The Tower of Sin Campaign (D&D)

Chapter 2: Session 1 Part 1

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A/N: Certain wordings will have been edited to make it more easily read from what happened in the session. Less chaos and more story.

[Opening Speech]

Long ago, there was once a man who looked up at the heavens. He saw that it was beautiful, but it was so far away. So he devised a plan, to reach the home of the gods and become one of them.

He began to build a tower. Each floor he created were so vast, it became entire worlds of their own. He continued for one thousand more. 

No one so far has surpassed the 940th floor, for it is when the players then challenge the floor masters themselves. 

Curious creatures they are, taking shape in so many forms with so many personalities. One that all know, is known as the Tower Master, the floor master of floor zero, which is the Tutorial floor. 

Floor master themselves govern the floors they take care of. Many think they were Climbers who predate the creation of the System, before the Architect disappeared. Others think they were placed by the Architect himself to protect his creations. 

Nonetheless, the Tower of Sin, which no one seems to know where it got that name, connects many worlds. It pierces worlds and universes, bringing all toward a single path, towards the heavens.





[Damien Louwilizous]

Damien and the Traveling Knight stand at a crossroad on a cliff. The two spoke sparsely with their travels together, though this time particularly so.

This would soon be the end of their journey together, the end of Damien’s training, so they did not speak.

The two gazed at the dense forest below the cliff. The Traveling Knight seemed to contemplate something, and he turned to Damien.

[Traveling Knight] “You are not yet my disciple. I have taught you like one, I have trained you with my secrets, I have done what no other would. This is late, but I want you to become my true disciple.”

[Damien] “I understand. What must I do?”

[Traveling Knight] “You must kowtow to me at least 5 times, the more the better. The first is for the Heavens, the second is for the Earth, the third is for you God, the fourth is for you family, and the fifth is for your mentor.” 

[Damien] “I’ll try my best.”

Roll d20 for how much kowtow, =15.

Damien gets on his knees and begins to kowtow. Each time he completes one, the next becomes more difficult. He feels an immense weight and pressure on his body, but he still continues. Damien stops at the 15th, right before he felt that his body would destroy itself. He looked up to his master to see him smiling.

[Traveling Knight] “This process symbolizes faith, fealty, and tribulation. The more one can do, not only does it show that they are more powerful, but that they have more faith. When I knelt before my own master, I could only do 8. You are the first I have seen go past 14. But there are many tribulations ahead of you, do not become complacent.”

[Damien] “Yes, master.”

[Traveling Knight] “Now stand, I must give you something before we part ways.”

As Damien gets up, the Traveling Knight grabs the cloth wrapped sword from his back. Damien has never seen him use it, nor has he seen what it looks like, so he becomes curious. 

The Traveling Knight, with the sword on his hands, begins to unwrap the cloth. The blade is strange to Damien. It is not of any metal, but it looks to be made of solid stone. The Traveling Knight puts the sword out toward Damien.

[Traveling Knight] “This sword is named Petra Sunderer. It tries to guide me somewhere, though I can never find where it is. I will pass this on to you in hopes that one day, you will find it in my stead.”

Damien nods and receives the sword. When the Traveling Knight lets go, Damien immediately feels the weight of the sword. Although he can hold it up, its surprising weight makes it so that he cannot wield with a sword’s purpose.

[Damien] “Thank you, master. I’ll try to find what the sword looks for.”

[Traveling Knight] “It is nothing important. It could lead to somewhere dangerous, so do not take it too seriously.”

As the two begin to part ways, the Traveling Knight turns around for one last time.

[Traveling Knight] “Once your own journey is finished, come see me. I will be at my birthplace, the Xeon Mountain.”

[Damien] “Yes master.”

When Damien can no longer see the figure of his master, he turns around. He wields the stone sword high, and he feels it. A strange force, as if trying to find its way back home. Many years past  and from such long travels, Damien no longer has a home. He thinks to himself, that he will find the home the stone sword is looking for.

And so, Damien is lead to the Tower.

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Gutabergg clutches the Pitch Black Spear in his right hand. It’s painful, as if it stabs him, but he cannot let it go. Not that the spear entangles his hand, but that he himself does not want to.

Sometimes, Gutabergg even hears unintelligible voices in his head, usually when he lets go of the spear. Though this time, as he nears where the spear leads him, the voices grow lower. It growls and rumbles, like a demonic beast.

Gutabergg tries to resist its presence.

Roll d20 for how much resistance, = 13

Gutabergg manages to resist the demonic force with his calm and strong willed personality. However, the presence is not completely gone. It has even changed him a little after so long, making his personality a little more bloodthirsty. Even so, he clutches the spear as he enters the Tower.






The country of Uraga is blessed. Fruits grow large, the animals strong and healthy, and crops plentiful. It is a country of holiness, where all priests and clerics must go at least once in their lifetime.

In the Holy Palace, in the main hall was a prince of blonde hair. He was at attention to the woman on the holy throne, who was also his mother. The throne itself is not elevated, indicating peace and humility.

[Missmin] "Queen Mother, I want to become an adventurer."

Roll d20 to convince the Queen, = 3 (+2)

[Cassandra] "Missmin, must you always ask me this? You are already blessed, you do not need any more. I want to hear no more of this, for your safety at least."

Although Cassandra loved her son very much, it is not a prince's duty to fight monsters for a living. She thought that they should be interacting with the common folk, praying, and improving their soul. Never did she think that being an adventurer could achieve any of them.

Missmin walks back to his room. Inside is a room that looks from a frugal man. Although the room is large, its mostly empty. There is only a large bed with thick white sheets and a desk next by with a window above. Through the back door are more white bed sheets where Missmin tends to by himself.

Missmin thinking this then has a sudden idea. He began to gather all the sheets, and tied them at the furthest ends. Before enacting his plan, he writes a letter of farewell to his mother. In the paper he wished her and all good luck. He tied one end of the rope made of bed sheet to a leg of the bed frame and threw the other end out the window. He looked over and saw that the makeshift rope almost hit the ground. The fall was also long, not enough to be lethal but enough where one could become crippled at full height.

Missmin braced himself and began climbing down the rope.

Roll d20 for the climb down the rope, = 2 (+2)

About a fourth of the way through, the leg of the bed frame suddenly snapped. Missmin plummeted down, and when he impacted the ground, he fell unconscious.

When Missmin woke up, he found himself in a shabby looking cabin. His hands tied tightly together with rope. The cabin is empty and has no windows, the only prominent thing is a sturdy wooden door and a thick lock. Luckily, his legs weren’t tied, so he could freely walk around.

After thinking for a moment, Missmin decides to use Divine Prayer.

Roll d20 for the result of the prayer, = 17 (+2)

After hearing Missmin’s prayer and seeing his situation, the lock crumbles and turns to dust before it could hit the floor. The rope tying Missmin’s hands also unravel.

[Missmin] “Thank you, o mighty Lord!”

When Missmin pushes the door and walks out the cabin, he’s greeted to a path. Ahead of that path is an unimaginable structure.

[?] “Go.”

After hearing the voice from his god, Missmin does not hesitate and walks toward the Tower.

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