The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 49: CH 48

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The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead: Ch 48, Pure Campus Love

In addition, Luan Qing Xiao also sued Zhang Lu'er for defamation.

With complete witness and physical evidence, Zhang Lu'er had no way of arguing her way out of it. She could only plead guilty in court before finally being sentenced to three months of criminal detention.

Zhang Lu'er's parents originally wanted to use money to bribe Luan Qing Xiao, so she wouldn’t file a lawsuit, but because their attitude was too haughty, Luan Qing Xiao directly ignored them.

Once Zhang Lu’er was officially sentenced, her parents truly regretted their actions, however it was already too late.

For a long time, Zhang Lu’er’s affair was discussed by the students of University Q students on the student forum. The students kept describing the situation in detail about how composed Nie Zhen'er was or how Luan Qing Xiao was worried enough to skip class. The descriptive scene, where Luan Qing Xiao found Nie Zhen'er and their display of affection was particularly moving, quickly recruited a large number of CP fans for the two.

According to these fans, stanning Nie Zhen'er’s and Luan Qing Xiao’s CP was much better than celebrity ones, because these were real people they could see every day and ship!

The campus forum quickly built a building on the LuanNie CP with its post.

After the Zhang Lu’er incident, Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er had a peaceful and sweet campus life until at the end of the final exams when their winter vacation was over, Luan Qing Xiao received a bad new from  520.

【Ding! The male lead's blackening status is at 100%! The male lead has activated the blackening mode. Host, please be cautious and tread the situation carefully! 】

Currently, Nie Zhen'er was discussing the project she personally designed with Luan Qing Xiao. When she raised her head, she saw Luan Qing Xiao's expression stiffen and worriedly asked, "Qing Xiao, what happened? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Luan Qing Xiao came back to her senses. She sighed before smiling, "It's nothing. I just suddenly thought of that one high school year when I hadn't done my vacation homework. At the time, I was scared to death but now thinking back it was quite funny."

Nie Zhen'er remembered that incident as well. Her eyes curled into crescents, "I recall you requesting a day off to finish it."

"Yeah," Luan Qing Xiao bitterly said, "Back then, I could only see you at school. In order not to be punished by the homeroom teacher for a week of suspension, I had to call my mother to request a day off for me. My cover-up story was I was still in Country M and hadn’t come back yet. See how much I love you?"

Nie Zhen'er blushed. She shyly peeked at Luan Qing Xiao, "Did you already like me that much then?"

Luan Qing Xiao replied affirmatively, "If we’re talking about the earliest, it should be when I took your strawberry hairpin to deliberately approach you. Back then, I would stare at your back in a daze from my place at the back and wonder things like why this girl was so skinny or why she was so good-looking. She really is the cutest girl I know."

Nie Zhen'er smiled and pounced into Luan Qing Xiao's arms, staring at her with bright eyes, "Really?"

Luan Qing Xiao nodded, "Of course it's true. When did you start to like me, Zhen'er?"

Nie Zhen'er bit her red lips as her gaze turned dreamy. After a long while, she softly recalled, "When you placed the strawberry hairpin in my hand and smiled at me. I was incredibly timid, so I was terrified when I bumped into you. However, not only were you not angry, you were extremely gentle...Right there, I fell in love with you a little bit. However, at that time I had low self-esteem and didn’t dare to take the initiative to talk to you. Fortunately, you came to me before the physical education class and didn’t reject me when I mustered up all my courage to ask you to escort me to and from school. You probably don't know how nervous I was, I was so afraid that you would reject me."

The two leaned together to reminisce about their sweet past. Two or three years had passed since then, but those scenes seemed as if it only happened yesterday.

After returning to S Province, Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er lived a bitter life of being separated. Even if Luan Qing Xiao stayed over at Nie Zhen'er’s for the night,  the two didn’t dare to do anything too excessive at night because Xue Man was there.

Within a few days, Luan Qing Xiao couldn't stand it anymore. She began to discuss with Nie Zhen'er about how they would come out the closet to Xue Man.

Regarding this matter, Nie Zhen'er was much more carefree than Luan Qing Xiao. Luan Qing Xiao hesitated, but she persuaded her everything would be fine.

Nie Zhen’er’s clear starry eyes reflected Luan Qing Xiao’s face, “The only person I care about in this world is you. Although my mother is also very important, she definitely isn’t as important as you. If she does object to us being together, it’ll only be her that I give up on."

