The Vampire of Alistor

Chapter 2: Day 1, Year 1: Testing

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Before walking to the training grounds, Elix headed to his room, in order to get a view of himself. He hadn't had the chance yet, as he was busy talking with Alvor. What he saw, while was cool, was unsettling, after all some of his body has changed, and like what Alvor said it would take some getting used to.

Anyway, the differences in his body were, his completely white skin, bright red eyes, his finger nails were now claws but they were retractable, his ears were slightly longer and pointed at the tip, his  tongue was longer, and of course, the black tentacles that exuded from his back that dragged behind him as he walked. He also noticed something else, and this was something he noticed once he got out of the coffin, he was now genderless.

To put it simply, his genital was gone, and now just skin was in it's place. Also, he no loner had an anus either and his butt was fused, which he didn't mind. Vampire's didn't have the abiltiy to reproduce since they're technically walking corpses, and he didn't plan on having children in the first place. Moving one, Elix wondered what would happen if he did eat human food, since he didn't have an anus to expel things that weren't needed, and the same for liquids.

'Guess I'll have to ask Alvor later.' He thought. Elix was done looking at himself now, and headed towards the training grounds and once there closed his eyes to focus and tried to enter into a human form. While it takes practice to get the handle of vampire powers, there is some level of instinct involved in it as well, and those who are going to become vampires are prepared with the knowledge needed for abilities.

Back to Elix, he unfortunately couldn't transform fully yet, but managed to transform a part of his arm to the previous white it was. 'It's a start', and Elix moved on to test his strength and speed. His goal was a tree on the other side of the grounds, and so Elis sprinted toward it. While running it looked like everything else was in slow motion, he could see the bugs in the air to their tiniest detail, which was kinda gross and creepy.

Nonetheless, Elix reached his goal, but he had trouble stopping and face planted into the tree, breaking it and not harming him. 'A vampires durability is no joke, huh.' Next he moved onto strength, and while he broke the tree by face planting into it, but that could be the combination of his speed, durability, and strength.

So, he went over to the steel in the training grounds, and picked up a piece and with minimal effort, broke it in half. 'This. Now this is just awesome. All of it is.' Thought Elix as a smile appeared on his face. Now the next part to test was, his immortality. As a vampire, Elix would longer age, was immune to all diseases, and could heal his body when harmed.

Elix grabbed one of the Kaditite swords and with his palm out he cut it and it healed almost instantly after the wound was inflicted. Kaditite was one of the only materials capable of killing a vampire. Vampires weaknesses include kaditite, sunlight, any permanent wound to the heart, sunflowers, blood and Melik which is an herb that can repel vampires.

While sunlight was a weakness to vampires, eventually when they are old enough, it no longer harms them. The age that the effects of sunlight begin to weaken when a vampire reaches eight hundred and no longer effect vampires when they're fifteen hundred. While on the subject, vampires also gain more abilities the older they are as well as their physical strength and magical strength increase.

However, the increase in overall power is not much and really shows when the vampire is over two thousand, like Alvor. Anyway, Elix put the sword back, and this time he used all of his tentacles, which totaled to ten. He used each tentacle for a different thing, one used to pick up another sword, one to pick up a dummy, a shield, etc.

He could use his tentacles like they were arms that he's had for his entire life. After that he moved onto magic, which was strengthened when he became a vampire and if someone didn't have the ability to use magic before, they do now. Elix had previously not had the ability to use magic, but now he did, so he was excited to use it.

Alvor had taught him about magic since he might need to face someone who could use magic in the future and because he might make him a vampire in the future, which he did. However having the knoweldge about magic, and doing it were entirely different.


I think I'll start with something simple, mana vision. It allowed a vampire to see the stream of mana in everything, and it wasn't magic but something vampires could do at will, as well as dragons. I looked for which of the mana streams I had the most affinity with, and it was blood magic. It's something all vampires can do even without an affinity but the stronger the affinity the stronger the spell.

I ask the red mana stream to help me, and it seemed to be more than willingly to. So I cut my finger with my claw, and started controlling the blood with my mind. The blood twisted, turned and floated in the air according to my will.

Doing blood magic brought a wide smile to my face, after-all I just did magic! It's just incredible, everything about being a vampire is incredible and this, is just the start of it.

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