The Tears of a Prince

Chapter 180: 179

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"What is this all about?" Reina asked. She crossed her long legs, looking at Hans with a questioning expression. Mika sat on the other side of the couch, his dark eyes traveling between the new Alpha and the olde Beta. He had an idea what this could be about but he didn't say anything, he just waited to listen. 

Hans moved to his desk, sitting on his chair and paced his elbows on the wooden object. He entwined his fingers and everyone could hear him tapping his foot on the floor. Philip felt uneasy, he was looking at them  from head to toe, examining them for some unknown reason. In his eyes Hans had always been innocent and on the softer side, he balanced out Mikain and cared for the pack but in these last few days he realized there was so much more behind the mask he wore and that he should be a lot more careful.

"You three, one is the Alpha and you will have to choose a Beta. It is better to do it now. I recommend you choose Reina." Hans announced and Philip's eyes widened in shock. 

"Wait, this is not an easy decision, I can't just choose one of my friends without thinking about it." he told Hans and the man smirked. 

"It's not about friendship, it's about who is more useful." he explained and his eyes landed on the wolves seated on the couch. Reina seemed tense, it was rare for a woman to be the Beta, she rarely read in books about women in such positions and with her ambition, it would be a lie to say she didn't want it. In addition, she deserved it.

"Hans, let me think about it for a bit."

"We don't have time Philip, in a few weeks we will have to go and celebrate the renewal of the treaties. Do you know what that means? You will have to look like you have it together, we are already in a bad spot with Mikain's idiocy. We can't have the vampires doubting us again, there will be witches there too. It's dangerous."

"Then why did you choose to make me the Alpha now?" Philip asked. Just a few minutes ago he felt sure of himself, as if he could do anything from his new position. What he hadn't thought about though was the fact that being an Alpha did not only mean handling the affairs of the pack but everything that concerned werewolves. That meant relationships with other supernaturals too. Suddenly he wasn't so sure this was the escape he was asking for, his heart started to race, worry painted on his handsome face.

"Because we need the pack to appear as a united front!" Hans said, slapping his palm on the desk. He seemed to be annoyed with him, with the fact that he couldn't understand the clearest of things. He himself felt embarrassed too, it was clear Hans' plan. "We can't have a simple Beta appear there, my signature won't even count, it will be the perfect opportunity for that butchy queen in BloodBound to mess everything up, especially after what we did to her people. So we need to be extremely careful, no matter what." 

"So I have to choose a Beta." he said, his eyes traveling to his friends. He felt uncomfortable as if choosing one meant that he would lose the other. He didn't want them to think they were not good enough, he didn't want to seem like a bad friend and make them feel incopetent. He actually believed both of them would be suited for the job.

"Yes, is that alright with you two?" he asked the wolves.

"Sure." Mika answered, shrugging his shoulders. 

"I want to do it." Reina stated, her eyes burning with desire as she looked at Philip. "You know I can do it. I can help you. I am the smartest person in the pack." she told him and she heard Mika laugh. "What's so funny Mika?" she asked.

"He won't choose you of course. I am his best friend, just you asking him to make you his Beta shows how deluded you are…also you…"

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"Me?" Reina asked, raising her eyebrow. 

"You're a girl." the red haired werewolf told her with no shame at all. He looked her in the eyes and told her she couldn't be the Alpha's right hand because of her gender. Reina was so shocked she couldn't say anything, her eyes widened, while her jaw dropped, her hands forming fists on her sides. "When was a woman suited for a position like this?" he asked her, a devilish grin on his face.

"You really believe you're something don't you?" Reina asked and she stood up. She took a step towards him, bending down so she would reach his eye level, cornering him between her body and the couch as she began talking. "A woman? A girl? Really? You think you are obliged to this spot just because you have a dick between your legs? Well, maybe, since at everything else I am better than you and everyone knows it. How many times have you lost from me Mika or maybe have you lost count?" she told him, her lips twitching in a smile as she pointed at him with her index finger, the tip of her fingernail touching his shirt. "You are the one who's deluded."

She stated. Mika looked furious, he tried to stand up but the girl pushed him back down, a giggle escaping from her lips.

"Stop, this is not about you." Hans scolded them and both of them stopped moving, their gazes fixing back to Philip. "So who's it going to be?" the Beta asked him and Philip looked at his friends.

Reina was smart and strong, knowledgeable and cunning. She had everything you asked for in an advisor. She avoided the extremes and had a good judgment, she was the one that always offered him solid advice.

Mika on the other hand, he was…

"I will choose Mika." 

He was his childhood best friend. He couldn't betray him like that. 

Mika scoffed, proudly standing up and pushing Reina to the side.

"Really?" the girl asked Philip. 

"I'm sorry Reina I…"

"Save it. You know what? Since I am a girl I will quit. I will quit from being a wolf warrior and I will also quit from being your friend. You dick owners can have fun while you ruin us from the inside.." she said and stormed out of the room.

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