The Vampire Dairies: scars under the crimson vail

Chapter 5: Disastrous party

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After the classes were over, I went home. As I was getting out of my car John came over and informed me about the guests that were waiting for me in the guest room. I walked up to the guest room and opened the door and noticed two people sitting on one of the two couches in the room, a man and a woman. Man had a slim build and tall stature.

He had dark brown hair with brown eyes, he was appearing to be in his late 30's wearing a dark colored suit and the woman was 5'8" with blonde hair and brown eyes she was in her 40's wearing a Sheriff's uniform.

I walked up to them and they stood up to greet me.

"Mr. Anderson, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, I'm Richard Lockwood, Mayor of this town." The man introduced himself.

"I'm Elizabeth Forbes, the town's Sheriff."

I looked at them, smiled and said "pleasure is all mine, please take your seats" while pointing towards the couch they were previously sitting on and sat down on the couch opposite to them. There was a glass table between both couches.

"What would you like to have? Tea? Coffee? Or anything else?" I asked them while gesturing John, who was standing right beside my couch to bring the products.

"We are sorry, due to the current situation we are in a little hurry, maybe another time with a less arduous situation" said Richard while taking a glance at his wrist watch.

After a couple of minutes John came in with a briefcase, he walked up to me and put down the briefcase on the glass table and stood aside. I opened the briefcase, inside it was Vervain and rotated it towards Richard. He had a smile on his face. I stood up and walked up to Richard's side and picked up a Vervain stem from the briefcase and said-

"It's ironic don't you guys think such beautiful plant can be deadly to those creatures, remind me of how hypocrite nature can be." I turned towards them with a smile on my face and put down the Vervain stem back in the briefcase.

"It's all we have for the moment, I do hope it's enough" john said to the Sheriff.

"Thank you for your help Mr. Anderson, it'll help us in catching those vampires." Richard said to me with a smile.

"How's the investigation going, if I may ask?" I turned towards the Sheriff and asked.

"We are looking into anyone new to town since the attacks began, should turned up a suspect or two." Sheriff told me while frowning.

"Hm-hmm, I'm sensing a big but coming, what's the matter Sheriff?" I asked her noticing the frown.

"I think our facts are wrong. We've always believed that vampires can only come out in the dark. What if that's changed? What if they are walking around outdoor during the day, right in front of us?" Sheriff said with a worried look on her face,

I let out a laugh, looked at her and said "I think you're overthinking Sheriff, the overworking is getting to you, I suggest you take a rest and about our vampire problem, how about try mixing Vervain in our town water supply?"

"That's a good idea Mr. Anderson, thank you for your generous help" said Richard while standing up and forwarding his hand for a handshake.

I shook his hand and said "No problem Mayor, happy to help anytime." While gesturing John to escort both of them.


It was late evening, the rays of the dusking sun was dyeing the surrounding in red and orange. I was driving towards the fall where the 'back to school' party was being held. I drove for more than half an hour the location was pretty remote. When I reached there, the sun had already set.

The place looked like a typical place where a frat party would held, the whole place was lit by the decorative lights, there were trees in the middle covered by strings of decorative LED lights, lighting the whole place bright. I parked my car, where the rest of the cars were parked and got out. I was wearing a dark colored jeans with a white T-shirt and dark leather jacket.

The party has already started. The music was blasting all around overlapping the sound of waterfall and the crowds, people were mingling, some of them were dancing, some of them were singing pretty horribly I might add and some of them were busy getting intimate. I walked up to a bonfire near the decorated trees and grabbed a beer bottle from the crate and started walking towards the east-side of the woods, away from all the horny teens looking for a hook-up.

After the couple of minutes I heard someone yell out my name and looked around. There, they were Elena and Bonnie calling out to me near the bonfire near there was a beer stand. I stood up and threw my empty beer bottle in the recycle bin near me. I started walking towards them with a smile on my face. They were wearing a dark blue jeans, red top with dark brown jacket and dark jeans, white top with black leather jacket respectively.

"Hey, Mark it's nice that you made it" said Elena smiling

Bonnie greeted me with a friendly nod.

"It's fun being here. Thanks for inviting me both of you and it's my first party after coming here." I said to them and started filling two glasses with beer, offered it to them to which they didn't refuse and filled another glass for myself. After a couple of rounds I noticed Elena glancing around. I asked her with corner of my lips arching upward forming a smirk.

"Looking for something. Uh… or someone."

Elena looked at me flustered with rose tinted cheeks and said while shaking her head sideways.

"N-no, no I was just looking around, admiring the view."

Bonnie first looked at me, then at Elena and with an all knowing smirk on her face she said "just admit it, Elena. You were looking for Stefan."

"So, where is he? Shouldn't he be here already?" I asked both of them.

"I don't know, you should ask Bonnie. She's psychic nowadays." Elena said while giving Bonnie a pat on her shoulder.

I looked towards Bonnie with an intriguing look, let out a chuckle and said "oh-really, then would you please tell me the upcoming lottery numbers."

Bonnie side eyed me and looked at Elena glaringly but I continued on "I said pretty please, wouldn't you help a friend out?"

Elena said while laughing "wait, she need a crystal ball. Uh…Ta-da." And picked up a beer bottle.

