The Ultimate Isekai World Guide [1st Edition]

Chapter 2: #1: Think

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Yes, think. I insist, dear transmigrator. You must stop right now and think. 

By the time I've returned, wrote this guide and published it, your previous world's population has hit 8 billion. Still remember your bank balance? Did the screen show any number remotely close to 8,000,000,000?

Mine neither. So you got to think. Why you? 

First of all, 95% of all people reading this isn't even remotely Japanese. Or Chinese. Or Korean. Or know how to speak any of the three aforementioned languages fluently. Requirement number 1 to becoming an isekai character (not protagonist, remember) has already been failed before you were born in your previous world. For what it's worth, I have only met a French-speaking isekai character once—yours truly (because it's the language of the Empire haha). You should take pride in the 95% true fact that you are the first isekai representative sent from your homeland! (and if you're wondering, what about those Western-looking side characters present in some isekai stories? Let me ask you a question: are they actually Western? Or just there to embellish the 'medieval' vibe said stories are going for, since they still speak nihongo?)

Most probably, at this stage, you can only guess. But there are a few assumptions you can make right off the bat, based solely on observation and self-reflection. So get ready to do a little 'I think, therefore I am' exercise. 

First of all, think about your pre-transmigration life. Sure, you may have not met Requirement number 1, but what about the other 10+ Requirements? You know, being a gamer NEET, social failure, suffering from lack of a parental figure, suffering from depression, unusual streaks of bad luck and so on. Just to make an example, I was born with a heart defect that would kill me by the time I reach the age of 12. The operation to fix this heart defect was too expensive for my parents to afford, so they raised me with an expectation that I was going to die soon anyway.

They did love me, I think. But growing up, my parents refused to buy me anything new. Everything I used were hand-me-downs from my older brother. My parents even avoided taking pictures with me, because according to them, they "don't want the memories to hurt after I'm gone". In their eyes, I was perhaps already as good as dead. My brother was the only one who made me feel it was worth living a little longer...until he passed away when I was 12. That's great, I thought then, I was going to die too sooner or later according to the doctors. At least, I wouldn't be alone in the afterlife. But by some cruel miracle, I didn't die. Everyone was surprised and started treating me better, but I didn't want to live in a world without my brother. I didn't dare try an attempt, however, so I lived to see my 13th birthday, then my 14th... 

Anyway, this was my best guess at why Mr. Mysterious Higher Being offered to transmigrate me in exchange for 50 years of my practically useless lifetime when I first woke up as Princess Anastasia. It was a better alternative than going through the pain of dying, I thought. Of course now I know the real reason for my transmigration, but my author has especially warned me not to spoil his story, so I will keep it a secret. For now. 

Back to you, dear transmigrator. Have you came up with a plausible guess for how you ended up an isekai? 

Regardless of the answer, now it is time for you to think about your surroundings. Where are you right now? Do you recognise the scenery before your eyes? 

74.87% of all transmigrators wake up in an isekai familiar to them. Perhaps you are one of them. Good, very good. This removes many problems that the other transmigrators face after waking up in unfamiliar territory. For this group of transmigrators, please breath a sigh of relief. Feel free to skip this chapter and its following related contents. 

23.69% of transmigrators wake up in unfamiliar territory. DO NOT PANIC. DO NOT DO ANYTHING WITHOUT THINKING. Your chances of waking up to see the sunrise tomorrow now hinges on your very next action. [Turn to the next chapter (if it exists)]

And as for the rest, you have woken up in unfamiliar, hostile territory. I can tell you the most reasonable explanation for how you ended up like this: you are a plaything of the gods. Your purpose is to provide entertainment, entertainment too cruel to write down here.

The contents of this book is the last concern you should be having right now. Use this guide as a weapon, and run to immediate shelter




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