The Unholy Knight

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : The resolve

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I'm not sure how much time has gone since I was laying in this cave. My entire body is in excruciating pain. Even the tears that were falling from my eyes had ceased.

I'm thirsty, yet there are no water sources around.
Perhaps I'll die here. But I don't want to wind up like that. I was an amazing knight like this. I cannot abandon my life.

"You're still claiming to be a great knight, you fucking bastard. In this scenario, "I cursed myself as I pounded my face with my bloodied fists.

I despise the status of a Great Knight. It hasn't brought me anything, not even a shred of thankfulness. Today's treachery demonstrated this. What exactly did I do to them? I put my life in danger for the sake of my kingdom's people and mankind. I cherished and adored my fellow Knights, but what did they do to compensate me? They stabbed me in the back and then abandoned me here to die.

The Empress, who I feel was my closest friend, and My Love betrayed me. Being truthful, just, and trustworthy was a huge error on my behalf. I am terribly devastated to discover that everything I cherish has been gone.

While I was lying down and thinking about many things, I noticed a crimson-colored butterfly flying toward me. I waited for the butterfly to approach me. The butterfly approaches and hovers over me for a few moments before flying away.
I'm not sure what occurred in those few minutes, but my mental strength and bodily exhaustion had significantly decreased, which astounded me.


As I glanced in the direction it was coming from, a sound reached my ears.

"You can't see anything. Sweet Heart, no matter how hard you try," In the dim light, a feminine voice whispered something.

"Was it you who alleviated my weariness and wounds?"

"Humm... Let's see...... I was the one."

"Why did you assist me?"

"No, I did not assist you...I simply placed debt on your shoulders, which you must repay by serving me "she explained, her voice solemn.

"S-serve you?" I said, taken aback by her statement.

"Do I have to repeat myself?"

"W-what are you on about? Why should I work with you? First and foremost, you just treated my wounds, for which I must serve you for the rest of my life. Stop being hilarious!" Screaming, I said.

"How about I assist you in exacting your vengeance?"

I remained silent and did not speak.

Revenge huh? In that instance, the bad memories when my team members attacked me and the message that the empress wrote telling me she hated me all this time. Their laughing faces as they saw me whining in pain as I lay down on the ground begging them to save me. I despise it, as I do all of them.

I fell down to my knees, pulling my hair in dissatisfaction and outrage. That was overpowering most definitely.

"If you agree to serve me, I'll give you the power and authority you need to exact your revenge. All I ask in exchange is that you resurrect me."


"Resurrect you? Are you Dead? More than I forgot to ask about your identity. "

"Identity... Well, it's been so long since I died that even if I tell you, I doubt you'll remember me."

"Try me."

"On the off chance that you say so, I go by Lilith ..Does it sound familiar?"

Lilith,? I mulled it over for some time, however, it appears I don't recollect anybody by the name of Lilith on this mainland.


"Couldn't recollect that anything right? All things considered, I don't fault you for that since it's been a long time since I kicked the bucket, so it's generally expected. " She said, Torment and the bitterness unmistakable in her voice.

"I don't know what happened to you or how you died, but if you're willing to help me get my revenge, I Ryan grayheart , promise you that I'll do whatever is in my capability to resurrect you."

Out of nowhere, a brilliant light enlightens my body. I can feel something changing inside me. I felt areas of strength go through my body, making me tumble to the ground, and the final thing I saw prior to passing was a delightful lady. No misrepresentation,  the most beautiful and gorgeous woman I have ever seen staring at me with affection.

When I opened my eyes, I saw myself laying in the exact location where I had gone out. I turned my head and answered, 

''I see you've woken up"

"Yes, could you please explain the bright light that was emanating from my body and my reason for passing out?"

"When you performed your vow, I  put a seal on your heart as insurance. I also handed you something that will assist you." She stated 

"And now that I'm linked to you, I'll be within you all the time, observing your every action," she added.