Luan Qing Xiao saw tears flashing from the corner of Nie Zhen'er's eyes. She embraced her, "No need, Aunt Xue is an open-minded person. Your future won’t only include, but also everyone who loves you and cares about you. "

Since Luan Qing Xiao needed to go abroad to reunite with her family during the New Year, the two confronted Xue Man at Nie Zhen'er's house the day before Luan Qing Xiao left.

At first, Xue Man thought the two of them were playing a prank on her. Once she confirmed they were more than just serious, she sighed with a smile, "I was also thinking, you two been inseparable since high school. If it weren’t for Qing Xiao being a girl, I would have thought you guys were dating... It appears my instinct wasn’t wrong."

Nie Zhen'er saw Xue Man's sudden smile. The nervousness in her heart was reduced by half, "Mom, you’re not objecting to us?"

Xue Man held Nie Zhen'er's hand with a gentle expression, "Mom has no right to object. My Zhen'er has good vision, while Qing Xiao is also a good child. In the future, Mom will have two daughters. I can’t be happy enough."

Xue Man was extremely aware of what Luan Qing Xiao meant to Nie Zhen'er. If she opposes this love, the first person to be abandoned by Nie Zhen'er will definitely be herself.

She was a person who had never raised her daughter for a single day. How can she be qualified to point fingers at her daughter's relationship?

Besides, Luan Qing Xiao was really excellent. Her family background speaks for itself, even Nie Kai Ze desperately tried to latch on to her family. As for her as a person, she  does well academically and was entirely dedicated to Nie Zhen'er. Even after Nie Zhen'er was kidnapped, she single-handedly rescued Nie Zhen'er. If there was a person in this world who really made Xue Man feel relieved about handing over Nie Zhen'er to them, it'd definitely be Luan Qing Xiao.

With these positive qualifications, her gender meant nothing.

Once they gained Xue Man's consent, Luan Qing Xiao brought Nie Zhen'er with her to the United States the next day.

On the plane, Nie Zhen’er was incredibly stressed. Luan Qing Xiao comforted her, "The ugly wife always end up meeting her in-laws. Moreover, not only are you not ugly, but you’re also gorgeous like a fairy. Trust me, no one doesn't like beauties."

Nie Zhen'er was temporarily reassured by her as the two napped on the plane. When they woke up, it was half an hour later and the plane had landed in Country M.

The one who picked them up the plane was still Ms. Yu's assistant Li Li.

"Good to see you, Li jie."

"Hello, Zhen’er. It’s been a long time since I saw you. You became even prettier this time"

Luan Qing Xiao put her arm around Nie Zhen'er's slender waist, smiling, "Li jie has great eyes. Zhen'er is indeed getting more and more beautiful. The thing I worry about the most every day when I wake up is that someone else is coveting Zhen'er's beauty."

Her words made Nie Zhen’er bashful, resulting in her covering Luan Qing Xiao's mouth with her hand to stop her from speaking.

Luan Qing Xiao stretched the tip of her tongue and licked Nie Zhen'er's soft palm. Nie Zhen'er's apricot eyes turned wide open, while she quickly retracted her hand as her ears became crimson.

Seeing the questioning gaze casted by Li Li, how could Nie Zhen'er say that Luan Qing Xiao licked the palm of her hand. She only felt that her whole body was about to catch fire, making her bow her head and refusing to lift it up.

Luan Qing Xiao saw how her little girlfriend was being teased by herself. She quickly admitted her mistake, "Zhen’er, I swear I won't tease you anymore today."

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Only then did Nie Zhen'er lift her red face back  up.

Back home, both Ms. Yu and Mr. Luan was there.

Yesterday, Luan Qing Xiao called them and told them that their daughter's future wife would come to Country M to meet them. The two had been tossing about what to wear tomorrow since last night and were incredibly tense.

After seeing Nie Zhen'er's face, Ms. Yu and Mr. Luan glanced at each other while their ears turned red at the same time.

Before Luan Qing Xiao was born, their dream daughter was a girl as cute and sweet as Nie Zhen'er. However, Luan Qing Xiao acted like a boy ever since she was a child, and all the pink dresses they bought for her remained unworn.

In the future, Nie Zhen'er could be considered their daughter. By then, who is afraid there isn’t anyone to wear those pink dresses they buy?

Ms. Yu and Mr. Luan both received Nie Zhen'er with a million points of enthusiasm, for the fear that even the tiniest indifference would scare Nie Zhen'er away.

Once they returned to their bedroom to rest, Nie Zhen'er patted her chest and let out a sigh of relief. In her mind, she always imagined Luan Qing Xiao’s parents as some horribly serious and picky people. She didn’t expect after seeing her, they would act completely different from what she had imagined, passionate without losing the thoughtfulness, which made her feel very comfortable, like at home, and she quickly relaxed.

