The Tower of Sin Campaign (D&D)

Chapter 1: Character Sheets

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We are missing 1 character page because he decided to make his fancy and do it as a PNG. It will be added later.

Damien Louwilizous

Age 19





Traits: Loathes Demons, Strong Determination, Not Picky, Neutral-Good 100 Karma

Bio: Damien was born into the noble Louwilizous family, who were renowned for their swordsmanship. Damien himself chose not to follow the family tradition as he was the third son and fifth child. He lived an easy life with little responsibilities and expectations placed upon him. His world soon changed when an Archdemon appeared and manipulated the royal court in the capital. The Louwilizous family and knights went to the capital to stop the demon, Damien stayed behind. He waited months for the return of his family, until he realized that they were never coming back. As the remaining servants were leaving, Damien heard of a traveling knight. Thinking back to his life, Damien wanted a change so followed the knight and begged him for his tutelage. The traveling knight, seeing that Damien had no callouses on his fingers, refused and went on his way. However Damien was determined and followed the knight. As the knight traveled and Damien following close, the knight took Damien to many locations, most of them treacherous. Damien learned many things following the knight who he never knew the name of. When he could finally keep up with the knight and asked for his tutelage one more time, he was refused once more. The knight said that he had nothing more to teach Damien. So the two departed, never knowing each others names but connected through fate. The knight traveled to continue his searching and Damien headed toward the Tower.

Inventory: n/a

Equipment: Steel Broadsword (Common)(One Handed)(Medium-Heavy)(Physical DMG +3), Light Iron Plate Armor (Common)(Flexible)(Chest-Arms-Shin)(Physical Damage Taken -4)

Class Passive???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? (+2 DMG when using a sword) ???????????????????????????????????? (d20 +1)

???????????????????????????????? (DMG taken -1)(DMG taken -1 when near allies)

Racial Passive: n/a


Utility- Sword Stance I (40e)(Sets up an attack)(-30e cost for next attack), Absolute Concentration (40e)(d20 +2)

Attack Multislash (5d4)(150e), Final Slash (1d8)(120e), Slash (40e)(1d4)

Defense: (0)

Agility: (d20+1)

MP: 15

EP: 300

HP: 35

Specials: n/a


Age 25



Level 1


Traits: (Fierce)(Strong Will)(Total Calm)(Neutral)

BioGutabergg lived in a rural village that wasn’t officially connected to any country. He lived an honest hardworking life, toiling away in the fields. He always yearned for something more. One day, a war broke out between a Blood Devouring Demon and the Sakura Sect. Their fights ravaged the lands, affected even the most rural village. Due to the danger of a Blood Devouring Demon, countries got involved in its elimination. They enlisted many people, especially peasants to use as meat shields. Gutabergg’s village, despite receiving nothing and paying no taxes were forced into the war. Gutabergg himself, only 12 years of age, barely managed to avoid being spotted. Watching his family get forced to their deaths, Gutabergg imprinted this memory into his mind. He traveled, seeming to search for something yet not being able to find it. Until one day, in a forest, he saw a spear with a pitch black blade and blood red ornaments. He picked it up and wielded it high, despite the pain he felt. He knew, the spear could lead him to find what he was looking for. And it lead Gutabergg to the Tower.

Inventory: n/a

Equipment: Pitch Black Spear (Rarity ?)(Two Handed)(Blood Sucking; DMG dealt drains equal HP from wielder)(Soul Devouring; Heal 5 HP for every kill), Travelers Clothe (Common)

Class Passive???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? (+2 Physical DMG when using all types of spears), ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (d20 +2 when attacking)

Racial Passive: n/a


Utility???????????????????????????????????? (100e)(First Attack d20 +2)

Attack- Slash (40e)(1d4), Thrust (30e)(1d4)

Defense: 0

Agility: d20

MP: 0

EP: 200

HP: 35

Specials: n/a

Hans Booker

Age 1 day old


Spell Book

Level 1


Traits: Devoted to their wizard, quiet, persistent, karma: 0, Lawful neutral (messed up sense of law)

Bio: During a perilous battle involving dark magic and bad ideas a book is ejected from the Tower of Sin without its creator. 

With newfound sentience, Hans knows only these things: their wizard is in the Tower, their wizard needs them, and the only way to survive is to use the truths ingrained within their very ink and paper. Alone and unfamiliar with the ways of existence, Hans picks itself up with casted hands and observes the world, marveling at the thousand words they cannot understand.

