged.


- I won't be repeating myself again. (Oryou)


Both boys then walked closer and seemed to be reaching for the other's arm, but they soon raised their other arm to try to punch each other.


However, their sensei quickly caught their arms before they could hit each other.


To the surprise of both students.


Who soon realized that their arms were locked in place by the grasp of the teacher they did not respect whatsoever.


- *sigh* (...just another day.)



chapter end




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