The Vampire Dairies: scars under the crimson vail

Chapter 4: House Visit

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It was early morning, the sky was clear, sun was shining brightly, birds was chirping. A man was sitting under the shade of a large tree with rays of the dawning sun combing through its leaves touching the man's face. He had raven black hair with deep blue eyes like ocean with a face as handsome as that of a Greek god.

There was a women lying on his lap, sleeping. She had auburn hair with deep violet eyes and  cherry sweet lips, she was in her early 20's and some might say her beauty was none less than the goddess Aphrodite. The man was caressing her head while stroking her auburn hair gently, after some time the women wakes up looks up to his face and smiles while caressing his cheeks, her smile was as beautiful as the coming of the spring.

They were in a vast grassland. There was several wolves roaming around them some was sleeping, some was playing, there was gentle a breeze brushing past the grassland but then the winds started picking up, the man could feel the change in the atmosphere around him, he could feel the wind rushing across the fields, there were dark clouds gathering at the horizon. He could feel the change in the behaviour of the animals around him, they were all glaring at him with their yellow eyes with static expression. His heart started pounding loudly, he looked at the women's face lying in his lap and his heart almost stopped beating for a second, the women was still smiling at him but her eyes was bleeding, there was a spear pierced through her chest. The women was trying to say something but was interrupted by a sudden flashes of lightning and then Mark opened his eyes. There were beads of sweat rolling down his forehead with tears in his eyes.

He sat up while holding his forehead and stared at the unfinished portrait of the women in the corner of his room, tears starts rolling down his face, after some time he heard the knocking on his door- Rat-tat-tat. The door opened and John came in with a bottle of vintage Bordeaux, he puts the bottle on the table at the foot side of the bed and pours some wine in the glass and while handing the glass to Mark, he said-

"Sir, the cleaning downstairs is done and I've collected the information you requested earlier."

Mark was staring at his reflection in the wine, he saw his lips curled up to form a smile, and he gave the wine glass a gentle twirl, takes a sip and looked at John

"Oh, tell me about the vampire first."

"Stefan Salvatore, born here in 1846 to Giuseppe and Lillian Salvatore, has an older brother named Damon Salvatore. He lives here with his nephew Zach Salvatore. I believe sir those three are the only members left of the Salvatore family"

"Mm-hmm, him being a doppelganger, I've a pretty good idea of who turned this boy" Mark said with a faint chuckle.

"Ah-ahem, Elena Gilbert, also born here on June 22, 1992 to John Gilbert and Isobel Flemming, abandoned by her birth parents she was adopted by Grayson and Miranda Gilbert. She has a little half-brother named Jeremy Gilbert, her adopted parents died a year ago in the car accident on wickery bridge. She now lives with her aunt Jenna Sommers."

"Hmm, another poor soul born only for a sacrifice, I guess 'He' has no idea of another Petrova doppelganger being born and 'She' has no idea about poor little Elena, her life would be much easier if she do, should I tell them? Or wait for them to eventually come here?" Mark muttered with corner of his lips arching upwards forming a mischievous smile on his face.

"Sir, I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time, are you be needing anything more from me?" John smiled with his wrinkled face, age is catching up with him.

"No, that'll be all."


It was early morning with a clear sky, I parked my car to the side of the road and went toward a hose with a green hardcover dairy in my hand. It was a standard white two story house with a lawn in front, I walked up to the porch and rang the doorbell and waited, after sometime I rang the doorbell again and heard the sound of someone rushing up to the door while shouting 'coming' from the inside.

The door opened by a women in her 30's about 5'6" with blonde hair and hazel eyes, she looked at me with intrigued look, she had her hair tied in a bun barely holding it with her one hand, she noticed me looking at her and said-

"Yes, how can I help you?"

"Hello, this is Elena Gilbert's house right, please tell me I'm at the right place." I asked her with a slight chuckle.

As I was conversing with her I noticed another hurried steps towards us, the person shouted "Who's it Aunt Jenna?" and then Elena came into my view, she was wearing a tight fitted blue jeans with black top, had her hair untied and had a smile on her face. She came up to me and standed right beside Jenna.

I looked at her with a slight smile and said "Hey" I noticed Jenna's gaze switching between me and Elena then she smiled and said "you two kids have fun chatting, I'm going to get late for my interview." She looked at her wrist watch and went inside.

"Hey, what brings you here so early in the morning." She asked

"Hm-hmm, I think you dropped this earlier in the cemetery and I didn't get a chance to return this to you earlier in the restaurant because of the call." I said as I returned the green hardcover dairy to her.

"Oh, I must have dropped it. Thank you." She said with a little worried expression showing on her face.

