The Unemployed Assassin

Chapter 4: 4

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Ch4 - Injured

Chapter 4: Injured


Life is like this, good things never come when you wished for them, but thinking bad things and they will be granted immediately. For example, the assassin wished to become rich every day, but it never came true. Yesterday, he only thought casually about getting injured, and today he really got stabbed.

It was a deep wound too. The long sword three fingers wide pierced his chest and almost went through his body. Luckily, the visceral wasn’t damaged, however, because the wound location was a bit dangerous, it caused a lot of bleeding and looked a little scary.



After getting bandaged up, he already felt much better. During the training, there were many times he got injured even worse and still survived it. The unlucky employer must have been pampered his whole life and never seen such a bloody scene, his face was so pale, and then made the assassin recuperate in bed obediently.

All kinds of tonics were boiled and decocted for him, he was even monitored until every drop was drunk. Even though the days of having to do nothing were very comfortable. When he reached out his hand, clothes would be put on, just opened his mouth, and food would come over. This degenerated lifestyle was a little unfamiliar to him. For the first two days, it still felt novel, but after that, his body gradually became restless. 

“I’m really okay now.” The assassin struggled to prove it, “I just want to walk around the yard to exercise a little. Lying in a bed for so many days, my bone is about to become loose.”


“But I think your skin already looks itching for a beating.” Zhao Huai coldly glared at him.

The assassin got scared and immediately changed his words, “Actually, I don’t really need to go out that much, lying in bed is very good, very good.”

Zhao Huai was satisfied, he watched over Zhao Feishuang as he took medicines, then brought over a plate of dried fruits. The dried apples were covered in a thin layer of sugar, the smell was particularly sweet.


The assassin stuffed two pieces in his mouth and chewed them happily. Unexpectedly, the first person giving him sweet dried fruit wasn’t his wife, but the unlucky employer. But then again, this also counted as a work accident, the unlucky employer should treat him better.

So, how did this work accident happen?

Last night, a black-clothed assassin snuck into the residence. The uninvited guest’s martial art was very high, but his movements were not as agile as normal assassins, probably due to age. With the assassin’s skill, he shouldn’t have been injured.


However, even though the uninvited guest disguised himself, as someone who had known the person for 15 years, how could the assassin not recognize his old mentor? 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ciatbeut lc atbrf 15 sfjgr, atf jrrjrrlc’r wfcabg vlvc’a agfja tlw nfgs kfii, tf kjr ralii tlr wfcabg, atf qfgrbc ktb ajeuta tlw fnfgsatlcu tf xcfk abvjs, jcv jirb atf bcf ktb ygbeuta tlw j ybki bo wfvlmlcf ktfc tf kjr jybea ab vlf ogbw yflcu rlmx.

Qtfc atf jrrjrrlc tfrlajafv, tlr wfcabg’r rkbgv aegcfv jcv tfjvfv abkjgv Itjb Lejl.

At that life-threatening moment, the assassin didn’t have time to think. He threw himself over to block the knife in front of Zhao Huai, no matter what, he was still the expensive bodyguard Zhao Huai hired, it was fifty taels a month!

The assassin received an injury, but also wounded his mentor’s arm in return. The old mentor was then quickly subdued by the group bodyguards who came out after hearing the ruckus. 

Zhao Huai supported the assassin and looked at the blood in his hands with horror.

Fortunately, the residence had a physician, and he was brought over quickly to get his wound treated carefully.

After hearing that the wound didn’t damage the visceral despite its depth, Zhao Huai finally heaved a sigh of relief and felt a cold sweat cover his body at the same time, giving him a chill.

Zhao Huai watched over the assassin for two hours, waited until the person fell into a deep sleep, then went to interrogate tonight’s assassin. In fact, there was no need for interrogation, he already could make a guess, “Are you a part of Prince An’s old faction?” 

“Yes.” The old assassin mentor failed to kill the target and knew he had no hope left. His whole person looked defeated.

Prince An’s mother was his benefactor. Before passing away from illness, she begged him to take care of her son. To repay the favor, he stayed at Prince An’s residence, allowed that person to order him around, and used his whole life to sweep away every obstacle in that person’s way.


