The Ultimate Isekai World Guide [1st Edition]

Chapter 3: #2: If you find yourself lost

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Hopefully, the little thinking exercise we have just done has calmed you down. If not, calm down now. Panicking causes one to lose their senses, such as sense of direction, which can lead to disastrous situations you do not want to find yourself in—especially in an isekai. Panicking may also make noise, which may attract unwanted visitors. Got it?

Now, the fact that there are no immediate dangers present in the vicinity means that you are meant to live. Maybe you don't quite agree with the idea of you deserving a second chance at life, but it is what it is. We will now focus on what you should do to minimise your chances of raising a death flag in the next 24 hours.

Think of the area you woke up in as the 'waiting lobby' of a game. It's a safe place, yes—but not forever. Use this time to take a mental note of your surroundings. You have no idea what is the danger level of your isekai yet. If anything goes south, you must return to this place. 

Ready? Here is a little checklist that you should try to complete while exploring (at your own risk): 

  • First aid kit. Chances are, you are going to get injured either accidentally or by a local mercenary/soldier/demi-human/sub-human/ beast/demon who you come across. Most transmigrators forget this! You can't really blame the locals for attacking an alien on sight, but what you can blame is yourself for not prioritising your safety. Not everyone will be kind enough to save you (no matter how beautiful they may look!). Gather any supplies you can find—leaves and twine, for example, make excellent bandages. 
  • Backpack or other storage container. Wherever you go, you'll need to carry all your things. If you have an inventory on hand, use it! If not, carry the bare minimum on yourself and try to hide/bury your supplies in marked locations. 
  • Weapon. A weapon is extremely important to defend oneself from aggressive monsters as well as locals. A recommended weapon would be something on the lines of machete or long knife; but any weapon that is easy to conceal can work. A hard, sharp rock is a good starting weapon. Note that weapons must only be used for self-defence or to sustain oneself! Also, be conservative with how you use your weapons—wielding them in a flashy manner will more often than not backfire on you in a fatal way~
  • Timer or watch. Wandering around can lead one to lose track of reality. At the very least, record the height of the sun(s) and moon(s) at different times of the day and night, as well as the relative temperatures. You can track your progress much easier in this manner. Note that this does not apply if you find yourself in an underground area; instead, you can count the number of steps you take as reference for passage of time.
  • Canteen or water bottle. Self-explanatory. You are still human, you still need water. 
  • Food source, preferably one that will not expire quickly. A reliable amount of food is absolutely necessary for survival too. 9 out of 10 times, you won't have access to the local currency of your isekai immediately, so prepare to hunt for meat/gather edibles/loot as you go. Tip: you don't have to eat them if you are unsure of their edibility. Try to trade your supplies with any friendly locals for safe (by isekai standards) food! 
  • Durable clothing. You are not going to be wearing the same clothes that you died/woke up in forever, so get yourself a pair of hiking boots or equivalent, a durable shirt, a pair of pants or shorts, and a light jacket/cloak for the cool factor. Note: unfortunately at this point of time, stealing/looting is your best bet for this. Additionally, if you are curious if your newfound clothing will work well in your isekai, ask yourself these questions: "Can I walk long distances in these?," "Will these keep me warm?," and "Could I survive with these?"
  • Source of light. This depends on the technological level of your isekai! That said, most isekais will have discovered fire, and many do have oil/gas lanterns available. Securing a source of light is important, especially if you do not find a human settlement or a safe place to hunker down by nightfall. 

For now, this shall be your basic necessities to survive in an isekai. Be prepared to live like a homeless bum for the next week (or days, if you are lucky). This guide can also only help you to a certain extent—it does not cure stupidity! Always think before you act, dear transmigrator~

FAQs I have gotten from readers at this point: 

  • Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon? 
    • YES, unless 
  • How can I ascend from commonplace to World's strongest? 
    • I'm sorry, if you are asking this question in the first place, you aren't going to make it
  • How not to summon a Demon Lord? 
    • How do you even... 
  • Where can I get a travel companion? Something like Paimon? 
    • Travel companions are a double-edged sword! Be sure to weigh your companion's pros and cons wisely. Of course, do keep in mind that any companion is a nice source of emergency food~

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