Inventory: n/a

Equipment: Pair of white gloves (shares health with book)

Class Passive:

???????????????? (d20 (+2) for all situations)

???????????????????? (Can never deal lethal DMG)

Racial Passive:

- Mage hands can do unarmed strikes and can cast spells (2 hands required for casting)

- Mage hands don’t disappear unless dismissed or destroyed (hand hp: 5)

- Immune to bleed

- resistant to poison (-2)

- resistant to necrotic damage (-2)

- Immune to cold/overheat

- Easily carried

- Unable to wear most clothing (is a book)

- Fire damage taken (+2)

- Water causes damage (+1)

- Damage from bugs (+2)


 Utility- Mage Hand (Summons a hand)(30m)(Casting a spell requires 2 hands), Message (5m)(Communicate without hand signaling), Summon Barrier (20m)(Increase Def of target by +1), ????????????????(40m)(d20 (+1)for the next action), ???????????????? (20m)(1d4 healing), ???????????????? ???? (40m)(Removes minor debuffs)

Attack- Burning Hands (40m)(Burn for 1d4)(7ft), Chill Touch (40m)(1d8 Necrotic DMG)(Reduce attack of target -1), Shocking Grasp (60m)(70e)(1d8)(Hit again at 50% when it hits)

Defense- 0

Agility- (d20)

MP- 125

EP- 150

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HP- 20

Special: Hans can see but is unclear how.


Age 102



Level 1


Traits: [Wise, Just, Understanding, Curious, Knowledgeable][Good, 300 Karma]

Bio Born a dark green Tortle, d'agostino was brought to the church of La Passion and there he was educated. He grew up with a strong sense of justice but would be more than willing to give up an entire nation in the pursuit of knowledge. After leaving his parents to explore the large world around him he encountered many folks of different kinds, trying his best to understand all of them. Having experienced a wide variety of interactions, he bases his decisions on past experiences. Knowing the pain of betrayal, the joy of friends, and the peace of solitude, d'agostino adventures to experience all that he can and learn all that he can. He heard upon the Tower from a traveling merchant who asked him about THE RIDDLE and so he hopes to explore the other worlds connected to the tower.

Inventory: n/a

Equipment: [Namu Wood Walking Cape AGL +1]

Class Passive: [Paladin Class Passive]

Racial Passive: [Defense + 5][Agility -3]


Utility [Healing Pool (HP pool of 10, refreshes after rest), Inspect I (10m)(Learn properties of objects), Guidance (30m)(Give others d20 (+2) for non-action roll), Weak Divine Sense (50m)(Sense near surroundings for unconcealed Celestial, Demonic, and Undead auras), Shell Defense (While active, lock other actions)(Reduce DMG taken by 75%), Channel Divinity (70m)(Buff certain spells)(Religious Classes locked), Buff Item I (20m)(All DMG roll +1)(Active for 1 combat)(3 uses)]

Attack- [Full Force Impact I (120m)2d10 Physical DMG), Claw Strike (1d4), Cane Poke (1d4 -3)]

Defense: 5

Agility:d20 (-3)(+1)

MP: 150

EP: 150

HP: 22

Special: [Can Camouflage in green areas because of dark green scales.]

Sinep Gib

Age 28



Level 1


Bio: (Named himself) Confident about himself in every way but superstitious, Sinep loves the musics and arcane. Being abandoned at youth, Sinep learned to fend for himself on the streets. The daily struggle for food and water, some days relying on the moss and mold along the brick. The brawls that took place for his belongings or others. One day, after a particular violent entanglement with a group of thugs, Sinep was left barely able to move amongst the filth. He spotted a protrusion from the trash next to him that stood out. It was an instrument with broken strings and covered in sludge. Managing to reach for the instrument he plucked the single intact string. The sound wasn’t pleasant but on that day he felt a warmth bloom within him. It felt as though something was branding his heart - his being. At that moment, he heard something. “Climb, and become a god…”

Traits: Cunning, optimistic, arrogant, loves solitude, hates laziness. 

Equipment: Bone Shamisen(???), light leather armor(common)(Phys dmg reduce -1), small iron dagger(common).

Racial Passive: Fire Mastery (when d20 is rolled for fire magic +1), Scales (Physical DMG Taken -4), Elemental Resistance (Take -2 from all magics), Physical DMG Dealt +3, Extinguish (bonus 1d4 DMG Taken against Water Spells), Inferior (Submit in the presence of a True Dragon) 

Class Passive

???????????????????????????????? (The music played by Bards will always be exceptional.)


