The Tears of a Prince

Chapter 61: 60

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"Okay so leave that horrible glass of wine and come with me." Philip said as he stood up excited. He grabbed Kai's wristed and dragged him away. The vampire gained a nasty look from the girl since she realized she was being left behind. He hid his face in embarrassment as they left the ugly diner. 

"You could wait for me to feed." Kai told him with a frown once they were outside. 

"She didn't seem tasty anyways." The werewolf answered him and shrugged his shoulders. He still hadn't let go of Kai's hand. The prince wasn't complaining, he didn't even try to stop him and he chose to casually forget their little contact. 

"Where do you want to go?" Kai asked him, curious about why Philip had requested a whole day with him. "Also give me your phone, I need to call Lun and tell him I am away. No reason for him to go crazy." 

"Yeah. Call your boyfriend too." Philip told him and Kai gave him a cold smile.

"Yes. Soran too." he said and grabbed the mobile phone from Philip's hand. He took a few steps away trying to remember his friend's number. At some point in one of their early meetings Lun had given it to him by force. He had it in his own phone but with the rush of running away and how trashed his apartment ended up he doubted that there would be anything left from his stuff. 

The phone rang a few times before Lun answered with a serious tone. The vampire was expecting his friend to cause a fuss, tell him that he should return immediately but for some unknown reason he almost sounded happy to hear that Kai would be gone. Their phone call ended abruptly when one of his men entered the room and mentioned something about a visitor. Kai paid no mind to what he heard and returned the phone to Philip. 

"Your boyfriend? Won't you call him?"

"He is with Lun." he answered dryly and Philip scoffed. He didn't say anything else. "My time is precious. So what do you want to do?" he asked him and Philip's mood once more rapidly changed. It was as if his hazel eyes lit up and he smiled, making Kai's heart flutter. 

"Wait here for a bit. I am going to get the car." he told him and ran off somewhere. Kai walked to the side of the diner, just in case the waitress came out and wore his hoodie again, making sure he stood at a place not many people could see him. The sun was beginning to rise finally and the city was coming to life once again. Cars were beginning to fill the roads, humans wanting to get to work, and all the small coffee shops around were opening up, waiting for business. 

As Kai watched the day unravel before his eyes he heard the honking of a car. It had stopped right in front of him and its window was being rolled down by Philip. 

"Will you get in?" he asked him and the vampire rolled his eyes, getting in. 

It smelled like sandalwood, refreshing and kind of familiar he thought as he closed the door behind him and put his seatbelt. 

"Why wear a seatbelt?" Philip asked him confused. 

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"No reason for the police to ruin our little day." he said with an ironic tone and Philip shook his head as he started the engine. The car started and they soon hit the highway, leaving the waking city behind them.

"Where are we going?" Kai asked, slightly confused. He didn't really know why Philip had asked him of this day. His first thought was that he was planning to annoy him to death so he could take his revenge for being rejected, later after what he said at the end of their conversation at the diner he thought that maybe he wanted to plan some kind of date, prove him wrong in a way but now they were leaving the city behind, all the nice restaurants and the cute coffee shops. All he could see around him were trees and more trees. 

After half an hour Philip left the highway and entered a small dirt road that led directly into the thick forest. Kai frowned as he felt the car literally shake whole from the bumpy road and Philip smirked, noticing his reaction. 

"Sometimes I forget that you are royal and then I see that snobbish expression on your face and it becomes so clear."

"Did you just call me a snob?" Kai asked and raised his eyebrow.

"I don't know, did I?" Philip asked him with a cheeky smile and took a sudden turn, stopping roughly the car right at the beginning of the forest. He turned off the engine and got off, stretching his long limbs and looking at the forest with a nostalgic expression. Kai remained inside, scanning the area. "Just get out, I won't try to kill you in the woods, we are just going for a walk." he said and the vampire stepped outside, not so willingly. He slammed the car door and walked next to the werewolf, staring at the same place he did. 

"Great, mud, dirt, bugs. Ideal." he mumbled and Philip started laughing. He turned his head and looked at him. He was so beautiful underneath the rising sun, his eyes glowing as the rays hit them while his hair was a perfect gold. 

"This is my home my dear prince." He told him. 

Kai's lips formed an oh, slightly embarrassed about his comment now he looked away, trying to think of something else to say. 

"Well, what are you waiting for. I am expecting a tour." The prince said hoping he would look a bit less spoiled and Philip laughed again. His laughter sounded almost angelic, Kai couldn't get enough of it. 

"Shall we then?" he asked him before he started walking. 


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