The Tower of Dawn

Chapter 5: Chapter 4

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In front of Alex lay four dead men with missing heads, as the realization that he did this hit him, he couldn’t stop the vomit that he hurled. Trying to get rid of the vile taste with his canteen, he looked at his surroundings and slowly made his way inside the cave.

As he opened the flaps of the cave, he saw a number of groups of people trying to hide themselves in the shadows of the cave.

Roughly looking at the people, he classified them as injured, scared, and broken.

In the corners were mainly groups of younger children and a few women covering them, they sat with blood leaking out of a number of wounds. Closer to the torches where more warmth was found inside the damp cave were a number of women who closed their eyes and appeared unresponsive.


Feeling that foreign feeling that he had now recognized as anger surge back up again, Alex went to the ropes which held them prisoner, getting closer to the group of children and women guarding them resulted in vicious glares being shot his way accompanied by snarls showing chipped teeth.

“I’m freeing you, it’s fine now.” Although he was not insensitive enough to expect them to believe him instantly, Alex broke their restraints one by one and moved his way through the cave. The prisoners rubbed at their hands where they were tied up and looked at Alex warily, like they were expectant of a betrayal.

“Is there a village nearby we can go to? You guys need healing, and I don’t know where the hell we are.” Alex asked the group who held the least injuries as hopefully they would provide coherent answers.

As he waited for an answer, they were whispering to each other, clearly debating whether to trust him or not.

“Our village is about half an hour away; the guilds should have sent some people out to investigate by now.” Apparently, they had come to a decision as a woman with dirty blonde hair said whilst covering a number of small kid’s behinds her.

“Point the way and I’ll lead” As Alex responded by walking out and ensuring that the others were following, he grabbed an unconscious lady who had been violently beaten. As he looked at her cracked lips, broken teeth, and swollen cheeks, his feelings felt dulled as a wave of exhaustion him.


Not yet… Get them back first…

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Walking out of the campsite the group silently followed behind Alex at an extremely slow pace. The half an hour journey took almost an hour due to the groups exhaustion but when they saw the village in the distance the kids started sprinting back towards their home.

Walking towards the village followed by the more injured members of the group who couldn’t run, Alex saw the guards at the gate opening up the village and ushering everyone inside.

Inside the village, attracted by the commotion, the civilians all came out and were shocked to see the returning group who they pinned as lost causes. As a loud commotion was caused, a couple walked out of what was presumably the mayors house due to its size. The couple wore a black uniform accentuated with gold stripes with an insignia of the Sun over their hearts.

Alex’s education allowed him to recognize them as members of the Church of Helios, one of the three [Tier 5] guilds that worked closely with the royal family.

As the two walked closer to Alex’s position he got a better look at them, and he identified the man in front to be the superior with the woman behind him to be his junior. The man had blonde hair cut short and had a serious expression on his face, he was built lean, but his uniform showed off his toned muscles.

Behind him, the woman had brown hair cut shoulder length and wore a set or glasses, she had the appearance of a book worm further accentuated by the papers she was holding onto.

As the two went from person to person the woman laid a hand over them and recited a short prayer, similar to what Emily always chanted. Alex recognized the bright yellow light as a healing spell which made him grateful that the two guild members healed the people before asking any questions.

“Were you the one who helped them?” After healing the most injured people, the blonde man talked to Alex with a questioning tone.

“Yep, the bandits killed the carriage driver I was with, and they led me to their hideout.” With a very liberal explanation of events, the man studied Alex for a second longer before seemingly coming to a verdict.

“The Church of Helios thanks you, you have saved this group of people who would have ended up as slaves or dead. We found a carriage on our way here, so we assume it was the one you were on. Were you on your way to the capital?” As the man thanked Alex for his services, he felt conflicted as the main reason why he death with the bandits was because of selfish reasons, not something honorable.

“Yeah, I’m starting at the Academy.” Replying to the mans questions the two came to an agreement that Alex would ride with them back as they needed to report this incident as resolved. After sorting out a way to clean out the bandit hideout, Alex was finally on his way back to the capital.

Although he may not have saved the people for a noble cause, Alex was thanked profusely by the people as they waved at their departure.

As Alex once again got used to the feeling of being on the road, his eyelids dipped down and his exhaustion finally hit him.

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