"Are you worried that I might have read it?" I chuckled and asked "well much to your relief I've not." I shrugged my shoulders and said.

"No, why not? Most people would have." She said showing a sign of little relief.

"Well, I've learned to respect people's privacy" I shrugged with a faint chuckle.

She laughed and said "You don't have to stay out there." and gestured me to follow her, as she went inside. I took a step, crossed the doorframe with a smile on my face and followed her to the dining room.

It was a decent size room with a kitchen to the right side with a window facing the East, through which the sun rays was entering and hitting the kitchen counter, there was a dining table in the center of the room with 4 chairs stacked at each side, there was a door right beside the window leading to the lawn outside I presumed.

Elena looked at me smiled and point towards Jenna and said "this is my Aunt Jenna" and then she point toward me and said "This is Mark Anderson, my classmate. He just moved here." I smiled towards Jenna and said "Hello, nice to meet you." She looked at me smiled and said "nice to meet you too, Mark" and point towards the dining table and said "have some toast and do you like coffee?"

"Thanks for offering but I already had some at the grill." I said to her and took a glance at my watch, it was getting late. I looked at Elena and said "It's getting late for school, would you be needing a ride?" Jenna with a grin on her face said to me "yes, would you be kind enough to drop her?" Elena looked at Jenna with a baffled look and shouted "Aunt Jenna,"

"I'll be waiting outside." I said while chuckling and went outside to my car, opened the passenger door and stood beside it. It took a couple of minute, Elena came outside and walked up to me with an apologetic smile on her face and said "sorry for troubling you."

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"No, it's not troubling at all, we are going to the same place after all." I smiled and gestured her to sit inside, after that I closed the door and went around the car, opened the door to the driving side, sat inside and started the car.


As I was driving I noticed a questioned look on Elena's face. I looked toward her, smiled and said

"You certainly have a question, please ask."

"Ah, it's nothing just… How do you know where I live?" she asked while a little worried.

"Hmm, I just asked 'where does the most beautiful girl lives?' the first person I met." I said and looked at her. She was looking at me a little flustered with slight tint of redness on her cheeks. I looked ahead while smiling and said "just messing with ya, I asked around the grill."

Elena said "That's rude you know" with a slight pout, to which I apologized. As we were conversing, we reached school. I parked my car in the lot, as I was getting out of the car I heard my phone ringing, I took out the phone to check who it was and it was John. I looked at Elena and said "sorry I need to pick this, it's john it must be regarding some business" and gestured her to go without me with an apologetic smile.

"Ok, see you in class." She waved at me and went ahead. I turned around and picked up the call.

"Sir, the Guerreras delivered the Vervain, you want me to directly deliver it to the council or you'll be meeting them?" asked John

"Hmm, 'if violence is not solving the problem, you're simply not using enough of it' this situation does prove this line, isn't it John and yes I'll be meeting them."

"Well sir, it does suit your style." John said while laughing.

After the conversation ended I went toward the class and as usual occupied the backside seat. After a couple of minutes Elena and Bonnie entered the class, they both gave me a friendly nod and occupied the seats in front of me, as the bell started ringing Stefan entered the class with Mr. Tanner, our history teacher. Stefan walked up to me and gave a friendly smile and occupied the seat right beside Elena.

Mr. Tanner started the class with the lesson on the history of local Virginia "The battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle? 'Miss Bennett?'" he points towards Bonnie

"Um …a lot? I'm not sure, but like a whole lot." Bonnie answered, which makes the students chuckle.

"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Miss Bennett." Said Mr. Tanner while taking a jab at her.

'This town just won't stop surprising me, would it? Vampires, Doppelgangers, Werewolves and now a witch with a Bennett bloodline. What else does this small town hides?' as I was busy monologuing I left out a chuckle which got Mr. Tanner attention.

"How many casualties resulted in the battle of Willow Creek? Enlighten us." He said while pointing towards me.

"There were 346 casualties, unless you're counting local civilians."

"That's correct. Mr..?"


"Anderson? Any relation to the original settlers here at Mystic falls?"

"None, my family came here in 1850s, after the town was pretty much settled." I said with a slight smile.

"Well, no problem. Except of course there was no civilian casualties in this battle." Said Mr. Tanner, turning while facing towards the board.

"Actually, there were 27, sir." Stefan interjected before me and continued "Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss."


"The founder's archives are stored in Civil Hall if you like to brush up on your facts, Mr. Tanner." Said Stefan while taking a jab at Mr. Tanner. This bought a lot of gasps and chuckle to the class.

"And you're Mr..?" asked Mr. Tanner while glaring at Stefan, a glare that could burn down the entire school if he could.

"Salvatore." Said Stefan.

"Mr. Salvatore." Mr. Tanner nods while leaving the class.

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