The Tower of Sin Campaign (D&D)

Chapter 3: Session 1 Part 2

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[Sinep Gib]

Sinep plucks the single string from the shamisen that seems to be made of done. His body had been beaten battered and weary, but each pluck seems to bring him more energy. Along with a strange feeling, it was an urge to kill.

He was sat next by his bed, if one can even call it that. It was made of trash and worm-eaten cloth in a trashed street alleyway.

Sinep laid back against a pole, continuing to pluck the string. It was like a drug, he knew he had to stop before his situation got worse, but it was rewarding in terrible ways.

Roll d20, stop plucking the Bone Shamisen = 13

Sinep heaves a heavy sigh and takes a good look at the shamisen. It was in a terrible state and was missing its other two strings.

He sets the Bone Shamisen aside, afraid of breaking it. Still, as it was placed carefully on the ground, he takes short glances at it.

Sinep then begins to ponder his future. He looks up at the sky, and he can’t see it. But he knows it’s there.

The Tower of Sin.

It’s a road that anyone has access to. A way to escape from dread, grow stronger, and conquer.

Sinep looks down at the Bone Shamisen for a moment before making up his mind. He picks up the instrument and begins walking on the path toward the Tower.

[Hans Booker][Earl Greyston]

It doesn’t talk, but it can think. It was a book, it recognized. Probably cursed or magical in some way after being ejected out the Tower.

Did it not belong there? Could it not live in the Tower? Was it not supposed to ever exist?

Still, the magical book read over the very ink that was its body. It found the name of its writer at the very back along with a portrait, Hans.

There were other strange symbols surrounding his picture. All of which gave off deathly vibes, even the magical book shuddered non-existingly at the fact that those symbols were in its body.

Nonetheless, it had found an identity for itself. Hans. Thought to differentiate itself from its writer, the book decided to call itself Hans Booker.

Very clever.

After rummaging through the inks a little more, it switched its attention back to the Tower.

There was information on it described by the ink. That the Tower of Sin can never be seen, or rather no one has ever seen it. Even when all walked the path toward the Tower, no one has actually seen it.

Though right now, Hans Booker felt like it was seeing the Tower. It was words, many words, saying [System][System][System][System] repeatedly.

Hans Booker knew this wasn’t the true appearance of the Tower, that something was blocking its vision.

It floated toward the Tower, intending to touch it and hopefully go back inside. However, the moment Hans Booker’s book body touched the words, it was repelled back with ferocity.

In Han Booker’s vision showed:

[System] Error. Entity has left the Tower once. Entry is no longer available.

This was another thing described by the ink. The [System], many players and climbers thought it as a guardian, to they themselves and to the Tower. It was always fair with no bias, just like a machine.

And it was all powerful. The [System] was described as having true power which eclipsed even the Floor Guardians.

Hans Booker read over more information pertaining to the Tower. It described leaving the Tower, through failing the Tutorial Floor or by other means. That it was impossible to enter back.

Hans Booker knew this information was clouded with a bias. What if people that left didn’t want to come back? It denied the rule and floated toward the Tower once more.

Roll d20, success of entry into the Tower = 13.

[System] Forceful entry detected of an entity that has already left. Please leave. If another forceful entry is detected, outer defense will activate.

Hans Booker was instantly repelled away, this time, there was damage to its body. Only a bit of fraying on the cover edges but this was enough to stop the book from continuing.

The book felt that it had to get back into the Tower. At least of all to find and reunite with its creator. Though, it seemed like an impossible task.

Meanwhile, a certain pale woman was walking down a strange path.

She was Earl Greyston, who was on a mission complete the task set by her pact.

Just as Greyston felt that she was entering the Tower, wherever it was, she felt a strong nudge. It was due to the pact, it was telling her to go somewhere else.

She was a bit annoyed but complied and walked somewhere else.

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Though Greyston felt that she was walking to nowhere, and the surrounding looked the same.

Greyston was already very agitated, and the pact was too. It then decided to force its way in, despite possible repercussions.

[Pact] Obtain the book. Obtain. Enter Tower. Tower.

Before Greyston could question her pact, she suddenly felt that she was jammed forward, as if being tackled with serious intent.

D20, land gracefully = 16.

Despite the sudden surprise, she landed safe and well on her feet, with a little bit of disorientation.

After patting everything back neatly, Greyston looked around. There she saw a very peculiar thing, a floating book.

She was a bookworm, so the first thought was ‘what a cool book!’ instead of ‘what is that book?’

Greyston saw the floating book turn toward it but thought none of it and quickly snatched it.

She began reading the contents of the book, finding it very profound.

Hans Booker uses (Message) to Earl Greyston.

[Hans Booker] I’m being forced upon! Stoppp!!!!

Greyston was taken aback, instantly turning weary from the sudden voice. But then she looked down at the book and thought if it was the book that spoke. She let go and saw the book float away.

[Hans Booker] Rude! Who does that when first meeting?

[Earl Greyston] You’re not only a floating but talking?! Even cooler!!

She made a move toward the floating book, until she was reminded of what the pact said. Obtain the book and enter the Tower.

[Earl Greyston] Hey, wanna come with me to the Tower?

[Hans Booker] (silently judging) A kidnapper!

But she does need to enter the Tower.

[Hans Booker] Okay.

Earl Greyston grabs the book and heads into the Tower.


Who is the man that reaches the top, and the creature that falls to the bottom?

This riddle has been plaguing dagostino’s thoughts.

He always thought himself wise, living over 200 years. Although he still had many more centuries to go, it was still a vast time for a mortal creature. He also experienced many adventures and emotions, especially with his travels.

None of those dagostino could pick from to solve the riddle from a random traveling merchant. Even the merchant himself stated that he didn’t know the answer to the riddle.

He kept tapping the tip of his cane down onto the stone floor, trying to think up of an answer.

Dagostino already guessed that the first part had something to do with the creator of the Tower of Sin. After all, it was widely known that he was the man who climbed, or rather built to the top. But the last part, a fallen creature of some kind.

Dagostino even pondered if these two were completely separate riddles and accidentally fused together by improper word of mouth. Though that idea was dismissed, he felt that these two sentences that made up the riddle was too interconnected.

In the end, he stopped tapping the tip of his cane. It wouldn’t break, though it was a small habit whenever he was stressed in some way.

This calmed dagostino’s mind from the riddle. He resolved to solve the riddle because he felt that it was very, very important.

Dagostino decided to walk the path toward the Tower to get answers.

Not only because the riddle had some connection to the Tower, but that he would get more life experiences that might solve the riddle. Perhaps there was already an answer inside the Tower.

D20, walking style = 6

So, dagostino waddled his way toward the Tower.

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