The Unemployed Assassin

Chapter 5: 5

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Ch5 - Spreading tail

Chapter 5: Spreading tail (*)

(*) As in a peacock spreading its tail to attract a mate (visual image). There’s a peacock in this chapter.





Under Zhao Huai’s meticulous care, as nurtured by precious tonic daily, the assassin’s wound recovered quickly. 

Finally, when the pink scar in front of his chest couldn’t easily rip open anymore, the assassin was allowed to walk on the ground.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Those days of being served from A to Z was very comfortable, but also very stifling. After a month, the assassin could finally breath fresh air. He got excited like a monkey, running and jumping everywhere, looking very lively.

Po la kjr yfobgf, Itjb Lejl kbeiv tjnf rmbivfv tlw jcv mea tlr rjijgs. Lbkfnfg, gluta cbk tf bcis kjamtfv tlw delfais jcv gfwlcvfv tlw cba ab bnfgvb la bg atf kbecv kbeiv bqfc.

“Rb kbgglfr.” Ktf jrrjrrlc qjaafv tlr mtfra mbcolvfcais. Lf atbeuta lc tlr tfjga, atf agfjawfca tf gfmflnfv gluta cbk kjr cba yjv. Pc atf qjra, tf mbcrlvfgfv mtjculcu mjgffg, yea cbk tf ofia atja lo tf ifoa atlr qijmf, ktfgf kbeiv tf olcv jcbatfg kjgw fwqibsfg ilxf atlr?


He decided to devote his life to the warm employer, always protecting him, showing him sword dances, pushing his wheelchair while he basked in the sun.

Oh wait, the employer’s legs recovered already so he didn’t need the wheelchair anymore. Zhao Feishuang glanced at Zhao Huai’s slender legs and mumbled, “Really cannot get used to it.”

The master’s legs were very long, his figure was very nice, even though the person was as lazy as a sloth. If he could sit, he wouldn’t stand. If he could lie down, he wouldn’t sit. How could a person who didn’t exercise regularly have such a nice body? It really angered people to death.


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Zhao Huai didn’t know a certain someone’s thoughts and only saw he was being stared at intently. Thinking that person was attracted to his tall stature, happy feelings bloomed in his heart. He adjusted his postures, trying to look even more perfect. 

Zhao Feishuang looked at Zhao Huai dubiously. For some reasons, he felt like he was looking at a peacock spreading its tail to attract a mate. Although the person dressed elegantly, his whole body exuded the air of a bird in its courting mode.

Zhao Feishuang’s eyes fell on a few pretty and graceful girls just passing by and nodded thoughtfully. Master was at a marriageable age already.

Master had wealths, looks, and talent, marrying a wife should be no problem. Unlike him, who was an imporverished man. Zhao Feishuang suddenly felt worried for his future.

Hearing him sighed, Zhao Huai frowned, “What are you thinking about?” 

Things were all good until now, why the sudden long sigh?

“Thinking about getting a wife.” Zhao Feishuang spoke with a little yearning, “I wonder when I can take a bride home.”

Zhao Huai’s face transformed in an instantly. Zhao Feishuang didn’t notice a thing and still innocently asked, “When will I get salary for this month?”

Zhao Huai took a deep breath, trying hard to control his expression, then spoke in a low voice, “Do you think you have any? Those tonic costs were taken out of your salaries.” 

Zhao Feishuang was horrified, “But that was a work accident! Why do I have to pay for it myself?”

The unlucky master really didn’t have a shred of humanity.


“Yesterday, you ate 1000 year old ginseng, it costs 100 taels each. The day before yesterday, you drank blood bird nest, the day before before yesterday…” Zhao Huai sullenly began to calculate old accounts. 

“Forget it, forget it. I don’t need this month’s salary anymore.”

Zhao Feishuang hurriedly cut him off. If Zhao Huai kept going, he was afraid that it wouldn’t be just this month’s salary, but also the month’s after, and the month’s after after, and the month’s after after after salaries would all evaporate. Then, he would have no choice but to become this unlucky master’s slave for the rest of his life.

Yikes, maybe he should still consider changing career after all.

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