The Tears of a Prince

Chapter 199: 198

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"This is not how I expected it to be." Lun mumbled, looking at Xan with a skeptical expression. 

Deep into the night, as if he was some kind of a thief, the tall vampire had climbed all the way to the prince's balcony, surprising him by knocking on his door. 

Lun had found Xan working, the white haired prince seated on his desk, his black glasses resting on the bridge of his nose while his shirt had been neatly folded at the edge of his bed. He was shirtless, revealing a strong chest and torso, pale arms with muscles that flexed while he moved. Lun did not consider himself a superficial person but he did know how to appreciate beauty. That was the reason why when he had jumped on Xan's balcony he hadn't said anything and like a proper creep he kept looking at him from outside. 

He was irresistible, no one could deny that and when he was all by himself, the constant frown that seemed to be stuck to his face gone, Lun believed he was even more handsome. Right before he knocked on the fragile glass Xan dropped his pencil on the desk, and stretched his arms, his blue eyes closed. Lun gulped, shaking his head and bringing himself back to earth while his fist met with the door, his knocking sounding a little too eager. 

Xan had flinched, his head moving back a bit as he tried to spot the source of the sound. His blue eyes widened slightly when he noticed Lun waving at him with a smirk and he stood up, getting to the door so he could let him in. 

"What do you want?" Xan asked, moving to the side. 

The tall vampire walked in, a snort escaping from his nostrils as a reply to Xan's rude question. He sat on the edge of Xan's bed and laid down as if he was in his own room with a sneaky smile on his face when he noticed that the crown prince was hovering over him, looking down at him, casting his shadow. 

"What do you want for Lun? I am working." xan repeated his question and Lun clicked his tongue, sitting up. 

"This is not how I expected it to be." he mumbled, looking at Xan with a skeptical expression. Xan raised his eyebrow, unable to catch up with Lun's thoughts. 

"What?" he asked. 

"We are together, right?" 

"Yes, we are."

"So why are you acting like this?" 

"Like what?"

"Nothing will change, will it?" Lun said with a peeved expression. 

"Lun…" Xan said, taking a deep breath. "We…we have been together less than a day, what exactly did you expect to happen?" 

"I don't know. But I definitely did not expect to come to your room and see you react the usual way you always do."

"So you want me to change my whole personality?" 

"Is this your personality?" Lun asked. 

"This whole conversation does not make sense. I am confused." Xan stated, making Lun stand up. 

"You should be all over me." he told the white haired prince but all Xan did was laugh. 

"Says who?" 

"I do!" Lun exclaimed. "I have been waiting for this for years. We have been together more than twelve hours and you haven't even attempted to touch me. I have waited, you know, I was patient but all you do is literally sit on this chair of yours and read stuff. Hello? Look at me. I am hot. So you're telling me that you have me waiting for you and you don't have the slightest bit of an urge to jump on me?" Lun told him, speaking so fast he didn't even manage to breathe. It took a second for Xan to understand what he was saying, what he was actually talking about and when he finally managed to find out he started laughing, agitating Lun even more. 

"So this is about sex?" Xan asked as he tried to stop himself from laughing. 

"Of course it is!" Lun told him. The tall vampire grabbed the edge of his black shirt, bringing it over his head and throwing it on the floor. He got a hold of Xan from his wrist and threw him on the bed, hovering over him with burning eyes. 

"Lun, I have to work, things won't be done by themselves." 

"Well I won't get done by myself either so choose, pretty boy." Lun said with a smirk as he leaned in closer, his lips barely touching Xan's. The prince took a deep breath, his hands subconsciously resting on Lun's tattooed back. "What's it going to be?" he whispered but he did not actually wait for Xan's answer. He kissed him, deeply, invading his mouth with his tongue and making his fingernails dig into his painted skin. Xan kissed him back, seeing the cocky smirk on Lun's face as the prince reversed their positions, bringing him down.

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"I guess the papers will have to wait." Xan said and kissed Lun's neck, leaving small bite marks as his lips traveled on Lun's half naked body. 

"That's what I wanted to hear." he said and a moan escaped his lips when he felt Xan's hand creep inside his pants. They were in for a long, long night. 

"That was…"

"Finally!" Lun exclaimed. "I knew you could do it." 

"I was not impotent." Xan said with a frown and Lun giggled. They were laid on Xan's bed, silk sheets wrapped around their naked bodies and Lun exhaled, white smoke coming from his lips. "Smoke outside."

"No, my back hurts." Lun said and Xan grinned. 

"You can sleep here, I have some more work to do and I will lay down too." Xan told him, getting up, the sheets slipping off and revealing his kiss stained body. Lun had made sure to leave marks, he didn't know why but seeing the oh so perfect prince with hickeys gave him a deep sense of satisfaction. 

"So you're going to work." Lun said.

"Am I not allowed to?" Xan asked, an eyebrow raised. 

"No, no, do your thing. I mean why would you want to stay with me after literally fucking me for hours, you're satisfied aren't you?" he asked him, a fake pout on his face. 

"You know it's not like that. I just have to do this by tomorrow."

"Why do you try so hard?" Lun asked him. "You are already the crown prince, you are perfect, body and mind, the soul is a bit debatable since you are a jerk but well you do fulfill the criteria so why are you trying so hard to please your mother and everyone else?"

Xan crossed his arms over his bare chest, his blue eyes traveling at the pile of papers on his desk before he jumped again on the bed. He sighed, grabbing the cigarette from Lun's fingertips and bringing it to his lips. 

"I am a bad influence." The brown haired vampire whispered. "I broke him." he said as he watched Lun smoke. He seemed to take it pretty well though, no cough, no anything. 

"I have to be perfect." he then said, his eyes staring into the void. 


"You know that I know everything right? Every little thing in this palace, there is not a piece of knowledge that I don't have."

"I know."

"Well, can I trust you Lun?" Xan asked him, turning his head and looking at him with an appealing look. He never believed he would say this to anyone,  he always wanted to but he never had, there was too much at stake, but right now as he sat there with Lun, just the two of them he knew, he would never be able to lie to him from now on. 

"With your life."

"I have to be perfect, I have to be perfect because the throne…it is not rightfully mine." Xan revealed and Lun looked at him bug eyed. His lips parting. 

"What are you talking about?"

"My family…Aleron Avger, my father, we are not the rightful heirs to the throne." 


You thought this was going to be a smexy chapter huh? No, it's too soon for this. But I will be writing it sooner or later. But I did throw some spice at the end, of a diefferent kind though. 

Thank you for reading!

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