The Throne Of The Dark

Chapter 46: Trapped

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The next day,

Vylan and the twins entered room 29 after they readied themselves.

The room was a rectangular room with two doors on the east side of the room and one door on the west and south side of the room.

A narrow shaft fell into the room from above and a pile of trash was scattered in the southeast corner of the room.

Some monsters were wandering around the room.

These monsters belonged to a race called Cora. They were similar to orcs with large necks, tusks, and snouts. However, they were slightly taller than orcs, with larger ears and huge pale eyes.

They held axes in their hands while their armor was decorated with spikes.

Alfith observed the monsters and said, "There are 24 of them. We will go with the same strategy."

Vylan said, "These guys have the best armor I have ever seen on monsters. I suppose defeating them would be troubling."

Alfen nodded and said, "Yes, so be careful."

All of them nodded and went their separate ways.

Vylan ran towards the monsters while he transformed but suddenly he saw an axe approaching his face.

He shifted to dodge the incoming axe and observed the monsters only to find out that one of them was grinning.

He was surprised and realized that these monsters had higher intelligence than the previous monsters.

He shouted, "Be careful, these guys are more intelligent than the previous monsters."

He didn't attack them directly but he bombarded the area around the monsters with a large number of fireballs.

As the smoke rose from the destruction effectively blocking the vision of the monsters, he created Fire Spears and threw them at the three heavily injured monsters successfully killing them.

The remaining monsters held their weapons close to them and searched for him amid the rising smoke.

Vylan quickly approached two of the monsters who had separated from the group and sneakily pierced their necks from behind. This wouldn't alarm the remaining three monsters.

After he killed the two, he then saw the remaining three monsters still stuck close to each other which made him click his tongue in annoyance.

He thought that he had to confuse them so that they wouldn't attack him.

He quickly created several Fire Arrows and controlled them so that they would attack the monsters from the front while he would attack them from behind.

The arrows hit the monsters and as expected, they thought that Vylan was attacking them in front while he sneaked and beheaded one of them.

The other two were surprised but they couldn't attack him as they tried to defend themselves from the arrows.

He then threw several fireballs at the face of the monsters closest to him which effectively blasted them into smithereens.

The last remaining monster threw his axe at Vylan while shielding himself from the arrows.

Vylan used his sword to defend himself from the axe and then used a rank 03 spell Fire Storm to kill the last monster.

Vylan calmed his breathing and saw that Alfith and Alfen had already killed the monsters.

He quickly extracted the cores and took the treasures from the platform.

They drank water as they took a rest and counted the cores.

While counting, Vylan said, "Do we enter room 30 or stop here?"

Alfith shook her head, "No, I noticed an uneven part of the floor. We should check it out."

Alfen became excited, "Maybe there would a hidden chest."

At the mention of the hidden chest, their eyes shined.

Everyone quickly counted the cores and arrived at the place.

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Alfith pointed at the uneven part and said, "Look, this is it. I think we have to press it for the hidden chest to appear."

She pressed the part but nothing happened. She pressed it again a few times but still, nothing happened.

Vylan scratched his head and said in confusion, "Maybe we missed something?"

Alfith said, "Let's check the surroundings for clues."

After a while, Alfen said, "Hey! I found the same kind of uneven floor here."

Vylan also said, "Me too."

Alfith quickly realized it and said, "We have to press it at the same time."

They agreed and went to the corresponding part and pressed it at the same time.

The three parts were placed in the form of a triangle. 

After they pressed it, the floor in the form of a triangle suddenly disappeared and they fell into a pit. 

Alfith quickly shouted, "Protect yourselves."

Vylan used his sword to decrease the momentum and successfully stopped. 

Alfith and Alfen did the same and looked down. What greeted them was a pit full of sharp arrows and spears pointing upwards.

They swallowed their saliva in fear and tried to ascend. 

Vylan hurriedly said, "Hey! I can't use mana here and my body feels lethargic." 

Alfith looked around and realized that the pit was filled with a green-colored gas. 

She said, "Shit! The gas around us has some sort of paralyzing effect."

As they desperately tried to ascend, they realized that their bodies were even more weakened. 

Alfen teared up and said, "I can't continue. My hands may let go of the axes anytime." 

She looked down and said, "I just want to say something before I die."

She looked at Vylan with a loving gaze and said, "I love you, Vylan. I have always loved you from the moment I saw you in the street. You were defending the kids from the noble bullies. 

You didn't worry about yourself and stood for equality. I fell in love with your courage. 

So, I just hope that you know that I love you for who you are and I don't look down on you for being a commoner. "

She confessed as tears ran down her fair cheeks. 

Alfith also cried and said," I am sorry Vylan for not consoling you when your uncle and aunt died at the hands of a monster. 

I don't know how to console others and I don't know how to convey my feelings. I am such a failure at this but I just want you to know that I love you. 

I love you because you didn't break down upon hearing the news of the death but you were even more determined. 

No matter how much others bully you or try to bring you down, you are still focusing on your goal. I fell in love with your determination and hard work. "

Vylan gritted his teeth as tears fell from his eyes and said," Fuck! I hoped that after the competition I would finally confess to you both. I thought that even if you reject me, it would be fine since no one would want to marry a commoner. 

But, here I am listening to your confessions before death. 

I love both of you. 

I can't compare you both because you are different from each other. I know I am hoping too much but still, I would say I love you to both of you."

The grip on his sword weakened and he said," At least we have confirmed our feelings. "

He looked down and said, " I just hope that both of you live a better next life. "

Finally, the grip loosened as he fell into the pit.

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