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"W-wait, you're placing a seal on my heart. What exactly does that mean?" I inquired, my voice shaking.

"If you break our deal, you'll die horribly," she added blatantly as I took a few steps back.

"But you don't have to be concerned. Because I know you'd never undertake it in the first place."

"You indicated earlier that you'd handed me a "thing." What is that thing?" 


"Oh, that was my Dark Powers " I froze, hearing her words and started at the voice in utter shock.

"Do you mean the prohibited magic that has been lost since ancient times?"

"Hahahahahahahaha, forbidden magic. That's an intriguing way of putting it."

Dark Magic is practically forbidden in every kingdom; many people have attempted to summon its power in the past but have all failed. This will be explained in the following manner. When humans are born in this world, the Holy Church blesses them and protects them from negative energy. If that individual wants to practice evil magic, he or she must first separate the holy force within them. It appears to be simple, but it is not. People frequently die when attempting to extract the holy energy from their bodies, which is the primary reason why it cannot be performed.

Black magic is outlawed because there was once a girl who studied the dark arts in an obscure kingdom's academy. Nobody knew about her black magic studies since it was a closely guarded secret. Her holy magic affinity was not discovered one day when taking a magical affinity test. Dark magic, on the other hand, was discovered in her mana circuit. People were astounded to learn that there was a person who could use dark magic.
The present monarch of the realm summoned her and conferred the prestigious title of Greatest Wizard upon her. But they had no idea that the greatest magician would also be the most powerful evil wizard in history.

The girl maintained her black magic studies rather effectively throughout the months, and she was also sent on several important missions from the kingdom to exterminate evil. She lost control of her evil powers one day while performing a dark art. As a consequence, she lost control of her body as an evil creature entwined with her spirit, turning her personality vile.


Her wickedness had disastrous consequences. In barely three days, she devastated five major cities and murdered nearly 20 million people.
The world's leaders convene to try to discover a way to stop her. However, they were unable to find a remedy. When it appeared like everything was lost, a holy knight joined the meeting and informed the world leaders that he would destroy that wretched girl. As the knight sets out to defeat her, they all agreed.

For two days, a tremendous war raged on the northern continent. The knight returned with the girl's lifeless body, dumped it in front of the leaders, and then departed. They attempted to find out who he was, but he never revealed his name. The only thing he said in response was, "I'm the knight of the goddess ." That's how dark magic became prohibited, and a new hero's story was born.

"But won't that turn me evil?" She chuckles at my words, which irritates me even more.

"Have you heard your own words?" (Doesn't that make me a bad person?) Bruh,Pftt. If you work for me, it's evident that you'll be bad."

"T-that implies you're going to use me to exterminate the human race."


"Noop, I'd want to establish a religion throughout the world, and you'll be my knight in this endeavor."



"Yes, a knight, A Goddess without a knight is nothing "

Goddess?.... Don't tell me...

 I said, my body quivering with terror. "Y-you're the Evil Goddess, L-Lilith," I 
Why should it not be? Because within me was a crazy horrible goddess that brings agony and ruin to the human race, and the idea that I'm conversing with such a monster is more traumatizing than anything else.

"Hey, I'm offended if you call me evil. The Goddess of Darkness should be the name."

"But don't worry my Unholy Knight; I have no intention of annihilating humanity, and I never intended to do so in the first place." I just want to create a religion that can challenge the Holy Church's influence, and if I have enough adherents, I will be able to reincarnate on this planet. That is now feasible thanks to you.'' I felt a warm sensation on my cheek as someone caressed it.

"Are you able to touch me?"

"I can do a lot of things." "Would you like me to show you?"


"N-no, thank you," I stammered, surrendering my hands.



"So, my Unholy Knight, let us begin our journey."

I'm not sure what will happen here from now on, but I'll take my revenge even if it means serving an evil goddess for the rest of my life.

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