The Unholy Knight

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 : Start of the havoc

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The Ilmalan Empire's Royal Capital

A gorgeous lady with white hair and crimson eyes, dressed in an ash gown, sat in a gemstone-oriented chair within a magnificent chamber. She is, in fact, the Empress of the Ilmalan Empire. A maid's costumed girl entered the Empress's chamber and bowed before speaking.
"Sir Milo and the others have returned, Empress."
"That's excellent news," the Empress remarked with a grin on her face. "Make certain that they acquire all of the arrangements in the castle... And could you send Commander Milo into my chamber? " For a brief period, the maid's expression became sour as she nodded and exited the chamber, leaving the Empress alone.


The knight in white armor entered the chamber and bowed down next to the empress, kissing her hand.

"I've returned my Empress."

The Empress extended her hand out and touched his cheek.

"I'm glad you returned my Milo." Milo stood up and hugged the empress, who was also wrapping her hands around Milo with joy.

"So, have you executed that Bastard 'Fiance of mine?" she said, her voice mocking.

He remarked, after releasing her from his arms, "You don't have to be concerned, my Empress. I slaughtered the Bastard and sent him into a cave to rot." With a sneer on his face, he says this confidently.

Ryan felt he would one day marry that empress and lead a tranquil existence because she was the one he loved the most. The Milo the empress is hugging is the vice commander of the Star Knights, who betrayed and stabbed Ryan, the supreme commander of the Star Knights, in order to get the job and also because he wanted the empress to himself.

The maid who had previously informed the arrival of the Knights entered the room hastily and informed, "Empress, sorry for not knocking, but there is an emergency. A large crowd has formed outside of the castle gate." She came down from Milo's lap and fixed her disheveled clothes, then asked the maid. "Why are people here? Is there something going on?"

"They are requesting to see Sir Ryan Grayheart and the star individuals."

The Star Knights have a significant impact on numerous nations, and their notoriety and sterling performance have shown that they are deserving of the utmost esteem. The main attraction was Ryan Grayheart, the most admired member and supreme commander of the renowned "Star Knights." The folks waiting outside the front gate wanted to see their savior once to make sure he was okay.

Milo became frightened as he listened to this and turned to face the Empress, who had her hand on her chin and appeared to be thinking.

"Milo, Set up the Star Knights. We will hold a public gathering to pronounce that Ryan Grayheart is Dead. "

"But what would people think if they hear this all of a sudden?" As Milo came to a halt, the Empress stared at him.
She responded, looking out the window at the reflecting outdoors, "It's nothing to be concerned about. We'll just claim he died while under the cult's control." The maid and commander Milo both nodded.


A girl in bed, grasping a cushion, can be seen lying down as tears run down her face in a massive outdoor room.
"Please, Sob*, Please, Sob*, Supreme Commander, forgive me." At that moment, the room's door slammed open, revealing two boys and one girl dressed in white uniforms, each with a star-shaped badge on their  chest, identifying them as members of "Star Knight."

The boy who spoke was Armaan. "Hey Anna, stop crying already. The Vice Commander has requested all of us to gather at the castle hall in thirty minutes." Rank 19 out of 200 Star Knight members, which was an impressive feat for his young age. He had black hair, brown skin, two sets of bright yellow eyes.
The wailing girl didn't seem to mind and cried, "You callous people, don't you feel any grief that Sir Ryan, has died." She then began to cry even more.

"We are likewise saddened by this, Anna, but we are Knights. If we become fragile at a time when people need our assistance the most, it will reflect poorly on the "star Knights.  Please understand." This is Natasha Rinehart. Rank 14: She has long auburn hair, white skin, and a gorgeous, attractive face that can entice any male. Her distinguishing feature is a mole located just above her chin, which adds to her already lovely face.

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"What's the point of crying anyway? He died because he failed to protect him, it's as simple as that," said Kevin Northman, Rank 20. Commander Milo's personal assistant. He has brown hair, a manly build, and a nice face.
"Hey, Kevin, don't talk to her like that," Natasha replied, irritated by Kevin's behavior.
"Tsk, I just came here because the commander said so, but it appears you people don't want me here," he says dismissively as he walks away.
Armaan takes out his handkerchief and moves carefully approaching Anna, who has just stopped crying and is looking blankly at the wall.