"Ok-ok, enough fun both of you guys." Bonnie said and grabbed the bottle but soon let it go. She had a scrunched up face with eyes open wide. The bottle falls to the ground, breaking. Both Bonnie and Elena took a couple of steps back.

"Are you guys ok?" I asked them with a concerned look.

"We're alright."

"What was that?" Elena asked Bonnie, a little concerned.

"That was weird. When I touched you, I saw a crow."

"What?" asked Elena, a little agitated.

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"I saw Mark on the phone, a crow, then there was this fog and a man." Said Bonnie while looking at us with a worried wide eye look.

I looked towards Elena, who had a surprised expression on her face and decided to lighten the mood but before I could speak, Bonnie hurriedly said.

"I'm drunk, it's the drinking, there's nothing psychic about it." And looked towards the beer crate which was empty then looked at us and said "Uh… I'm gonna get a refill." And left while looking around.

Elena looked at me with a worried gaze and said "It was after you left. There was this-this…" but before she could finish the sentence she noticed that I was looking over her shoulder while smiling. Elena turned around and took a step back, startled.

Stefan was standing a couple of steps away from her with a dazzling smile on his face.

"Hi, I-I did it again, didn't I?" Stefan said to Elena

"Yeah." Elena replied with a flustered voice.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to happen." Stefan apologized and then looked towards me and said

"hey." While forwarding his hand for a handshake.

I shook his hand and said "hey, nice that you finally made it" and turned towards Elena and said "You guys have fun, I'm gonna go look around and get a refill."


Mark was sitting on a huge boulder near the waterfall with a bottle of beer in his hand while staring at the crimson moon hung in the sky. The clouds surrounding the moon was pitch black, giving the crimson Moon a horrendous feeling.

Mark took a sip from the bottle and looked up, there were fleshes of lightning signalling the disaster that's about to befall on him. It then started raining blood dyeing the whole waterfall and its plunge pool in crimson. He then started hearing dreadful shrieking sounds reverberating around him.

Mark looked at the crimson Moon and yelled "So this is what it's come down to now. You think these pathetic attempt of yours gonna work on me. After all this time have you learned nothing? Oh-how truly pitiful of you."

Mark smashed the beer bottle on the boulder while laughing maniacally and closed his eyes, after some time he opened them again. All the dreadful shrieking and the blood rain had stopped. He looked at the waterfall and its plunge pool, they were back to normal and finally looked up, it was clear with a magnificently brown-tinged grey moon hung in the sky.


Mark amped up his hearing to check up on the ongoing party but he heard a huge commotion with ambulance and police sirens. He jumped down from the boulder and landed on his feet, on the ground and started running towards the party.

As he reached near the location, he slowed down and started walking. He came out the west side of the woods and saw two police vehicles, an ambulance and an animal control vehicle. He walked towards the ambulance and saw Sheriff Forbes standing and communicating with her deputies.

He walked up to her and said in a high pitch voice to garner her attention

"What happened here, Sheriff?"

Sheriff Forbes turned towards him with a deep frown on her face which changed to worried look as soon as she saw him and said.

"Mr. Anderson, what are you doing here? Are you alright? Did you saw anything?"

"Good evening Sheriff. I was attending the 'back to school' party and yes I'm alright and No, I didn't see anything, I was near the fall. The first thing I saw coming here is this commotion and then you." He said, first pointing towards the crowd and then at her.

"So, could you tell me what happened here? Sheriff."

Sheriff Forbes looked at him and said "follow me" while walking toward the side, away from her deputies and the ongoing commotion and started talking.

"We got a call about an injured girl named Vicki Donavan about 20 minutes ago. She was found unconscious and bleeding. Officially it's an animal attack but I know it's a vampire, similar bite wounds to the neck, no sighting of any animals nearby, unmutilated body and memory loss. I know it's them."

As they were talking a Deputy came up to them and said "Sheriff, they are calling for you. They've finished investigating" and walked away.

"We need to hold the council meeting sooner than we thought. Mr. Anderson." Sheriff Forbes said to Mark while walking towards her deputies.


Mark was standing there alone deep in his thoughts, after a while he took out his cell phone and called John.

"John, there was a vampire attack at the party. A girl was injured. Find out, the Hospital and the Room number, where the authorities are taking her."

After the call was cut, Mark had a mischievous smile on his face. He looked around and started walking towards the car.


Mark was driving towards the town. It was pretty close to mid-night after a while his phone started ringing. It was John. He picked it up and put it on speaker.

"Sir, the girl had been taken to the town's local hospital and admitted in the room no. 3084." John said over the phone

"Hm-hmm, thanks John."

After the call, it took Mark another half an hour to drive up to the general hospital. He parked the car in the parking lot and started walking towards the front door entry sign. After he got inside, he took the elevator to the 3rd floor and waited.

After a couple of minutes, the door to the elevator opened up and 4 doctors, conversing between themselves came out. Mark got in and pressed the 3rd floor key. The door closed. Mark looked at the small panel right above the floor keys, showing the floor number '1⬆️… 2⬆️… 3⬆️'. On 3⬆️ the door opened up revealing an empty corridor.

Mark walked outside the elevator and started walking while looking at the room numbers 3081, 3082, 3083, and 3084. He opened the door to the room no. 3084 and walked inside.


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