Luan Qing Xiao hugged Nie Zhen'er from behind and pulled both of them onto the soft big bed together. She pecked the corner of her lips, "I already told you there’s no need to be nervous, I knew they would like you. After all, my Zhen'er is such a lovable little fairy."

Nie Zhen'er hugged Luan Qing Xiao's neck and kissed back, her eyes moist. With a dim mist, her vague voice sounded, "But I only love you."

No matter how many people like me, they will never be as important as you.

After spending Chinese New Year in Country M, the two returned home.

Because her daughter didn’t stay at home during the New Year, Xue Man simply signed up for a traveling tour group. She probably won’t return until after school starts.

Now Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er could openly live their two-person world; waking up from the same bed every day, saying they love each other every day, sweetly exchanging kisses every day...

On this day, when Luan Qing Xiao returned to her home in District A to get some change of clothes, she walked on the familiar intersection, and saw two acquaintances.

Nie Mei Feng and Nie Jiao Jiao were fighting each other at the door of their house. The mother and daughter pair acted like enemies. One blames the other for leeching off their elders and not earning money to subsidize the family, while the other blames her mother for being a useless old hag, who can't even leave her a few dollars of inheritance.

Luan Qing Xiao lost interest after the first glance. She faintly looked away and continued on her way.

She didn't notice how the movements of Nie Jiao Jiao and Nie Mei Feng stopped once she left. Nie Mei Feng pushed Nie Jiao Jiao, "Hurry up and go report! You want to watch the money slip away, ah!"

Nie Jiao Jiao threw Nie Mei Feng a bitter look before turning around to report the information.

A year ago, Liang Yan sought Nie Jiao Jiao out of the blue and asked her to help him keep an eye on Luan Qing Xiao. If she ever came back alone, she should quickly tell him, which then he will give them a generous reward.

Luan Qing Xiao took some clothes, put them in her bag and didn’t linger around. She left with her bag as she locked the door behind her.

When she came out of Nie Zhen'er's house, Nie Zhen'er was still taking her afternoon nap. Originally they planned on coming together, but Luan Qing Xiao saw Nie Zhen'er's sleeping face and was reluctant to wake her up, so she came by herself.

Her movements sped up because she wanted to hurry  back before Nie Zhen'er woke up.

When she reached the intersection of Nie Mei Feng's house, she could no longer see the mother and daughter who were fighting a moment ago. Luan Qing Xiao glanced at the empty alley and continued to walk forward.

Once she reached the main road, she could catch a taxi home.

If Nie Zhen'er was still asleep, she will wake her up with a kiss.

She can’t sleep too much at noon, or else she won't be able to fall asleep at night.

Thinking of Nie Zhen'er, Luan Qing Xiao had a faint smile on her face.

After walking past another section of the road, Luan Qing Xiao detected something off.

The road was surprisingly quiet, except for her own footsteps, there was no other sound. Yet Luan Qing Xiao had a feeling that someone had been following her.

Luan Qing Xiao pursed her lips and continued walking without looking back.

Luan Qing Xiao: 520, who is following me?

【Ding! It’s the male lead~】

Liang Yan? What does he want with her?

Suddenly Luan Qing Xiao remembered the bad new 520 gave her during winter vacation. Liang Yan's blackening value has reached 100%, so was he following her to retaliate her for snatching Nie Zhen'er away from him?

Luan Qing Xiao lowered her eyes. Her thick eyelashes cast a shadow under her eyes.

Luan Qing Xiao didn’t know how the blackened Liang Yan wanted to take revenge against her. Although she had good physical fitness, she was still a woman in the end and held no natural advantage over Liang Yan. If they did face off, she only had the skill, [A Father’s Love is Like a Mountain]. Without any time-limited skills, she certainly can't defeat Liang Yan.

What's more, Liang Yan obviously didn't want to fight her head-on.

Luan Qing Xiao's expression was a bit solemn.



The ugly wife always end up meeting her in-laws (丑媳妇总要见公婆的): idiom meaning something can’t be hidden, it will come to light eventually

[A Father’s Love is Like a Mountain] (父爱如山): the first skill Qing Xiao gained. The skill description is: A father's love can be so insignificant or so incredibly mighty. Every father's heart is imposing like a mountain- If this daddy doesn't want to move, then no one can make this daddy move

The ugly wife always end up meeting her in-laws (丑媳妇总要见公婆的): idiom meaning something can’t be hidden, it will come to light eventually

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