The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 50: CH 49

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The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead: Ch 49, Pure Campus Love

Her hands were tied, so she couldn't feel the back of her neck to see if she was swollen.    The current scene was similar to Nie Zhen'er’s previous kidnapping, except that Nie Zhen'er was drugged while she was knocked out.    As expected of a blackened male lead, he’s even this cruel to her, a woman.    Luan Qing Xiao: 520, how long have I been unconscious ? Where am I?    Who knows if Nie Zhen'er would be scared if she wakes up and realizes she was missing? She was so fragile that she didn't even dare to walk alone at night.    She will definitely be scared if she stays alone in the empty villa.    Just imagining that Nie Zhen'er was crying out of fear, Luan Qing Xiao’s heart was about to break from heartache .    If she fails to escape this time and encounters some unexpected accident, what will the darling she cherished with all heart? In this world, who else would pamper her like herself?    She wasn’t afraid of death, since she would just return to her real world after death. The only thing she was reluctant about was leaving Nie Zhen'er.    【Ding! Host has been unconscious for three hours. You are in Nie Mei Feng's house. 】    Luan Qing Xiao: Nie Mei Feng's house?    Luan Qing Xiao remembered seeing the mother and daughter pair when she came back. It turned out that they were in cahoots with Liang Yan.    But it wasn’t surprising; Nie Kai Ze went bankrupt because of herself and Nie Jiao Jiao lost her superior living conditions, they definitely hated her. As for Nie Mei Feng, after she switched back her daughter, she didn’t have Nie Zhen'er to participate in the competitions and give her the prize money. How else would she get the money to drink and gamble? Naturally, she would hate herself, the "initiator".    Because Liang Yan's knot was tied too strong, Luan Qing Xiao couldn't even move a single finger. She tried calling out to someone. After two screams, the sound of footsteps was heard.    "What are you calling for?! No one will be coming to save you." Nie Jiao Jiao opened the door, furrowing her brows in anger.    Luan Qing Xiao couldn't see her, but she recognized her voice, "Nie Jiao Jiao, you kidnapped me?" Luan Qing Xiao asked and pretended not to know anything.    Nie Jiao Jiao walked up to Luan Qing Xiao, smirking when she saw her tied up and couldn't move. "Of course not, I don't have the strength to drag you upstairs."    "Luan Qing Xiao, are you afraid now?" Nie Jiao Jiao glanced at her still frosty side profile.    Luan Qing Xiao pursed her lips, "Will you guys kill me?"    "I don't know." To be honest, Nie Jiao Jiao didn't know why Liang Yan kidnapped Luan Qing Xiao as well as giving them a large sum of money for them mother and daughter to assist him.    Nie Jiao Jiao and Nie Mei Feng were fed up with the embarrassing life of splitting a yuan into three parts, so they agreed to cooperate with Liang Yan. Even if they were going to go to jail afterwards, they were fine with it. In jail, at least they wouldn't have to worry about their livelihoods since jail covers food and shelter, which Nie Jiao Jiao felt was okay.    "Heh, since I don't know if I will die, what is there to be afraid of?" Luan Qing Xiao smirked as if she wasn't trapped in a chair and was still the proud girl of heaven.    Nie Jiao Jiao didn't expect Luan Qing Xiao to be so fearless of death, "I lied to you just now. Liang Yan said, he will definitely kill you." She deliberately said it viciously.    Luan Qing Xiao lightly replied, "Oh, it turns out that Liang Yan was the mastermind."    "Yeah, who knows how much hatred you two had. Luan Qing Xiao, you definitely have done too many bad things, so now this is your payback to the point your classmate in high school hates you enough that they want to kidnap you and kill you." The more Nie Jiao Jiao said, the more she felt relieved.    So what if Luan Qing Xiao's family was rich and powerful? She still can't even save her life.    With a contented smile on Nie Jiao Jiao's face, she turned around to leave.    "Wait." Luan Qing Xiao stopped her.    Nie Jiao Jiao turned her head and mocked jokingly, "What, want me to let you go?"    "That's not it." Luan Qing Xiao's voice remained steady, "Didn’t Liang Yan request you to bring me water to drink? I don’t think it’ll be good for you to just leave like this. If you don’t follow up on your orders, you won’t be able to earn your money." As soon as Nie Jiao Jiao walked in, she heard the clanging sound of the kettle bumping onto the table.    Nie Jiao Jiao was stunned, "How do you know!" She scurried up in front of Luan Qing Xiao and scanned Luan Qing Xiao up and down to confirm that she didn’t have three heads and six arms nor did she have eyes growing on the back of her head. She glared at her before heading towards the door and pouring out a glass of water. When she returned, she callously forced the water down her throat as she taunted, "Since you’re so great, why don't you use your own hands to drink?"    With Luan Qing Xiao's subjugator prying her mouth open, she only managed to drink half the glass while the other half spilled on her body.    Luan Qing Xiao finally felt the chilliness when her wet shirt pressed tightly against her skin.    The lack of heating in the room where she stayed along with the fact that Nie Jiao Jiao had fed her cold water made Luan Qing Xiao couldn't help but shudder.    Nie Jiao Jiao took the glass away from her mouth and sneered triumphantly, "Tsk tsk. Now, you know how cold it is, there is still more to come."    Nie Jiao Jiao stopped talking and pushed the door open to leave.    She walked downstairs and saw Liang Yan sitting in the living room. A look of fear finally appeared on her face, "Liang Yan, is your plan reliable? Luan Qing Xiao was incredibly terrifying, she knew that I was delivering her water without even looking at me."    Liang Yan's eyes turned gloomy, making his eyebrows filled with hostility. As Nie Jiao Jiao watched him, she couldn't remember Liang Yan's previous gentle appearance.    "No need to pay attention to her. No matter how clever she is, she’s still helplessly stuck here with her life in the hands of another."    Liang Yan glanced at Nie Jiao Jiao, "Go prepare dinner with your mother. I’m staying here tonight."    Nie Jiao Jiao didn't want to stay with Liang Yan for even one more second. After hearing his words, she immediately headed for the kitchen.    Currently, Nie Mei Feng was preparing noodles. Her aged face was hidden by the steaming mist. Once she heard Nie Jiao Jiao's footsteps, she hoarsely asked, "How was Luan Qing Xiao? Was she crying?"    Nie Jiao Jiao peer at Nie Mei Feng condescendingly, "How could Luan Qing Xiao cry? She’s a member of the Luan family. What sort of strong winds and waves haven’t she seen? Even when she was tied up, she was still ever so arrogant."    Nie Mei Feng didn't catch Nie Jiao Jiao's insulting tone, "That is right."    The mother and daughter didn’t communicate again until the noodles were ready to come out of the pot.    After finishing the meal, Liang Yan brought the leftover noodles upstairs to Luan Qing Xiao. When he opened the door, he heard Luan Qing Xiao's husky voice, "Liang Yan, you want to go to jail?"    Liang Yan’s steps paused. He closed the door, and walked in front of Luan Qing Xiao with the noodles. His eyes were covered with a layer of frosty ice, "Eat." Then, he stuffed noodles into Luan Qing Xiao's mouth one chopstick full after another.    His speed was exceptionally fast, and he didn't give Luan Qing Xiao time to chew. It seemed he was just personally feeding her to see her embarrassment.    Luan Qing Xiao took a few mouthfuls before tightly closing her lips tightly. She no longer gave Liang Yan a chance to stuff the noodles into her mouth. Instead, she stared at him coldly as she slowly chewed that morsel.    Once she swallowed the last bite of noodles, Luan Qing Xiao's pale face showed a smile, "Liang Yan, you’re pretty quiet today."    Liang Yan was expressionless, "I have nothing to say to you."    "Why did you kidnap me? You really wanted to kill me?"    "So what if I actually planned on killing you?" Liang Yan seemed to have heard something funny as his black eyes filled with irony, "Your life or death rely on a single wave of my hand. How about it, do you want to beg me? "    Luan Qing Xiao replied calmly, "Aren't you afraid Zhen'er will hate you?"    "Crash!" Hearing Nie Zhen'er's name, Liang Yan instantly threw the bowl against the floor, causing the noodles to scatter all over the floor. The muscles on his face kept twitching as he tried to suppress his anger, "Don't mention Zhen'er to me."    Liang Yan began to breathe heavily.    "You are a thief and a liar, Luan Qing Xiao. You stole Zhen'er from me. You tricked her to fall in love with you..." Liang Yan seemed to be unable to bear the pain. To cope, he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, there was not a single sliver of light left in his eyes, "Luan Qing Xiao, you don't deserve to have Zhen'er."    Luan Qing Xiao watched him. Hearing his words, she chortled,  "I'm not worthy? Duplicating keys, one for three yuan, three for ten yuan, are you worthy? How much do you deserve?"    For a moment, Liang Yan was confused until he realized what Luan Qing Xiao meant. In an instant, his face turned black. "Slap!" He slammed his hand against Luan Qing Xiao's face, causing Luan Qing Xiao's face to shift to one side. That half of her pale face quickly turned red and swollen.    "Luan Qing Xiao, you are a prisoner now, watch your mouth!" Liang Yan kicked the broken pieces of the bowl and headed downstairs.    Silence returned to the room again. Luan Qing Xiao pressed her tongue against her cheek from the inside and tasted a mouth of blood.    【Host dada, are you okay? 】 520 asked nervously.    Luan Qing Xiao snorted: Nothing big.    She still wants to spend a lifetime with Nie Zhen'er. What is this little pain compared to that?    Downstairs, once Nie Jiao Jiao and Nie Mei Feng saw Liang Yan's dark face, they directly hid inside their bedroom.    Liang Yan sat in the living room by himself. Gradually, the sky became darker while he left the lights off.    "Thump thump thump!" Someone was knocking on the iron door.    Liang Yan only pretended as if he didn’t hear it.    "Boom boom!"    "Boom boom!"    The person was still knocking. It seems this person wasn’t going to leave until they got an answer.    Nie Jiao Jiao came out of the bedroom and uncertainty asked Liang Yan, "Should-should I go take a look?"    "Go ahead."    Nie Jiao Jiao opened the door. Suddenly, the cold wind drilled into her collar. She hurriedly pulled the zipper of the down jacket up to the top and swiftly retreated behind the iron door, "Coming! Who is this? Knocking at the door this late at night!"    After Nie Jiao Jiao’s shouting, the knock on the door stopped.    Nie Jiao Jiao waited for two seconds. Then, a sweet female voice came from outside, "This is Nie Zhen'er. Nie Jiao Jiao, is your mother at home?"    Nie Zhen'er? Nie Jiao Jiao didn't know about the relationship between Nie Zhen'er and Luan Qing Xiao, she only thought Nie Zhen'er was visiting Nie Mei Feng. The gears turned behind her eyes, "My mom is home. What business do you have?"    She was looking forward to Nie Zhen'er telling her about bringing some money to subsidize her mother.    "I brought some things, including money..."    Immediately, Nie Jiao Jiao opened the door, "What else did you bring? You can just give it to me, I’ll pass it on for you."__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Notes:splitting a yuan in three parts (一块钱掰成三段): meaning to live poor/frugallyproud girl of heaven (天之骄女): a female who is usually the envy of everyone elsethree heads and six arms (三头六臂): idiom to describe someone or something having formidable powersstrong winds and waves (大风大浪): meaning big storms or incidentsDuplicating keys, one for three yuan, three for ten yuan, are you worthy? (配钥匙, 三块钱一把, 十块钱三把, 你配吗?): In Chinese, duplicating and worthy is the same word, 配. This is a word pun, where Qing Xiao was insulting Liang Yan that he’s not even worthy of the same cost as someone would pay for duplicating their keys


6/28/2021 07:06:35 pm

Ah, what a cliffhanger to end on. I will soothe myself by re-reading the previous fluffy chapters.

Thanks to the translator!

martín sánchez

You are reading story The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead at

6/28/2021 07:24:21 pm

Liang yan gonna regret and when that happens, i gonna enjoy l so much.

Seriously what is he thinks? If he really think that after killing Quing Xiao, zhen er gonna fall for him?


6/30/2021 05:29:36 am

Ahh a cliffhangerrrr! Thanks for the chapter

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