Utility- Charm Person I (20m)(d20 n>15), Disguise Self I(40m), Appraisal I (10m)(See properties of objects), Sleight of Hand(40e)(d20), Healing Song(30m)(1d4 healing), Dancing Lights (5m)(Create illuminating lights), ???????????? (20m)(d20 will always land n>=10), ???????????????????????? (20m)(d20 will always land n<=10)

Attack- Pluck Thunder Wave (20m)(50e)(2d8 lightning DMG)(15ft)(Knocked back 10ft)(Requires magical stringed instrument)                                                                        

Defense: 1                                                                      Agility- (d20+1)

MP- 60

EP- 250

HP- 40

Special: n/a

Earl Greyston

Age: 20?



Level 1


Traits: Lazy, Dislike Fights, Nosy, Curious, Bookworm. Chaotic-Neutral.

Bio: “Have you heard about the miss library lady?” ”Huh? The one who runs that bookstore?” “Yeah!” “What about her?” “I heard people say she’s a monster!” “What? No! She seems so kind!” “Yeah, but think about it. We live in this dainty old town, but her store and clothing looks like she’s someone from the capital. And her demeanor too! We commoners would never talk like that.” “I guess so… but how does that make her a monster?” “She’s also extremely beautiful. She almost doesn’t look human!” “Maybe, but if she’s a noble than that’s a given.” “Yes. But every time she strolls down the streets at the food market, I’ve noticed she doesn’t appear to be looking at the food, but at people!” “People don’t always go through the market to shop. It has a nice atmosphere.” “She also moves extremely quickly with the lightest steps.” “Come on! Now it seems you’re just trying to make things up.” “Well I’m not. Well, maybe. But the most damning one is that the town cleric told me to avoid her at all cost if it isn’t related to me buying a book! He said something like, a creature that drains the life of others!” “Uhh. A cleric said that?” “Yeah!” “Well I believe that cleric but not you!” “Hey, that’s mean!” “Whatever. How about we go to the bookstore then?”

And so the two went. They crept, lurking around the bookstore for a moment before entering. They turned the doorknob slow, trying to make the least bit of sound possible.

Towering bookshelves immediately took view, but the reception desk was nowhere near, instead it was at the back. The two skimped pass the bookshelves that seemed to cave them in. And the reception desk was empty.

“Where is she?!” “She’s typically here at this time. Let’s leave.” “No! I’ll show that she’s a monster.” “We’ll get in trouble!” “And we’ll be rewarded once we prove she’s a monster.”

They slipped around the reception desk to the door behind it. They glanced around before entering. A dark corridor appeared, still the two went further. They opened the doors quietly as they passed by. Every room was barren, devoid of anything incriminating or interesting. One, four, sixteen, and then they went down stairs. Another door, five more, ten. The two walked mindlessly, depraved and empty with skin so pale and red veins prominent with eyes that looked for only one thing. Their bodies began to rot, their movements almost animated and forced. Finally, they opened their last door. There a lady stood, surrounded by velvet roses which glinted like sharp blades. The two seemed almost enamored, controlled, and dominated as they stared at her. They plodded and squirmed toward her while she smiled a clean and beautiful smile. When they got near, they fell down. They fell onto the roses which impaled them, draining them of their life as they died silently. The lady turned around toward something that looked like a pitch black tear in the world. The blood from those two drained toward the tear, entering it slowly as if to enjoy it.

“Go to the Tower.” “The Tower.” “And learn of it.” “And learn.” “We cannot.” “Cannot.” “So go.” “Go.”

Inventory: n/a

Equipment: Monocle, Black Cloak

Class Passive???????????????? (Make an agreement to the Abyss)(Take 5 DMG)(Call upon otherworldly knowledge)

Racial TraitBlood Gauge (Has Blood instead of energy)(HP is set to 1)(Blood acts like HP until 0)(Blood cost is half of energy cost), Fangs (2 elongated canines)(Drinking from neck fills 100 blood), Enthrall (Turn creatures into minions)(d20 = 20, opposing d20 n < 3), Transform (10b 40m)(Turn into a bat), Supernatural BeautyNight Vision.

Racial Weakness: Sunblight (When in sunlight)(Reduce all dice rolls by 1)(Increase all MP and EP cost by 20), Take 2x DMG to Blood Gauge, Healing is DMG.


Utility???????????????????????????? ???????????? (80m)(See hidden properties of objects and living creatures), ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? (100m)(Enshroud in the abyss)(None can see you)(Shroud breaks upon action), Velvet Roses (100b)(Creates a ring of Velvet Roses)(Drains blood when flowers impale)

AttackControl I (200b)(Control the movements of a living target)(Roll d20, target rolls d20), Blood Javelin (50b)(Creates javelins made of blood)(Throw)(1d8), Blood Slash (40b)(Slash at an arc at arms length)(1d6), Necrosis (80b)(Touch)(1d8 Necrotic DMG)

Defense- 0

Agility- (d20)

MP- 180

BG- 500

HP- 1

Special: n/a

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