The Throne Of The Dark

Chapter 32: The Day Of The Test

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Currently, in the dining hall, 

"Hey! Did you learn the rank 02 spells?"

"No. Rank 01 is somewhat tough but rank 02 is even tougher. I can't simply perfect it in one week."


"So? Who do you think will pass this test?"

"Of course, it will be Darell and his group."

Such conversations were common today because the day of the test had arrived and all of them had to attempt it.

Many students were running to the dorm rooms of second-years to lick their boots to help them with this test and the second-years were happy to do so because they would gain new underlings.

Some of the richer students of noble backgrounds were threatening their commoner classmates to help them.

The entire first-year batch was panicked yet Darell and his group were leisurely sitting in the library and chatting among themselves.

After a few minutes, the librarian came up to them and ordered them to head to the arena where the test was going to be held.

Darell and his group were walking to the arena and after a few minutes, they could see the huge arena in the background.

The arena was built like a coliseum, having thousands of seats. It had a phoenix statue built on one side of the arena and underneath the statue were the seats of the royal family.

The arena had a beautiful combination of red and brown. This enhanced the overall magnificence of the arena. Some worldwide tournaments were also held in this arena.

All of the students entered the arena and were escorted by the instructors to their seats.

Darell and his group sat in a particular area because many students were afraid of being involved with them.

Soon, the dean and the instructors arrived and all the students rose from their seats as a sign of respect for them.

The Dean gestured for them to sit and spoke, "Good Morning! I hope all of you are prepared for the test considering the implications of failing it. I wish you luck."

He sat down and gestured for the instructors to begin the test.

In the arena,

Walter brought a training dummy which was built to withstand up to rank 06 spells in the middle of the arena.

He then spoke, "The student's name will be called out and the said student must perform the required skills to pass the test."

The first student was called out. He walked into the arena nervously. Everyone could see his legs shaking. Walter assured him by giving him a thumbs up.

The student took deep breaths to calm himself and then took a stance while throwing a fireball at the dummy.

The dummy took the fireball head-on. The fireball exploded while the dummy remained the same as before.

The student smiled when he saw the explosion because he had successfully performed a rank 01 skill. Walter nodded his head while giving him the gesture to continue.

He then stood for a few minutes with his eyes closed. He opened them and a fire spear appeared in his hand. He threw the spear toward the dummy which exploded on impact.

Walter smiled and said, "Alvin Burgess. Rank 01 skill passed. Rank 02 skill passed."

He then glanced at him and said, "You may take your seat."

Alvin jumped with joy and the students with the instructors clapped for him.

Walter then called the next student in the arena. This went on for hours. Darell and his group got bored watching it and chatted among themselves.

A few hours later, Walter called Lilith.

Cheers and applause were heard in the arena as soon as her name was called out. 

She was different because she had Ice and Wind mana in her body. Even the instructors were intrigued to see her progress.

She bowed politely to Walter who said, "Since you have a special condition, you will have a special test."

Everybody had their curiosity grow at the sudden change in the test.

"You will have to demonstrate rank 01 and rank 02 skills for Ice, Wind, and Mist abilities."

Cheers of excitement rose from the arena.

" Ohhhh! This is too harsh."

" Will she manage to do it?"

"Of course! Goddess Lilith will surely do it."

Various comments were being thrown at her but she ignored all of them and nodded her head.

She raised her hand which glowed and the wind surrounding it turned violent. She swiped her hand down and the wind that surrounded her hand rushed towards the dummy which exploded on contact.

She didn't wait for any confirmation from Walter and she activated her rank 02 skill.

The next skill was a rank 02 Wind skill called Wind Bullet.

Lilith raised her palm towards the dummy and several wind bullets struck it.

She then created an Ice barrier around herself while she turned the dumky into an Ice sculpture.

Walter returned the dummy to its original state.

Finally, Lilith activated her skill Fog Of Dread which covered the arena in a mythical fog. The weaker students felt fear and despair as they stared at the fog while the instructors had calm expressions on their faces.

She activated her skill Ice Tornado which created a huge tornado it threatened to tear apart the dummy.

Before it hit the dummy, she deactivated her skill.

As this spectacular display of power ended, murmurs and whispers were heard yet Lilith only nodded and went to sit with Darell and the rest.

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The next person to be called was Ariel and like before, praises and affection-filled compliments were thrown at her.

Ariel sneered at them because she knew all these students were still wet behind the ears. All of them treated her like an object and only coveted her for her beauty.

She walked into the arena and bowed respectfully to instructor Walter. Walter gestured for her to begin the test.

She took a stance and opened her mouth while releasing a scream that shivered the students' spines. The shockwaves from her skill impacted the dummy which stood as if nothing happened. She twirled her fingers when suddenly there was a small explosion behind the dummy.

Ariel didn't wait for Walter to announce the result and walked out of the arena.

She ignored all of the cheers and applauses as though they were trash in her eyes and returned to her seat.

Walter coughed a bit and he called Eric.

This time, Eric's name was welcomed by insults as the students looked at him with envy and jealousy. Of course, the reason was none other than his relationship with Ariel.

They considered him trash because he had the same common ability as most of the students. So, if he could court Ariel, why couldn't they?

They also chose to ignore the fact that Ariel was deeply in love with him and they had known each other since they were five years old.

Eric was enraged at first at the constant hate from the other students. He knew that these students were spineless cowards. Now that they had joined the groups of second and third years, they were confident enough to insult him.

But, he calmed himself and walked into the arena with an expressionless face.

Eric was ordered to begin the test.

He didn't waste time and quickly created a spike that shot towards the dummy from behind in an attempt to sneakily attack it.

Then, he created a rock barrier in front of him.

The spike failed to pierce the dummy but it had done its job which was to show that he had passed the test.

Eric bowed toward Walter and the other instructors and walked off the arena.

Now, it was Emma's turn.

The cheers and compliments for Emma were the loudest. Some courageous students had thrown roses, flowers, and even money in the arena to entice Emma.

"Tsk" Ariel clicked her tongue in annoyance and said, " These fools think too highly of themselves. Just because they are the underlings of a second-year, they think they stand a chance."

Lilith spoke with a disgusted expression, "Toads lusting over a swan. If any one of them dares to come after any one of us, I will kill them."

Darell remained nonchalant about everything because he knew none of the students would be daring to harm her.

He knew that her parents had enlisted spies in the academy who acted as students but they secretly watched over her.

He closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat.

Emma entered the arena and Walter ordered her to begin her test.

She instantly activated her skill which covered her body in a blinding light. She deactivated her skill and then activated another skill.

She opened her mouth and a white powerful beam shot out of it while her eyes were glowing and her hair fluttered in the air.

She deactivated her skill and stood for a few minutes and bowed to the instructors.

Finally, it was Darell's turn. 

* * * * * * * * * 

A/N :

 Hey guys,

Thankfully I have recovered and will work on the chapters as usual.

But, the release schedule is going to change to 5 chapters per week.



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