"Anna, I know you're hurt, but you see, there are people who are eagerly waiting for us to arrive, to see us alive, to see our glory. That's why please keep your emotions in check. You're ranked 8, so people expect much from you. If you fall apart now, who will give them hope for a better future? So I request you please don't cry and go with us," he said while hugging her and caressing her.

 A long silence followed before Anna spoke.

"All right, give me ten minutes to get ready.
A smile bloomed over Natasha and Armaan's faces as they said it in unison.
"That's the Anna I know."


As I exited the cave, the sun's rays kissed my eyes. In front of me was a huge forest, which I have no recollection of.
"Where is this?"
"It's the big forest of Norgan," Lilith replied, a little nostalgically.
"I don't recall being here; we were at Theocracy for that mission. So, what am I doing here?"
Lilith laughed. "As far as I can tell from your mind, you were brought here by teleportation magic, which is really intriguing," she responded in response to my query.

"No, I mean, give it some thought. Using teleportation magic denotes the presence of a teleportation magic specialist. Do you remember anyone in your squadron who has as much skill in this field?"

"Not that I recall," 

Lilith made a "Hum" sound and remained quiet after that.

I began to walk slowly inside the forest, and as I did so, my eyes fell on my body, which was quite different from before. I dashed towards a lake, then knelt down and saw myself, no, my new self, in the reflection. My once black hair was turned white, and my face, which was covered in bruises, was clean and more handsome and dazzling than before, my eyes were red, and my body was pale white, almost reassembling a vampire.

"Isn't it incredible? Being this attractive, "Lilith said excitedly. I can almost see her smirking at me.
"How did I alter so drastically?" I inquired, my interest piqued.
"When I was transferring my Dark energies to you, your body swallowed some of my Dark energy, which made your body in peak condition and added more appeal to it. But do you know why this occurred? It's because my magic is equivalent to my DNA, making you my bloodline. a demi-god." Her remarks were nice as I nodded, but then she dropped another bomb on my head, telling me I'm a demi-god.
"Are you kidding me, how can I be a god?" In denial, I said.

''So if you want to refute it, go ahead. It does not necessarily mean that reality will alter. "

One thing I want to clear up is that I'm not upset that I have gotten greatly stronger, but the thing is so great that it's hard to swallow. God me?

"So what's your first move?''
Lilith questioned with a bored tone.
"I assumed you would order me,"
''Well, not just now. You must exact your vengeance in order for me to get what I want. We agreed to do it. I can't stand that. "
"If I concur, then"
''Then, yeah, yes, I can command you, I guess.''

What should I do now? Should I go ahead and kill them all? Should I inflict twice as much anguish on them? My blood starts to boil just thinking about them.
I'll murder them all, ruin the empire and its people, and condemn them to misery for the rest of their lives.
A girl's picture flashed before my eyes and quickly vanished, leaving a void in my heart.
"Were you involved in this, Anna?" I questioned, staring up at the sky with a single tear in my eye.

Anna Marhon, is one of the best pupils I've ever had. One day, while going through a run-down slum, I came across Anna, who was sitting in a corner with a sad expression on her face, as if she had no reason to live. But that doesn't pique my interest. What piqued my interest was the symbol she was wearing, which was from a kingdom destroyed by the terrible cult. Pitying her, I brought her to the Star Knight Academy and taught her swordsmanship, as she became the youngest recruit to place in the top three of the Star Knight Academy's final exam and was given the title of (sword master).

I'm not sure if she was or wasn't part in this conspiracy, but one thing was certain: I wouldn't be able to harm her or put her in danger since she's like a kid to me and I adore her. If I can do anything, I'd like to say anything to her.

"So, where are we going next?" Lilith stated.
The transformation not only affected my physique, but it also changed my age, making me appear like a young man in his twenties, and I doubt anybody would recognize me even if I walk in front of them because of this alteration.

"Of course, to the Star Knight Academy. I'll start wreaking devastation from there."

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