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Even though Prince An was cruel and ruthless, he had watched that child grow up little by little. After Prince An failed to seize the throne, he was secretly executed by the emperor and Prince Huai, Zhao Huai. To the outside world, he was announced to have died from an illness.

He couldn’t enter the strictly guarded Royal Palace, but as long as he could get one out of the two enemies, it was enough. However, never in a million years could he anticipate that the disciple he raised and taught himself was living in Prince Huai’s residence. He wasn’t young anymore, his sword was slow, and couldn’t be the opponent his disciple who was in the prime of their youth. 

Zhao Huai coldly closed his eyes. He already guessed as much. In this peaceful time, no one would risk their lives to carry out an assassination on him except for Prince An’s old faction. However, he didn’t expect that even someone like Prince An would have people willing to die for him after his death.

“Kill him.” He turned around. There was nothing more to ask.

“Your Highness.”

Zhao Huai looked back to see the assassin, who was supposed to rest in bed, coming out at some unknown point. The person knelt and prostrated in front of him “Can Your Highness spare his life?” 

This was the first time Zhao Huai saw him speak so formally. As soon as he finished speaking, the wound in his chest opened, and the blood soaked through the outer robe. Zhao Huai helped him up with a cold expression, “Why? Do you know him?”

“That’s right. Didn’t I tell you I was very poor before? No one wanted to hire me. When I ran out of money and was about to die from hunger, this person passed by and gave me a very big steamed bun…”

The more assassin spoke, the darker Zhao Huai’s face became. In the end, he could only be honest, “Actually, he is my old mentor. I used to be an assassin in Prince An’s residence. After he left the stage, I took the chance to run away.”

He spoke very righteously. Without waiting for Zhao Huai to open his mouth, he held his chest high and revealed the red color on his clothes, “My wound was for you. You can’t repay good with evil, cutting the bridge after crossing it!” 

Deliberately changing into white clothes was indeed useful! A large patch of white cloth was soaked in blood, looking extremely tragic, the unlucky employer wouldn’t be willing to punish him

Zhao Huai got a headache. This pig-head, already so dumb yet also stubborn. But how come he felt that his idiocy was a little cute.

The victim had already spoken up, he couldn’t not agree. One of the mentor’s arms was wasted, and then he was released.

“Let’s go.” 

The assassin was very obedient this time, Zhao Huai only needed to throw over a glance and he would immediately follow meekly behind like a little bride.

The physician had not rested for 5 minutes before he was urgently called over to bandage the assassin’s wound one more time. After reminding him to rest well, he could finally return.

“If I didn’t remember wrong, your outfit was black before.” Zhao Huai spoke and looked the assassin all over.

The assassin scooted to the corner of the bed and laughed awkwardly, “That one was dirty.” 

At such an urgent time, he could still remember to change out of dirty clothes. Zhao Huai laughed coldly and pinched the assassin’s cheek, but didn’t expose him, “If you dare to get off the bed without permission next time, I’ll break your legs.”

The assassin hugged his legs in terror, his eyes widened, “Is that how you treat your savior? How can you be so ruthless and unreasonable?”


“Why not?” Zhao Huai pinched the other cheek, “Is this your first day knowing me? And don’t you also belong to Prince An’s old faction, look out for yourself, if one day I’m not happy…”

“Aiya, don’t say such hurtful things.” The assassin hugged Zhao Huai’s arm tightly and changed the topic, “This cake is really delicious, the chief’s skill has really improved, come, you should try it too.” 

“Hmph.” Zhao Huai opened his mouth and bit the pastry the assassin fed him, a little smile finally appeared on his face.

The assassin heaved a sigh of relief. He was actually a person who feared death and clung to dear life. The reason he revealed his identity to Zhao Huai and begged for mercy for his old mentor was because he was confident Zhao Huai wouldn’t kill him.

This unlucky employer of his looked fierce and had many weird requests, but he was a good person who treated him very well. When he was injured, the unlucky employer looked like he had lost his soul.

The assassin held his red cheeks and giggled secretly. 

Letting the old mentor go also counted as repaying a debt. In fact, that one stab could have taken his life.


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